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Health Aspects of Wireless Communication:

Auditory Perception of Microwaves – Hearing

James C. Lin
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

In common usage, the handset of a cellular mo- 1961 [3]. The effect has been observed for RF ex-
bile telephone is held against the ear. Computa- posures across a wide range of frequencies (450-3000
tional and experimental studies have demonstrated MHz). It can arise, for example, at an incident en-
that about 50 percent of the radiated radio frequency 
ergy density threshold of 400 mJ/ ¾ for a single 10-
(RF)/microwave energy is deposited in tissues on microsecond-wide pulse of 2450 MHz microwave en-
the same side of the head, nearest to the telephone. ergy, incident on the head of a human subject. And
The deposited energy measured in specific absorption it has been shown to occur at an SAR threshold of
rates (SAR) of RF/microwave energy is non uniformly 1.6 kW/kg for a single 10-microsecond-wide pulse
distributed inside the head. Depending on the specific of 2450 MHz microwave energy, impinging on the
model used, the SAR inside the inner ear is about 20 head. A single microwave pulse can be perceived as
to 40 percent of that permissible by existing rules and an acoustic click or knocking sound, and a train of mi-
regulations. crowave pulses to the head can be sensed as an audible
The permissible SAR from exposure to cellular mo- tune, with a pitch corresponding to the pulse repetition
bile telephone radiation in Europe, Japan, and by the rate (a buzz or chirp). Note that the SAR threshold of
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation 1.6 kW/kg is about 1000 times higher than that allow-
Protection (ICNIRP) is 2 W/kg in any 10 g of tissue able by FCC rules for cellular mobile telephones.
in the head. The maximum SAR allowed by rules of The hearing of microwave pulses is a unique excep-
the U. S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) tion to the airborne or bone-conducted sound energy
and IEEE standard is 1.6 W/kg in 1 g of tissue. normally encountered in human auditory perception.
The possible health risk associated with mobile The hearing apparatus responds to acoustic or sound
telecommunication devices, used close to the human pressure waves in the audible frequency range, but
head and, in particular, effects on the inner ear and the hearing of microwave pulses involves electromag-
hearing of users have been recommended for further netic waves whose frequency ranges from hundreds of
investigation by several groups. Recently, a number of megahertz (MHz) to tens of gigahertz (GHz). Since
projects have been initiated in France, Germany, and electromagnetic waves (e.g., light) are seen but not
Italy to investigate the structures and functions of the heard, the report of auditory perception of microwave
middle and inner ear following exposure to wireless pulses was at once astonishing and intriguing. More-
communication radiation. Examination of the organic over, it stood in sharp contrast to the responses asso-
correlation of damage to hearing and any functional ciated with continuous wave (CW) microwave radi-
otoacoustic effects on the cochlear epithelium in the ation. Initially, it had been interpreted to imply di-
inner ear of rats, exposed to wireless communication rect microwave interaction with the neurophysiologi-
radiation, is still in the preliminary stage [1]. Thus, cal system [3, 4].
the potential effect on the auditory system as may We now know that the microwave auditory phe-
be revealed through objective evaluation of organic nomenon does not arise from an interaction of mi-
correlates must await conclusion of the ongoing ex- crowave pulses directly with the auditory nerves or
periments. However, the phenomenon of microwave- neurons along the auditory neurophysiological path-
induced auditory sensation in humans and animals is way of the central nervous system. Instead, the mi-
a well-established effect [2]. crowave pulse, upon absorption by soft tissues in the
The microwave auditory phenomenon or mi- head, launches a thermoelastic wave of acoustic pres-
crowave hearing effect pertains to the hearing of short sure that travels by bone conduction to the inner ear.
pulses of modulated microwave radiation at high peak There it activates the cochlear receptors via the same
power by humans and laboratory animals. Anecdotal process involved for normal hearing.
and journalistic reports of the hearing of microwave The microwave auditory effect is the most widely
pulses persisted throughout the 1940s and 1950s. The accepted biological effect of microwave radiation,
first scientific report of the phenomenon appeared in aside from tissue heating, with a known mecha-
Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 6, Number 2 9
nism of interaction: the thermoelastic theory of the complemented by direct observations in identifying
microwave-induced acoustic pressure waves in the the anatomical and/or physiological evidence. Such
head. However, there is little data regarding effects observations have been made through direct neuro-
on the inner ear hearing apparatus or the central ner- physiological investigations in animals.
vous tissue from exposure to these microwave pulses. On many sites along the auditory neural pathway,
It is clear that threshold microwave auditory response small electrodes may be inserted to record electrical
