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For most of this A B S T R A C T laxis during a rou-

century, natural tine gynecological
rubber latex, or Background. In the late 1980s, there were notable in- examination. The
NRL—commonly creases in reports of allergic reactions to natural rubber latex, or reaction reportedly
known as latex— NRL, particularly in association with barium enema procedures resulted from expo-
has been used for and medical procedures performed on children with spina bifida. sure to NRL pro-
many applications These reports also raised awareness of the growing concern about tein in the physi-
in the health care NRL allergy in both patients and health care workers. cian’s gloves. Since
setting. Such use Description of the Disorder. This report by that first case,
has arisen essen- the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs other reactions to a
tially as a result of summarizes the signs and symptoms of NRL protein allergy, al- variety of NRL
NRL’s strength, lergic contact dermatitis and irritant dermatitis; offers informa- products have been
elasticity, flexibili- tion on means to diagnose these conditions definitively; and sug- reported involving
ty, tear resistance gests means of reducing occupational exposure to the causative dental profession-
and barrier prop- allergens and irritants in the dental office. als, dental patients
erties. During this Clinical Implications. Reducing health care work- and patients who
time, complica- ers’ occupational exposure may assist in minimizing adverse reac- were dental profes-
tions arising from tions associated with frequent wearing of gloves. The Council on sionals.7-13
latex use have Scientific Affairs will address issues relating to latex hypersensi- While the rea-
been thought pri- tivity among patients in a future report. son for the rising
marily to be limit- reports of immedi-
ed to irritant and allergic contact dermatitis, ate-type allergic reactions to NRL proteins re-
with only isolated reports of reactions consistent mains unknown, several factors are believed to
with a more serious immediate-type allergic re- play some role:
action to NRL protein. In the late 1980s, howev- dincreasing use of NRL products as a result of
er, there were notable increases in reports of se- infection control recommendations and regula-
rious reactions, particularly in association with tions;
barium enema procedures and medical proce- ddistribution of some NRL products with higher
dures on children with spina bifida.1-6 These re- latex protein content that results from insuffi-
ports raised awareness of the growing concern of cient leaching times during manufacture;
NRL protein allergy in both patients and health dthe aerosolization of cornstarch powder, while
care workers. donning or removing gloves, that may bind with
The first known case of NRL anaphylaxis in a the latex protein antigen and the consequent
dental professional was recorded in 1987 by heightened exposure;
Axelsson and colleagues.7 They described a den- da heightened cumulative exposure to latex proteins
tist who, as a patient, had experienced anaphy- through direct contact and by aerosol inhalation;

JADA, Vol. 130, February 1999 257

Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.




Causative Toxic chemicals (such Chemical contact Latex proteins from

Agent as biocides, detergents); sensitizers used in glove Hevea brasiliensis
excessive perspiration; manufacture: accelera- (rubber tree)
insufficient rinsing or tors (such as thiurams,
drying of hands; irritat- mercaptobenzothiazols,
ing chemicals used in carbamates), antioxi-
glove manufacture dants, preservatives;
other chemical sensitiz-
ers used in dentistry
(some of which can
readily permeate
gloves): biocides,
detergents, acrylates,
eugenol, local

Dermal Acute: Red, scalded ap- Acute: Red appearance, Acute: Hives, swelling,
Reactions pearance; swelling; small blisters runny nose, nausea,
itching; excessive Chronic: Dry thickened abdominal cramps,
dryness skin, crusting, scabbing dizziness, low blood
Chronic: Dry thickened sores, vesicles, peeling pressure, bronchospasm,
skin, crusting, deep anaphylaxis
painful cracking, Chronic: As above,
scabbing sores, peeling increased potential for
extensive, more severe

Diagnosis By exclusion of Type IV By skin patch test and By skin-prick test, blood
and Type I hypersensi- consultation with a test and consultation
tivity dermatologist with an allergist

