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Namma Kalvi


1. The moment of inertia of a collapsing star 7. The maximum intensity in the interference
changes to one-third of its initial value. The ratio pattern of two equal and parallel slits is I. if one
of the new rotational kinetic energy to the initial of the slits is closed, the intensity at the same
rotational kinetic energy is____ point is l0. Then ________.
(A) l = l0 (B) l = 2l0
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 1 : 3 (C) 9 : 1 (D) 1 : 9
(C) l = 4l0
2. A body of 10 kg is dropped from infinite (D) There is no relation between l and l0
height towards earth’s surface. What will be its 8. X-rays coming out of an X-ray tube ________.
velocity just before touching the earth’s surface.
(A) Are monochromatic
(Gravitational potential energy of the body at

earth’s surface is 6·25 × 108 Joule). (B) Have all wavelengths below a certain
minimum wavelength
(A) 22·4 km/sec (B) 11·2 km/sec

(C) 6·4 km/sec (D) Infinite (C) Have all wavelengths above a certain
minimum wavelength
3. The vertical escape velocity of a body from earth’s (D) Have all wavelengths between a certain
surface is 11·2 km/sec. If the body is projected
minimum and maximum wavelength
at an angle of 45º from the vertical, its escape
velocity will be ______. 9. The current amplification of common base

11⋅ 2
N–P–N transistor is 0·96. What will be the
(A) 11·2 × 2 km/s (B) km/s current gain if it is used as common emitter

amplifier ?
(C) 11·2 × 2 km/s (D) 11·2 km/s (A)
16 (B)
24 (C)
20 (D)
4. Which of the following equations represents a 10. Who discovered neutron and positron

simple harmonic wave ? respectively ?

(A) y = a sin ωt (B) y = a sin ωt cos kt (A) Thomson and Rutherford

(C) y = a sin (ωt – kx) (D) y = a cos kx (B) Rutherford and Thomson
5. The focal length of a convex lens is f. When it (C) Anderson and Chadwick
is divided in two parts by a plane parallel to the (D) Chadwick and Anderson
principal axis, focal length of each part will be
________ 11. Amplification factor of a triode is 20 and its plate
resistance is 20 kΩ. Its mutual conductance will
f be ________.
(A) f (B) (C) 2 f (D) Zero
(A) 2 × 105 mho (B) 2 × 104 mho
6. During negative β-decay ________. (C) 500 mho (D) 2 × 10–3 mho

(A) Atom electron is ejected 12. The co-ordinates of a moving particle at time t are
given by x = at2, y = bt2 The speed of the particle
(B) Electron, already present in the nucleus is
is ________.
(C) Neutron of the nucleus decays ejecting the (A) 2 (a + b) t (B) (a2 + b2)1/2 × t
electron (C) 2 (a2 + b2)1/2 × t (D) (a + b) t
(D) A part of binding energy is converted into
an electron
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13. If p is the pressure of a gas and ρ is its density, 21. According to Rutherford model of atom the atom
then dimension2 of velocity is given by ________. consists of ________
(A) p ρ1/2 –1/2
(B) p ρ
1/2 1/2
(A) Positively charged nucleus surrounded by a
(C) p–1/2 ρ1/2 (D) p–1/2 ρ–1/2 cloud of negative charge
14. If R, X and Z represent respectively the resistance, (B) Electrons orbiting a positively charged
reactance and impedance of an electric circuit nucleus in definite orbits
carrying alternating current, then the power (C) Same as (B) with electrons spinning
factor is given by ________ (D) A rigid sphere only
(A) (B) (C) (D) 22. The magnetic moment of a circular orbit of radius
Z R X R r carrying a charge q and rotating with velocity v
is given by _____.
15. If the horizontal range of a projectile is equal
qvr qvr
to the maximum height reached, then the (A) qvπr (D)
(B) (C) qvπr2
2π 2
corresponding angle of projection is ________.

