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Sydney Eubanks

Castille 5th Period

16th April 2020

Becoming a Radiologist

Radiology, when hearing that word for the first-time, what pops in your head? An X-ray

picture, a skeleton most people assume radiologists are just the people who take your x-ray and

do nothing else. When, in fact, radiologist go far beyond the standards, they uphold when

performing their job. Becoming a radiologist is the career I wish to pursue because of the skills,

job performance, and equipment used in the job. Radiologist goes through multiple years of

schooling and have particular job skills required. Furthermore, these are my reasons for

becoming a radiologist.

My desire to become a radiologist started when we went to tour North East Georgia

Hospital in Gainesville. We got to see the different departments in their work and what they do. I

have always wanted to be a doctor since I was little. Even though most kids say that when they

are young, I knew deep down, I meant it. What also further helped me realized that is the fact

that I have always like to watch medical shows and movies, like Grey’s Anatomy, Bones,

Scrubs, and I do not mind any of the gory details. While viewing these different doctors in the

hospital and shows helped me realize what specialty I want to go into. Even though these shows

do not depict what actual life as a doctor is like in a hospital is like. It made me realize what a

passion I have to help and save people. Being a doctor and saving a life is the most important

thing you can do, and that is why I want to be a doctor in the first place. Another primary reason

why I picked radiology and becoming a radiologist is that it is not just looking at pictures. You
get to help diagnose diseases, abnormalities, and even broken bones if somethings wrong with

them. Even though the radiologist is not doing the surgery, they are still helping save someone’s

life. Therefore, I want to further pursue my education in hopes of becoming a radiologist soon.

Now when reading this essay, some might question how to do become a radiologist?

Well, it is much schooling but, in the end, it is all worth it. Starting off to become a radiologist,

you first need to obtain a bachelor’s degree. I am going to Augusta university in the fall to get

my degree in radiation therapy. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree, the next step to

becoming a doctor is to be applying to medical school. You can apply to wherever in the country

you would like to go based on what you are looking for. After completing my bachelor’s degree,

I am hoping that I will be able to continue my medical education with Augusta at the Medical

College of Georgia. After graduating from medical school, you officially become a doctor. Once

initiated, it is time to match with a hospital and do a residency program. A residency program

can last from anywhere up to 4 to 5 years, depending on the specialty you do your training for.

Then after the residency years pass by, it is time to become an attending in which takes an exam

by the guidelines of your state to become officially certified in your specialty and as a doctor.

Once you have been certified, doctors can choose to work in hospitals, private practices, work at

home, and be a travel doctor, you name it wherever you want to work you can. With being a

radiologist, it is an excellent additive to the job. Since with this specialty, you can work in

multiple settings and be able to do your job still. An additional certification some doctors get is

the Board Certification, which is given by the American Board of Medical Specialties which

requires more training in your specific specialty to be able to obtain the certification.

Furthermore, when I continue my pursuit to become a radiologist, I hope in the future to obtain

the highest level of certification I can.

Now when considering being a radiologist, there are specific skills a person needs have to

be able to achieve and exceed in its role. The radiologist must have an excellent overall

knowledge across all specialties when dealing with images and x-rays. A radiologist needs to be

able to point out key details and be able to diagnose correctly for other doctors. As well, the

radiologist needs to be organized and have everything in order. As well they need to have a well-

written skill for writing reports on patients. Also, being able to have the excellent verbal skill to

deal with explaining diagnosis to other coworkers and patients. However, the most important

thing is having a good eye so that when there are little details that are in X-ray, CTs, or MRI’s. A

radiologist can point them out and be able to help correctly diagnose a patient. With all the skills

aside being a Radiologist means being an all-around doctor. A radiologist does not focuses on

one aspect of the body but the whole human anatomy itself. The radiologist must know as much

information as they can to help save a patient’s life and give them the right treatment. Therefore,

I wish to take my passion for becoming a doctor and use it to become the best radiologist I can

be to help save and treat people.

While reading this essay, one can now see that becoming a radiologist can be a tricky

thing. The amount of schooling alone a doctor has to go through is astonishing, but it is worth the

price. So that doctors can give patients the greatest help and be knowledgeable when dealing

with any case. The skills a radiologist must-have can be obtained but only with hard work and

dedication. In the future, I hope my persistent and hard work will pay off so that I can pursue my

dream of becoming a radiologist. The gift of life is something doctors can save, and I would be

lucky to be able to save someone’s life soon. Furthermore, while reading this essay, I hope you

can understand and feel the passion like mine to help save a life.

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