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Term Project Part I Report- Spring 2020

Member: Tianqi Liu


Cooperator: None

1 Brief
Editor: Typora Markdown

Mathematical Tools: MATLAB, Maple


1) ME5659 notes

2) PID root locus tutorial for MATLAB:§ion=ControlRootLoc


2 Project Tasks
2.1 Schematic Diagram

2.2 Nomenclature(last digit: 9)

2.3 Dynamics Assumptions


2.4 Project Tasks

1. Find the Laplace representations of the outputs and in terms of both voltage input and disturbance .
2. Analyze the stability of the outputs found in the previous step.
3. Since the sensors on the vehicle can measure only and the state is not available. Without using in the control design,
construct a controller using and integral of for stabilizing the output around the vertical. Notice that this controller
is a PID controller regulating the voltage input to the motor. Using Routh's array, find a set of controller gains and
with which is asymptotically stable.
4. With the same PID implemented in Step 3 , show whether or not is stable.
5. Using Root Locus analysis, discuss/show whether or not you can tune either one of the PID controller gains in Step such
that you can reduce system's settling time determined by dominant poles.
6. Simulate the time domain behavior of and with the implemented PID controller at Step 3 and assuming the
following conditions separately hold: (i) the disturbance is a unit impulse, (ii) the driver leans forward and keeps a constant
disturbance .
7. Assume that the motor can deliver only Volts. Connect a 'saturation block' to the output of your controller in your
simulation and compare Segway's responses with those in Step Use the PID design from Step 3 for this analysis.

3 Solution

3.1 Laplace Representation of Equation(7) and (8)

Find the Laplace representations of the outputs and in terms of both voltage input and disturbance .

1) By Laplace Transformation,

2) Calculate ,


3) Substitute (11~13) into (9~10)

The Laplace representations of the outputs and in terms of both voltage input and disturbance :

Specific Process by Maple

3.2 Stability of Equation (14) and (15)

Analyze the stability of the outputs found in the previous step.


(1) Stability of

The unique pole of (14) is , whose real part is negative, so it is stable;

(2) Stability of

Even if we ignore the disturbance D(s), its characteristic equation is

is still unstable due to the changeable signs.

So it is unstable.

3.3 PID Gains

Since the sensors on the vehicle can measure only and the state is not available. Without using in the control design,
construct a controller using and integral of for stabilizing the output around the vertical. Notice that this controller is a
PID controller regulating the voltage input to the motor. Using Routh's array, find a set of controller gains and with
which is asymptotically stable.

From (15)

(1) Design Close-loop Control system

From "project_notes.pdf", we can find the following formula when :


The closed-loop Transfer function:

Specific Process by Maple

(2) Give Routh's Array

From (16)



where can be found in the Maple process as following.

(3) Choose Gains

Choose , then we will have 846


The PID gains are

Specific Process by Maple

3.4 Verify the Stability of

With the same PID implemented in Step 3 , show whether or not is stable.

From (14)
Without disturbance, it is stable.

By SIMULINK, a constant disturbance d=0.1,


Conclusion: With the same PID, is stable, even when disturbance exists.

3.5 Root Locus Analysis

Using Root Locus analysis, discuss/show whether or not you can tune either one of the PID controller gains in Step such that
you can reduce system's settling time determined by dominant poles.

(1) Consider : Let

(2) Consider : Let

(3) Consider : Let

3.6 Simulation with a Unit Impulse

Simulate the time domain behavior of and with the implemented PID controller at Step 3 and assuming the following
conditions separately hold: (i) the disturbance is a unit impulse, (ii) the driver leans forward and keeps a constant disturbance .

Condition(i) Unit Impulse,


(1) Simulate a Unit Impulse(0.01*100=1)

(2) Change System

The plot of has a steady velocity almost after 200 sec.

The plot of has a steady angle after 200 sec.

Condition (ii) Assume lean-forward slope ,

The plot of has a steady velocity after 200 sec.


The plot of has a steady angle after 200 sec.

3.7 Volt Saturation

Assume that the motor can deliver only Volts. Connect a 'saturation block' to the output of your controller in your simulation
and compare Segway's responses with those in Step Use the PID design from Step 3 for this analysis.

(1) If only apply Saturation on the , we can have a stable and





We can see the voltage saturation can restrict within a smaller range. Because we did not apply any saturation on , its plot has
no change.

(2) If we restrict the output of controller to control part, the part would become unstable. Because the PID would take no
effect on the unstable system.

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