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Edited by S. Perlman, T. Gallagher, and E. J. Snijder

© 2008 ASM Press, Washington, DC

Chapter 22

The Immune Response to Coronaviruses

Cornelia C. Bergmann, Thomas E. Lane, and Stephen A. Stohlman

Coronaviruses (CoV) infect a variety of organs, metalloproteinases (MMPs), and the tissue inhibitors
including the liver, respiratory and enteric tracts, and of MMPs (TIMP) (5) (Color Plate 6A [see color
the central nervous system (CNS). The resulting dis- insert]). In addition to soluble components, these
ease phenotypes comprise a vast spectrum ranging early responses are associated with activation and
from acute life-threatening disease to chronic, inap- recruitment of cellular components associated with
parent infections. Host genetic background and age, innate immunity, e.g., neutrophils, NK cells, and
in addition to the specific virus and route of entry, monocytes/macrophages. The most rapidly induced
contribute to disease severity. Viral cellular and tissue proinflammatory cytokines within the MHV-infected
tropism affects both the quality and quantity of the CNS are alpha/beta interferon (IFN-
/), tumor
immune response, which ultimately determine viral necrosis factor alpha (TNF-
), interleukin 1

control and pathogenesis. The pathogenesis of human (IL-1

), IL-1, IL-6, and IL-12 (52, 55, 69, 71). Cyto-
CoV and that of animal CoV are discussed in other kine production is predominant in astrocytes and
chapters and are included to supplement or enforce microglia. IL-6 up-regulation is a prominent response
mechanistic insights driving immune responses to to many CNS infections and might enhance inflam-
these viruses. This chapter focuses primarily on the in matory cell passage across the blood-brain barrier
vivo interactions between the immune system and the (BBB) in conjunction with up-regulation of adhesion
infected CNS as a target of neurotropic mouse hepa- molecules on CNS endothelium (27). Distinct MHV
titis virus (MHV) infection because these interactions strains generally induce similar cytokine patterns in
have been examined in the greatest detail. Immune mixed glial cultures and in vivo; however, mRNA
responses to additional viruses, e.g., transmissible encoding individual genes can be expressed at various
gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), infectious bronchitis relative ratios (38, 69, 70). For example, lethal neu-
virus (IBV), and feline infectious peritonitis virus rotropic MHV-JHM induces higher IL-6, IFN-,
(FIPV), associated with diseases in other tissues are IL-1
, and IL-1 mRNA levels, but no differences in
included, as well as the various MHV strains with TNF-
levels, compared to the more benign dual
distinct tissue tropisms; however, the reader is encour- liver- and CNS-tropic MHV-A59 (69, 70). IL-6 induc-
aged to consult other chapters for more detailed tion segregates to MHV-JHM background genes and
information. not the spike (S) protein gene, as demonstrated by
JHM/A59 recombinants (70). Furthermore, MHV-
A59 prominently induces IFN- , but less IFN-
Copyright © 2007. ASM Press. All rights reserved.

INNATE RESPONSES REGULATE mRNA, than MHV-JHM in vivo (69, 70). By con-
ADAPTIVE RESPONSES trast, MHV-JHM variants differing only in the S pro-
tein exhibit no significant differences in cytokine
Induction of innate factors by viral replication induction, except in overall magnitude (52). Not sur-
provides the first line of antiviral defense and a milieu prisingly, in vitro analysis of MHV-inducible genes
for induction of adaptive immunity (28, 77). MHV revealed that the expression patterns are vastly dis-
infection induces rapid, coordinated expression tinct in different cell types. L cells infected with MHV-
of proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, matrix A59 show no evidence for induction of IL-6, TNF-

Cornelia C. Bergmann and Stephen A. Stohlman • Department of Neurosciences, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH 44195. Thomas
E. Lane • Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697.

