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Rational Number- Any Number that can be expressed in the form p/q, where p
and q are integers and q ≠ 0, is known as rational number. The collection or
group of rational numbers is denoted by Q.

Properties of a Rational Number

▪ Closure- Rational numbers are closed under addition, subtraction and
multiplication. For eg.- If p and q are any two rational numbers, then and the
sum, difference and product of these rational numbers is also a rational
number. This is known as the closure law.
▪ Commutativity- Rational numbers are commutative under addition and
multiplication. If p and q are two rational numbers, then:
*Commutative law under addition says: p + q = q + p.
*Commutative law under multiplication says p x q = q x p.
Note- Rational numbers, integers and whole numbers are commutative under
addition and multiplication. Rational numbers, integers and whole numbers
are non commutative under subtraction and division.
▪ Associativity- Rational numbers are associative under addition and
multiplication. If a, b, c are rational numbers, then:
Associative property under addition: p + (q + r) = (p + q) + r
Associative property under multiplication: p(qr) = (pq)r
▪ Role of zero and one-
* 0 is the additive identity for rational numbers.
*1 is the multiplicative identity for rational numbers.
▪ Multiplicative inverse- If the product of two rational numbers is 1, then they
are called multiplicative inverse of each other.
Eg. 4/9 × 9/4 = 1
▪ Additive inverse- If the sum of two numbers is 0, then they are called
additive inverse of each other.

Q1. Choose the correct option. (MCQs)

a) Which of the following pairs are not additive inverse of each other?
11 −11 −17 17 13 −13 3 −3
(i) 15 , 15 ii) 21 , 21 iii) 15 , 15 (iv) 5 , −5

b) Which of the following pairs are reciprocals?

1 −5 −7 7 13 −15 3 −3
(i) 5 , 1 ii) 2 , 2 iii) 15 , −13 (iv) 5 , −5

−3 8
c). The multiplicative inverse of 5 × 11 is:
24 −55 −24 −55
(i) 55 ii) 24 iii) 55 (iv) −24

d). The standard form of which of the following rational numbers is

−8 −4 −17 17 13 −13 3 −3
(i) 36 = 9 ii) 21 , 21 iii) 15 , 15 (iv) 5 , −5

e). If the numerator of 35 is 65 , then the denominator of its equivalent

rational number is :
(i) 13 ii) −13 iii) 91 (iv) 72

Q2. Fill in the blanks:

(i) The product of a number and its reciprocal is _________.
(ii). The rational number _________ has no reciprocal.
(iii). The reciprocal of the reciprocal of a number is _________.
(iv). The rational number _________ is neither positive nor negative.
(v). _________ is the only rational number which is equal to its additive
Q3. Write:
(i) A rational number which has no reciprocal.
(ii) A rational number whose product with a given rational number is
equal to the given rational number.
(iii) A rational number which is equal to its reciprocal.
(iv) A rational number which when added to itself gives the same
number .
(v) A rational number whose product with 15 3 is 92.

Q4. Which of the following statements is false?

(i). Every rational number is a fraction
(ii). Any number, when divided by 10 is a rational number
(iii). Every fraction is a rational number
(iv). Every negative number is a rational number

Q5. Which of the statements given below is false?

(i). There is no fraction that cannot be represented
(ii). All the negative numbers can be represented as a rational number.
(iii). A decimal number cannot be a rational number
(iv). There is no integer that cannot be represented as a rational

Q6. Which of the following statements is true for a rational number.

(i). The denominator b cannot be 0
(ii). The numerator a can be a decimal number
(iii). The denominator b cannot be 1
(iv). The numerator a cannot be 1

Q7. Verify that:

−4 3 −1 3
+ [( ) ] and [( ) ] ( ) are same
7 2
+ +

2 −6 4 2 4
(ii) ( ) × [( ) ] = [ ] ( )
3 7
× ×
3 5

5 3 −8 −6
Q8. Find: ( ) ( )
+ + 21 + 11
22 7
Q9. Find: ( −149 ) × 35 × ( −47 ) × 1516
3 2
Q10. Find three rational number between 7 and 3 .
2 1
Q11. Find five rational numbers between 5 and 4 .
−2 2
Q12. Find 10 rational numbers between 3 and 3 .
Q13. Write the rational number represented by the points A, B, and C on the
following number line:

( −28 ) ( −2 )
Q14. The product of two rational numbers is 81 . If one of them is 3 then
find the other.
1 5
Q15. The sum of two rational numbers is 2 . If one of the numbers is 6 , find
the other.
−2 −1
Q16. What number should be subtracted from 3 to get 2 ?

Q17. Verify whether the given statement is true or not:

(59÷13) ÷ 52 = 59÷(13÷52)
3 2 1 −1
( ) ( )
Q18. Divide the sum of 1 5 and −1 7 by the product of −3 7 and 2 .

−16 −4
Q19. The product of two rational numbers is 9 . If one of the numbers is 3 ,
find the other.
Q20. After reading 7/9 of a book, 40 pages are left. How many pages are there
in the book?
1 3
Q21. A drum full of rice weights 40 6 kg. If the empty drum weights 13 4 kg,
find the weight of rice in the drum.
1 3
Q22. Raju earns Rs 16000/month. He spends 4 of his income on food; 10 of
the remainder on house rent and 21 of the remainder on education of
children. How much money is still left with him?
Q23. Simplify using a suitable property:
−3 6 1 3 6 1
(a) 7
× 5
+ ( ) () ( )
× 2
– 5
× 14

−4 2 2 2 1
(b) ( 9 ) ×( 7 ) + ( 3 ) – ( 7 ) ×( 3 )

3 −3 6 3 3
(c) ( 10 ) ×( 7 ) − ( 7 ) + ( 5 ) ×( 7 )

Q24. A tin holds 16 2 litres of oil. How many such tins will be required to hold

313 2 litres of oil?

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