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pISSN 0976 3325│eISSN 2229 6816

Open Access Article


Anshuman Sharma1, Sanjay Kumar Gupta2, Neeraj Khare3, Sanjay S Agarwal4

Financial Support: None declared

Conflict of interest: None declared
Copy right: The Journal retains the
copyrights of this article. However, Introduction: Medical students repeatedly experience different
reproduction of this article in the stresses which render them more vulnerable to psychological
part or total in any form is permis-
problems that may affect their emotional, psychosocial and phys-
sible with due acknowledgement of
ical health. Objectives of the study were to determine the preva-
the source.
lence of depression and associated factors leading to depression
How to cite this article: among medical students at People’s University.
Sharma A, Gupta SK, Khare N,
Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Peoples
Agarwal SS. Assessment of Depres-
University using Theoretical Depressive Experiences Question-
sion among Medical Students of
Private University in Bhopal, India. naire (TDEQ) there were 440 students participated in the study
Ntl J of Community Med 2015; with duration of 1 month.
6(2):28-32. Results: The participation rate was 90% (396 students). The mean
age of participants was 21 ± 2 years, and more than half (62% i.e.
Author’s Affiliation:
1Post-graduate student; 2Professor; 246 students) were males. The prevalence of depression among
3Assistant Professor; 4Professor and students was 31 % (123 students).
HOD, Dept. of Community Medi- Conclusions: Symptoms of moderate severity were the predomi-
cine, PCMS&RC, Bhopal
nant among students with the studied psychological illnesses. A
Correspondence: substantial proportion of medical students had ongoing psychiat-
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Gupta ric problems that were associated with multiple social, behav-
Email: ioural, and educational factors. Interventions addressing the
mental health of medical students should be initiated.
Date of Submission: 11-02-15
Date of Acceptance: 25-05-15
Date of Publication: 30-06-15 Key words: Depression, medical students, psychological illness-

INTRODUCTION mental and emotional health.3 These studies

have reported high prevalence rates of psychiat-
Today, stress in medical education has become a
ric disorders, such as anxiety and depression,
global phenomenon. Young adulthood is charac-
among medical students.1,4-6
terized as an identity-forming period in which
individuals experience social and physical Several studies suggest a high prevalence of de-
changes, as well as various conflicts in emotion- pression and anxiety among medical students
al, behavioural, sexual, economic, academic, and with levels of overall psychological distress con-
social areas. 1 A number of studies have focused sistently higher than in the general population
on the mental health of young medical students and age matched peers.7,8 In a study conducted
as medical school is considered to be a time of in the UK, psychiatric morbidity was found in
significant psychological distress for physicians 16% cases, whereas prevalence rate of depres-
in training. 2 Some aspects of training may have sion was found to be in the range of 14-24%.9
unintended negative effects on medical students’ Similarly, in Turkish medical students, this

National Journal of Community Medicine│Volume 6│Issue 2│Apr – Jun 2015 Page 161
Open Access Journal │ pISSN 0976 3325│eISSN 2229 6816