would have an insignificant effect on the hearing appa- potentials that arise in response to acoustic-pulse stim-
ratus. However, any health effect that may attend ex- ulation. If the electrical potentials elicited by a mi-
posure over a prolonged period, or exposure to supra- crowave pulse exhibited characteristics akin to those
threshold microwave pulses has not been investigated evoked by conventional acoustic pulses, this would
systematically. vigorously support the behavioral findings that pulsed
In general, the mechanism of microwave interaction microwaves are acoustically perceptible. Further-
with biological systems is poorly understood. Studies more, if microwave-evoked potentials were recorded
on interaction mechanisms, although difficult, are im- from each of these loci, this would lend further sup-
portant to gain a better understanding of the biological port to the contention that the microwave auditory
phenomenon. They are invaluable in guiding future phenomenon is mediated at the periphery, as is the
research, and they can support the development of safe sensation of a conventional acoustic stimulus.
exposure standards. As the thermoelastic theory of Indeed, a large amount of accumulated electro-
microwave auditory effect illustrates, a genuine phys- physiological evidence demonstrates that auditory re-
ical explanation of the effect is not only descriptive sponses are elicited by microwave pulses and that
(capable of describes the biological phenomenon), it these responses are similar to those evoked by con-
is predictive and prescriptive, as well. The predictive ventional acoustic pulses. Evoked-potential record-
attribute provides a theory with parametric relations ings have been obtained from the vertex of the head,
among its dependent variables that could be further from the inner ear, and from the central auditory ner-
studied, and the prescriptive feature delineates exper- vous system of cats, guinea pigs, and rats.
iments that can be conducted to test its predictions. Specifically, responses recorded from the vertex
The acceptance of the microwave-pulse induced au- represent volume-conducted electrical events that oc-
ditory effect was enhanced by two independent lines cur in the auditory brainstem nuclei within the first 8
of experimental research: discrimination response in ms after the onset of an acoustic stimulus. Compa-
behavioral tests and electrophysiological recordings - rable brainstem auditory evoked responses have been
which have contributed to the definition of the char- recorded from cats, guinea pigs, and rats. Moreover,
acteristics, mechanism, and transduction of this phe- essentially identical microwave- and acoustic- pulse
nomenon. evoked neural electrical activities were recorded from
The fact that microwave pulses are acoustically per- five levels of the central auditory system: the pri-
ceptible and can serve as a discriminatory, auditory mary auditory cortex, medial genicular nucleus, infe-
cue in behavioral tests were studied by several inves- rior colliculus nucleus, lateral lemniscus nucleus, and
tigators. For example, food-deprived laboratory rats the superior olivary nucleus. Thus, the same pathway
were trained to make a nose-poking response to ob- through the central auditory nervous system is acti-
tain food, only during presentation of an acoustic cue vated by both microwave and acoustic pulses.
(7.5-kHz acoustic pulse, 3ms wide, 10 pps). After Also, the classical components of the action po-
the behavior was conditioned to the acoustic stimulus, tential from the auditory branch of the eighth cranial
900 MHz microwave pulses (peak power density of nerve and the round window of the cochlea appeared
150 kW/m2, 10ms, 10 pps) were surreptitiously sub- in both microwave and acoustic pulse cases. These
stituted for the acoustic stimulus. The animal demon- results suggest that the site of initial interaction of a
strated a continued ability to perform correctly (at pulse-modulated microwave radiation with the audi-
85-90 percent level) on the discriminative task, when tory system is at or outside the cochlea of the inner
presented with either the acoustic or the pulsed mi- ear.
crowave cues. This interpretation is augmented by observations
Behavioral studies rely on inference rather than di- made in systematic studies of loci involved through
rect measurement of the anatomical or physiological production of coagulative lesions in ipsilateral au-
substrates involved in the microwave-pulse interaction ditory nuclei and bilateral ablation of the cochlea,
with the auditory system. They should therefore be the known first stage of transduction for acoustic en-
10 Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 6, Number 2
ergy into nerve impulses. Successive lesion produc- rat could detect. For the size of a human head, the the-
tion in the inferior colliculus, lateral lemniscus, and ory predicts frequencies between 7 and 15 kHz, which
superior olivary nuclei resulted in a drastic reduc- is within the range audible by humans.
tion of the recorded response amplitude. The conse- It is significant to note that physical measurements,
quence of cochlear disablement was abolishment of using a hydrophone (3-mm in diameter) implanted in
all potentials recorded from three levels of the au- the brains of cats, rats, and guinea pigs, and in brain
ditory nervous system (the primary auditory cortex, equivalent spherical head models, showed sound fre-