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/ mRNA, or IFN-inducible genes (93), sup- In addition to direct antiviral effects, type I IFNs
porting studies which failed to detect IFN-
/ protein also modulate both innate and adaptive immune
in supernatants of L cells infected with MHV-1, -3, -S, function (28, 62, 77). The pleiotropic effects of type I
-A59, or -JHM (16). By contrast, primary conven- IFNs are especially difficult to dissect in the CNS, as
tional dendritic cells (DCs) respond with low, and IFN-
/ acts on cells in lymphoid tissue, resident
plasmacytoid DCs respond with high, levels of type I CNS cells, and cells trafficking into the CNS. Gene
IFN mRNA and protein secretion following MHV profiling of MHV-JHM-infected neuronal cultures
infection (8, 104, 105). IFN- mRNA is also induced revealed up-regulation of transcription factors IRF7,
following infection of mixed glial cultures by MHV- STAT-1, and ISGF3, as well as induction of major his-
2, -A59, and -JHM in vitro (38, 71) and in CNS and tocompatibility complex (MHC) class I heavy chains,
lung tissues infected with neurotropic MHV-JHM multiple cofactors involved in class I antigen process-
and MHV-1, respectively (12, 70). Although IFN-
/ ing, and nonclassical MHC class I molecules (71).
protein detection has been elusive following MHV- Functional expression of IFN-
/ within the CNS in
JHM infection in vivo (83), IFN-
/ is present in vivo is indicated by MHC class I surface expression
both the tissues and serum of IBV- and TGEV-infected on microglia following sublethal MHV-JHM infec-
animals (32, 51). In TGEV-infected cells, this property tion of IFN- -deficient mice (6, 7). As MHC surface
is associated with membrane (M) and envelope (E) expression is undetectable in the noninflamed CNS,
proteins (2, 9). Although many MHV strains are poor IFN- -independent virus-induced up-regulation of
inducers of IFN-
/ (16, 83, 93, 94), CoV are clearly selected antigen presentation molecules potentially
sensitive to the antiviral effects of IFN-
/ (12, 56). enhances both innate and adaptive lymphocyte func-
While MHV-A59 and -JHM have sensitivities higher tion within the CNS. Furthermore, as both MHV-
than those observed for vesicular stomatitis virus, A59 and -JHM infect DCs in vitro (8, 90, 104, 105),
hepatotropic strains MHV-2 and MHV-3 are most very early events may affect DC antigen presentation
resistant to type I IFN (16). However, the modest function in lymphoid tissue and thus modulate the
effects of IFN- treatment on MHV-JHM replication adaptive response prior to CNS recruitment. Indeed,
in bone marrow-derived DCs in vitro (104) suggests MHV-JHM-infected DCs are impaired in supporting
that the infected cell type, in addition to virus strain, T-cell proliferation in vitro (104). However, as yet
determines IFN-
/ sensitivity. Finally, in contrast to viral infection of DCs in vivo, as well as the triggering
the IFN antagonists uncovered in severe acute respi- of adaptive immune responses by antigen-presenting
ratory syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV) (76), gene prod- cells (APC), remains elusive. Similarly, effects of IFN-
ucts of other CoV antagonizing IFN-
/ function
/ on adaptive responses during other CoV infec-
have yet to be identified. tions have not been analyzed.
There is also substantial evidence that IFN-
/ Despite the induction of nitric oxide synthase 2
provides protection against MHV infection in vivo. (the inducible NOS isoform) by neurotropic MHV, it
Administration of recombinant IFN- prior to infec- exerts no detectable host antiviral or immune modula-
tion suppresses viral replication and liver pathology tory functions (35, 36, 100). Similarly, TNF-
following MHV-2 infection as well as pulmonary prominently produced by resident CNS cells (52).
pathology following MHV-1 infection and respira- Although TNF-
translation is inhibited in MHV-
tory diseases induced by IBV (12, 46, 56). Similarly, infected cells (84), neither replication in vivo nor
intranasal IFN-
/ prevented spread of MHV-JHM pathology is altered in the absence of TNF-
(60, 84).
into the CNS but did not inhibit visceral dissemina- A minor, if any, role for TNF-
is supported by the
tion (74). Enhanced virulence following inhibition of inability to correlate the induction of TNF-
Copyright © 2007. ASM Press. All rights reserved.

