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04 Problems
0.03 a. Surface area
of solid
0.03 reactants
1. Which one
is larger (in the
v (1/s)

sme mass),
marble plate or
0.01 marble powder?
Answer :

0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15
[Na2S2O3] (M)

Marble powder is larger than marble plate. Because like a box, one big box
has smallest surface area than if that box pair in two.
2. How the effect of surface area of marble toward the reaction rate?
Answer : The larger surface area of marble, the reaction rate become faster. It is shown
by the time that the marble use to react, the powder form has the faster time
than the plate form. The larger the surface area materials, shall mean the
surface area of the touchpad will be higher. The greater the ability to touch
means the greater the impact will be.
b. Concentration of reactants
1. On the reaction with Na2S2O4, how the effect of concentration of HCl towards the
reaction rate?
Answer : The higher concentration of HCl make the reaction faster. The greater the
concentration meant that more and more particles are moving more and more
and more that collide so the faster the reaction rate.
2. How the effect of Na2S2O4 towards the reaction rate?
Answer : The higher concentration of Na 2S2O4 make the reation faster. The greater the
concentration meant that more and more particles are moving more and more
and more that collide so the faster the reaction rate.
3. Make a graph 1/t towards the concentration of Na2S2O4!
Answer :

Graph Realtionship between [Na2S2O4] and reaction rate

c. Temperature
1. How the effect of temperature toward the reaction rate between Kalium Permanganat
solution and oxalic acid solution and sulfuric acid?
Answer : On the reaction without heating, the reaction rate work slowly than reaction
with heating. It means, the heating make the temperature of reactants
increase, so the higher temperature makes the reaction rate faster. When
temperature is increased, the kinetic energy of molecules is also increased.
Since this is the definition of temperature, it is no more likely that any given
molecule will have enogh energy to surpass the activation energy for the
2. Write the reaction that occur in ion form!
Answer :

d. Catalyst
1. FeCl3 and MnO2 has 2 ions, that is kation and anion, which one work as catalyst?
Answer : ion Fe3+ and Mn4+ work as catalyst.
2. In this reaction, H2O2 apart become H2O and O2, wether the catalyst has a change as a
results of reaction?
Answer : No, the catalyst didn’t change, based on the reaction:
FeCl3 + 2H2O2 → FeCl3 + O2 + 2H2O
MnO2 + 2H2O2 → MnO2 + O2 + 2H2O
In this reaction, the catalyst didn’t join the reaction, the catalyst just work as
catalysator to faster the reaction.
e. Autocatalyst
1. Why did th reaction rate of first drop of KMnO 4 in first test tube is slower than whwn ut
was compared by the second test tube?
Answer : Because, in the second test tube, we add MnSO4 that work as autocatalyst. On
the reaction results, MnSO4 appear as a product, beside that, MnSO4 also
faster the raection rate as autocatalyst.
2. What is the effect of MnSO4 on the reaction in second test tube?
Answer : MnSO4 work as autocatalyt, that is catalyst which is formed from a reaction,
appear as a product o reaction.

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