brainstem nucleus, and the eighth nerve), evoked by quencies as predicted by the theory. Moreover, pres-
both microwave and acoustic pulses. These data indi- sure waves propagating at a speed of 1523 m/s, were
cate that peripheral site of initial interaction of pulse- observed in the brain of cats irradiated with pulsed
modulated microwave radiation with the auditory sys- microwaves.
tem is, indeed, distal to the cochlea of the inner ear. Experiments performed using human and animal
A peripheral interaction should involve displace- subjects and theoretical predictions have shown the
ment of tissues in the head, with resultant dynamic ef- sound pressures that initially increase with pulse
fects in the cochlear fluids, hair cells, and nervous sys- width but soon reach a peak, and then oscillate grad-
tem: consequences that have been well described for ually to a lower value with further increases in pulse
the acoustic case. In fact, the cochlear microphone re- width. A study of loudness perception variation with
sponse, a signature of mechanical disturbances in the pulse width on human subjects in Moscow [5] also
cochlear hair cells, has been demonstrated in cats and lent support to the thermoelastic theory, since they
guinea pigs subjected to microwave pulse exposure. showed similar characteristics. The study had been
These results confirmed that the microwave auditory designed to disprove the thermoelastic theory [6, 7],
effect is mediated by a physical transduction mecha- and yet, in the end, supported it [2].
nism, initiated outside the inner ear, and involves me- The thermoelastic theory for hearing microwave
chanical displacement of biological tissues. pulses was developed on the basis of bulk absorption
of pulsed microwave energy in the brain, which was
Among the several transduction mechanisms sug-
assumed to be spherical, for analytically clarity and
gested that involve mechanical displacement, the ther-
simplicity [6, 7]. Recently, a numerical analysis was
moelastic expansion has emerged as the most effective
presented using the Finite-Difference/Time-Domain
mechanism. The pressure waves generated by ther-
computational formulation, which is capable of de-
moelastic stress in brain tissue are found to be one
tailed anatomic modeling of the brain and head struc-
to three orders of magnitude greater than any other
ture [8]. Aside from confirming the characteristics of
candidate mechanism. A detailed mathematical anal-
the induced acoustic waves such as sound frequency
ysis has shown that the minuscule (10-6 oC) but rapid
and pressure amplitude - previously obtained using a
rise in temperature in the head of animals and humans
homogeneous spherical head, the numerical compu-
as a result of the absorption of pulsed microwave en-
tation graphically illustrates the sequence of pressure
ergy creates a thermoelastic expansion of tissue mat-
wave propagation inside the head, following absorp-
ter, which then launches an acoustic wave of pressure
tion of pulsed microwave energy. The pressure wave
that travels to the cochlea and is detected by the hair
reverberated, and then focused near the center of the
cells there.
The thermoelastic theory of auditory perception of
pulsed microwaves describes the acoustic waves (fre-
quency, pressure, and displacement) generated in the
head as functions of head size and characteristics of [1] Marino C, G. Cristalli, P. Galloni, P. Pasqualetti,
impinging and absorbed microwave energies. In ad- M. Piscitelli & G.A. Lovisolo, 2000, Effects of
dition to the expected dependence of sound pressure microwaves (900 MHz) on the cochlear recep-
on the intensity of microwave pulses, it prescribes tor: exposure systems and preliminary results.
the dependence of induced sound pressure (perceived Radiat Environ Biophys. 39:131-136.
loudness) on pulse width, and the dependence of in-
duced sound frequency on head size. For example, the [2] Lin, J.C., 1990, Auditory perception of pulsed
theory predicts a fundamental sound frequency that microwave radiation, In: Biological Effects and
varies inversely with head radius: the smaller the ra- Medical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields,
dius, the higher the frequency. For a rat-size head, it O.M. Gandhi, ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood
predicts a sound frequency of 25 to 35 kHz, which a Cliffs, NJ, 277-318.
Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 6, Number 2 11
[3] Frey, A.H., 1961, Auditory system response
to radio frequency energy, Aerospace Medicine,

[4] Frey, A.H. & R. Messenger, 1973, Human per-

ception of illumination of pulsed UHF EM en-
ergy, Science, 181: 356-358.

[5] Tyazhelov, V.V., R.E. Tigranian, E.P. Khizhnian

& I.G. Akoev, 1979, Some pecularities of au-
ditory sensations evoked by pulsed microwave
fields, Radio Science 14(supp 6):259-263.

[6] Lin, J.C., 1977a, On microwave-induced hear-

ing sensation, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory
Tech., 25:605-613.

[7] Lin, J.C., 1977b, Further studies on the mi-

crowave auditory effect, IEEE Trans. Microwave
Theory Tech., 25:936-941.

[8] Watanabe, Y., T. Tanaka, M. Taki & S.-I. Watan-

abe, 2000, FDTD analysis of microwave hearing
effect, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.,

12 Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 6, Number 2

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