Corrective Allow condition to Allow condition to re- Use only nonlatex

Action resolve; topical solve; avoid sensitizing gloves and maintain a
moisturizers and anti- chemical; if sensitizing work environment in
inflammatory creams chemical is associated which latex levels are
may help; review and with glove manufacture, as low as reasonably
refine protocols for select an alternative achievable
hand-washing and for glove (latex or a latex
handling irritating alternative) without the
chemicals; consider use chemical
of powder-free gloves;
consider use of gloves
that contain only small
amounts of chemical

dincreased awareness and re- LOCAL AND SYSTEMIC ment. Type I hypersensitivity is
an immunological reaction di-
NRL protein allergy, as well rected against latex protein
as other reactions associated NRL protein allergy: imme- components; such proteins can
with frequent glove use, can diate, or Type I, hypersensi- be on the surface of NRL gloves,
have potentially serious conse- tivity. Immediate, or Type I, can migrate to the surface of
quences for the dental worker. hypersensitivity to NRL protein latex gloves when moistened, or
The dental team, therefore, describes the antibody-mediat- can attach to the cornstarch
should be knowledgeable about ed allergy that has been in- donning agent14-17—which can
the signs, symptoms and diag- creasingly documented over the carry additional NRL protein to
noses of these conditions and last 10 years. The primary the skin. Furthermore, NRL
should consider means of reduc- source of exposure to NRL pro- protein-powder particles from
ing occupational exposure to the tein in the dental office is NRL powdered NRL gloves can be-
sensitizing or irritating agents gloves, which are used routinely come airborne when gloves are
(Table 1). in the provision of dental treat- donned and removed, resulting

258 JADA, Vol. 130, February 1999

Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

in additional respiratory and ary of glove contact. If subse- histories of hand dermatitis,
conjunctival exposure. quent exposure to the allergen rather than definitive diagnosis
A Type I reaction can occur is avoided, the condition usually of NRL protein allergy through
as soon as two to three min- resolves within four days, but it use of the skin-prick test, or
utes, or as long as several can become a chronic and more SPT. Recent studies estimate
hours, after skin or mucous serious problem if the condition the prevalence of NRL protein
membrane contact with the is not allowed to resolve. With allergy in health care workers
protein allergens.18,19 Symptoms chronic exposure, the initial to range from approximately 4
include skin redness, hives or symptoms of pruritus, erythema percent to 10 percent12,13,24-34; re-
itching at the contact site. More and blisters or vesicles progress ports for the general population
severe reactions, however, can to lichenification (callus forma- range from 0.12 percent to 6
induce respiratory symptoms tion) of the skin; deep, painful percent.35,36 In specific relation
such as a runny nose, sneezing, cracking and intermittent to the dental profession, skin-
itchy eyes, a scratchy throat bleeding result. Such symptoms prick testing of dentists, hy-
and asthma. In rare cases, ana- can require months to complete- gienists and assistants at the
phylaxis occurs. Anaphylaxis is ly resolve. ADA Health Foundation’s
a clinical syndrome involving Irritant dermatitis. A con- Health Screening Program in
multiple organ systems includ- dition often confused with the 1994 and 1995 revealed that
ing the skin, the respiratory two allergic conditions de- the estimated average preva-
tract, the cardiovascular sys- scribed above, irritant dermati- lence of NRL protein hypersen-
tem and the gastrointestinal tis is very common among fre- sitivity among dental profes-
system. If left untreated, ana- quent users of both latex and sionals was 6.2 percent.37
phylaxis can lead to death as a synthetic gloves.21,22 Character- Another study of dental work-
result of severe hypotension, ized by dry, itchy, irritated ers found that of the 19.2 per-
swelling in the area of the lar- areas of the skin confined to cent subjects self-reporting
ynx and/or bronchospasm. the area of glove contact, irri- having a positive history of
Allergic contact dermati- tant dermatitis is not a result hand dermatitis, only 3.8 per-
tis: delayed, or Type IV, hy- of an immunological reaction cent actually had NRL protein
persensitivity. Allergic con- but rather of skin irritation— allergy.34
tact dermatitis arises as a usually as a consequence of ex- With regard to allergic con-
result of an immunological re- posure to chemicals used in the tact dermatitis and irritant
action to chemicals added to workplace (for example, soaps, dermatitis, a study found that
both latex and synthetic gloves detergents and disinfectants) of 1,301 hospital employees, 21
during the manufacturing pro- and insufficient rinsing and/or percent suffered from occupa-
cess.20-22 The most frequent drying of the hands. Irritation, tionally based hand dermatitis;
chemical offenders are accelera- however, also could be a result however, 95 percent of these
tors, which are used during of the use of certain chemicals cases were cases of irritant der-
production to catalyze the (such as biocides and fra- matitis, rather than allergic
cross-linking of elastomeric grances) during the gloves’ contact dermatitis, as deter-
particles. These chemicals in- manufacture. Symptoms of irri- mined by skin-patch testing.38
clude—in decreasing order of tant dermatitis can be further This and other studies suggest
their implication as contact exacerbated by the cornstarch that among health care work-
sensitizers—thiurams; mercap- powder found in many brands ers, irritant dermatitis—rather
tobenzothiazols, or MBTs; and of gloves. than NRL protein allergy and
carbamates.23 allergic contact dermatitis—is
These chemicals, among oth- likely the most common skin
ers, can cause skin reactions The exact prevalence of Type I condition associated with fre-
(dry, cracked, pruritic skin) that hypersensitivity to NRL protein quent glove use.
appear four to 96 hours after among health care workers is
exposure. In the reaction’s most unknown, and reports vary CONDITIONS
acute form, vesicles or blisters widely. This disparity arises ASSOCIATED WITH
appear. Symptoms can extend primarily as a result of the
up the arm beyond the bound- heavy reliance on self-reported Localized skin reactions associ-

