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Department of Electrical Engineering

Faculty Member: Ma’am Rabbiya Khalid Dated:19TH March 2020

Semester: 8TH Section: BEE 8-D

EE-428: Industrial Process Control

Lab 8: Timers


Viva / of data Ethics
Quiz / Lab Modern and Individual
Name Reg. No in Lab
Performa Tool Safety and Team
nce Usage Work

5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks 5 Marks

Abdul Basit Khan 176341

Ali Hamza 179018

Muhammad Anas Siddiqui 174308

Hasnain Afridi 192414

Salman Akhtar 174741

 Objectives:

 To program and test PLC ladder programs that use timer instructions.
 To know about different types of timer instructions.
 To know about preset value, accumulated value & time base.

Exercise Screenshots:
o 5a

o 5b


Procedure Questions:
13) Open data file T4 - TIMER. Observe that the corresponding window displays the status of the EN,
TT, and DN status bits of instruction TON T4:0, as well as the time base, present value, and accumulated
value of this instruction.
What is the logic state of the EN, TT, and DN status bits of instruction TON T4:0? Why?

All bits are in logic state 0, because the timer has yet to be activated.

14) While observing data file T4 - TIMER and the ladder program, activate PLC input 0, using
one of the toggle switches of the trainer. Does instruction TON T4:0 begin timing? Why?

Yes, it begins timing because its input rung is linked to the toggle switch.

15) Once the accumulated value of instruction TON T4:0 has reached the preset value (1000),
deactivate PLC input 0. Does the accumulated value return to zero? Why?

The accumulated value returns to zero when the toggle switch is turned off because that is
when the rung is turned off.

16) While observing the accumulated value of instruction TON T4:0, activate PLC input 0 to
initiate a new timing cycle. Explain what happens to the accumulated value over the next 10
The accumulated value does not exceed the preset value, no matter how long the timer is

18) Activate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle and, while instruction TON T4:0 is timing,
deactivate PLC input 0. Is the accumulated value reset to zero even though the preset value has
not been reached?


19) Activate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what happens
to the EN status bit of instruction TON T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 0 on the trainer front panel.
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

As soon as the timer is activated the TT bit is activated. When the accumulated value reaches
the preset value, the TT bit becomes zero and the DN bit is enabled. This behavior is mirrored
by the LED’s.

20) Deactivate PLC input 0. What happens to the EN status bit of instruction TON T4:0 and to
PLC output lamp 0 on the trainer front panel? Why?

Both bits become zero when the timer is de activated because it’s a TON type timer.

21) Activate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what happens
to the TT status bit of instruction TON T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 1 on the trainer front panel.
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

When the timer is counting up the accumulated value, the TT bit and the lamp is enabled.
When the preset value is reached, the TT bit disables.

23) Activate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what happens
to the DN status bit of instruction TON T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 2 on the trainer front
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

When the accumulated value reaches the preset value, the DN bit and the output lamp 2 is
24) Deactivate PLC input 0. What happens to the DN status bit of instruction TON T4:0 and to
PLC output lamp 2 on the trainer front panel? Explain.

When this happens, the DN bit and the output lamp is disabled.

30) Open data file T4 - TIMER and place the corresponding window at the bottom of the RSLogix
Micro window.

Is the accumulated value of instruction TOF T4:0 equal to the pre-set value of 1000?

G Yes G No

What is the logic state of the EN, TT, and DN status bits of instruction TOF T4:0? Why?

Yes, all bits are off.

31) While observing data file T4 - TIMER and the ladder program, activate PLC input 0, using
one of the toggle switches of the trainer. What happens to the accumulated value of instruction
TOF T4:0? Does this instruction begin timing? Why?

Accumulated value goes to zero. It does not start timing because it’s a TOF timer.

32) Deactivate PLC input 0. Does instruction TOF T4:0 begin timing? Why?

Yes, timing starts as the rung is false and it’s a TOF timer.

33) Once the accumulated value of instruction TOF T4:0 has reached the preset value (1000),
activate PLC input 0. Does the accumulated value return to zero? Why?

Yes, it returns to zero because it’s a TOF timer and the rung must become true to turn the
accumulated value to zero.

34) While observing the accumulated value of instruction TOF T4:0, deactivate PLC input 0 to
initiate a new timing cycle. Explain what happens to the accumulated value over the next 10

The accumulated value starts counting up from 0 till 1000 and stops.

36) What is the current status of the EN status bit of instruction TOF T4:0 and of PLC output
lamp 0 on the trainer front panel? Why?

The EN bit and the lamps are activated as the rung is true and the timer is a TOF timer.

37) Deactivate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what
happens to the EN status bit of instruction TOF T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 0 on the trainer
front panel.
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

The EN bit goes to zero when the rung is false and the timer is counting.

38) Activate PLC input 0. What happens to the EN status bit of instruction TOF T4:0 and to PLC
output lamp 0 on the trainer front panel? Explain.

Activating the PLC input activates the EN bit and the output lamp 0.

39) Deactivate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what
happens to the TT status bit of instruction TOF T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 1 on the trainer
front panel.
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

When the input is deactivated, the TT bit and the output lamp 1 is activated. This happens
because the timer is timing. They turn off when the accumulated value reaches the preset

40) What is the current status of the DN status bit of instruction TOF T4:0 and of PLC output
lamp 2 on the trainer front panel? Explain.

