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Lesson Plans
Maggie Stearns : Second Grade Special Education
01 02
Monday Tuesday
Reading Science

03 04
Wednesday Thursday
Social Studies Language Arts

05 06
Friday Sunday
Math Make sure every lesson is
finished by 11:59 pm!
Subject: Language Arts
Unit: Multi - word responses
TEK: Student Expectations : 2.1A - Listen
actively, ask relevant questions to clarify
information, and answer questions using
multi-word responses.
I Can Statement :
I CAN independently read and
comprehend a short story and be
able to answer 5-10 comprehension
questions after reading to show my
understanding of the story.
Activity : Students will do assignment on
A-Z Reading that is assigned to them!

SPED Accommodation: Student will probably have a

lower level activity than most peers but will be based
on reading and comprehension level.
Subject: Science
TEK: Student Expectations 2.1A - Identify
and demonstrate how to use, conserve, and
dispose of natural resources and materials
such as conserving water and reuse or
recycling of paper, plastic, and metal.
Unit: Conserve natural resources
5E: Engage
I Can Statement :
I CAN demonstrate how to conserve
water independently by doing a
house chore. ( washing dishes )
Mission : Saving our water
Did you Know? Mission :

Did you know things like water can be reused? It Tonight after dinner, you wash the dishes instead
comes from Earth and can be made again, but of your parents or grandparents! Instead of taking
only if we do not use it too fast! That is why we a long time, do it quickly and with the least
need to SAVE water! It is helpful to take quick amount of water! Take a video of you doing this
showers, brush your teeth and turn on the water and submit it by putting it in our google
only when your tooth brush is under the sink, and classroom!
washing dishes quickly!
Hint : Turn off the water when it is not on a dish!

SPED Accommodation: Student can have a parent or

sibling help them!
Subject: Social Studies
TEK: Knowledge & Skill Statement: 2.6 - The
student understands the locations and
characteristics of places and regions in the
community, state, and nation.
Unit: Locations of regions
5E: Engage
I Can Statement :
I CAN show my knowledge of the
city I live in by choosing a location
that is in my city and correctly
describing it.
Project Frisco
We have learned a lot about Frisco’s history this year! Today, you will draw
a picture of your FAVORITE place in Frisco! It could be a special park, a fun
local restaurant, The Snow Cone Lady, FC Dallas soccer games, or
anythings else that is in Frisco and one of your favorite things to do! Have
your parents help you and make sure it is in Frisco! Please take a picture
with a tablet or phone and submit on Google Classroom! I can not wait to
see your wonderful drawing!

SPED Accommodation: Can take a video

telling me about it or make a slideshow with
multiple pictures of location.
Subject: Language Arts and Reading
TEK: Student Expectation : 2.1C - Share
information and ideas that focus on the topic
under discussion, speaking clearly at an
appropriate pace and using the conventions
of language.
Unit: Public Speaking
5E: Evaluate
I Can Statement :
I CAN show how can write a
personal narrative over one topic
and demonstrate my presentation
skills by reading aloud a story I
wrote about one good thing that
happened this week.
Good Vibes
Even though we have been staying at home, good
things still happen! Write a story of something good
that happened this week and than video tape yourself
reading the story! Make sure you are speaking loudly,
looking at the camera a little bit, and standing tall!
Submit it on google classroom! Can not wait to hear
and see you!

SPED Accommodation: Student can take a photo of

writing and submit, type, or draw their story if needed.
Subject: Math
TEK: Knowledge & Skill Statement:
2.1 - The student uses mathematical
processes to acquire and
demonstrate mathematical
Unit: Mathematical Understanding
5E: Evaluate
I Can Statement :
I CAN practice my math skills in a
way that shows my progress and
solve time for different math
for more Have
points! Fun!
Make sure
you are
doing it by Play for
yourself! 20

Prodigy Friday!
Please make sure you have all your work
Stay healthy, wash your hands, and be
nice to your mom! Email or Zoom me if
you need help or want to chat!

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