JADA, Vol. 130, February 1999 259

Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

ated with NRL protein allergy, dallergic reactions to bananas, method available for adequately
allergic contact dermatitis and kiwis, avocados, chestnuts and diagnosing contact dermatitis
irritant dermatitis can manifest other foods with immunological and identifying the specific
themselves with similar symp- cross-reactivity with NRL pro- chemical(s) responsible for a
toms (pruritus, cracking, burn- teins; skin eruption. Irritant dermati-
ing, reddening and soreness of dincrease in frequency or tis can be diagnosed by exclu-
the skin). As a result, health severity of asthmatic attacks or sion when all the appropriate
care workers experiencing skin acute onset of asthma in a per- skin patch tests give negative
reactions to NRL gloves often son with no asthmatic history; results.
automatically assume that they dnoticeable worsening of sea- As certain chemicals used in
are allergic to latex. This as- sonal allergies. the dental office (such as glu-
sumption clearly is unwarrant- Used by dermatologists and taraldehydes and acrylates)
ed. Therefore, to ensure that ap- allergists throughout the world, readily permeate most exami-
propriate corrective measures the SPT is the most sensitive nation glove materials, allergic
are instituted, it is of vital im- and specific in vivo approach to contact and/or irritant dermati-
portance that the skin condition diagnosing a suspected NRL tis resulting from exposure to
be definitively diagnosed. protein allergy. The SPT also these chemicals often is attrib-
Diagnosing NRL protein allows an evaluation of the de- uted mistakenly to the glove
hypersensitivity. A first step gree of skin sensitivity to the al- rather than to the true allergen
in establishing the possibility of lergen and of the likelihood of or irritant. Therefore, patch
an NRL protein allergy is ob- an allergic episode on exposure. testing with an array of chemi-
taining a medical history. Perti- In vitro blood tests—radioaller- cal allergens common to the
nent risk factors, signs and gosorbent tests, or RASTs—ap- health care environment—in-
symptoms include the following: proved by the U.S. Food and cluding, but not limited to, rub-
drepeated surgical procedures; Drug Administration also are ber-processing chemicals—
doccupational exposure to available commercially should alleviate confusion over
latex (such as for certain health (ImmunoCAP, Upjohn- the sensitizing chemical(s).
care workers); Pharmacia; AlaSTAT, Skin patch testing should be
dmembership in a high-risk Diagnostic Products Corp.). conducted only by a qualified al-
group (such as people with However, while such tests are lergist or dermatologist.
atopy; spina bifida; or genitouri- probably more convenient than
nary abnormalities or other dis- the SPT, they are considered
orders that require repeated less reliable. Specificities of the NRL protein hypersensitivi-
urinary catheterization and RAST range from 80 percent to ty. A diagnosis of an NRL pro-
surgery at a young age); 87 percent, and sensitivities tein allergy could have serious
dswelling, itching and redness from 50 percent to 90 percent.39 consequences for the dental
resulting from contact with A negative RAST result does worker as continued exposure
items containing natural rubber not exclude NRL allergy. A neg- to even minute amounts of the
latex (such as balloons, latex ative blood test in people protein could trigger an allergic
gloves, rubber dams, prophylax- demonstrating a strong medical reaction. Generally, the way to
is cups, orthodontic elastics, history of NRL protein allergy avoid an allergic reaction is to
condoms, diaphragms, adhe- would simply indicate the need avoid—to the extent feasible—
sives); for a follow-up SPT. contact with the allergen. This
dsymptoms (such as nasal con- Skin-prick testing should be is difficult in the case of NRL,
gestion, sneezing, itching, con- conducted only by a qualified al- since latex is used in a wide va-
junctivitis, wheezing, chest lergist or dermatologist. riety of common dental and
tightness, urticaria, facial Diagnosing allergic con- nondental products. In addition
swelling or flushing) resulting tact and irritant dermatitis. to gloves, NRL may be found in
from exposure to airborne latex Allergic contact and irritant dental dams, bite blocks and
proteins; dermatitis can be caused by one prophylaxis cups. It may also be
dunexplained anaphylaxis or a combination of the many found in elastic on underwear,
during surgery or medical or chemicals used in health care. leg and waist clothing, carpet
dental procedures; Skin patch testing is the only backing, erasers, rubber bands,