(A) tan–1 1 (B) tan–1 3 23. Along with β-particle emission from a radioactive
(C) tan–1 4 (D) tan–1 12 nucleus one more particle with zero charge is
emitted to conserve the energy and momentum.

16. Two electrons move parallel to each other
This particle is called ________
with equal speeds v. The ratio of magnetic and

electrical forces between them is ________. (A) Meson (B) Positron

(C) Antineutrino (D) Neutron
v c v2 c2
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D)
c v c v2 24. In a cyclotron the time required to move a

charged particle of charge q and mass m in a

17. The acceleration of a particle performing S.H.M. plane perpendicular to the magnetic field B in a

is 12 cm/s2 at a displacement of 3 cm from the semicircular path is ________.

mean position. Its time period is ________. mπ Bqv
(A) t = (B) t =
(A) 6·28 s (B) 3·14 s (C) 10·0 s (D) 5·0 s Bq πm

18. The displacement of a particle is given by x = 6 (C) t = t = πm Bq
cos ωt + 8 sin ωt metre This equation respresents

a S.H.M. having amplitude ________.

25. A doubly ionised lithium atom is hydrogen like
(A) 14 m (B) 12 m (C) 10 m (D) 5 m with atomic number Z = 3. The wavelength of
19. An electron of mass 9 × 10 kg revolves in a
–31 radiation required to excite the electron in Li2+
circle of radius 0·53 Å around the nucleus of from first to third Bohr orbit will be ________.
hydrogen atom with a velocity of 2·2 × 106 ms–1. (Ionisation energy of hydrogen atom is 13·6 eV)
What is the angular momentum of the electron ? (A) 72·53 Å (B) 113·74 Å
h 3h h h (C) 212·52 Å (D) 17·72 Å
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2π 3π π 3π
26. A parallel monochromatic beam of light is
incident normally on a formed on a screen placed
20. To maintian a rotor at uniform angular speed of
200 rad. s–1, an engine needs to transmit a torque perpendicular to the direction the incident beam.
of 180 Nm. The required power of the engine is At the first minimum of diffraction pattern the
________. phase difference between the rays coming from
(A) 36 W (B) 63 W the two edges of the slit is ________.
(C) 36 KW (D) 63 KW (A) 0 (B) (C) π (D) 2π

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27. A current carrying coil is freely suspended in a 32. The colour of light emitted by star gives an idea
uniform magnetic field. The coil tends to set its of its _____.
plane ________. (A) Size (B) Weight
(A) Parallel to the magnetic field (C) Distance (D) Temperature
(B) Perpendicular to the magnetic field
33. The radioactive constant of radium is 4·28 ×
(C) Inclined to the magnetic field
10–4 per year, its half period is approximately
(D) Continuously rotating ________.
28. An equiconvex lens has power D. It is cut into (A) 2000 year (B) 1240 year
two symmetrical halves by a plane containing (C) 1620 year (D) 2440 year
the principal and the two pieces are joined as
shown in figure. The power of the combination 34. What is the difference between 92U235 and 92U238
will be ________ atoms ?
(A) U238 has 3 protons more


A A (B) U238 has 3 neutrons more

(C) U238 has 3 protons and 3 electrons more
(D) U238 has 3 neutrons and 3 electrons more

(A) P (B) 2P (C)

(D) Zero
a tio
35. Energy equivalent to 1 kg of matter is about
(A) 1011 joule (B) 1016 joule
29. The figure shows the view through the eyepiece
(C) 1017 joule (D) 1020 joule
of a prism spectrometer with its slit illuminated

by a source of light emitting wavelengths 36. The binding energy of hydrogen atom in the
corresponding to yellow (Y), green (G) and an lowest orbit of electron is 13·6 eV. To eject electron

unknown colour (X). The colour X may be ____. from the three lowest orbits of hydrogen atoms,
the required energies (in eV) are ________.
(A) 13·6, 6·8, 8·4 (B) 13·6, 10·2, 3·4
(C) 13·6, 27.·2, 40·8 (D) 13·6, 3·4, 1·5