type I IFN (37) and the rapid mortality of MHV-A59- with enhanced virulence (52, 69, 70). Chemokines
infected IFN-
/ receptor-deficient mice (8) further represent a large family of proteins that primarily
demonstrate a vital protective role for type I IFN. The function in recruitment and retention of immune cells
crucial source of IFN-
/ secretion following peri- during infection. MHV infection of the CNS results in
pheral MHV-A59 infection was identified as plasma- an orchestrated expression of chemokines, including
cytoid DCs, and protection correlated with prevention CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, CCL5, CXCL9, CXCL10, and
of dissemination to nonlymphoid tissue (8). However, CXCL11 (34, 78). Temporal expression of chemokine
despite functional IFN-
/ responsiveness and transcripts reveals that CCL3 and CXCL10 are most
recruitment of neutrophils, macrophages, and NK rapidly induced, with CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, CCL5
cells in SCID, RAG , and nude mice, these immune CCL7, CXCL9, and CXCL11 induction somewhat
deficient mice fail to control neurotropic MHV, delayed during acute infection. CXCL10 is the promi-
implying that innate responses alone are insufficient nent chemokine detected during both acute and
to combat infection (7, 26, 101). chronic disease. Infection of CCL3 mice results in

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deficient activation and accumulation of myeloid DCs However, their roles in migration of inflammatory
in cervical lymph nodes (CLN) and consequently cells, cytokine activation, and pathology are unclear.
muted activation of virus-specific T cells (86, 87). This A potential mechanism for counteracting MMP-
is evident by the inability of virus-specific CD8 T cells mediated tissue damage during MHV-JHM immune
to undergo egress from lymphatic tissue and migrate responses may reside in the sustained elevation of
into the CNS due to impaired expression of tissue- mRNA encoding the MMP inhibitor TIMP-1 (107,
specific chemokine homing receptors CXCR3 and 108). Increased virulence by MHV-JHM variants is
CCR5 (86). In addition, virus-specific CD4 T cells associated with increased MMP-9 activity and MMP-
produce an altered cytokine profile with an increase in 3, MMP-12, and TIMP-1 mRNA levels, albeit with-
the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and diminished out affecting inflammation (108). This suggests that
secretion of the proinflammatory cytokine IFN- (87). virulence may directly correlate with enhanced pro-
This indicates that early expression of chemokines teolytic activity at the site of infection. In addition to
plays an important role in linking innate and adaptive the CNS, the liver, lung, and enteric tract are primary
immune responses. Blocking CXCL9 or CXCL10 targets of many MHV infections. Another protease,
during acute disease increases virus replication and the prothrombinase fgl2, secreted by macrophages in

mortality while reducing CNS infiltration by CXCR3 MHV-3-susceptible, but not MHV-3-resistant, mice,
T cells, consistent with a crucial role for chemokines contributes to fatal acute hepatic damage. This protein-
in host defense via attracting T cells to the site of infec- ase, induced by the MHV-3 nucleocapsid (N) protein
tion (40, 41). By contrast, blocking CXCL10 during (50), triggers the coagulation pathway, resulting in
chronic disease, after infectious virus has been elimi- disseminated intravascular coagulation, severe liver
nated, proves to be beneficial to the resolution of damage, and death (42). fgl2 expression is also associ-
residual clinical and pathological disease (40, 41, 78). ated with diseased lung tissue in the murine MHV-1
Therefore, early CXCL10 expression is protective by model of SARS (12).
recruiting antiviral T cells, but prolonged expression In addition to neutrophils and bone marrow-
is detrimental via sustaining inflammation and pathol- derived monocytes, NK cells constitute an early
ogy. In addition to CXCL10, CCL5 also promotes innate component of the inflammatory response.
protection during acute disease as well as amplifying Infection of both T-cell-deficient rats and mice with
disease severity during chronic disease (17, 18). CCL5 MHV suggests that NK cells are not primary effec-
recognizes the CCR1 and CCR5 receptors present on tors of viral clearance (26, 75), although they may
activated macrophages and T cells. MHV infection provide an integral component of overall immunity
of CCR5 mice does not significantly impact host via local IFN- secretion. Nevertheless, despite peak
defense; however, virus-induced pathology is reduced accumulation of NK cells prior to T cells within the
due to reduced macrophage recruitment (18). There- CNS of immune competent mice, there is little evi-
fore, chemokines participate in modulating both pro- dence for either a direct or indirect NK cell-dependent
tective innate and adaptive immunity but also influence IFN- or perforin antiviral function (7, 110). Infec-
the extent of tissue damage. tion with a recombinant MHV expressing CXCL10
MMP activation is associated with several physi- leads to extensive CNS accumulation of NK cells
ological processes, including the influx of inflamma- with antiviral activity in immunodeficient RAG1
tory cells into tissues, activation of cytokines, and mice (87). By stark contrast, IL-15-deficient mice,
pathology (103). Compared to autoimmune mediated which lack NK cells, control MHV infection with
demyelinating disease of the CNS, MHV-JHM infec- kinetics similar to those in wild-type mice and exhibit
tion induces only a small subset of potential MMPs in no delays in either IFN- -dependent MHC class I or
Copyright © 2007. ASM Press. All rights reserved.

