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Lecture - 4


¾ For understanding the dynamic analysis of structures, study of the
vibration of single Degree of freedom (SDOF/ SDF) is of great
importance because of two reasons
¾ Most of the analytical
y techniques
q used for the dynamic
y analysis
y of
structure can be understood properly, with the vibration analysis
of SDOF system
¾ Many important results and conclusions drawn from them are
extremely useful for understanding dynamic behavior of
¾ The simplest dynamic system was shown before to describe different
forces acing in the system; this model is popularly known as SDOF
¾ The mathematical model of the SDOF system is shown below. Along
with it, is shown how is single portal frame can be idealized as a
SDOF system represented by the mathematical model



k u, p(t)


Spring-mass-dashpot system
Rigid beam
u, p(t)
Lumped mass
24 EI All members
K= l, EI (m)
are inextensible

Idealized single frame


¾ The viscous dashpot in the figure represents the action of the damping force
present in the system

M P(t)

M&u& M P(t)

¾ It was discussed before how the damping force is mathematically

represented as an equivalent viscous force resisting the motion of a piston
within viscous fluid

¾ Dynamic equilibrium of the mass at any instant of time t gives rise to the
equation of motion of the SDOF system


¾ It can be derived using three different concepts, all concluding that inertia force
acts opposite to the direction of motion ( or applied force)
™ For oscillatory body, u&& is opposite to u(t) and p(t); so, Mu&&, Cu& and Ku 
oppose P(t)
Mu&& + Cu& + Ku = p(t)
™ Rate of change of momentum is equal to the applied force
p(t)-Cu& − Ku = M = Mu&& Mu&& + Cu& + Ku = p(t)
™ D’Alambert reasoned that since the sum of the forces acting on a particle m
results in its acceleration u&& , the application of force -Mu&& would produce a
condition of equilibrium

p(t) + f(t) -Mu&& = 0

Mu&& + Cu& + Ku = p(t)
f(t) = -Cu& − Ku
™ The equation of motion is a second order differential equation. It can also be
written as a set of two coupled first order differential equations


¾ Equation
u& = u& (add an auxilliary equation)
mu&& = −cu& − ku + p(t )
c k p (t )
u&& = − u& − u +
m m m
¾ If a vector V is defined as

V = {u u& }

then the equation can be written as following matrix equation

V& = AV + f
⎡ 0 1 ⎤ ⎧ 0 ⎫
A=⎢ k c ⎥ and f = ⎪⎨ p (t ) ⎪⎬
⎢⎣− m − ⎥
m⎦ ⎪⎩ m ⎪⎭



¾ Equation is a first order matrix differential equation called state space

equation of dynamic equilibrium, since V at any instant of time t describes
the complete state of the system.

¾ Equation
q is widelyy used in manyy dynamic
y application
pp problems such as
dynamic stability analysis, structure control, state space analysis etc.

¾ Another reason for using the equation is that numerical methods for the
solution of first order differential equation are more exhaustive compared to
the second order differential equation.

¾ Using MATLAB SIMULINK tool box, the solution of the equation is very

¾ However, in conventional dynamic analysis of structures, the solution of the

second order differential equation is widely used.


¾ In the second order differential equation, if the damping term is removed,

then the equation of motion is called undamped equation of motion i.e.,
m u&& + ku = p (t )
¾ Althoughg undampedp vibration is an ideal case,, which does not exist in
practice, the concept of undamped vibration and the solution of the
undamped equation of motion lead to many important phenomena and
definitions used in dynamics.

¾ Some of them include natural frequency of vibration, harmonic oscillation,

periodicity, steady state vibration, mode shapes for structures etc.

¾ When damping is present,

present the vibration is called damped vibration; damped
vibration is the practical case.

¾ The presence of damping in the equation of motion gives rise to a number of

interesting phenomena in dynamics, which are extremely useful
in practice.



¾ They include bounded reponses even at resonance, damped frequency of

structure, transient response, effect of initial condition, phase shift,
impedance function etc.

¾ For analysis
y purposes,
p p , undamped
p and dampedp oscillations are separately
p y
treated, though their solutions can be derived from one solution; similarly,
both solutions are derived separately for free and forced vibration.

¾ The reason for such treatment is that each type of solution gives some
physically important results which are important in explaining many

¾ Solutions of equations of motion consist of solving either a second order

differential equation or a set of coupled first order differential equations.

¾ Right hand side of the equation of motion has load, p(t) which could be of
various forms as described before.


¾ Two types of solution are possible (i) closed form solution where load p(t) is
an integrable function (ii) numerical solution where load p(t) can not be

¾ In closed form solution,, a complementary

p y and a pparticular solution are
obtained; complementary solution is determined by solving the right hand
side as zero.

¾ Complementary solution provides the results of damped and undamped free

oscillations mentioned before.

¾ In closed form solution, the constants of integration are evaluated from the
initial condition.

¾ For numerical solution, initial conditions are used to start the numerical
integration process.

¾ Depending upon the nature of loading, solutions can be divided as transient

solutions (for short duration) and steady state solution (for long duration).

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