prevalence was calculated to be 21.9%.1 In an- Principal component analysis of these 21 items
other study, 335 undergraduate Chinese medical revealed only 5 anaclitic items and 7 introjective
students were assessed for depressive symptoms items. Anaclitic depressive experience is charac-
and nearly half of them were found to be de- terised by discomfort and interpersonal separa-
pressed with 2% having severe depression. 4 tion, whereas Intro-jective depressive experience
Anxiety and depression were found to be pre- is characterised by negative self-evaluation with
sent in 70% and 60% according to two Pakistani respect to self-imposed standards.
studies respectively. 5, 6 Stressors specific to med-
Anaclitic depression is marked by dependency,
ical school for development of anxiety and de-
helplessness, fears of abandonment, and feelings
pression were information and input overload,
of being lonely, weak, depleted and unloved.
financial indebtedness, lack of leisure time and
When threatened with loss, a person with ana-
pressure of work and career choices.10,11 Associ-
clitic depression may cling to others or desper-
ated non-academic risk factors for development
ately search for a substitute. Introjective depres-
of anxiety and depression were female gender,7
sion on the other hand is characterised by self-
having family history of depression and anxie-
criticism, a sense of failure to live up to stand-
ty,1,5 loss of close relative in past one year 5 and
ards, guilt, inferiority and concerns about ap-
substance abuse.5,12
proval, recognition, and being unlovable.22
This study was, therefore, carried out to deter-
The five possible responses for each question
mine the prevalence of depression among all
range from ‘none of the time’ to ‘all of the time’
medical students at People’s University and to
and were scored from 1 to 5 respectively. All the
identify their associated factors.
questions were collated to obtain a total score.
The total score was interpreted as follows: a
score of less than 20 was considered not to rep-
resent depression of any level while a score of
The cross sectional study was carried out in the 20-24 represented mild depression, 25-29 repre-
Medical College hostels of Peoples University, sented moderate depression, and 30- 50 repre-
the study was conducted for the period of one sented severe depression.
month and sample size of 440 medical student
Study subjects: All the male and female medical
were assess for mental status by using Theoreti-
students in the five academic years of the PCMS
cal Depressive Experiences Questionnaire
& RC, Bhopal including interns.
Collection of data: Completed questionnaires
A Predesigned and pretested structured profor-
were collected two months before the examina-
mas was prepared using Theoretical Depressive
tion period so that the actual examination stress
Experiences Questionnaire (TDEQ). Total 440
and depression would not affect the responses of
student were studied those who staying in the
the students. Responses to additional questions
hostel.Out of 440 participants only 396 given
relating to academic year, sources of depression,
consent for participation in the study , around
medical illness in the past four weeks, regularity
10% of student refuse to provide required in-
in classes etc. were also collected. The students
formation and withdraw himself. Thereafter mo-
were allowed to respond in their own time and
tivational sessions were given to students irre-
privacy. The participation in the study was en-
spective of their participation in study. Theoreti-
tirely voluntary. Institutional ethical committee
cal Depressive Experiences Questionnaire
permission was obtained before conduction of
(TDEQ). A wide range of different measures
the study and confidentiality of data was ob-
have been used for addressing psychological
tained by not mentioning the name of the sub-
distress and depressive symptomatology among
jects and informed consent.
medical students. We used the TDEQ scale
(Theoretical Depressive Experiences Question-
naire) as an instrument developed by Viglione
and colleagues 19. This instrument addresses the
theoretical conceptualization of depressive ty- In total, 396 (90%) of approximately 440 students
pology proposed by Blatt (1974) 20 by analysing participated in the study, their mean (± 2SD) age
selected items on the Depressive Experiences was 21 (±2) years. The characteristics of the
Questionnaire (DEQ) 21 in a 21 item modified study subjects are shown in Table 1. The preva-
version. 22 lence of depression of all levels was about 31%,

National Journal of Community Medicine│Volume 6│Issue 2│Apr – Jun 2015 Page 162
Open Access Journal │ pISSN 0976 3325│eISSN 2229 6816