the infected CNS, i.e., MMP-3, -9, and -12 (107, 108). class II expression on microglia (110). Therefore,
Neutrophils, macrophages, and NK cells are the ini- antiviral function of NK cells can be forced under tar-
tial inflammatory cells recruited to the CNS during geted conditions; however, NK cells do not appear to
infection (5). MMP-9, which is prepackaged in neu- contribute to either direct viral clearance or amplifi-
trophils, contributes to loss of the tight junctions of cation of the immune response in immune competent
the BBB, facilitating entry of inflammatory cells into mice.
the infected CNS (109). Although neutrophils are rap-
idly recruited into other anatomical sites of viral infec-
tion and MMPs are expected to be induced and/or Cellular Immunity
activated, their participation in CoV infections other Control of infections by enveloped viruses involves
than MHV have not been studied. Unlike MMP-9 a coordinated immune response that is initiated and
expression in innate infiltrates, MMP-3 and -12 subsequently orchestrated by innate immune mediators
expression is prominent in resident CNS cells. such as macrophages, DCs, IFN-
/, and chemokines.

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These factors provide both an initial antiviral response regulation of MHC molecules is most pronounced in
and the appropriate milieu for activation of both cel- the CNS and less likely to play a role in other organs
lular and humoral immune responses. For CoV, as well such as the liver. In addition to its critical role in con-
as other enveloped viruses, CD4 and CD8 T-cell trolling MHV replication in the CNS, IFN- is also
responses generally precede induction of humoral critical for noncytolytic control of MHV replication
immunity. This may reflect the coordinated shift from in the retina (25). Another consequence of IFN-
proinflammatory cytokines such as IFN- to the more signaling in addition to direct antiviral activity
anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-4, which pro- appears to be regulation of MHV receptor expres-
vides “help” to the humoral response. sion. Receptor expression, and therefore susceptibil-
Even in the case of neurotropic MHV-JHM ity to infection of activated macrophages, correlates
infection, during which replication is undetectable at with resistance and susceptibility to MHV-3-induced
peripheral sites, virus-specific T cells are detected in hepatitis (48, 57). By contrast, reduced receptor
the CLN and spleen prior to the CNS (45). The early expression by CNS resident macrophages was inde-
detection of primed T cells in lymphoid tissues and pendent of IFN- (65).
the observation that MHV-A59 and -JHM can both
productively infect DCs in vitro (8, 90, 104, 105)
support direct T-cell activation by infected APC in CD4 T cells
lymphoid tissue. Alternatively, viral antigen can be Virus-specific-CD4 T cells are activated rapidly
taken up by APC following drainage from cerebro- after infection. CD4 T cells initially provide a source
spinal fluid or acquired by cells with a DC-like phe- of IFN- , which, among its other activities (62),
notype within the CNS, which subsequently migrate increases activation and expression of MHC mole-
to CLN. Detection of DCs in the CNS as early as 2 cules on infected target cells as well as macrophages
days postinfection supports the possibility that viral- and DCs, which function as APC to further amplify
antigen-carrying DCs migrate to the CLN (87); how- the cellular immune response. Macrophage activa-
ever, the mechanisms and precise site(s) of T-cell tion is a prominent component of the immune
priming during CoV infections, including the CNS, response to MHV-induced hepatitis; however, there is
still require further validation. only sparse information on the identity and activa-
Following peripheral expansion, T-cell numbers tion of APC. Activation and accumulation of CD4 T
in the CNS increase to peak levels by 1 week postin- cells within infected target organs have been well
fection, with a concomitant decline in the periphery described for both IBV in the trachea and MHV
(Color Plate 6B). Increasing T-cell infiltration coin- within the CNS (5, 31).
cides with reductions in infectious virus and a decline Depletion of either CD4 or CD8 T cells prevents
in CXCL9, CCL2, CCL3, and CCL7 as well as IL-1
, MHV clearance. CD4 T cells protect against acute
IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, and IFN- mRNA and leads to a disease without reducing virus replication (30, 85,
decline in neutrophils and NK cells, while macro- 102). Interestingly, S-protein-specific CD4 T cells,
phages persist within the CNS (5). Peak T-cell infiltra- which might be expected to facilitate protection by
tion is associated with peak antiviral function, as facilitating neutralizing anti-S protein antibodies
evidenced by maximal IFN- mRNA and cytolytic (Ab), were less effective than N-protein-specific cells
activity. Functional IFN- is evident by maximal in this process. By contrast, N-protein-specific CD4 T
MHC class I and II expression by 6 to 7 days postin- cells facilitate induction of TGEV-specific Ab, includ-
fection (6). In the absence of IFN- , MHC class I ing neutralizing anti-S Ab (1). Similar to the overall
expression is reduced and MHC class II remains inability to affect virus replication, adoptive transfers
Copyright © 2007. ASM Press. All rights reserved.

