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ES6 stuff :

1. New Let and Const variables

- Variables declared with -var- are declared globally, or local if

declared insinde a function

- Variables declared with -let- are limited to the scope of the function
where they were declared

- The value of const variables can't be changed, so basicly they are


- You can mutate an array declared as const

- To prevent data mutation, we can use Object.freeze

2. Arrow function

- When you have an anonimus function, you can convert it to an arrow


- Syntax : (parameters) => { stuff to do } ;

- If you only have one argument, you don't need to use paranthases,
and if you only have one line of code for the function instructions,
you don't need the {} or the return keyword

- You can also use them as callback function

3. Default parameters

- You can set a default parameter in case that it isn't passed to the

- Syntax : function increment (number, value = 1) {...}

4. Rest operator

- The rest operator lets you create a function, that takes any number of

- Syntax : function sum(...) {} // Now I can call this function with any
number of arguments

5. Spread operator

- It expands or spreads out an array

- You can only use it in an argument to a function, or in an array literal

- You can use it to copy an array to another array, in order to transfer the
content, not the reffrence
- Example : arr2 = [...arr1]

6. Destructuring

- It is a special syntax used to asign values to a variable, taken directly

from an Object

- Example : var voxel - {x: 3.6, y: 7.4, z: 6.5 };

const { x: a, y: b, z: c } = voxel;

- You can also use destructuring to asssign variables values from nested

- In this example, we create three variables a, b, c, and we asign them the

values of x, y, z

- Or to assign variables values from an array, ex : const[z, x] = [1, 2, 3,

4, 5];

- You can use it together with the rest operator, to reassign array
elements, ex: const[ , , ...arr] = oldArray;

- You can use it to pass an Obj as a function's paramaters

7. Template literals

- Ex : `Hello, my name is ${name}`;

- You can make multi-line strings, just by writnig it on more lines

8. Classes and subclasses

- Same as in Java

- Constructor keyword

- Get and Set keywords

9. Import and export

- You can use the import and export keywords, to share data between files

- You can use * to import everything

10. For of loop : for(let number of array) {}

11. Promises

- Syntax : async function getTop100() {

const response = await fetch(apiUrl);
const json = await response.json();

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