260 JADA, Vol. 130, February 1999

Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.




Natural cis 1,4 poly- Hevea Fit; feel; Aging compro- Surgical Low/
rubber isoprene brasilien- elasticity; mises elasticity and non- moder-
latex sis memory; and barrier surgical ate
(rubber) resistance to protection; con- procedures
tree acids, alkalis, tains allergenic
salts, proteins and
ketones; sensitizing
variety of chemicals;
styles soluble to some

Vinyl Polyvinyl- Synthetic No protein Moderate flexi- Short- Low/

chloride allergens; bility; limited fit duration moder-
resists acids, and feel; nonsurgi- ate
alkalis, fats fatigues quickly; cal proce-
and alcohols; contains irritat- dures;
resists aging ing chemicals laboratory

Nitrile Acrylonitrile Synthetic Resists cuts, Limited fit, feel Decon- Mod-
and butadi- abrasions and flexibility; tamina- erate/
ene and punc- contains sensi- tion; non- expen-
tures; resists tizing surgical sive
solvents bet- chemicals† procedures;
ter than latex utility;
or neoprene laboratory

Neoprene Chloroprene Synthetic Resists Reduced elastic- Surgical Mod-

chlorinated ity, limited fit, and non- erate/
solvents, feel and surgical expen-
alcohol, flexibility; proce- sive
alkalis, oils contains dures;
and sensitizing laboratory
petroleum chemicals† proce-
dures; de-

Plastic Polyethylene Synthetic Lightweight Limited fit and Overgloves Low

feel; limited or under-
strength gloves;
food ser-

Tactylon Styrene- Synthetic Tactility; Soluble to some Surgical Mod-

(Safeskin based copoly- elasticity; solvents; trans- and erate/
Corp.) mers resists oxida- parent look not nonsurgi- expen-
tion; no universally cal proce- sive
proteins or accepted dures; lab-
sensitizing oratory
chemicals procedures

* Adapted from OSAP Monthly Focus.40

† Some glove brands contain lower concentrations of allergenic proteins and/or sensitizing chemicals than others. The ADA Council on
Scientific Affairs recently adopted guidelines that establish maximal protein levels in natural rubber latex gloves and criteria for gloves
claiming to be powder-free.

rubber shoe soles and insula- sufficient to protect all but the The following recommenda-
tion material, to give just a few most sensitive workers, but tions are based on those issued
examples. dentists should always base by the National Institute of
However, there are some their decisions about what is Occupational Health and Safety
simple steps that dentists may needed to protect an individual in June 1997.36 They are intend-
take to reduce exposure to the worker with a latex allergy on ed to provide general guidance
primary sources of NRL in the discussions with the worker and for avoiding exposure to NRL.
dental office. These should be his or her physician. They are not a substitute for a