undetectable on microglia and most CNS macro- of CD4 T cells from MHV-infected mice into immu-
phages (6, 7). Both perforin-mediated cytolysis and nodeficient recipients exhibited little antiviral activity
IFN- contribute to antiviral effector functions and (100). These data suggested an important role for
viral control within the CNS. An absence of IFN- CD4 T cells in protection but not as direct antiviral
results in enhanced mortality compared to that of mediators. A clue to their potential role came from
perforin-deficient mice, although both mechanisms analysis of MHV-induced encephalitis. CD4 T cells
are required for efficient control of infectious virus cross the BBB but accumulate in the perivascular and
(39, 53). The requirement of MHC molecule/T-cell subarachnoid spaces instead of trafficking to sites of
receptor contact for secretion of IFN- and perforin- virus replication (80). By contrast, CD8 T cells enter
mediated cytolysis makes it difficult to distinguish the the parenchyma after migrating through the BBB. In
direct antiviral function of IFN- from the indirect the absence of CD4 T cells, CD8 T-cell survival and
effects mediated via enhanced target recognition and effector function are compromised (80). The differen-
T-cell function. Nevertheless, the tightly controlled tial abilities of CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells to traffic

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through infected tissue is associated with expression the S protein. The immunodominant epitope (S510)
of the MMP inhibitor (TIMP-1) by CD4 T cells but resides in a hypervariable domain, while the subdom-
not CD8 T cells (107). These data suggest that rather inant epitope (S598) is more conserved. At least 40 to
than expression of a protease to promote migration, 50% of CNS CD8 T cells are virus specific during
expression of a protease inhibitor prevents migration and following resolution of acute infection (3, 44, 66).
of CD4 T cells. These data suggest that during CNS During acute disease, virus-specific CD8 T cells accu-
infection, CD4 T cells appear to exhibit little or no mulate to at least 10-fold-higher frequencies in the
direct antiviral activity; however, either directly or CNS than in the periphery; numbers drop dramati-
indirectly they provide “factors” required for both cally in lymphoid tissues during persistence (4, 44,
CD8 T-cell migration and survival (106). In contrast 45). Virus-specific CD8 T cells in the tissue remain
to this limited role for CD4 T cells during CNS infec- remarkably stable throughout infection; however, in
tion, class II-restricted CD4 T cells which exhibit contrast to acute infection, there is no evidence that
cytotoxicity are critical for recovery from hepatitis T cells exert antiviral function during persistence (5)
following infection with the dually tropic MHV-A59 (Color Plate 6C). CD8 T-cell cytolytic activity is lost
strain (22, 99). concomitant with virus clearance (4), and IFN-
mRNA levels decline (52). Loss of cytolytic function
is independent of demyelination (43) and viral load
CD8 T cells (66, 67). By contrast, there is no impairment in IFN-
As in infections with other enveloped viruses, secretion upon antigen reexposure (4, 66, 67).
CD8 T cells are the primary effectors of CoV clear- In the CNS, the vast majority of CD8 T cells
hi /lo hi
ance. Vaccination with a recombinant virus express- express the CD44 , CD62L , CD11a , and CD49d
ing the S protein conferred complete protection from (VLA-4) activation/memory phenotypic markers (4).
MHV challenge, including protection from persistent Virus-specific CD8 T cells recruited into the CNS fur-
infection (15, 30). However, similar approaches, ther retain CD69 expression, similar to other CNS
using the N protein as an immunogen or using mini- inflammation models (4). By contrast, the early acti-
genes encoding MHV-specific CD8 T-cell epitopes, vation marker CD69 is only transiently up-regulated
resulted in variable outcomes (62, 82, 98). A recent early during priming and expansion of T cells in sec-
comparative study of MHV-specific primary versus ondary lymphoid organs. Virus-specific CD8 T cells
vaccination-induced memory CD8 T cells in response can be distinguished from nonspecifically recruited
hi /lo
to infection revealed that a loss of cytolytic function bystander T cells by a CD43 CD127 phenotype
reflects distinct differentiation states of primary and contrasting with the CD43 CD127 phenotype of
memory CD8 T cells (66). Importantly, reactivated nonactivated memory T cells (10). Virus-specific CD8
memory CD8 T cells retained cytolytic function for T cells from the acutely inflamed CNS express gran-
prolonged periods with no evidence for increased zyme B, exert ex vivo cytolytic effector function, and
pathology. However, although reactivated CD8 T produce IFN- and, to a lesser degree, TNF-
(4, 63,
cells were more effective at virus control, they were 66). The critical role of IFN- , compared to perforin-
unable to prevent the virus reactivation that occurs in mediated cytolysis, is evident by diminished virus
the absence of anti-MHV Ab (63). These data suggest control and enhanced mortality in infected IFN- -
that vaccination inducing only T cells may be benefi- deficient, compared to perforin-deficient, mice (5, 39,
cial in limiting acute CoV infection but might not suf- 53). Mice lacking both antiviral functions exhibit a
fice to prevent viral persistence. In the absence of more severe phenotype, with uncontrolled virus CNS
CD8 T cells, clearance of infectious MHV is pre- replication and mortality (6). These data support a
Copyright © 2007. ASM Press. All rights reserved.

