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Bugs: Indent & Surround is messing up CRLF line endings

Bugs: Delete Blank lines won't delete every line if only blank lines are marked.
To install this plugin, unpack NPPTextFX.DLL and NPPTextFX\*.HTM;*.TXT ;*.INI to
the plugins folder in the N++ install folder then load N++. Delete those files
without N++ running to remove the plugin. If everything is working, a Plugins me
nu will appear and the new tool should be listed under it.
To develop this plugin if you have the source, unpack the entire structure to th
e plugins folder. Dev-C++ and Code::Blocks projects are provided. All the compil
ers are supported but OpenWatcom32 1.3 produces a DLL that is incompatible with
Windows 98.
To view this demo, load it into Notepad++ and perform the actions suggested to s
ee how they work. If many tools are similar, only a few may be shown. No descrip
tions will be provided for tools that are totally obvious.
**Demo: Characters Menu
**Demo: NPPTextFX
Programmers waste lots of time and make lots of mistakes doing repetetive but si
mple tasks. TextFX performs a lot of very odd transforms the purpose and usage o
f which may not be immediately obvious from the menu descriptions even if you pe
rform them manually on a regular basis. Because of the limited user interface im
plemented, some transforms require obscure actions on your part. This demo will
show you in detail what the transforms do and how they are used. Always remember
that no matter what happens, Notepad++ can undo it so you can try again, unless
of course, you ask TextFX to erase the Undo Buffer.
**Demo: Quote Changers & Text Converters all require some text to be selected
You are often programming several languages at once and each may have different
quote ("') rules. The Quote Changers allow you to alter quotes in large blocks i
n ways that are neither easy nor reliable with normal or regex search and replac
e. The rules are not tied to the current language selected since some languages
are embedded in others.
... This PHP code is incorrect since proper HTML tolerates ' but prefers ".
echo "<Action type='1' message='2170' wParam='0' lParam='0' sParam=' ' />\n";
... We can use the Swap Quotes to alter it to this:
echo '<Action type="1" message="2170" wParam="0" lParam="0" sParam=" " />\n';
... but that is still not correct because \n does not expand inside of 'PHP' str
... Undo that and Escape ' to \" to get the correct result.
echo "<Action type=\"1\" message=\"2170\" wParam=\"0\" lParam=\"0\" sParam=\" \"
... Doing this is neither reliable nor easy with search and replace.
**Demo: Zap all characters
This tool is usually used with a rectangular selection on text that is in column
s. All it does is convert every character to a space, useful for erasing columns
so that new text can be written in. It easily zaps all characters in a non rect
angular selection but I can't think of any reason why this would be useful. Zapp
ing all non
**Demo: Zap all non printable characters to #
No compiler will accept following math but it's not immediately obvious where th
e problem is. Mark it and zap all characters to # and you'll immediately see wha
t the compiler doesn't like. Any character that isn't a part of standard ASCII (
32-126 TAB CR LF) is replaced with a # sign. Typically you'll want to undo any c
hanges this tool makes and manually make the corrections. The purpose is to make
it easy to find where the odd characters are.
**Demo: Quick Menu (this menu can be pulled out of the Plugins menu by ticking M
ove quick ... in TextFX Settings)
**Demo: Mark word or find Reverse/Forward
Programmers need fast and handy ways to jump to different points in a file. In t
his file, there are some printf statements. Search-Find is clumsy because it req
uires so many check boxes and text entries to get what you want. Instead, you ca
n move to the nearest printf and hit Ctrl-Alt-DOWN ARROW. If nothing is marked,
the nearest word will be marked, and when you hit the key again, the next occura
nce will be found and remarked to make it easy to find again. You can easily nav
igate between every such word in this file, including using Ctrl-Alt-UP ARROW to
come right back up and continue the demo. If the automatic word selection is in
sufficient you can make a more precise selection and search for that. Some langu
ages and situations will require that the search word be case sensitive. To make
movement fast and easy, no beeps or screen flashes occur when the text is not f
ound. For example, we want to write a new convert() all line but we have forgott
en the proper calling sequence. I've written in "convertall" below so I can retu
rn to this point then we can find the next occurance to see how the function is
used, make a copy, and bring it back.