JADA, Vol. 130, February 1999 261

Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

particularized decision about school, the more frequently with speculation that disruption
the appropriate avoidance mea- their SPT results are positive of the skin barrier, through ei-
sures to take in the case of an for NRL protein allergy,41 the ther allergic contact or irritant
individual dental worker. actual degree of NRL protein dermatitis, can facilitate the
Dental workers who are exposure needed to produce sen- passage of sensitizing NRL pro-
definitively diagnosed with sitization is unknown. Indeed, teins into the body, thus poten-
NRL protein hypersensitivity sensitization likely will depend tiating the risk of development
should avoid, as far as feasible, on a number of factors, includ- of NRL protein allergy.45-47 On
subsequent exposure to the pro- ing not only the route, dose and this basis, diagnoses of irritant
tein and should only use nonla- frequency of exposure but also or allergic contact dermatitis
tex (synthetic) gloves; remain- the person’s genetic susceptibil- should not be taken lightly, and
ing staff members in the dental ity. However, studies of other corrective measures to resolve
practice should wear either a allergy-causing substances pro- either condition are recom-
synthetic or a powder-free latex mended.
glove (Table 2). (The Should allergic contact or ir-
Organization for Safety and The actual degree of ritant dermatitis be diagnosed,
Asepsis Procedures40 has provid- natural rubber latex subsequent exposure to the spe-
ed a list of such gloves.) protein exposure cific chemical(s) should be
Additionally, only synthetic or avoided to the extent feasible.
powder-free latex rubber dams needed to produce Hand care in the form of topical
should be used. Dry rubber sensitization is un- moisturizers, corticosteroids
products commonly used in den- known. and periods of glove avoidance
tal practice (for example, bite also may be helpful in resolving
blocks, prophylaxis cups) prob- the symptoms. (Note: Any mois-
ably do not need to be replaced vide evidence that, in general, turizers used should be latex-
(unless the NRL protein–aller- the higher the overall exposure compatible, nonoil-based and
gic dental worker is receiving to a particular antigen in a pop- formulated not to compromise
dental care). ulation, the greater the likeli- glove integrity.) In relation to
In addition to the use of syn- hood that more people will be- contact dermatitis that results
thetic or powder-free latex come sensitized.42 from chemical additives used
gloves, dental personnel can Despite the fact that no dose- specifically in the glove manu-
further reduce occupational ex- response relationship has been facturing process, further expo-
posure to NRL protein by tak- established between exposure to sure can be avoided by using a
ing the following steps: latex proteins and sensitization, frequently washed/changed
dusing low-protein, powder- dentists may choose to use one glove liner, changing to a differ-
free latex gloves; or more of the avoidance mea- ent brand of NRL glove or using
dfrequently changing ventila- sures described above for pre- a synthetic glove that does not
tion filters and vacuum bags cautionary reasons. Such deci- contain the sensitizing chemi-
used in latex-contaminated sions will require the dentist to cal. Random switching between
areas; weigh the theoretical advantage different NRL glove brands in
dchecking ventilation systems of reduced exposure to NRL attempts to avoid a specific
to ensure they provide adequate against the utility of NRL prod- chemical is not advised.
fresh or recirculating air; ucts and the availability of suit- Clinicians should consult with
dfrequently cleaning all work able alternatives. The FDA has glove manufacturers before se-
areas contaminated with latex cautioned that the use of pow- lecting a different NRL glove to
dust; der-free gloves may affect other ensure the chemical allergen is
deducating the dental staff on glove properties, such as barrier absent.
the signs and symptoms of latex efficacy and shelf life.43 It also should be noted that
allergies. Contact and irritant der- vulcanization accelerators (for
NRL protein sensitization. matitis. Studies suggest that example, thiurams, MBTs and
Although a recent study of den- most sensitizing NRL proteins carbamates), as well as some of
tal school students suggests do not pass through intact the antioxidants used in the
that the longer they are in skin.44 This finding is consistent manufacture of NRL gloves,

