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Indonesian Cultural Existence Practically

Disappeared In Its Own Home

Anggota Kelompok:

Eryc Yudhanto Ananta Putra..............................................D011181307

Juan Pratama Randan..........................................................D011181309

Maulana Bagaswara Marsidi...............................................D011181311

Muh. Yusran H......................................................................D011181313


The writer wants to thank to Almighty God because of His bless and grace, he
can finish this paper. This paper titled “Indonesian Cultural Existence Practically
Disappeared in Its Own Home”. The writer wrote it to fulfill the assignment of
English subject and as a paperwork of our PowerPoint presentation

The writer also delivers his gratitude the English lecturer from Universitas
Hasanuddin, for his guidance to complete it. This English paper provides the reader
about the Indonesian Cultural Existence Practically Disappeared in Its Own Home
along with the explanation for each of them. The writer realizes that this paper is far
from perfect in the arrangement or in the content of the paper. The writer hopes that
the suggestions from the reader can be a support to make her better in the next paper

Finally, the writer expects that it can be a medium for the reader to deepen the
knowledge about the figure of speech and its application.

Gowa, 24 April 2019




CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................3


1.1 Background of Paper..................................................................................3

1.2 Purpose of Paper.........................................................................................4

1.3 Problem Formulation..................................................................................4

CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................5

THEORY AND DISCUSSION.....................................................................................5

2.1 The Cause...................................................................................................5

2.2 The Solution...............................................................................................6

CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................10


3.1 Conclusion................................................................................................10

3.2 Suggest.....................................................................................................10



1.1 Background of Paper

The culture of Indonesia has been shaped by long interaction between

original indigenous customs and multiple foreign influences. Indonesia is
centrally-located along ancient trading routes between the Far East, South
Asia and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural practices being strongly
influenced by a multitude of religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism,
Confucianism, Islam and Christianity, all strong in the major trading cities.
The result is a complex cultural mixture very different from the original
indigenous cultures.
Examples of the fusion of Islam with Hindu include Javanese Abangan
belief, the fusion of Hinduism, Buddhism and animism in Bodha, and the
fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan; others could be cited.
Balinese dances have stories about ancient Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms,
while Islamic art forms and architecture are present in Sumatra, especially in
the Minangkabau and Aceh regions. Traditional art, music and sport are
combined in a martial art form called Pencak Silat.
The Western world has influenced Indonesia in science, technology and
modern entertainment such as television shows, film and music, as well as
political system and issues. India has notably influenced Indonesian songs and
movies. A popular type of song is the Indian-rhythmical dangdut, which is
often mixed with Arab and Malay folk music.
Despite the influences of foreign culture, some remote Indonesian regions
still preserve uniquely indigenous culture. Indigenous ethnic groups
Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja and many others are still practicing
their ethnic rituals, customs and wearing traditional clothes.
1.2 Purpose of Paper

a. Knowing the cause of why Indonesia’s culture is in danger.
b. Knowing how to preserve our own culture in our own home.

1.3 Problem Formulation

a. What is the cause of Indonesia’s endangered culture?

b. How to preserve our own culture in our own home?


2.1 The Cause

Indonesia is a country that has distinctive social orders. These general

public contrasts happen in light of the way that Indonesia country includes a
few islands where each island has its own specific culture. Indonesia is a
country that has various cultures. This culture diversity occurs because
Indonesia country consists of hundreds of islands where each island has its
own culture. However, currently Indonesian culture is in danger of being lost
because eroded by the times. There are so many factors that make Indonesia’s
culture is in danger. Those factors are from inside and outside. Through this
paper, the makers will depict those parts that cause the peril of neighborhood
Indonesian culture. Here are two entries that looking at those parts:

a. Inside

The primary is component from inside. The decreasing of

Indonesia’s lifestyle vicinity in its own specific home is achieved by
its own specific people that ignore their lifestyle especially for
youngsters. They are quieted by front line life and started to neglect
the qualities which is procured by their forerunners.

Case in point, close-by vernaculars, social capacity, customs and

Indonesian traditions have been lost in general society eye. In the blink
of an eye, we could see no one needs to use adjacent lingo in light of
the fact that they are mortified called plebeian.

Other than the adolescents who couldn’t give a second thought less
any more with the lifestyle, government in like manner less responsive

in dealing with this issue. There is no veritable try from government to
oversee Indonesians society.

b. Outside

The second is outside components. The Rapid stream of

information which comes to Indonesia in like manner effects the
deterioration of Indonesian culture. Various remote social orders,
especially Western social orders have come and grown in Indonesia.
Those western social orders are opposing with the Indonesians values
as eastern nations. It is like manner gives dreadful effect in
Indonesian’s standard as eastern nation. Nowadays, we can see the
styles of dress that does not consent to the principles, penchants
tanked, and poor lifestyle has grown in Indonesia.