**Demo: Matching Brace tools require a brace to the left or right of your cursor
. The left will be used if there is a brace on each side. You may optionally sel
ect the brace but this is usually not necessary.
Mark to matching brace is best used to grab () enclosed text. In the following,
we would like to move (bktpos=...) somewhere else but it's hard to visually pick
out the correct ending parenthesis because of the confusion. Place your cursor
to the left of "(bkt..." and select "Mark to matching brace". We can be to the l
eft because there is no other brace to the left of the carat that could be used
instead. You could also place your carat to the right of the ) if you knew which
one it was.
if (curpos>0 && (bktpos=SendMessage(getCurrentHScintilla(currentEdit), SCI_BRA
CEMATCH, curpos-1, 0))>=0) {
Mark lines to matching brace is best to grab complete function, do, while, and i
f code blocks. We want to move the following struct somewhere else. If we were t
o select Mark to matching brace, we would need to manually augment the selection
to include the "struct NppData" and some whitespace at the end which is quite d
ifficult. Place your cursor on either { or } and select Mark lines to matching b
struct NppData {
HWND _nppHandle;
HWND _scintillaMainHandle;
HWND _scintillaSecondHandle;
... Notice that lines are marked after the end of the } up to the next non CR/LF
so the entire function along with the trailing whitespace is marked. No whitesp
ace left behind! If demand warrants I'll support crossing over "} else {" lines
to reach the end of the if statement.
Code folding is a poor attempt at showing the programmer what if, while, or func
tion a far out } belongs to. I just want to see the matching line and I can do t
hat by placing the cursor after the } in the struct above. Select Show line matc
hing Brace and the N++ title bar will be set to the line matching the {. Note th
at this only works backwards. You can't sit on the { brace and ask for the last
line because I can't think of any reason why that would be useful. At this time
"} else {" lines are not processed properly but this proof of concept will let m
e guage how valuable a feature like this is to programmers.
**Demo: Edit Menu
**Demo: Fill down & insert
We have just modified the convertall() function to take an additional integer pa
rameter after the first char. I have modified the first line with the new desire
d value but I'd prefer not to hit the down-left sequence that everyone loves to
hate. Having recently lined up the by a (,), I'd prefer making a rectangular sel
ection around the text and the lines to which it is to be copied and having the
editor insert the text for me when I pick Fill down & insert. Spreadsheets have
done this for like, ever. Why can't editors do it?
v Alt-Click before the 0
convertall('c',0,"'" ,"\"" ,NULL,NULL);}
convertall('c',"\"" ,"'" ,NULL,NULL); }
^drag until after the slash (for demo above)
^drag until after the 0 (for demo below)
Thanks to us putting in the wrong value, we can demonstrate the other fill tool.
We want all (1) ones to be in that newly created parameter. Change the first on
e to a (1) one then box out a single column for the 3 digits vertically. Select
Fill down & overwrite and they will all switch to ones.
**Demo: Insert (Clipboard) at column through lines
This demo is tricky at first but is quite easy when you get used to it, much eas
ier than hitting down-left-text-down-left-text... The first step is to specify t
he text to be inserted. The following lines need to have id changed to "testid".
First, we mark the word test (<- you can mark that one if you want) and copy th
at to the clipboard. Then, we mark the following text without the Alt key starti
ng just before the i of id and mark down to just before the i of the last id, th
en select Insert ... through lines. In standard editors, transforms typically do
something to the entire selection. For a programmer's editor, we don't adhere t
o that rule for substantially greater functionality.
v-start before this i
<Item id="42001"/>
<Item id="0"/>
<Item id="42022"/>
<Item id="42023"/>
^end before this i
... inserting is not limited to static text. You can use # to specify incrementi
counters and $+-number$ to insert before, at, or after the end of line. Here are
// Examples:
// "text" insert text
// "#" insert 0..1..2..3...
// "#5" insert 5..6..7..8..9... (the default increment is +1)
// "#5+2" insert 5..7..9..11...