262 JADA, Vol. 130, February 1999

Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

also are used in the manufac- Society for Testing and Latex Gloves for Dentistry50
ture of some synthetic gloves, Materials, or ASTM.48 The same (such as tensile strength and ul-
such as those made of nitrile guidelines also will set the max- timate elongation, before and
and neoprene. Therefore, the se- imum protein content of ADA- after accelerated aging).
lection of a nonlatex glove does accepted latex gloves at no more Further, as noted above, the ac-
not necessarily ensure avoid- than 200 micrograms per gram tual degree of NRL protein ex-
ance of the sensitizing chemical. when tested according to ASTM posure needed to produce sensi-
Again, consultation with the standard D5712-95.49 The tization or allergic reaction (in
glove manufacturer is advised Council currently is discussing already-sensitized people) is un-
before selection of a synthetic the implementation of these known, and the dental team
glove. new guidelines with industry. should be aware that while the
Members will be informed appropriate use of powder-free
through ADA publications when gloves and gloves with reduced
SPECIFICATIONS latex gloves conforming to these protein levels can reduce the
new guidelines are available risk of sensitization or allergic
The ADA Council on Scientific through the Acceptance reaction, it will not eliminate it.
Affairs is aware that Type I Program. Similar standards
NRL allergy is a significant also are currently being consid-
problem for some dental care ered by the FDA and the In summary, NRL protein aller-
providers and acknowledges American National Standards gy, as well as other reactions
that the use of synthetic gloves, Institute, or ANSI, Accredited associated with frequent wear-
as well as low-protein/powder- Standards Committee MD156, ing of gloves, can have poten-
free latex gloves, can reduce the which is sponsored by the ADA. tially serious consequences for
risk of sensitization or allergic The FDA has reported that the dental worker. The dental
reaction. With this in mind, the some manufacturing processes team, therefore, should be
Council on Scientific Affairs re- for producing powder-free knowledgeable about the signs,
cently revised its Acceptance gloves also lower the total symptoms and diagnoses of
Program Guidelines for amount of protein allergen on these conditions and should
Infection Control Products to the finished product.42 There- consider means of reducing oc-
address powder content and fore, on the basis of preliminary cupational exposure to the sen-
protein levels in latex gloves, observations, the use of powder- sitizing or irritating agents.
and also is developing guide- free gloves appears to reduce Latex hypersensitivity is an
lines for the acceptance of syn- both the level of airborne aller- area of emerging science. The
thetic gloves. (The ADA gen and the amount of allergen information contained in this
Acceptance Program is a volun- remaining in the finished prod- report is based on currently
tary program that evaluates the uct. However, as stated earlier, available data. The ADA
safety and efficacy of dental dentists should be aware that Council on Scientific Affairs will
products and awards the Seal of technologies for the production continue to inform the profes-
Acceptance to products that of powder-free gloves can affect sion as new information be-
meet ADA guidelines. The ADA other glove properties, such as comes available. ■
reviews all promotional claims barrier efficacy and shelf life.42
The ADA Council on Scientific Affairs ac-
made for accepted products to When selecting NRL gloves knowledges the contribution of Dr. Brian G.
ensure that they are truthful with “powder-free” or “maxi- Shearer, Director, Information and Policy,
ADA Council on Scientific Affairs, in the
and not misleading.) mum-protein” claims, dental preparation of this report. Address reprint re-
The revised guidelines will personnel should look for the quests to Dr. Shearer at 211 E. Chicago Ave.,
Chicago, Ill. 60611.
require latex gloves that are ADA Seal of Acceptance or oth-
submitted to the ADA’s Seal of erwise ensure that the gloves 1. Feczko PJ, Simms SM, Bakirci N. Fatal
hypersensitivity reaction during a barium
Acceptance Program and claim- meet both the ADA definitions enema. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1989;153:275-6.
ing to be “powder-free” to con- of “maximum protein” and 2. Gold M, Swartz JS, Braude BM, Dolovich
J, Shandling B, Gilmour RF. Intraoperative
tain no more than 0.7 milligram “powder-free,” as well as all anaphylaxis: an association with latex sensi-
of particulate per gram of glove specifications as outlined in the tivity. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1991;87(3):662-
when tested according to stan- ANSI/ADA Specification 76 for 3. Ownby DR, Tomlanovich M, Sammons N,
dard D6124 of the American Non-Sterile Natural Rubber McCullough J. Anaphylaxis associated with

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latex allergy during barium enema examina- Dermatology. Norwalk, Conn.: Appleton & rubber latex in the workplace. Cincinnati;
tions. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1991;156(5):903-8. Lange; 1991:405-21, 550-60. U.S. Department of Health and Human
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264 JADA, Vol. 130, February 1999

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