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Many chemical substances are used on living tissues to inhibit the growth of microorganisms,
these are called antiseptics.
The important chemical agents used for disinfections are oxidizing and reducing agents. For
example halogens and phenols, hydrogen, peroxide, potassium permagnate, alcohol and
formaldehyde etc. These chemicals inhibit the growth of vegetative cells. They are used on
nonliving materials.

Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics:

Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics work with natural defense and stop the growth of
bacteria and other microbes. These are sulfonamides, tetracycline, penicillin, etc. They destroy or
inhibit the growth of microorganisms in living tissues.


Microbicidal effect is one that kills the microbes immediately. Microbistatic effect is one that
inhibits the reproductive capacity of the cells and maintains the microbial population at constant
Mode of action of different chemical and physical agents of control is variable. Damage can
result in malfunctioning of cell wall, cell membrane cytoplasm enzymes, or nucleic acid.

disrupts membranes and enzymes, therefore not effective against non-enveloped viruses
or endospores. Especially good for surfaces, tho may primarily wipe off bacteria...

EtOH: 70% aqueous more effective, (water needed to denature protein) generally recommended

Isopropanol seems more effective, less expensive.

graph to compare effectiveness of 95% vs 70%

  alcoholic solutions of antimicrobials

 may add to tyrosine, denaturing enzymes also strong oxidants,

usually used in 
  (EtOH soln) does not kill all viruses.

! bind the iodine to organic molecules, release slowly, non-irritationg, do not stain
so badly: Betadine, Escodyne

 used on water esp. Ca hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2) used on dairy and swimming
pools. Can produce carcinogenic chlorinated compounds.
Chlorox is 5% NaOCl (1/2 tsp/2 gal clear water, 30 min, to disinfect.)

 Chlorine and ammonia, used to treat water in emerg., may not be carcionogenic

 used in hot tubs, evaporates more slowly at elevated temperatures

# $ % 

H202 better on inanimate surface (wound enzyme catalase inactivates)

ozone (O3) ³Fresh smell´ after electrical storm, can be used to sanitize water

Zn peroxide: used to irrigate deep wounds,

benzoyl peroxide acne medicine (2 benzoates joined by oxygens)

&' emulsify oil on skin, allow removal of bacteria

( quaternary ammonium salts: (p 279)

bacteriocidal against Gm +, mess up membranes, incr permeability

Ceepryn, Zephiran, Phemerol. m  can live on these...

)*  combined with -SH groups, halt enzyme action (p 279)

Ag 1% AgNO3 commonly used, formerly for eye protection against gonorrhea

Hg in Mercurochrome and Merthiolate, will wash off, thimersal formerly in vaccines

Cu used against algae in reservoirs

Zn as anti bact & antifungal in mouthwash, paint, treatment for athletes foot

$*$ cross link proteins:

   + as formalin (37% aqueous soln), caution, carcinogenic

,   + (Cidex: 2% even kills spores in 3-10 hrs)

 Ethylene oxide (EtO): alkylates proteins denaturing them. Toxic and explosive... (P 280)

highly penetrating, used to sterilize bedding etc. in hospitals

&  $ inhibits mold by interfering with metabolism

benzoic acid, sorbic acid, propanoic acid (and salts of these: -ate)

activity not due to their acidity, rather to enzyme inhibition

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