// "$#5-2" insert 5..3..1..-1... at end of line
// "$$M$soft" insert M$soft at end of line
// "$4$text" insert text 4 characters beyond end of line. line will be ammended
as necessary
// "$-3$#-5-2" insert -5..-7..-9..-11... 3 characters before end of line. lines
that are too short will be skipped
This capability is likely to be expanded greatly when someone thinks of how.
**Demo Reindent C++ code:
This feature is begged for over and over in editor forums. It's a shame that mor
e editors don't have it since it is easy enough to implement. It calculates the
starting indent from the first marked line then simply counts { and } to increas
e and decrease the indent. This is not intended to be a full styler. All it does
is reindent, particularly so you can find that bracket nesting error which is s
uddenly causing everything to crash. If you code doesn't compile, you might get
some unexpected indent results. There are some special cases:
1) Indents for /* stream comments */ are not changed.
2) goto labels and #preprocessor statements are always at the beginning of the l
3) statements are indented in a special way that allows them to fol
low the bracket count exactly. I've always manually written them this way and wa
s very glad when the easiest numeric technique was the one I had been using from
the beginning.
4) Since there are no braces, this case is too much extra work to implement prop
erly. These lines will be flat.
if (cond)
There's some code not far down that needs some reindenting.
**Demo: convert leading spaces or tabs to ...
This will read tabwidth and Replace by Space under Settings-Tab Settings and per
form the proper conversion of leading whitespace, destroying any non tabwidth mu
ltiples of spaces. If a lifetime of horrible editors has trained you to use spac
es because tab handling and conversion is so bad, you can train yourself to use
tabs by turning on [x]Autoconvert typed leading spaces to tabs and when ever you
enter enough spaces, a tab will be substituted in their place. You will need to
show Whitespace and Tabs if you want to see this in action. You must have Repla
ce by Space unchecked for this conversion to take place.
**Demo: trim trailing spaces
The best programmer editors always trim trailing spaces and always allow the cur
sor to go beyond the end of the line. The built in editor in Borland C++ 3.1 DOS
does this. When cirumstances prevent you from using an editor done right, extra
spaces accumulate randomly on the end of lines. This tool kills them. I had con
sidered removing this since Notepad++ implements it but there are two problems.
The N++ implementation is substantially slower than mine, and N++ always trims s
paces over the entire file. There might be areas where you don't want spaces rem
**Demo: Indent sticky...
Every editor author thinks they know how to indent until someone else starts wri
ting code. The following code needs some indenting. Which lines should and shoul
d not be indented?
void indentfn(char *text,int tabwidth) {
char *d;
if (*text) {
for(d=text; *d; *d++) {
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Another Debug Routine */
// Erase some text
*d=' ';
Try marking the improperly indented lines from "for..." to the first "}" and ind
enting with the built in tool (Edit-Insert TAB (Indent)). Then undo and try the
TextFX sticky indent. Which one is more desirable? Notice that undent does not p
resent these complex problems. Now mark the entire function from "void..." to th
e last "}" and sticky indent to see that the indent is not sticky if the first m
arked line starts without any whitespace.
**Demo: Indent and Surround with {}
Same as indent but it ads a two lines with { and } around the text ready and wai
ting for a control statement.
**Demo: Strip unquoted text.
Initially you write nasty code. Later you decide to write a much better code to
process some strings but now you need to get the strings now interspersed in cod
e into an array. First copy a (,) into the clipboard as our separator, select th
e following lines, then select Strip unquoted text and you'll see the strings ni
cely separated by commas. A CRLF works good as a separator too.
if (strcmp(s,"NASTY")) {
} else if (strcmp(s,"CODE")) {
If you leave more than 20 characters in the clipboard, a comma (,) will be used
as the separator.
**Demo: Kill unquoted whitespace
Lining up text by (,) or other characters can lead to whitespace getting out of
hand. Sometimes you need to revert back to the original non spaced version. Sele
ct Kill unquoted whitespace to make the following lines small again.