Both the output lamp and the DN bits are off as the rung is false.

41) Activate PLC input 0. What happens to the DN status bit of instruction TOF T4:0 and to PLC
output lamp 2 on the trainer front panel? Explain.

When the input is activated, the DN bit and the output lamp turn on as the rung is evaluated
as true.

42) Deactivate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what
happens to the DN status bit of instruction TOF T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 2 on the trainer
front panel.
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

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When the new timing cycle starts, the output lamp and the DN bit are initially on and turn off
when the accumulated value reaches zero due to the TOF timer operation.
48) Open data file T4 - TIMER. What is the logic state of the EN, TT, and DN status bits of
instruction RTO T4:0? Why?

All bits are off.

49) While observing data file T4 - TIMER and the ladder diagram, activate PLC input 0, using
one of the toggle switches of the trainer. Does instruction RTO T4:0 begin timing? Why?

Yes, it begins timing as the rung is true.

50) Once the accumulated value of instruction RTO T4:0 has reached the preset value (1000),
deactivate PLC input 0 to make rung 0 false. Does the accumulated value return to zero, as in
the case of a TON timer instruction? Why?

No, accumulated value does not return to zero as it’s an RTO timer and must be reset.

51) Leave PLC input 0 deactivated. Activate PLC input 1, using another toggle switch of the
trainer. Does the accumulated value of instruction RTO T4:0 return to zero? Why?

Yes, the accumulated value returns to zero as the reset has been activated using plc input 1.

53) Activate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle and, while instruction RTO T4:0 is timing,
deactivate PLC input 0. Observe that the accumulated value is retained.

Activate PLC input 0. Does timing resume starting from the accumulated value?

G Yes G No


55) Activate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what happens
to the EN status bit of instruction RTO T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 0 on the trainer front panel.
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

The EN bit and the output lamp goes to 1 because rung is true.

56) Deactivate PLC input 0. What happens to the EN status bit of instruction RTO T4:0 and to

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PLC output lamp 0 on the trainer front panel? Explain.

The EN bit remains 1 even after the input is deactivated because its RTO timer and holds its

58) Activate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what happens
to the TT status bit of instruction RTO T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 1 on the trainer front panel.
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

The TT bit is enabled when the input is activated. It becomes de activated when the
accumulated value reaches the preset value.

60) Activate PLC input 0 to initiate a new timing cycle. During this cycle, observe what happens
to the DN status bit of instruction RTO T4:0 and to PLC output lamp 2 on the trainer front panel.
Record your observations below and explain why this occurs.

The DN bit is initially zero and becomes one when the accumulated value reaches the preset

61) Deactivate PLC input 0. Is the DN status bit of instruction RTO T4:0 reset to logic state 0?

No, the DN bit is still 1 as the timer is an RTO timer and retains its value.

62) Activate PLC input 1. What happens to the DN status bit of instruction RTO T4:0? Explain.

The DN bit goes to zero when the reset is activated using plc input 1.

Review Questions:

1. What is the time base of a timer instruction?

The time base of the timer is the minimum amount of time the plc can count. Its value is
0.01 s in our procedure.

2. What is the preset value of a timer instruction?

The preset value of a timer is the final value that the accumulator must reach.

3. Briefly describe the operation of the timer-on-delay (TON) instruction of the trainer
TON instruction is the timer on delay instruction. It starts timing when its associated
rung is evaluated as true and stops timing as soon as the rung becomes false.

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4. Are the following statements about the timer-off-delay (TOF) instruction of the trainer
PLC true or false? Explain.
“The TOF instruction counts time base intervals when the rung in which it is contained is
false. When the accumulated value reaches the preset value, the DN bit is set to logic
state 1. When the rung becomes true, the accumulated value is reset to zero and the DN
bit is reset to logic state 0.”
These statements are true.

5. Explain how the TON and RTO timer instructions of the trainer PLC resemble each
other and how they differ from each other in the way they work.
The RTO instruction is similar to the TON instruction in that both of these start timing
when their rungs are true. However, the TON stops when its rung is false and resets its
accumulator while the RTO re-attains its accumulated value and must be reset using
another input.

In this lab we learnt about timer instructions of the trainer PLC: the timer-on-delay (TON)
instruction, the timer-off-delay (TOF) instruction, and the retentive timer-on-delay (RTO)
instruction. We saw that these instructions have three parameters: a time base, an
accumulated value, and a preset value.

– The TON instruction counts time base intervals when the rung in which it is contained is
true. When the accumulated value reaches the preset value, the Done (DN) bit is set to logic
state 1. When the rung becomes false, the accumulated value is reset to zero and the DN bit is
reset to logic state 0.

– The TOF instruction counts time base intervals when the rung in which it is contained is
false. When the accumulated value reaches the preset value, the DN bit is set to logic state 0.
When the rung becomes true, the accumulated value is reset to zero and the DN bit is set to
logic state 1.

– The RTO instruction counts time base intervals when the rung in which it is contained is
true. When the accumulated value reaches the preset value, the DN bit is set to logic state 1.
When the associated Reset instruction becomes true, the accumulated value is reset to zero
and the DN bit is reset to logic state 0.

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