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Pay attention to the words in bold in the sentence.”I know ,yours are much better than ours.”

The words in bold are Possesive pronouns.

A possessive pronoun shows ownership. Unlike possessive adjectives (my,your,his,her,its,our,their)

which are followed by nouns , possessive pronouns stand on their own,without any nouns.

The following are possessive pronoun and the example.



Read the following sentences and pay attention to the word in bold.

1.I go to know you throught my cousin , Annisa.

2.I have an elder brother , denis ,and a younger sister,Nadia.

3.My Father , mr janson is a policeman and my mother ,Mrs .Rahayu is a teacher.

4.we often visit our grandparents,Mr .and Mrs saptana in malang during holiday.

5.thet are my father’s parent.

The word in bold show relatives ar family relationship.’cousin’ in Indonesian means saudara sepupu.

Now, please read the following words and remember their meanings.

1.father = ayah/bapak 2.mother =ibu

3.elder brother =kakak laki laki 4.younger sister =adik perempuan

5.son =anak laki laki 6.daugher =anak perempuan

7.uncle =paman 8.aunt =bibi

9.niece =keponakan perempuan 10.nephew =keponakan laki-laki

11.parents =orang tua 12.grandparent =kakek-nenek

13.grandfather =kakek 14.grandmother =nenek

15.father-in-law =ayah mertua 16.mother-in-law =ibu mertua

17.son-in-law =menantu laki-laki 18.daugher-in-law =menantu perempuan

19.stepfather = ayah tiri 20.stepmother =ibu tiri


Read the tekts in TASK 4 once again.

Identify the main idea and supporting of each paragraph in each text.


Answer the following questions based on the texts in TASK 4.


1.Where does Hannah live? 2.Who is caroline?

3.Has hanna graduated from collage? 4.Why does Hannah sent the e-mail?

6.”My father died a few years ago,…”(paragraph 2) 5.How many people are there in
hannah’s . family?Who are they?

What is the synonym of ‘died’ 7.What music Hannah like?

8.”I’m into animals very much.” (paragraph 3) 9.What lessons does Hannah like?

What does the sentence mean?

10.Which sentence in the e-mail shows that Hannah is looking forward to Alia’s reply?


1.How did farah know Fitria? 2.What is the relationhip between annisa and
. fitria?

3.What are Fitria’s achievements? 4.Who are Mr. and Mrs.Saptana?

5.When do farah and her family usually visit them? 6.Where do mr.and Mrs saptana?

7.Who is denis? 8.What is farah’s dream?

9.What are farah achievement? 10.” I hope we can be friend.”(last
paragraph)who doers ‘we’refer to?


Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns.

1.Ivo : is this dictionary______,Fikry?

Fikry :No,it’s not______.Here is many dictionary.

2.Yuda : Hey,your bicycle is new?

Vian:No,this is my brothers”s______?

3.I find two pairs of slippers on the veranda.Nungkin and Febri just visied us a few minutes ago.They
could be______.Howover,why did they leave them here?

4.Farah and her team have submitted their work.we will collect______veryv soon.


Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Surprised /sar’praizd/ address /’aedres/ backpacker /’baekpaeka(r) / member /memba (r)

Exciting /ik’saitm community /ka’mju:nati /ad’mala (r) harbor ?”ha:rba (r) .


Match the word with their correct meanings.

You will read the word in the next in TASK 10.

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