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Lesson Plan (online class)

Nama Kelas : General English

Skill : Basic Grammar (beginner)
Durasi : 90 menit
Platform : Whatsapp (WA)
Media : Image, Ebook Engoo English
Jadwal : 5 Pertemuan
Hari : Materi setiap hari sabtu; tgl 18 April, 25 April, 2 Mei, 9 Mei, 16 Mei.
Evaluasi tanggal 19 Mei 2020,
Waktu : Jam 09.00 – 10.30 wib (jam 10.00 – 11.30 wita)

1. This is / That is
2. There is / There are
3. These are / Those are
4. Latihan soal
5. Evaluasi


First Meeting

Goals: In the end of the meeting the students are expected to able to use “this is / that is”
grammatically either in spoken or written

Pre Activity

Tutors Students Time

- Ask the students to fill in the - Fill in the attandance list
attandance list
- Greets the students - Respond it 15
- Asking the students’ conditions - Respond it mins
- Brainstorming: Give questions that - Respond it by giving answer
that related to the question
related to material
While Activity

Tutors Students Time

- Tell the students about material of - Pay attention
“this is and that is” - Pay attention
- Explain the use of “this is and that is” - Pay attention
- Explain about “to be” - Pay attention
- Give some examples - Pay attention mins
- Ask the students to read the examples - Do the instruction and send it
by VN to Group
- Ask them to do “gap filling” - Do the instruction and send it
- via PC (Private Chat)

Post Activity

Tutors Students time

- Make sure that the students - Respond it
understand the material by 15
questioning “do you understand, mins
guys?” - Send the quesstions (for them
who dont understand well)
- Ask the students to ask questions via
PC if they dont understand the - Do the instruction
material well
- Give the students assignment to make
sentence and submitted via PC by the
time that has been determined

Created by: Rudini, S.Pd

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