2.2 The Solution

Along these lines, the reducing of Indonesian culture vicinity in his own
specific country as an eventual outcome of a couple of variables. They are
inside and outside components. For keeping up the movement of Indonesia’s
Culture, let us keep our own specific culture. Especially we as adolescents
don’t feel embarrassed to secure our lifestyle moreover stem western social
orders which come into our country. In case we have lost our interesting
society infers we have lost our own specific national character.
Recently Indonesian Cultures are increasingly forgotten by the young
generations. It is slowly eroded by modernization things. Teens and youngster
of Indonesia are rarely learning about Indonesian culture, such as singing
traditional songs, dancing, studying local dances, and many others. So, how to
keep the culture sustainable? There are so many things we can do to preserve
it, here’s how:

1. Use local product of Indonesia

Using the local product of Indonesia could be one of the efforts to
preserve the culture. While there are many people like to use the popular
branded product, you could move to use the local brand of Indonesia.

Many Indonesians say they love Indonesian products; however, they

still like to buy import product rather than local products. When you
choose to buy and use Indonesian products, you don’t not only help to
preserve our culture, but also help the Indonesian economy stronger.

2. Learn the traditional music of Indonesia

Each country has its own musical culture, including in Indonesia. In

our country, you can feel the distinctive culture that is different from each
region. Such as Central Java and West Java which still located in the same
island, they have different musical nuances. This means that when you
study music, you will know how rich the cultures in Indonesia is. Some of
Traditional Music of Indonesia even has been well known for foreigner.

3. Sharing culture’s art through the technology

Nowadays social media have multi-function technology that would be

useful to share everything, including your local culture’s art. You could
start to make such a video or vlog about the unique art in the local
environment. Then, share it through social media.

4. Participate a tradition

Teens and youngsters today rarely participate in some local traditions.

They don’t even know the traditions that exist in their surroundings since
their parent no longer apply them anymore. That is why, when you want to
preserve the culture in Indonesia, participate to the tradition could be the
effective way.

5. Speak your local language

Besides able to speak Indonesian Language, it would be great if you
could speak the local language really well. Local language is also an asset
of the culture.

Some of us might be strongly use the local language, or couldn’t speak

the local language at all. Fortunately, there is a lesson that learning the
local language in some schools in Indonesia. However, some students
sometimes don’t really practice it in their daily activity.

6. Watch the traditional art performance

For those who like seeing an international artist or actor concert with
not so affordable price, have you counted how many times you watch
Indonesian Traditional Puppets or Traditional Dances of Indonesia?
Unfortunately, some of you would say never. If you have recognized
enough to preserve the culture of Indonesia, you could try to watch the
traditional art performance. You know that Indonesia is rich of the
traditional art that needs to preserve.

7. Cook the traditional foods

If you love culinary, trying some traditional recipe is a good thing to

do. Today the world of culinary is already developed well. Some people
even make it as the business.

However, it has already been difficult to find traditional foods in fancy

restaurants. It could be an idea for your business if you love cooking.
Imagine that if you could make a traditional food than make it as the
business of culinary. Hopefully, people still could taste the traditional
foods in a fancy restaurant.

8. Go to the museum of traditional art

Today there are many museums that have the great collection of
traditional art. There you could learn many things such as the traditional

art of Indonesia. If you are in Bali, you could try to visit Puri Museum.
There are many collections of traditional paintings that exhibited. Besides,
you could also go to traditional puppet museum in some regions of
Indonesia. In Purwakarta, there is ‘Galeri Wayang’ that exhibits
Sundanese traditional puppets. While in Yogyakarta, you could experience
to visit Museum in Yogyakarta.

9. Listen the traditional song

If you could memorize English song really well, why don’t you try to
learn and listen the traditional songs of Indonesia? Nowadays most of
Indonesians youngsters and teens are not familiar with them. It could be a
great concern for government to add the traditional song in the lesson of
their studying at school.

10. Practice the local traditions in your future family

It could be the long-term planning for those who want to build a

family. There is not such a bad thing if you could practice the local
traditions in your future family.

Those are the things to do to preserve the Indonesian culture.

Remember that Indonesia has the great number of cultures. we need to
keep and preserve them as your cultural heritage.


3.1 Conclusion

The reduction of Indonesian culture existence in his own country as a result of

several factors. They are inside and outside factors. $or maintaining the continuity
of Indonesia’s Culture, let us keep our own culture. Especially we as young
people do not feel embarrassed to preserve our culture and also stem western
cultures which come into our country. If we have lost our original culture means
we have lost our own national identity.

3.2 Suggest

We the writers of this paper want to apology because of the imperfections

of this paper. We know thi paper is far from the perfect word. So that we need
the feedback from the readers of this paper. Thank you.



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