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Sonnie Lee

Journal 5

To what extent were you able to apply healthcare administration knowledge?

I was able to apply the knowledge that I have learned from health care administration to

my internship at the Little City Foundation. In Healthcare Administration, I learned to display

professionalism during presentations and at my internship, develop SMART goals, and learn to

work in teams. Every time that I went to my internship I made sure to be punctual and prepared

to start the day. This means that I dressed professionally, made sure I had all the materials

needed to perform the tasks such as my laptop, and used proper vernacular when sending out

emails or communicating with my preceptor. I applied SMART goals that I learned from

Healthcare Administration to keep up with my projects at my internship. I found that applying

SMART goals to my projects allowed me to have more structure and organization. Before

changing my major to Healthcare Administration I was used to working independently. When I

started this new major I was thrown into a group project in every class I took. This forced me to

learn how to work in teams effectively. I was then able to take this skill into my internship when

working on my project. I worked collaboratively with one of my preceptors Wayne on a project

and learned to be able to only take on what I could handle.

Were you able to integrate feedback from your preceptor as well as your faculty contact?

I had gotten some positive feedback from my preceptor when she initially filled out the

evaluation but have not received any feedback since then. I was to integrate feedback from my

preceptor by continuing to do my work in the same manner that I had been working. In seminar 3

I was instructed to receive some more feedback from my preceptor. I was unable to do so due to

COVID-19 disrupting my internship.

Sonnie Lee

I was able to integrate feedback from my faculty contact. I made sure to read all the

comments after submitting an assignment to see if I had anywhere to improve. I also appreciated

all the feedback for my internship outline to add to my presentation.

How did our seminar discussion topics and exercises support this?

In our seminar, I was given tips on how to successfully job search and had some good

pointers from a guest speaker from the career center. I have implemented the suggestion to

update my LinkedIn profile to include a bio. This will aid in my job search because now

potential employers will get to know me and my goals. A huge tip that I have implemented and

benefited from is creating an excel spreadsheet listing out all the places that I have applied too. I

have used this when a potential employer left me a message that I didn’t recognize. I was able to

locate on the spreadsheet that I had applied a month prior and was able to then track down the

job posting to aid in my phone interview.

In our seminar, I was informed about the importance of receiving feedback. I have always

considered myself to be skilled at receiving constructive feedback. The more constructive the

feedback was the more work I was willing to put in to improve. When I received positive

feedback from my preceptor I was glad that my hard work was being appreciated however, I

found myself no longer going the extra mile and instead stayed consistent in the quality of my

work. Through this opportunity, I found out that I strive on constructive feedback. I wish I had

the chance to ask my preceptor for more constructive feedback on my projects so I would have

been able to have continued my internship to explore this newfound drive. Overall, I have

learned a lot from the seminar, internship projects, and working in a not for profit organization.
Sonnie Lee

Word Count: 653

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