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Antecedent – a precursor, or preceding event for something – N

2. Bastion – an institution/place/person that strongly maintains particular
principles, attitudes, or activities – N
3. Bellwether – something that indicates a trend – N
4. Burgeon – to begin to grow or increase rapidly – V
5. Catalyst – an agent that provokes or triggers change – N
6. Defunct – no longer in existence or functioning – Adj.
7. Entrenched – characterized by something that is firmly established and
difficult to change – Adj.
8. Foster – to encourage the development of something – V
9. Galvanize – to shock or excite someone into taking action – V
10. Impetus – something that makes a process or activity happen or happen
faster – N
11. Inadvertent – accidental or unintentional – Adj.
12. Incessant – never ending; continuing without pause – Adj.
13. Inflame – to provoke or intensify strong feelings in someone – V
14. Instill – to gradually but firmly establish an idea or attitude into a person’s
mind – V
15. Lucrative – having a large reward, monetary or otherwise – Adj.
16. Myriad – countless or extremely large in number – Adj.
17. Precipitate – to cause something to happen suddenly or unexpectedly – V
18. Proponent – a person who advocates for something – N
19. Resurgence – an increase or revival after a period of limited activity – N
20. Revitalize – to give something new life and vitality – V
21. Ubiquitous – characterized by being everywhere; widespread – Adj.
22. Watershed – an event or period that marks a turning point – N
23. Anomaly – deviation from the norm – N
24. Automaton – a mindless follower; someone who acts in a
mechanical fashion – N
25. Belie – to fail to give a true impression of something – V
26. Cupidity – excessive greed – Adj.
27. Debacle – a powerful failure; a fiasco – N
28. Demagogue – a political leader or person who looks for support by
appealing to prejudices instead of using rational arguments – N
29. Deter – to discourage someone from doing something by making them
doubt or fear the consequences – V
30. Discredit – to harm the reputation or respect for someone – V
31. Draconian – characterized by strict laws, rules and punishments – Adj.
32. Duplicitous – deliberately deceitful in speech/behavior – Adj.
33. Egregious – conspicuously bad; extremely evil; monstrous and
outrageous – Adj.
34. Exacerbate – to make a situation worse – V
35. Ignominious – deserving or causing public disgrace or shame – Adj.
36. Insidious – proceeding in a subtle way but with harmful effects – Adj.
37. Myopic – short-sighted; not considering the long run – Adj.
38. Pernicious – dangerous and harmful – Adj.
39. Renegade – a person who betrays an organization, country, or set of
principles – N
40. Stigmatize – to describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or disapproval –
41. Superfluous – unnecessary – Adj.
42. Venal – corrupt; susceptible to bribery – Adj.
43. Virulent – extremely severe or harmful in its effects – Adj.
44. Zealot – a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their
religious, political, or other ideals – N
45. Autonomy – independence or self governance; the right to make
decisions for oneself – N
46. Conundrum – a difficult problem with no easy solution – N
47. Dichotomy – a division or contrast between two things that are presented
as opposites or entirely different – N
48. Disparity – a great difference between things – N
49. Divisive – causing disagreement or hostility between people – Adj.
50. Egalitarian – favoring social equality and equal rights – Adj.

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