{"E:-" ,pfdummy ,0,FALSE},
{"E:Sort lines case sensitive (at column)" ,pfqsortlinesc ,0,FALSE}, //
this isn't handled right
{"E:Sort lines case insensitive (at column)" ,pfqsortlinesnc ,0,FALSE},
{"E:+Sort ascending" ,pfSortAscending ,0,TRUE} ,
{"E:+Sort outputs only UNIQUE (at column) lines",pfSortLinesUnique,0,TRUE} ,
{"E:-" ,pfdummy ,0,FALSE},
**Demo: Split lines at clipboard character.
Joining lines is easy. Splitting lines is more trouble. The following lines can
be converted from a list on a single line to a list on multiple lines. Copy a (,
) to the clipboard and select Split lines at clipboard character. This tool may
be dropped when Replace is improved to where it can do the same thing.
" Quick"," Edit"," Convert"," HTML Tidy"," Tools"," Viz"," Viz Settings"," Setti
**Demo: Line up multiple lines
The following lines are hard to read and would be much easier to debug if all th
e commas (,) were lined up. Select the text and choose Line up ... by (,). Notic
e that the (,) embedded in the string is skipped. At this time I'm only detectin
g C-strings but VB/SQL and non escaped string detection is already available and
used in some other tools should demand warrant its addition. Most of the time y
ou can just manually fix any incorrectly detected characters.
{"Escape \" to \\\"",convertescapesq,0,FALSE},
{"Escape ' to \\\"",convertescape1qsq,0,FALSE},
{"unEscape \\\" to \"",convertunescapesq,0,FALSE},
{"1:Line up multiple lines by (,)",lineupcomma,0,FALSE},
... You may line up by equals (=) or any character of your choice by copying the
desired lineup character to the clipboard and selecting Line up ... by (Clipboa
**Demo: Rewrap Text
To rewrap text at any desired column number, copy the number to the clipboard an
d select Rewrap Text at (clipboard) column. If you use a number<8 or number>2048
, the default width of 72 will be used. Rewrap text automatically assumes that b
lank lines are the start of a new paragraph.
**Demo: Pad rectangular selection with spaces
The Scintilla editor component copies a rectangular selection that includes unev
en end of lines as a jagged edge. This is no good if where you want to paste it
requires that the right edge be smooth. Use this tool on a rectangular selection
in the following text from "Short" to "Longer Line" and you'll be able to copy
and paste as a truly rectangular block. If the last line isn't long enough to en
velope all the lines you will need to pad with spaces manually.
Ignore This Short
Ignore This Long Line
Ignore This Longer Line
**Demo: Convert Menu
**Demo: Encode HTML/URI compnent
The following is an address we would like to embed in our web page. Upon submitt
ing it to we get a barrage of errors that indicate that
we have used & inappropriately. We can fix that by selecting the latter part of
the href and selecting Encode HTML.
<a href="/search?hl=en&lr=&
This will convert the 4 characters <"&> to the appropriate &entity; If you would
like special HTML characters converted as you type, enable Autoconvert typed HT
ML/XML. The <OpenTag, >Close Tag, and "quot; conversions are blocked depending o
n your position near an open or closed tag to allow tags to be typed without tur
ning this feature off. Autoconvert HTML/XML only scans the current line for open
/close tags so characters may convert in multi line tags unexpectantly. Use UNDO
to revert any undesired automatic action.
**Demo: Strip HTML tags
This converts HTML to plain text, using or not using tabs for tables as desired.
You can select the above HTML and see how little is left after Strip HTML tags.
Some common &entity; characters are converted. Unlike most editors which only s
trip the tags, I try to produce the same amount of whitespace as would be produc
ed from a browser rendered page. You may want to delete surplus blank lines and
unwrap text on the text output.
**Demo: Submit HTML to W3C
Select the HTML above and select Submit HTML. The text will be launched in a bro
wser ready to submit to the W3C. If you don't mark any text, the entire file wil
l be sent.
