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Disorder Definition Symptoms Demographics Outcomes

Discuss plan and goals,

analyze coping resources,
describe stressors and ways
Mood disorders to manage stress.
Euthymia Normal psychological state
anhedonia, irritability, weight
loss or gain, fatigue, lack of
concentration, preoccupation
with death, low self-esteem,
delusional, feeling numb,
underactivity of neurotransmission - psychomotor retardation or mid 20's onset
norepinephrine, gaba, seratonin. agitation, insomnia or 2 x more common in women
Kindling - neurotransmission altered by stress. hypersomnia, withdrawal, more common in white,
need 5 symptoms most of the day, nearly disheveled appearance, hispanic and low
Depression every day for more than 2 weeks to diagnose problems at work socioeconomic groups
chronic-low level depression, no manic phases chronic fatigue, same
Dysthymia need 3 symptoms for 2 years to diagnose symptoms as depression
Seasonal Affective Disorder chronobiology - depression related to light
inflated self-esteem,
grandiosity, racing thoughts,
flight of ideas, impaired
judgement, chatty, increased
goal-directed behavior,
agitation, excessive
Persistently elevated, expansive mood or involvement in activities,
irritable mood. Mood swings between decreased need for sleep, too
euphoria and anger. busy to eat, sociable, intrusive,
Need all/most symptoms for al least a week to interrupts, disruptive, loud,
Mania diagnose. distractible, hallucinations
elevated mood without interference with Happy, congenial, easy
socialor occupational functioning. See this conversation, humorous,
Hypomania when go off meds. productive

Bipolar Suuden swings between mania and depression

chronic mood disturbance - cycles between
hypomania and depression. 2 years to
Cyclothymia diagnose.
Problematic responses to life events
Acute: <= 6 months, Chronic > 6 months.
Adjustment Disorder If lasts 1 year, then major depressive disorder
Disorder Definition Symptoms Demographics Outcomes

mild - normal
moderate - elevated VS, client
is uncomfortable Demonstrate effective coping
Vague, subjective feeling of uneasiness with severe- difficulty coping, fight skills, Identify increasing
no identifiable object. State of tension, dread or flight response anxiety, Identify when to call
or impending doom coming from external panic - pale, hypotension, rigid 18-mid 30's, more females therapist, Take meds as
Anxiety influences. muscles than males prescribed.
Cardiovascular system -
palpitations, racing heart,
↑or↓BP, fainting
Respiratory system -
hyperventilating, use paper
Clinical manifestations of anxiety bag
Signal anxiety learned response, phobic
Trait anxiety predisposed to stress, "Worry wort"
State Anxiety feels out of control, butterflies in stomach
1. Alarm- Autonomic nervous
system, adrenal gland kicks in,
Increase blood oxygen and
glucose. Fight or Flight.
2. Resistance - protective state
3a Exhaustion - death can
General adaptation syndrome 3 stages when feel an impending threat 3b. Recovery
sudden onset, overwhelming doom, fear of racing heart, palpitations,
Panic attack illness or death dizziness, shortness of breath
recent unexpected panic attacks, concern (1
month) about additional attacks, 2 symptoms
Panic Disorder reoccrring for 1 month to diagnose
Anxiety about being where escape is difficult,
not due to effects of a medical
Panic disorder with Agorphobia condition/substance
cued by the presence/anticipation of specific
Specific phobia object/situation
Social Anxiety Disorder Marked, persistent fear of one or more social
(Social Phobia) or performance situations
flashbacks, smells are common
Traumatic event preceeding the symptoms. cues, avoid stimuli, numb, out
Can result from combat, childhood abuse. 2 of body experience, restricted
symptoms must be present for 1-2 months affect - can't show joy/sorrow,
after trauma to diagnose. Delayed onset PTSD irritable, sleep disturbed, poor
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder occurs > 6 months. concentration.
dissociation, numbing,
detachment, dazed,
Differerent from PTSD - shorter duration of derealization,
symptoms (2-30 days), shorter time frame of depersonalization, dissociative
Acute Stress Disorder development amnesia
Excessive anxiety occurring more days than restlessness, edginess, fatigue,
not, interfere with normal social and poor concentration, irritablilty,
occupational functioning. 3 symptoms present muscle tension, sleep
Generalized Anxiety Disorder for 6 months to diagnose. disturbance
The presence of obsessions (thoughts) or Trauma to basal
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder compulsions (repetitive actions). ganglia/cortical connections

Disorder Definition Symptoms Demographics Outcomes

Converts anxiety into physical symptoms
Somatoform Disorders without organic disease
involvement of multiple organ
Frequently seeking and obtaining medical systems, no clinical lab
treatment for multiple, clinically significant abnormalities associated with
Somatization Disorder somatic complaints. Often seen in the ER. medical conditions
Pain in one of more anatomic sites with
impairment in one or more areas of
Pain Disorder functioning.
One or more symptoms that affect voluntary Sensory focused - Go blind,
motor or sensory function. Can last 2 weeks LaBelle Indiference - lack of paralysis, deaf, seizures for
Conversion Disorder or longer. concern no medical reason.
Fears having a serious medical problem,
preoccupation with illness, misinterpretation
Hypochondriasis of symptoms for at least 6 months.
wear lots of makeup, have
Preoccupation with an imagined defect in cosmetic surgery - Michael Starts in adolescence, high
Body Dysmorphic Disorder appearance (weight, face, hair, breast, butt) Jackson risk of suicide
Done economic gain,
avoiding responsibilty, often
Intentionally produce physical or psychologic knowledgable in medical
Factitious Disorder signs to assume the sick role terminology
One or more episodes of inability to recall
importatnt personal information, usually of a
Dissociative amnesia traumatic or stressful nature (e.g. rape)
Sudden, unexpected travel away from home of
one's customary placve of work, with an
inability to recall one's past (from
Dissociative fugue trauma/stress or multiple sexual abuse)
more commonn in women.
Changes in penmanship,
Demonstrates two or more disinct identities or style of dress, wearing
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
personality states Done to protect the host glasses
Feelings of detachment from one's self when
Depersonalization Disorder event is happening (e.g. rape). "Looking in"
Interventions Treatment Notes
ECT - electroconvulsive
therapy, transcranial See Lithium toxicity
magnetic stimulation, vagal chart - should be 0.6
nerve stimulation, - 1.2, MAOI with
phototherapy, St. John's SSRI's, TCA's, SNRI's, tyramine causes
Wort, meds, teach about MAOI's, Antipsychotics, hypertensive crisis,
disorder, assess risk of Anxiolytics, Sedative- see Serotonin
suicide hypnotics, mood Syndrome
stabilizers, Lithium symptoms


Interventions Treatment Notes

deep breathing, therapy,

dark chocolate, mindful
meditation, lavender
scent, dim lights, soft
music, most common -
Give printed info, determine cognitive behavioral
family support, structure therapy (client gets
calm environment homework)


SSRI's, paint by numbers,

counted cross-stitch

Interventions Treatment Notes

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