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NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND …………………………………………………………...
DEPARTMENT AND POST: …………………………………………………………………

1) Does your organisation consider training as a serious part of organisational strategy?

a) Agree b) Disagree
2) How often the training program are conducted in your organisation?
a) Every month b) half yearly

c) once in a year d) whenever required

3) What kind of training program are conducted in your organisation?

a) on the job method b) off the job method

c) both d) other*…………………………………

4) Does the training sessions involve only theory concepts or even practical?

a) only theory b) only practical

c) both theory and practical

5) What are the methods of facilitation at the training you have attended?

a) lecture b) demonstration

c) discussion d) seminar

6) How are you selected for training and development?

a) on the joining the organisation b) supervisors’ recommendation

c) compulsory for all d) performance appraisal

7) Does training help to increase your motivation level in organisation?

a) yes b) no

* please mention it.

8) Does the training and development program helped to increase your productivity of both
quantity and quality?
a) strongly agree b) agree
c) disagree d) strongly disagree
9) Does the training method focus on developing team work and leadership skills?
a) yes b) no
10) Comment on the degree to which the training objectives are met during the training and
development program?
a) all objectives are met b) some objectives are met
c) met according to the need d) none of the objectives are met
11) Does new recruiter undergo any training?
a) yes b) no
12) If yes, then what type of training is being imparted for new recruitments in your organisation?
a) technical training b) management training
c) presentation skills (e.g. Communication) d) other*……………………………………….
13) Are there any barriers to training and development you feel in your organisation?
a) yes b) no
14) What are the general complain about the training sessions you faced?
a) take away precious time of employees
b) too many gaps between the sessions
c) training sessions are unplanned
d) boring and not useful
e) non availability of skilled trainer
f) others*…………………………………………………………………………
15) Whether the feedback was taken after the training and development program?
a) yes b) no
16) Whether the feedback was analysed and interpreted to improve the training?
a) yes b) no

* please mention it.

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