and the prevalence of severe and extremely se- study is seen in 31% of students which corre-
vere depression was 6%. The proportion of male sponds with 20.9 % 13 and 21 % 4 in two other
and female students who had depression was studies. However, this percentage is quite low as
almost same (32% and 30% respectively) compared to the findings of Khan et al. (70%)
[χ2=0.127, p >0.005]. The prevalence of depres- and Inam, et al. (60%).5,6 This could be either due
sion was the highest among the first-year stu- to the different instruments used in other studies
dents (41.5%), followed by the interns (37%), or it could be a real difference.
second year (34%), and forth-year (22%), and
Depression was present in 123 (31%) of students
third-year students (19%). There was a highly
which is in line with the findings of 39.9% in an
significant association between the year of the
Indian study. 15 An interesting finding of the
study and the depression levels (χ2 test=17.3,
present study was that the level of depression
p=0.002). There was highly significant associa-
decreased as the year of study progressed, then
tion also observed between the regularity of
again increased after completion of studies and
class attendance in the academic course (yes/no)
beginning of internship.
and the level of depression among the students.
The distribution of depression levels was signifi- In many studies including this one, the presence
cantly related to a student being either regular or of anxiety and depression was higher in first
irregular in attending the academic course work year medical students as compared to 3rd and
(χ2=8.787, p=0.003). (Table 1). Table 2 shows 4th year medical students.(5,6,16 ) The reason
grading of depression among students according might be that stress in associated with a new
to TDEQ scales.71 students had mild depression. study environment and greater degree of work
load with obligations to succeed 5,7,13
This finding could be explained by many factors.
Table 1: Distribution of depression among stu-
First, that this is a cross-sectional and not a co-
dents according to study variables
hort study to be sure that the stress and depres-
Study Depression (N=396) sion is really decreasing in the study subjects.
Variable Present Absent χ2 value; This finding could be just due to chance as the
(n=123)(%) (n=273)(%) P value study shows the increase of depression in differ-
ent groups and not the same student groups.
Male (n= 246) 78 (32) 168 (68) 0.127;
Another explanation could be that the students
Female (n= 150) 45 (30) 105 (70) >0.05
Year of study period may have been able to develop coping mecha-
First 49 (41.5) 69 (58.5) 17.3; nisms with the help of the students’ support sys-
Second 11 (34) 21 (66) 0.002 tem. Also, usually low failure rates in later years
Third 24 (19) 102 (81) of courses make students more confident and
Fourth 8 (22) 28 (780 less depressed. Another factor could be that our
Internship 31 (37) 53 (63) medical education is free of charge for the stu-
Regularity in attendance dents in the governmental medical colleges. In
Yes 117 (34) 231 (66) 8.787;
many countries, medical students are plagued
No 6 (12.5) 42 (87.5) 0.003
by financial worries, which is an important
cause of their stress.
Table 2: Grading of depression according to
The increased depression in internship might be
TDEQ scales among medical students
due to stress of competitive exams and selection
Category of Depres- Number Chi-square, for future post-graduation courses to get better
sion (n=396) (n= 123) (%) P value knowledge. Also, to get a secured job and estab-
Mild 71 (17.92) X2 = 34.6,
lished private practice as medical practitioner.
Moderate 28 (7.07) P=0.0005
Some students can also have depression of leav-
Severe 24 (6.06)
ing the college and friends after a long study
duration of five years.
The present study showed highly significant
A mild prevalence of depression among medical association of depression with regularity of at-
students is a cause of concern as it may impair tendance in the courses. However no gender
behaviour of students, diminish learning, and difference was observed.
ultimately affect patient care after their gradua-
Female gender was significantly correlated with
tion. The overall prevalence of depression in the
development of anxiety and depression in West-
National Journal of Community Medicine│Volume 6│Issue 2│Apr – Jun 2015 Page 163
Open Access Journal │ pISSN 0976 3325│eISSN 2229 6816

ern studies which reported psychological dis- behavioural, and educational factors. The study
tress higher among female students.1, 7 similarly, finds had highly significant association between
in the Pakistani study, such demographic varia- regularity of attendance in the course on one
bles did not affect the prevalence of anxiety and hand and the presence of depression on the oth-
depression.6 er hand. The findings of high level of depression
among the medical students in the initial years
The changes relating to becoming a medical stu-
also suggest that, when students are admitted to
dent appear to have a significant impact on the
the medical school, special care must be taken to
psychological status of students during the first
find out obvious psychiatric problems or psy-
year in their study. Therefore, with early identi-
chological stress among them.
fication and effective psychological services,
possible future illnesses may be prevented. As
the study findings showed a high level of de-
pression among the first-year and internship
students, we suggest supporting them and tak- Interventions addressing the mental health of
ing care of this group by the student support medical students should be initiated, therefore,
system. This will also help them cope well with the depression among students of the People’s
stress and depression in the later years. It is very University points to the need for establishing
important to target stress and depression pre- counselling and preventive mental health ser-
vention strategies at students who have any lev- vices as an integral part of routine clinical ser-
el of psychological depression to prevent the vices being provided to the medical students.
development of more serious conditions. Well-
ness and mental health programmes are also
needed to help students make smooth transition REFERENCES
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