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Air pollution is a change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of air

that causes adverse effects on humans and other organisms. The ultimate result is a
change in the natural environment and/or ecosystem. The substances that are responsible
for causing air pollution are called air pollutants. These air pollutants can be either
natural (e.g. wildfires) or synthetic (man-made); they may be in the form of gas, liquid or

Air pollutants are classified into two categories viz. primary and secondary. The former
refers to air pollutants that are directly emitted from the source, for example, carbon
monoxide gas from automobile exhaust. The secondary air pollutants, on the other hand,
are the result of interaction of primary pollutants, for example, the ground level ozone,
which is formed when sunlight hits fuel exhaust in the atmosphere. It is to be noted that
some forms of air pollutants are both primary and secondary. Let's discuss in brief about
the causes, effects and ways to prevent air pollution.

Causes and Effects of Air Pollution

The major air pollutants are sulfur dioxides, carbon monoxides, carbon dioxides, nitrogen
oxides and particulate matters. Among several different causes of air pollution, burning
of fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum and gasoline is the main source. Fossil fuels are
used in all major industries, including the automobiles, jet planes, manufacturing
industries, power plants, petroleum refineries etc.

In the United States, automobile exhaust and power plants are responsible for more than
90 percent of air pollution. Carbon dioxide gas, which is used by the plants for
photosynthesis, is identified as the major cause of global warming. Nitrogen oxide and
sulfur dioxide, when dissolved in water, can cause acid rain, which in turn, leads to water
pollution and and affects the aquatic life.

Air pollutants, either present inside the house (indoor pollutants) or outside (outdoor
pollutants), are hazardous to humans. The effects of air pollution on the human health are
many; to mention a few, air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and irritation of eyes
and throat. The common symptoms observed after exposure to a high level air pollution
are chest tightness, burning eyes and cough. Those with certain medical conditions like
heart disease and asthma are more susceptible to the hazards of air pollution than others.
The effect of air pollution is more serious in case of children; prolonged exposure to air
pollution can lead to earache, bronchitis and asthma in children.

Introduction on prevention of air pollution:

To live in this world almost every organism should require food, air and water. Now a
days the atmosphere is very much polluted by smoke, dust, Carbon dioxide, smoke,
Nitrogen oxide, Sulphur dioxide and all other bad odour gases. The polluted air is very
harmful for the living organisms to live. Due to these harmful substances only the
atmosphere gets polluted. The existence of these substances are not necessary in the
atmosphere. If the substances exist in an improper ratio in atmosphere it causes pollutions
and the living beings suffer.

Air Pollution: In the air if there are higher volumes of solid, liquid and gaseous
substances than required, it is harmful to air.

Air pollution is not a problem of a individual but it is a very serious problem to the global
system. In fact, air pollution is common issue in this globe.

Types of Pollutants
Air pollutions had been caused by a number of different types of pollutants.

1) Air pollution: It consists of liquid, solid and aerosols that are suspended in the
atmosphere. These arise from the industrial processes and burning of the coal.
Atmospheric particles absorbs and scatter sunlight which reduces the visibility.

2) Sulfur oxides: sulfur oxides come from the industrial processes and burning of the
coal. Damage to the materials, vegetation, and human respiratory system is caused by
these acid nature of oxides. Small quantities of sulfur oxides can also increase mortality
and illness.

3) carbon monoxide: Carbon monoxide is colorless, odourless and tasteless gas which is
very powerful gas which living beings have no protection. Carbon monoxide comes from
the gasoline-powered vehicles and from industries. In our blood, There will be
Hemoglobin. The hemoglobin combines with carbon monoxide and carries less amount
of oxygen to body tissues which causes heart problems and health effects.

Prevention Methods for Air Pollution(industrial)

1) Air pollution can be prevented by checking the amount of smoke releasing from motor

2) Air pollution can be prevented by controlling amount of waste gases releasing from
industries and factories.

3) Air pollution can be prevented by using the devices which can filter the agents that
causes pollution.

4) Reforestation methods i.e, planting of the trees in varies places should be done very
frequently so that amount of pollution can be reduced.

5) Air pollution can be prevented by controlling the usage of the fertilizers and spreading
of dust particles and the people should be educated about the pollution of air and its
preventive methods.
Ways To Prevent Air Pollution

The fact is that human activities contribute the most to air pollution. Considering the
harmful effects of air pollution, now it is very essential that everyone should contribute a
bit to prevent air pollution. There are certain ways that one can help to reduce the
emission of air pollutants in the atmosphere. Following are some tips for preventing air

Car Pool: Forming and implementing a car pool will reduce the number of cars, thereby,
preventing air pollution by cutting down the use of fossil fuels. This way, it will help in
the sustainable use of fossil fuel and its conservation for the future generations.

Vehicle Care: Timely servicing of the car helps to keep it in a good condition and also
minimizes fuel exhaust. Driving the car at an average speed and turning off in traffic is a
key to save fuel. Make sure to use unleaded petrol and opt for regular pollution checking
of your car.

