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Task 2 - Writing assignment - Production - Delivery of the activity

COD. 1115069784




Stage 1: Technology and its effects on environment (1 st week)
Write about technological advancement and the effect on the ecosystem.
I believe that the use of technologies to this day has many advantages at a social,
economic, personal, among other aspects, but it has many disadvantages and has harmed
the environment. 
every time the technology appears on the planet the climate change is much greater, it is
affected by the big industries since they contribute to the climate change, also to the felling
of trees and many times the waste of these products of the technologies are the that are
killing the ecosystem
Stage 2: Technology and global warming (2 nd week)
b. Write a paragraph answering this question: What do you think will happen if current
trends of technology development and consumerism continue? You can use the following
vocabulary for the text:

From my point of view I consider that global warming is causing numerous and dangerous
environmental changes on our planet, if people continue destroying our planet, contaminating it,
we could suffer irreversible damages in the future, we should become aware and make changes as
soon as possible.
Stage 3: What can be done? 2.1 (3rd week)

Write your advice on how we can contribute to the improvement of current environmental
crisis.  Use the following vocabulary for the text:
the government and the united nations must take the necessary measures to reduce
environmental pollution in the world, I recommend, this should begin by making the
inhabitants of this planet aware of the importance of recycling and non-pollution in our
oceans. Technology can be used to develop alternatives that allow us to take care of our
planet for example by replacing the plastic with another matrial that does not cause
damage to the environment as it currently does
Stage 4: Write a letter (4th week)

Carolina Arroyave
Carrera 9 A # 19-26  3125859084 karolita.089@gmail.coml

Marzo 26 de 2019

Mr. Ban Ki-moon

United Nations
405 East 42nd Street
New York, 10017, USA

Dear Mr. Ban Ki-moon:

Technology is important today for many areas and aspects of life, within its advantages we can find that it
facilitates communication worldwide, allows improving the quality of learning, promotes commercial
activity, allows us to investigate topics of interest. Thanks to technology we have facilities and skills in our
daily lives. Also some of its disadvantages are: less security of information for society, sometimes
mismanagement of technological tools, can generate addiction for people who use technology.

An advice for the proper use of technologies is to educate ourselves on what they really are and what they
can offer to the human being, socialize, share and not leave aside the interaction with family and friends

I believe that the use of technologies to this day has many advantages at a social, economic, personal,
among other aspects, but it has many disadvantages and has harmed the environment.

every time the technology appears on the planet the climate change is much greater, it is affected by the big
industries since they contribute to the climate change, also to the felling of trees and many times the waste
of these products of the technologies are the that are killing the ecosystem.

The government and the united nations must take the necessary measures to reduce environmental
pollution in the world, I recommend, this should begin by making the inhabitants of this planet aware of the
importance of recycling and non-pollution in our oceans. Technology can be used to develop alternatives
that allow us to take care of our planet for example by replacing the plastic with another matrial that does
not cause damage to the environment as it currently does


Carolina Arroyave
Stage 5: Complete the checklist


Did I develop the activities of the unit 1.1? X

Stage 1

Did I post the results of exercises from the unit 1.1 in the forum? X
Did I write a note in the forum about technology and its effects on the
Did I develop the activities of the unit 1.2? X
Stage 2

Did I post the writing activity from the unit 1.2 in the forum? X
Did I post my opinion about how do I see the future of our planet? X
Did I develop the activities of the unit 2.1? X
Stage 3

Did I post the practice activity from the unit 2.1 in the forum? X
Did I post my recommendations in the forum? X
Did I design a letter addressed to UN Secretary-General? X
Stage 4

Did I include in the letter my opinion? X

Did I include in the letter my recommendations? X

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