vented or delayed (5). Transferred memory CD8 T concerted mode of action by IFN- and perforin-
cells control virus replication in immunodeficient mediated cytolysis. By contrast, Fas/FasL interactions
hosts, confirming their role as primary effectors of do not appear to play a role in MHV clearance from
virus clearance (6, 7). However, protection may be the CNS or pathology (54).
dependent on the mouse strain and T-cell specificity Analysis of the mechanisms of MHV control
or activation state, as highly activated T cells are inef- highlighted the differential use of T-cell effector mech-
fective at controlling replication (100). To date, all anisms to clear infectious virus from the CNS (5, 39,
MHV-derived CD8 and CD4 T-cell epitopes are local- 53). Perforin-mediated cytolysis controls replication in
ized within the structural N, S, and E proteins (58). astrocytes and microglia in the absence of IFN- , but
Mice of the H-2 haplotype mount an immunodomi- not in oligodendrocytes. By contrast, IFN- in the
nant CD8 T-cell response to an epitope within the absence of perforin controls replication in oligoden-
N protein conserved in most MHV strains. Mice of drocytes, but not astrocytes or microglia. Adoptive
the H-2 haplotype respond to two epitopes within transfer of virus-specific memory CD8 T cells deficient

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in either perforin or IFN- secretion into infected immu- of naïve adult mice, but readily emerge in the presence
nodeficient hosts confirmed glial-cell-type-dependent of preexisting antibody or T-cell memory, especially in
susceptibility to T-cell effector functions (6, 7). Direct genome regions not affecting viral fitness.
proof for IFN- action specifically on oligodendrocytes
was provided by studies using mice with an IFN-
signaling defect selectively in oligodendroglia (19, 20). Humoral Immunity
While inflammation was similar to that in wild-type Neutralizing and total antiviral Ab are present in
mice and virus was cleared from other glial cells, virus the sera during acute and persistent CoV infections
specifically persisted in oligodendrocytes. These data (29, 81). Although neutralizing Ab have been impli-
have several implications for antiviral CD8 T-cell func- cated in both protection and a reduced incidence of
tion in the CNS. First, perforin-mediated control of persistent CoV infection, clearance of infectious virus
virus in microglia and astrocytes suggests sufficient is complete or nearly complete before neutralizing Ab
MHC class I engagement to trigger effector function, are detected. Passive transfer of nonneutralizing Ab
even in the absence of IFN- . This may depend on the protects infected recipients, although reductions in
virus, since detection of class I expression on astro- virus are not a constant finding (81). The MHV M
cytes has been elusive (68). Second, oligodendrocytes and N proteins are detected on the surface of infected
may be inherently resistant to cytolysis due to distinct cells; however, is not clear whether this represents de
thresholds of class I antigen presentation and up- novo synthesis or adsorbed virions. A nonneutraliz-
regulation of antiapoptotic factors or inhibitory mole- ing M protein-specific monoclonal Ab neutralized
cules. As class I expression on oligodendrocytes has virus in vitro in the presence of complement; how-
been demonstrated in two independent models of ever, analysis of complement-deficient mice indicated