Public Transport: Whenever possible, try to travel by public transports. This helps in
two ways; prevents air pollution and increases public income. If you are going to a
nearby place, go by walking or use bicycle, instead of using your vehicle. The objective
is to minimize the use of fuels, as far as possible.

Alternative Energy Source: Another effective way to prevent air pollution is to use
alternative energy sources such as solar energy, hydroelectric energy and wind energy.
Nowadays, sophisticated technologies such as wind turbine, solar water heaters are
introduced to generate electricity and other energy forms for the household use.

Saving Energy: Saving energy will, of course, help to prevent air pollution. Switch off
the lights, fans, air conditioners, televisions, and other appliances, when not in use. You
can also share a room with others when the air conditioner or fan is on, instead of
switching them on in every room.

Minimize Air Pollutants: Always try to minimize smoke emission, as it can contribute
to air pollution. One way is to compost dried leaves and kitchen waste, instead of burning
them. Composting will also give you organic fertilizer for your garden. While buying the
products, always choose air-friendly and recyclable products that will minimize the
emission of pollutants.

Social awareness about air pollution is the most essential step to be taken for the
prevention of air pollution. Awareness programs and/or advertisements should be
encouraged, so that people understand the potential health hazards of air pollution.
Improvement of transport facilities and proper use of land for the sake of social benefits
are equally important for controlling air pollution.
Noise pollution
Noise pollution is defined as the generation of unwelcome and displeasing sound in the
environment. Among the various sources of noise pollution, automobiles, aircrafts and
other transport systems contribute the maximum sound production. Hence, we can say
that the root cause of noise pollution is transportation machines. Other noise pollution
causes include industrial machinery, office equipment, vehicular horns, car alarms, sirens
and audio speakers. Noise pollution affects humans and animals both in their behavioral
and physiological health.

If you are residing in a noisy area, where you cannot rest and relax properly, then you are
at a high risk of developing certain health conditions. Some of the noise pollution effects
include fatigue, stress, restlessness, irritation, distraction, sleep disorder and hearing loss.
Recent studies also suggest that unwanted noise exacerbates hypertension and
cardiovascular symptoms. Considering these negative impacts of unwanted noise on
human health, it is high time that we should enforce noise pollution solutions.

Solutions for Noise Pollution

Unlike other types of environmental issues such as air and water pollution, noise or sound
is transient or short-lived. Thus, once you stop generating sound, the noise pollution
problem is solved. The main objective behind noise pollution solutions is to absorb,
contain and cancel the source of noise. The following is a list of the effective noise
pollution solutions or noise pollution remedies that will help in combating the various
health effects of noise pollution.

Automobile Servicing: As mentioned already, automobiles account to the highest

production of noise. Regular servicing of the vehicles is an effectual measure to lower the
intensity of sound produced by them. If all the automobile owners take up this step, then
there will be significant reduction in noise pollution.

Machine Quality: Similar to vehicles, the quality of machines should be optimized, so as

to reduce sound production. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), more
than 30 million Americans are exposed to noise pollution in the workplaces. Lubrication
of the machinery and servicing should be done to minimize noise generation.

Soundproof Homes: Soundproof doors and windows can be installed to block unwanted
noise from outside. You can also opt for walls with sound control material. These
soundproofing options are of utmost importance for complete relaxation, especially if you
are staying in a crowded city area.

Tree Plantation: Planting bushes and trees in and around sound generating sources is
another effective solution for noise pollution. Dense shrubs and trees block sound
passage, thus avoiding disturbance to the surrounding areas. You can also plant trees
around your residential area to live peacefully.

Loudspeaker Prohibition: Using loudspeaker in public areas is another major cause of

noise pollution. This should be banned at any cost for the welfare of the people. Strict
laws should be imposed against those who violate and play loudspeakers in crowded
areas and public places.

Factory Location: Industrial noise pollution is no less different in causing health hazards
on humans and animals. Thus, factories and industries should be located in far off places
from the residential areas. Installation of sound detectors will help in analyzing the sound
frequencies on a regular basis. Read more on effects of industrial noise pollution.

White Noise Machine: The latest technology for overcoming the effects of noise pollution
is using white noise machine. It is a device meant for converting unbearable noise into
pleasant sound. A white noise machine is placed between the source of noise and the
receptor. It produces soft sound like that of a waterfall, fan and soft music.

Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution(industrial)

x Since noise pollution is created by man, it can be controlled by adopting certain
measures. Some of the measures are as follows:
x Noise producing industries should be located away from residential areas.
x Much of the industrial noise can be reduced by replacement of old noise
producing machines with quieter alternatives, proper maintenance, greasing and
oiling of the machines.
x The automobile horn should be designed in such a way that it produces may not
be harmful.
x Use of horn should be minimum and pressure horn should be banned.
x Noise pollution by road transport can be reduced by quieter engines, enforcing
speed limits and laying the transport route away from the residential area such as
x The noise created by musical instruments, and other indoor equipments can be
checked by individuals in their own interest.
x Effect of the noise on the ear can be reduced by 40-50 dB by putting ear-plug or

Water Pollution Prevention Methods

It is important to understand what is water pollution and the causes of water pollution,
only then can prevention of water pollution be carried out effectively. Preventing water
pollution is indeed possible and these are some of the methods that will work best.

