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LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE FOR: Specially Designed Academic Instruction for English (SDAIE)

Teacher’s (Your) Name: Lindsay Makidon Grade/Class/Subject: 3rd/ESL/Reading

Unit/ Topic: Cause and Effect Lesson Title: What and Why

Lesson Objectives:
Content Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Identify the cause and effect of both
isolated sentences and stories.

Language Objectives: (Work out the language objectives by identifying the functions, forms, and vocabulary in the
workspace below; then state the language objectives here in the format: “By the end of the lesson, ELLs will do X function using
Y form with Z vocabulary”. Be sure to plan for the teaching and practice of both receptive (listening/reading) and productive
(speaking/writing) skills):

The learner will label the cause and effect in a sentence using the signal words “so” and “because.”
The learner will describe the cause and effect of sentences and stories using signal words in graphic

Academic Vocabulary Cohesion Words

Specialized Vocabulary (vocabulary that may need to be taught or
(vocabulary that may need to be taught or
(new vocabulary to be explicitly taught that emphasized that is critical to participation in
emphasized that link concepts in meaningful
is critical to an understanding of the content) academic tasks, such as “categorize”, “list”,
ways, such as conjunctions and time markers)
Cause Describe So
Effect Label Because
Signal word Column
Lesson Sequence: This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson plan features. For each
step, explain what the teacher will do and the expectation of what the students will do.

MOTIVATION: Describe how you will build background and the specific learner strategies that you will
engage to ensure the participation of all students and the formative assessment you will provide to gauge
whether or not students are “getting it”.
The teacher will…(specifically what the teacher does) The students will… (specifically what the students
should do in response to what the teacher does)

1. Turn the lights off and back on. Ask the 1. Students will say that the lights turned off
students what happened. Ask why it and it happened because I turned them
happened. off/used the light switch.
2. Bump into a table and let a pencil fall to the 2. Students will say that the pencil fell because
floor. Ask the students what happened. Ask I bumped into the table.
why it happened. 3. Students will repeat the words “cause” and
3. Explain that what happened it the effect and “effect.”
why it happened is the cause. List these two 4. Students will tell partners their own cause
words on the whiteboard. and effect scenarios.
4. Ask the students to tell a partner something
that happened during their morning and why
it happened.

Formative Assessment (how you will gauge whether or not students are “getting it”): Listen in on student
conversations, see if students are able to differentiate between what event is happening and why it
happened. Make sure each group is met with and if they have already finished their discussion, ask them
to retell their events.

PRESENTATION: Describe the specific techniques you will use to make your presentation of new material
comprehensible to students, to provide opportunities for interaction through appropriate questioning, to
engage learner strategies, and to assess whether or not students are “getting it”.
The teacher will…(specifically what the teacher does) The students will… (specifically what the students
should do in response to what the teacher does)

1. Read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe 1. Listen to the story.
Numeroff. 2. Take turns listing events that happened in
2. Ask students to verbally pick an event that the story, and then telling why they
happened in the book and then explain why that occurred.
event happened. 3. Ask students while listing events to say
3. Make a list of “what” events and “why” they which side of the board each should go on.
occurred on the board in two columns. 4. Have students verbally restate the events
4. Introduce the “because” as signal word for they listed before, this time using the
cause. Explain that “because” comes before the “because” and “so” signal words. Then, have
cause of the sentence. Show this with an them write down that example, making sure
example, such as: “I was tired because I stayed to use that signal word in it.
up very late last night.” The words that came
after the signal word were the effect.
5. Repeat step 4, but with the signal word “so” for
Formative Assessment (how you will gauge whether or not students are “getting it”): Check students’ written down
sentences, checking for the signal word to be there and to come in the right spot. Make sure students are
not just putting a signal word between two actions without paying attention to which part is the cause and
which is the effect.
PRACTICE/APPLICATION: Describe the activities you will use to allow for meaningful interaction targeting
the lesson’s objectives, the learner strategies you will engage, and the formative assessment you will provide to
gauge whether or not students are “getting it”.)
The teacher will…(specifically what the teacher does) The students will… (specifically what the
students should do in response to what the
teacher does)
1. Pass out the graphic chart that corresponds 1. Cut out cause and effect cards and place
with If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Have them in the correct spots.
students cut out the response cards and 2. Glue down cards once they have been
place them where they believe they should checked.
go, independently. 3. Complete the worksheet with a partner.
2. Check the cause and effect events with a
partner before checking all together and
gluing down. Ask students to use the signal
words of “so” or “because” when telling the
complete event with the cause and effect.
3. Pass out worksheet with sentences and
have students list the cause and effect in the
correct spots and circle the signal words.
4. Check all sentences together.
Formative Assessment (how you will gauge whether or not students are “getting it”): Checking in with students as
they are placing their cause and effect cards down to see if they are getting it. Make sure as students are
looking at sentences from their second worksheet, they are circling the signal words and using them to
determine the cause and effect.

EXTENSION: Describe the student-centered activities you will use for students to further apply language
skills toward greater mastery of the targeted content and language objectives, either independently or with a
group. This should be an opportunity for developing higher-order thinking skills and using language in
communicative ways.
The teacher will…(specifically what the teacher does) The students will… (specifically what the
students should do in response to what the
1. Pass out the ‘Mammals’ informational 1. Complete the worksheet.
article. Have students read the short passage
with a partner and label/list the cause,
effect, and signal words into the graphic

Summative Assessment (Describe the ways in which you plan to determine whether or not students achieved the
objectives for the lesson. Be specific in terms of not only what the students will do to demonstrate their knowledge and skills,
but how you will evaluate what they produce.): Check the students’ graphic organizers to see if they were able
to locate and correctly identify the cause and effect using the signal words.

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