MHV-JHM infection (63, 68), inhibitory ligands that complement is not required for its in vivo effec-
blocking CD8 function might protect against oligo- tiveness. It has been suggested, by analogy with other
dendrocyte damage. The applicability of this concept infections, that protection may involve Ab-dependent
to other target organs involving persistent CoV infec- cellular cytotoxicity; however, in vitro analysis sug-
tions is not clear. gests that this may not be the principal mechanism.
Despite potent antiviral activity, T cells are unable Similar to the role of CD4 T cells, the mechanism by
to prevent MHV persistence. After infectious virus is which nonneutralizing Ab provide protection to mice
eliminated, viral mRNA persists and persistent virus during acute infection is not clear. Passive transfer of
sustains T cells within the target organ (5). Mecha- neutralizing Ab specific for the S glycoprotein at the
nisms underlying ineffective T-cell control are unclear, time of infection protects mice from acute infection.
but it may result from a loss of function or emergence Virus replication was reduced; however, persistent
of epitope escape variants. However, the H-2 - infection was not prevented. These findings question
restricted immunodominant epitope is deleted in sev- a strategy relying solely on neutralizing Ab for
eral commonly used MHV strains, including the immune protection. In animals with chronic infection
avirulent MHV-JHM 2.2/7.2v-2 and the dually tropic there is no apparent correlation between the level of
MHV-A59. Furthermore, progressive accumulation Ab and degree of tissue destruction or protection
of quasispecies with deletions and point mutations in from neurological disease. In fact, it has been postu-
this epitope have been observed in infected mice (72, lated that Ab may contribute to the pathogenesis of
73). These alterations reside in a stem-loop structure chronic tissue destruction (81). These data, in addi-
susceptible to RNA recombination (73), suggesting tion to the well-established role of maternal Ab in
that both immune pressure and replication strategies fostering persistent infection (61), suggest a limited
Copyright © 2007. ASM Press. All rights reserved.

may contribute to the preferential emergence of efficacy of vaccination strategies designed to induce
mutants. The inability to clear infectious virus in the only neutralizing Ab (81).
CNS following infection of neonatal mice protected Furthermore, vaccine strategies that induce only
by maternal antibody is associated with mutations neutralizing Ab may be deleterious. This is best illus-
within the immunodominant S510 epitope (61). trated in the case of FIPV. Administration of anti-S
Immune escape is also implicated in T-cell-preimmune protein Ab or immunization with recombinant vac-
mice challenged with an MHV-A59 recombinant virus cine virus constructs expressing the S protein results
expressing a foreign epitope expressed from the acces- in a robust neutralizing Ab response in domestic cats.
sory gene 4 locus (11). However, following infection However, these immune cats develop an accelerated,
of adult mice there is no convincing evidence for a fatal disease after FIPV infection (92, 97). Disease
contribution of epitope escape variants in viral persis- enhancement compared to that in naïve cats is a
tence (3, 39, 63). These findings suggest that T-cell consequence of increased uptake into, and infection
escape variants play a minor role in primary infection of, macrophages. Importantly, this phenomenon of