**Demo: Convert .. code command()
We have the following embedded HTML that we need to change into program lines be
cause we now need our server side scripting to calculate the values. Select the
language you want the resulting code to run in then you can change the following
into code:
<Item id="42001"/>
<Item id="42002"/>
<Item id="42005"/>
<Item id="42022"/>
<Item id="42023"/>
... I'll select Language=ASP which will produce the following VBScript compatibl
e code, correctly terminated and escaped for VB:
Response.Write(" <Item id=""42001""/>"&vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" <Item id=""42002""/>"&vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" <Item id=""42005""/>"&vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" <Item id=""42022""/>"&vbCrLf)
Response.Write(" <Item id=""42023""/>"&vbCrLf)
... Notice that the indentation was calculated from the first line processed and
is preserved throughout all the lines processed. Pick an unsuported language li
ke "Normal Text" and choose Convert ... code command() to see what languages are
currently supported.
**Demo: Convert text to hex
There are lots of requests for a hex editor. Initially I though that a hex edito
r would be too difficult to implement as a plugin. Then I thought of simply conv
erting the text to hex and edit it as text but it seemed too stupid to bother im
plementing. Now I use it constantly and would rather have it than most other hex
editors. Later, I discovered the need to expand from 16 to 128 characters per l
ine. You can pick as little or as much text as you want to convert to hex. Becau
se this isn't a real hex editor you get to change the text pretty much any way y
ou want and you are fully able to import or produce textual hex listings. When y
ou go to convert hex back to text, you need to be aware of a few rules...
**Demo: Convert hex to text
Once you have modified hex or imported it from elsewhere and want to converted t
o characters, you need to know how it decodes so that you can make way for major
unsafe hex. Characters are produced from hex codes that are exactly two and onl
y two hex characters (0-9,A-F,a-f) followed by a space or a dash (-). The decodi
ng jumps to the next line when 3 spaces or a vertical bar (|) is hit. This shoul
d be compatible with all DEBUG outputs and most common hex listings. Since it is
real text you are editing, you can use the normal editor tools to doctor non co
mpilant hex up so that it will convert to characters properly. There is no requi
red number of hex on a line so you can add or remove hex or entire lines as desi
red. The offset number need not be present. The text decode on the right need no
t be present. The only warning you'll get is if you convert hex with offsets and
the offsets don't match the original position in the file. Just think of the te
rrible things that can be accomplished with a binary safe editor.
**Demo: Convert hex byte runs to LE-...
It's a bit hard to read Little Endian WORD and DWORDS in one byte hexen. These t
ools will allow you to concatenate those Little Endian hexors 2 or 4 at a time i
n the correct order. Because the hex you are editing is nothing but text, you ca
n select precisely the runs you want to see in a different word size.
**Demo: Convert LE-words to hex byte runs
Once you get your screen all doctored up with WORDS and DWORDS, you may wish to
convert the whole thing back to characters. Don't start with converting hex to t
ext because that only recognizes 2 character hex sequences. 4 and 8 character se
quences will be discarded. You must first use this tool to convert them all back
to 2 character hex runs. This tool autodetects the width which can be any even
number of hex characters and it jumps to the next line when 3 spaces or a vertic
al bar (|) is detected. Note that the hex offset is always 9 hex characters so i
t is skipped.
**Demo: ROT13 Text
Vs lbh pna ernq guvf, V guvax lbh'ir svtherq guvf bar bhg! Move along, nothing t
o see here!
**Demo: Ascii & EBCDIC
Vedit is the only true EBCDIC editor I've heard of. All the rest including this
one perform a lossy conversion back and forth. This is usually sufficient for mi
nor uses and better than not having it at all.
EBCDIC: ã @ ¤ @ ¦ @ §@ Mð]@À£ @ ©¨@ KÐ
There is a built in ASCII EBCDIC table and one provided in a disk file "AsciiToE
BCDIC.bin". All of the conversion tables I found differed substantially so I pic
ked the Microsoft table which may not be the best for everyone. If this table is
n't good enough, load the .bin file into Notepad++, use the hex conversion, and
build a table you like better. If the .bin file is not exactly 512 bytes it will
be ignored and the internal table will be used instead. The first 256 bytes con
vert ASCII -> EBCDIC. The last 256 bytes convert EBCDIC to ASCII.
