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SAP ID- 500074587


Statistics Final Assignment

Ans 1: (i)

Basis of Correlation Regression


Meaning Correlation could be a measurable Regression depicts how an

degree which decides co-relationship independent variable is
or affiliation of two variables. numerically associated to the
dependent variable.

Usage To exhibit to linear relationship To access a finest line and

between two variables. measure one variable on the
support of another variable.

Dependent There is no difference between Both of the variables are different

and variables. to each other.
Indicates Relationship coefficient demonstrates Regression shows the effect of a
the degree to which both variables unit alter within the known
move together. variable (x) on the assessed
variable (y).

Objective To discover a numerical value To assess values of random

communicating the relationship variable on the support of the
between variables. values of fixed variable.


Basis of Standard Deviation Mean deviation


Meaning Standard deviation is essentially A mean is fundamentally the

utilized for the changeability of normal of a set of two or more
information and regularly utilize to number. Mean is essentially the
know the instability of the stock. basic average of data.

Usage Standard deviation is utilized to Mean utilized to inspect the

measure the instability of a stock. performance of company stock
price over a long duration of

Dependent We got to calculate the standard We have to be calculate the mean

deviation with the support of with the support of standard
covariance. deviation.
Benchmark For calculating the volatility of the For calculating the average of a
finance. We have compared with data. And we ought to compare
the benchmark. with the verifiable data of a

Use of algebraic While calculating standard While calculating mean

sign deviation, the application of deviation, the application of
algebraic sign is important. algebraic sign is ignored.

Ans 2:

Theorem 1

The sum of the probabilities of an event and its complementary is 1, so the probability of

the complementary event is:

P(A’) = 1 − P(A).

Theorem 2

The probability of an impossible event is zero.

Let A be an impossible event and S be the sure event.  S = A’ and A = Φ.

P(Φ) = P(A) = P(S’) = 1 – P(S) = 1 − 1 = 0.

Theorem 3
The probability of the union of two events is the sum of their probabilities minus the
probability of their intersection.

P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B)- P(A∩B).

Theorem 4

If an event is a subset of another event, its probability is -

1. P (A ∩ B’) = P(A) – P(B)

2. P(B) ≤ P(A)

Theorem 5

If A and B are two independent events in a probability experiment, then the probability that

both events occur simultaneously is:

P (A and B) =P(A)⋅P(B)

In case of dependent events , the probability that both events occur simultaneously is:

P (A and B) =P(A)⋅P (B | A)

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