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Pretend you are atalk show host.

Treatthe per- How to Make Others Love (or Like) You

son across from you as the host important guest of English-iourna-list Jenni Murraytalked about meetihg a
the evening. What questions (and answers) would chalismatic politician: 'TIe made you feel for thr:se feu.
your viewers or listeners wa-nt to have discussed? short moments that 1'ou were the only woman in the
As a good host, make the conversation be aboutthe worid and he'd hever het anyone as interesting or as
guest and not aboutyou. Be interesting but more lovely as you."
in-rportarlly, be interested. Similarly, Jacqueiine Kennedy Onassis seemed
Vlhen the otherpersou begins to talk, listen. to possess the ability to have men all over the world
I believe that empathetic listening has three par-ts; in love with her. Asked how she did it, the former
Listen with your ears (obviously), but aJso listen First Lady replied, "Trvo ways. First of a1i, when aman
with your eyes ald listen rvith your healt. Instead wouid flnish talkiag about himself and his work, I
ofplanningyoul response. anxiously waitfurg for the would say, 'Te1l me morel"'
other person's lips to stop moving so you can talk, (I can only imagine the nervous guy thinkingto
take the time to be present with the other person. himself at this point, "Oh, nobody has ever asked me
about quim-quat widgets before, but here goes." We
Listen-Truly Listen guys and our egosl)
Best-selling author Stephen Covey asked, "Do we listen Secondly, as the wife of a wealthy Greek shipping
to understand? NolWe listen to repiy-" magnate, Onassis revealed, "I would harlg on their
Let me relate the coircept of ernpathetic lisLening eyes." Can you just imagine how porverful that effect
to something I experienced recently. Mywife took me must have been?
into her garden to sholv offher phlox. mums, or r'ho- Now, you may not want women or men a-ll over
dodetrdron. I'rn rrot reallv sur'e because I arn not into the world to fa,ll in love with you- You rnay only want
gardening. But I am into my rclationship with mywifr:- to suwive your next social gathering. Hou't:ver, you
So rather than thinking at the tlme about an upcoming cal adapt Ciinton's or Onassis' strategies to help you A
presentation I was about to give, I needed to slow down achieve your goal.
arrd be in the moment u'ith her.
A-lways take the time to truly be with the person F.O.R-D
rvith whom you are speaklng. Do not constantiy scan Ifyou tend to be an analytical type (and many shy
the room for somebody even more important. people consider themselves to be), when you meet a F

new person, imagine the l:}ue oval of the carmaker

Ford embiazoned on her fbrehead- It will give you

PAR}(iN C-Nl08] L ] iY J RC
clues as to rvhat you can talk about with your corlver- Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics.
sati0n partner. said, "Everybody has an invisible sign hanging from
The F stands for "Ask her about her family." (Ev*ry- thei.r neck saying, 'Make me feei important.' Never
body has afarnill,.) forget thls message rvhen working with [or meet-
The O references her occupatlon. That does not ingl people."
necessarily mean apaying job. My wife rvas a stay-
at-home-parent, one of the most difncult jobs in the What to Do if You Struggle
rvorld. She wtrs offended when somebody had the with SmallTalk
attitude, "Oh, you don't reallyworkl" So, occupation I thought when I rvould attend a social event I would
could even refer to a present vocation, for ln.stance, need to develop arr elevator pitch or some other pithy
voluntcering fbr Habitat tbr Humanitv or some other story so when another person wouid hear it, he would
charitable organization. be forced to take a step back a-nd exclaim. "Wow. Tedl
The R means relaxation- Ask her what she likes to Thatis so profound! Let rne hire you right now!"
do for funl It isn't going to happen, so don't put that kind of
And if 5,6u 1sally feel you h:rve hit it offwith your pressure on yourseif. Simply engage in small talk.
new acquaintance, ask her about D, her drearns. 'Small talk," says author Michael Korda, "shottid
intrigue, delight, amuse, fiII up time pleasantly- Given
Don't Try to lmpress that, anything wilI do, frorn dogs to delicatessens.
Another successtul networking strategy is to ask ques- The airn of srnall talk is to rnake people t'eel comfort-
tions ratherthan attemptingto impress another per- able-to put them at their ea-se-not to teach, preach.
son by talking about yourself. or irnpress.
I was interviewirg for my nrst job out of gtaduate "It's a game. iike tennis, in which the object is to
school. The firm sent a new hire rvho was a recent keep the ball in the air for as long as possible."
graduate to interwiew prospective employees from his
alma mater. When it was my turn to sit down with him, Networking the Right Way
I asked him about his experiences in graduate .school- We have all been to a Chamber of Commerce mixer or
about the professors, fraternities, and sororities. The some similar networking event at rvhich one of the at-
inter-viewer was thoroughly enjoying himseif regaling tendees does networking the wrong way.
me u,ith interesting stodes. When it was finally His goal is to meet everybody in the room and get
my turn to launch into my sales pitch, right down to u.hat he rvants to accornplish. He'll run
the interviewer interrupted me up to you and say, "Hi!" while thrusting his business
by sa1,irrg. 'Ted, you are exactly card into your ha-nd. ''I'm John. I flx computers. If you
the kind of person we v!,ant ever need your computer flxerl, call me."
working at oul firm!" Before vou even have a chance to respond, John wi}l
rush offto his next..- victirn.
learned that real networking was about flnding
ways to make other people more successful," says Kelth
Felazzi, author of "Never Eat Alone and Ot}rer Secrets
to Success, One Relationship at a Time." "It was about
working hard to give more thal you get. Those who are
best at it don't network-they make friends. The oniy
way to get people to do anythillg is to recogirize their
inrporranle ;trd makc thcm fcel importalt.' S

TED JANUSZ is an authol'ahd speaker'r.r,ho

leads "Creating Stl'ateg'ic Reli*iorrships: I'Iele
and -\ov,.' He canbe leaclred rl :r : ..


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