**Demo: Tidy Menu
**Demo: HTML Tidy (Thanks to PSPAD, an excellent freeware editor, for the ready-
made conversions)
HTML Tidy is an optional component that may not be included with your Notepad++
distribution. If it is not present, most menu items will be disabled and a menu
item to the download site will be provided. Select About Tidy to find out what w
ent wrong during loading. The TextFX plugin source includes a project to compile
Tidy sources into a DLL if you need a newer one than is available. You may also
download the publically available libTidy.DLL which is very old and lacks many
modern features.
Once you get HTML Tidy installed and running the menus will open up and About Ti
dy will show you the Tidy version in use. If SubClassing is disabled, you can on
ly run Tidy against a single configuration in HTMLTIDY.CFG which you may need to
build and change yourself. If SubClassing is enabled, Tidycfg.ini is scanned to
produce the menu items (limit 50) from which HTMLTIDY.CFG is automatically gene
rated each time you select a Tidy Menu item. If you run the same Tidy over and o
ver, the first Tidy option will run Tidy with the same configuration until anoth
er Tidy menu item alters it. If you add or alter the name of any Tidy menu optio
ns in Tidycfg.ini you can select Refresh Menu to update the menu from the file.
Tidy will use the selected text or the entire file if no text is selected. Often
times a Tidy run will produce a Htmltidy.err file which you can leave loaded in
another Notepad++ tab and any time it changes, that tab will refresh the error
**Demo: Sort lines
You can sort lines on the the first character or at any column of the line. Enti
re lines will be sorted and where you start your mark on the line determines whi
ch column the sort starts on. Text before that column on every line is not consi
dered in the sort or uniqueness test.
v-start before the "P" marking entire lines to sort on the first column
v v-start marking before this character to sort on this column
PFUNCPLUGINCMD hex2decimal() { convertall('n',CAFLAG_DENYBLOCK,"h","d",NULL,N
ULL); }
PFUNCPLUGINCMD octal2decimal() { convertall('n',CAFLAG_DENYBLOCK,"o","d",NULL,N
ULL); }
PFUNCPLUGINCMD binary2decimal() { convertall('n',CAFLAG_DENYBLOCK,"b","d",NULL,N
ULL); }
Line 1 XYZZY
Line 2 The Cave
Line 3 XYZZY
Line 4 XYZZY
Line 5 The Cave
If you sort the above lines at the column starting XYZZY outputing only unique l
ines, only a two lines will be output. Since a tool to insert and remove line nu
mbers is provided, you can sort unique lines then return them back to their orig
inal order in 4 steps.
1) Insert line numbers
2) Sort unique after the line numbers
3) Sort the line numbers
4) Remove the line numbers
**Demo: Tools Menu
**Demo: Insert Ascii chart or character.
If you mark a single character, one line of the ascii chart is inserted
into the document for that character. Otherwise the entire 0-256 Ascii
chart is inserted. If you don't know the ascii code for the following,
you can select it and choose Insert Ascii ... and all of it's codes will
be inserted.
**Demo: Insert Ruler
Notepad++ doesn't have a ruler so I built one that can be inserted into the docu
ment. Using rectangular copy and paste you can make this ruler as long as you ne
--- 0---|--- 10---|--- 20---|--- 30---|--- 40---|--- 50---|--- 60---|--- 70---|
--- 80---|--- 90---|
**Demo: add up numbers
Most of my use of commerical spreadsheets is to type in a column of
numbers and add them up. I thought it would be nice if my plugin could
do the same thing. The following is a magic square. You can select each
line and column and use Add up Numbers to verify it. You may sum the
entire square to verify that it is 4 times what the line sum is.
16 3 2 13
5 10 11 8
9 6 7 12
4 15 14 1
**Demo: Viz Menu
**Demo: Hide/Show Lines
Some editors implement code folding which takes too much manual labor to set up.
Some editors can bookmark all found lines but this is little use if you need to
see many lines of bounding text interspersed with undesired text. Viz can hide
and show lines based on a search criteria or selected lines. You can run several
viz operations in a row to generate a sequence that can be inserted as comment
text and reused later. Select Show ... All/Reset Lines to start a new sequence.