Industry Waste
Major industries, chemical factories, business houses and other multi nationals that use
methods of processing in their factories, dump the waste that is generated in varied water
bodies. This leads to alarming amounts of water pollution. It is not that the waste cannot
be treated before dumping it in the water, but the waste water treatment is an expensive
process that most industries ignore because it directly affects their profits. So also, the
government policies that require industries to treat the waste are many a times so lax that
most industries do not take them seriously. For example, paying a fine for not treating the
waste. The industries prefer paying the fine (which is many a times minimal). There
needs to be immediate action taken towards this direction. The rules and laws regarding
water purification systems need to be made stringent and so strong that industries cannot
break them. Treatment of the waste needs to be a prerequisite and not an option for

Chemical Usage
Industries are not the only culprits that lead to increased levels of water pollution, we,
through our everyday activities add to that water pollution as well. The chemicals and
pesticides that we use on our lawns seep into the ground and make their way into the
water bed, thus polluting it. So also, if these chemicals are used near water bodies, they
get carried into the streams and rivers and affect the ecology of the fish and other
creatures of the sea. Thus, ruining the ecological balance and causing water pollution.

Vehicle Emissions
The toxic fumes exhumed by vehicles not only lead to air pollution, but also water
pollution. These fumes go up into the air and then settle, then take up a form of soot. The
soot being heavy, will be brought down to the ground and will not only make its way into
varied water bodies, but also settle onto the ground and seep into the water table.

Water Pollution Prevention Tips

Seems like the water pollution prevention methods mentioned above have got nothing to
do with you? Actually, the opposite is true. Stop shirking away from responsibilities and
put the following tips into action:

x Use a detergent that has low phosphate levels because high phosphate levels cause
added pollution and are hazardous to the animals and plants in the water.
x Do not keep the water running when you're brushing your teeth, washing your
hands, washing the dishes. Taking small steps like these are an important way of
preventing water wastage that is fast depleting due to water pollution.
x Make sure that you dispose off other forms of wastes like tissue papers and the
odd trash bits by putting them in trash bins rather than flushing them down the
x Do not allow household wastes like your pet waste or other items like petrol,
motor oil, paint and other such items to be discarded in trash or be thrown into the
sewer. These will seep down to the water source and pollute it in the worst
possible way.
x Use native plants instead of hybrid ones as those require a lot of pesticides and
chemicals for their protection. When it rains, these chemicals seep into the ground
water, thus polluting it.
x Make sure that products which can be recycled are given off to recycling units
instead of disposing them off at random. This will ensure that pollution is
x Set up a compost unit so that all the household waste can be converted into
manure or compost rather than being disposed off in the wrong manner and
leading to more pollution.

There have been many water pollution prevention acts that have been set up by the
governments of the world. But these are not enough for permanent water pollution
solutions. Each of us need to take up the responsibility and do something at an everyday
level. It is only then that we can hope to survive in a world as we hoped and dreamed of.

A vast array of industries can cause pollution contrary to popular perception that only a
chemical industry can cause pollution. The nature and intensity of pollution may be
different in different industry. In some industries, the pollution is out rightly visible and
substantial. In others, it may be invisible, indirect or negligible. In such a broad sense, no
industry is free of pollution. Classified list of industries causing different types of
pollution is presented in table.

Type of industries Type of pollution

Manufacture of chemicals, pesticides,
Water pollution, air pollution
Manufacture of gases Air pollution
Cement, steel and other mine based
Air pollution and solid wastes, noise pollution
Textile industries and their ancillaries Water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution
Transport vehicle manufacturing Solid wastes, noise pollution, air pollution
Petroleum based industries Water pollution, air pollution
Air pollution, solid wastes and sound
Forest dependent industries
Food industries Water pollution, air pollution, food pollution
Water pollution, air pollution, solid wastes,
Paper industries
sound pollution
Sugar industry Water pollution, air pollution, solid wastes
Brick industry Air pollution, water pollution
Aircraft industry Solid wastes, water pollution, air pollution
Electrical appliances and electric goods Solid wastes, air pollution
IT based industries Air pollution
Telecom industries Solid wastes and air pollution

Although all these industries have potentiality to generate pollutants in the environment.
Some of them cause serious pollution then others. They are

x Chemicals, pesticides, medicines manufacturing industries

x Cement, steel industries

x Textile manufacturing and processing industries

x Petroleum based industries

x Paper industries

x Sugar industries

x Food industries

All industries other than above cause relatively lesser pollution and are less dangerous
than above industries.

Most of these industries are established as core industries for progress of human society.
Hence, it is undisputable that they have to exist for human existence and development.
The only disputable point is how they have to be managed to make them free of
pollution. The cause of pollution - in many situations - is not the industry itself, but the
technology adopted by such industry. As the scientific research progresses, new
technologies for industries are added. New technologies to minimize the pollution are
also generated in every industry. How far these technologies are adopted will decide the
nature and extent of pollution.

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