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enhanced virulence in immune individuals has not in abnormal immune responses, including changes in
been detected in naturally infected cats and has not susceptibility to pathogens and tumors, loss of lym-
been reported in other animal CoV infections. phoid cellularity, reduced APC function and cytokine
B cells themselves were initially considered to be secretion, and altered macrophage function (81). Fol-
possible contributors to MHV clearance via the lysis lowing acute infection, cytokine levels in the blood
of infected targets mediated through interactions of remained increased for at least 2 months postinfec-
viral receptors on B cells with S proteins expressed on tion. No increase in alloreactive T cells was detected
the surface of adjacent infected cells (24). However, at 1 month postinfection; however, an increase in
viral clearance from B-cell-deficient mice suggests that self-reactive T cells was detected. Indeed, adoptive
neither this mechanism nor the secretion of Ab during transfer of T cells from MHV-infected rats into naïve
acute infection participates in the control of infectious recipients results in inflammatory lesions in the CNS
MHV (5, 67). By contrast, viral recrudescence in mice consistent with induction of autoimmune disease
devoid of B cells suggests that T cells are ineffectual (95). Depressed T-cell proliferation was found at
during viral persistence (64, 67). Interestingly, MHV- 1 month postinfection that returned to normal by
A59, which infects both the liver and the CNS, fails to 4 months. Interestingly, the ability to reject skin grafts
reactivate in the liver in the absence of humoral immu- was profoundly affected for at least 4 months follow-
nity (47). Whether this reflects the absence of viral ing MHV infection. These data suggest that acute
persistence in the liver or a fundamental difference in CoV infection, even in the absence of viral persis-
immune control in these two organs is unclear. tence, can induce profound and long-lasting changes
Although virus recrudescence in Ab-deficient mice is in all compartments of the immune response.
prevented by passive transfer of neutralizing Ab, anti- In addition to causing an acute encephalomyeli-
viral control waned as Ab decayed (64). This sug- tis, the persistence of many MHV strains within the
gested that sustained Ab secretion is crucial to maintain CNS is associated with chronic ongoing demyelin-
viral persistence. Accumulation and retention of virus- ation. Although these lesions have been well charac-
specific Ab-secreting cells (ASC) within the CNS con- terized for more than 30 years (33, 96), identification
firmed a role for intrathecal Ab synthesis in controlling of a mechanism remains elusive. Electron microscopy
persistence (88, 89). Similar to T cells, virus-specific initially suggested that demyelination was the result
ASC peak in secondary lymphoid tissue prior to of virus-induced lysis of oligodendrocytes (23). More
appearing in the CNS, suggesting that maturation in recently it became clear that tissue destruction
secondary lymphoid organs precedes migration into requires not only infection of oligodendroglia but
the CNS. However, in distinct contrast to T cells, B also an immune component in addition to macro-
cells accumulate in the CNS after clearance of infec- phages. For example, immunodeficient mice are
tious virus (Color Plate 6C). The kinetics of ASC unable to control viral replication within the CNS,
accumulation, in addition to a phenotype consistent including the infection of oligodendroglia, yet demy-
with progressively increasing differentiation during elination is absent or very limited (7, 26, 100). Mac-
viral persistence, suggests ongoing maturation within rophages are the end mediators of myelin loss;
the site of persistence. Retention of CNS ASC at high however, inhibition of macrophage infiltration into
frequencies may be supported by induction and sus- the CNS during MHV infection suggested that
tained expression of the B-cell survival factor BAFF microglia, the CNS resident macrophage, may also
during viral persistence (89). The CNS as a survival contribute to demyelination (101). By contrast, acti-
niche for ASC has previously been observed following vation of microglia during MHV infection is insuffi-
other virus-induced CNS infections and chronic dis- cient to induce myelin loss in the absence of a balanced
Copyright © 2007. ASM Press. All rights reserved.

eases (21, 91); however, these insights obtained via inflammatory response (7). TNF-
, a mediator of
analysis of MHV infection provide the first evidence myelin loss in autoimmune models, plays no role in
that local Ab secretion controls a persistent infection. MHV-induced demyelination (60, 84). IFN- , which
plays a dual role in CNS autoimmune disease, ini-
tially as a mediator of destruction and then to limit
IMMUNOPATHOGENIC MECHANISMS immune destruction, appears to be a requirement for
OF DISEASE myelin loss (6, 60). A unifying mechanism by which
T cells amplify disease has yet to be defined. In addi-
An underappreciated aspect of CoV infections is tion, although the requirement for viral infection of
that both inapparent and acute symptomatic infec- oligodendroglia is not in dispute, recent data showing
tions result in a myriad of immunological abnormali- that a dramatic increase in the number of individual
ties, the bases of which are unclear (59). Importing oligodendroglia infected does not increase the extent
naïve mice into MHV-contaminated colonies resulted of acute or chronic demyelination (20) suggest that

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