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14 Surefire Methods to Tap Into Your Creative Flow Everyday

© 2002
Julie Jordan Scott

1. Collage: cut out images from magazines. Glue them to a poster board without any
intellectualizing and see what your subconscious mind has created for you as your
own personalized "image muse".

2. Listen to music, many different varieties. If you have cable radio, this is a great
way to have a commercial free extended play of virtually any classification of music
available. Try something you are not as familiar with: world music, gospel, Celtic,
baroque...stretch your appreciation, awaken your spark.

3. Set a timer for 15 minutes and free write. Without editorializing or judging your
thoughts, just let your pencil go back and forth across the page. Let your mind and
words dance and swim anywhere and everywhere.

4. Get up and get into physical motion. A walk, a dance, a jog, a stretch, a hop. Does
not matter what the movement is, simply do it. In conjunction with listening to
music, your creativity will be compelled to be burst forth

5. Explore the many facets of intimacy. From the face to face, heart to heart
tenderness of physical closeness to the multisensory experience of connecting with
another soul, intimacy may evoke one of the most intense streams of creative flow.

6. Read quotes and classic literature. Learning from the genius of creative thinkers of
the past will illuminate your creative genius of today.

7. Develop relationships that encourage intentionally satisfying, in depth discussion.

From the meandering, awakening talks that are produced, results will be
spontaneous and abundant.

8. Write haiku, a simple form of poetry you probably learned about in school. A three
lined poem comprised of an opening line of 5 syllables, a closing line of 5 syllables
and a middle line of 7 syllables, see what you can powerfully craft in the fewest

9. Take ample time in quiet through meditation, prayer and spiritual study. Peace,
contentment, satisfaction and creativity will follow.

10. Spend time both participating with and observing the nature which surrounds
you. Caring for your environment, being a steward of plant life joins the human
creative spirit with the Earth.

11. Paint: using any favorite medium be it finger paints or acrylics with sponges or
watercolors, simply set aside some time to splash some paint around. See what
comes forth.

12. Take time to experience visual art. Invest the time necessary to interact with
those pieces which call to you.

13. Attend theatrical events and concerts. Support the performing arts and see what
they teach your creative being.

14. Find a new recipe and try it out. The more variety you partner with in your
kitchen, the more you will partner simply and effortlessly with you creative flow.

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