**Demo: For example, we would like to know what all the Demos are in this file.
**Demo: Copy **Demo to the clipboard then select Hide Lines Without (Clipboard)
**Demo: text. Now you can move around, make changes, search/replace, copy text
**Demo: from one place to another, perhaps return to your starting position, and
**Demo: when finished, select Show All Lines to continue the demo! The line you
**Demo: started on is always left visible no matter what rules may try to hide i
**Demo: Cut-Copy-Delete tools are provided to operate specifically on hidden
**Demo or visible text. Be careful since all other operations on selected text
**Demo: includes all the hidden text in between.
**Demo: Viz Settings Menu
**Demo: Cut Copy Paste
I have added many features to cut copy and paste so I have Subclassed Scintilla'
s. The original tools are still available in the edit menu in case you find a si
tuation that isn't handled right. At this time Paste Binary cannot paste rectang
ular text. I expect to have this working in the near future. The default Viz Set
tings are selected to be both compatible with the Scintilla originals and to be
more officially compatible with the Windows Clipboard.
**Demo: Cut-Copy not in UNICODE
Scintilla is a UTF-8 editor which is why there are no double byte Scintilla mess
ages. UCS-2 is always handled through translation, such as copying to the Window
s Clipboard. Unicode is preferred on the clipboard because Windows can paste it
into any Unicode aware application. Windows cannot translate UTF-8 to UNICODE. I
n some cases it will be necessary to have the UTF-8 text on the clipboard withou
t the UNICODE conversion. This option will only copy UTF-8 as 8 bit ANSI and Win
dows may convert it to a double byte padded UTF-8, any of which will paste as UT
F-8 into any application. Depending on the OS and the editor mode, this and simi
lar options may be autoselected or blocked to ensure compatibility.
**Demo: Capture Keyboard Ctrl+C,X,V
TextFX doesn't yet do the conversions from UNICODE to ansi codepages that Scinti
lla does. If this is a problem in your language you will want these keys to map
to the built in Scintilla routines. If this is only a rare occurance then you ma
y want to use Edit: Cut-Copy-Paste and let TextFX have these keys.
**Demo: Paste/Append binary
Paste binary disables EOL conversion and takes the entire contents without the l
ast NUL character. Binary paste may behave unexpectedly depending on the copy-cu
t application and OS. Check operation carefully before using regularly. For exam
ple, Windows 9x pads the buffer with random trash. Many editors are not careful
about how big the clipboard buffer is.
**Demo: Settings Menu
**Demo: Cancel overwrite moving from current line
Proper handling of Insert/Overwrite is ignored by editor authors but vexes progr
ammers constantly. So far switching to insert moving away from the current line
is the best way I have thought of to eliminate overwrite accidents without total
ly disabling overwrite mode.
**Demo: Autoclose HTML tag
This is copied and updated from the N++ supplied InsertPluginDemo. I hope it han
dles more strange cases than the original. You must have an appropriate language
selected (HTML,XML) for this feature to perform. Any time you type a tag such a
s <html>, a closing tag </html> will be inserted after the cursor, unless you en
ter a close or self closing tag like </pre> or <br/>. A single UNDO will remove
any undesired automatic action.
**Demo: Autoclose brace
Each time you type a ([{, it will be closed for you. ([ will be closed immediate
ly after the cursor and the { will be closed on the next line with the same inde
nt as the current line. A single UNDO will remove any undesired automatic action
. You must have a supported language selected for this feature to perform and yo
u must be at the end of a line. Braces will not be autoclosed when editing exist
ing text.
**Demo: Disable Subclassing and advanced features.
At this time the extended Tidy menu and Ctrl-B require subclassing to capture. A
future version of Notepad++ may cause Subclassing to fail to operate correctly.
The features are still available in a more limited form if Subclassing is turne
d off.
**Demo: Move quick menus out of 'Plugins' Menu
TextFX Quick and TextFX Viz can be made into separate menus for easier use. They
are left inside Plugins by default so that users know that TextFX is separate f
rom Notepad++.
**Demo: Improve Home-End ...
Many people ask for Home and End to not go from BOL to EOL in line wrap mode. Th
e ability to go EOL and BOL of screen lines is built in to Scintilla. This optio
n enables it.

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