X G Y 37. If the elements with principal quantum number


n > 4 did not exhist in nature, the number of

possible element would be ________.
(A) Red (B) Orange
60 (B)
32 (C)
4 (D)
(C) Pink (D) None of these
38. Express 1 BeV in joule ________.
30. In a prism which of the following phenomena
may take place ________. (A) 1·6 × 1010 J (B) 1·6 × 10–9 J
(C) 1·6 × 10–10 J (D) None of these
(A) Total internal reflection
(B) Deviation 39. An electron moving with uniform velocity
enters a uniform electric field perpendicular to
(C) Dispersion its direction of motion. The path of the lelectron
(D) All of these will be ________.
31. Sl unit of Stefan’s constant is ________. (A) Circular (B) Parabolic
(A) Nm–2K–4 (B) Jm–1K–4 (C) Straight line (D) Helical
(C) Jm–2K–4 (D) Wm–2K–4

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40. In Thomson’s method of determining e/m of 45. The aperture of the objective of a telescope is 0·1
cathode rays, magnetic field (B) and electric field m and wavelenth of light is 6000 Å. The resolving
(E) are parallel, a parabola is not. obtained on the limit of the telescope will approximately be
screen. The reason is ________ ________.
(A) Cathode rays consist of electrons which carry (A) 6 × 10–5 rad. (B) 6 × 10–4 rad.
negative charge (C) 6 × 10–3 rad. (D) 6 × 10–6 rad.
(B) Electron is a very light particle
46. Mirage is formed due to ________.
(C) There is no velocity distribution in cathode
rays (A) Reflection
(D) Parallel fields B and E do not interact with (B) Refraction
electrons (C) Total internal reflection
41. A body is projected vertically upward from point (D) Change in refractive index of air with change
A, the top of a tower. It reaches the ground in t1 in temperature
sec. If it is projected vertically downwards from
A with the same velocity, it reaches the ground 47. A free-floating astronaut ‘P’ pushes another

in t2 sec. If it falls freely from A, it would reach free-floating astronaut ‘Q’ in space. The mass of
the ground in ________. P is greater than that of Q. The force exerted by
astronaut P on astronaut Q will be ________.

t1 + t2 t1 − t2
(A) sec (B) sec (A) Equal to zero
2 2

(B) Equal to force exerted by Q on P

(C) t1 t2 sec (D) t1t2 sec (C) Greater than the forces exerted by Q on P
(D) Less than the force exerted by Q on P
42. The acceleration of a particle performing S.H.M.

is 12cm/sec2 at a distance of 3 cm from the mean 48. ALGOL resembles ________.

position. Its time period is ________. (A) COBOL (B) BASIC

(A) 2 sec (B) 4 sec (C) FORTRAN (D) All of the above
(C) 1·54 sec (D) 3·14 sec
49. Scratch pad memory is used to ________.
43. Which is the correct relation between inter- (A) Support main programme

atomic force-constant, Young’s modulus and the (B) Store small amounts of information that can
normal distance a0 between the atoms of a wire ? be fetched when needed

(A) Y = k × r0 (B) k = Y × r0 (C) Store redundant data

(C) k = Y × r02 (D) k Y × r0 (D) Store flexible data
44. To decrease the manifying power of an 50. In an N-P-N transistor circuit, the collector
astronomical telescope ________. current is 10 mA. If 90% of the electrons emitted
(A) Focal length of objective should be increased reach the collector ________
(B) Focal length of eyepiece should be decreased (A) The emitter current will be 9 mA
(C) Focal length of eyepiece should be increased (B) The emitter current will be 11 mA
(D) Focal length of objective should be increased (C) The base current will be 1 mA
and that of eyepiece should be decreased (D) The base current will be – 1 mA

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51. The activity of a sample of a radioactive material 57. In the given arrangement of springs, the time-
is A1 at time t1 and A2 at time t2 ; (t2 > t1). Its mean period of vertical oscillations of the mass m is
life is T. Then ________ ________
A1 − A 2
(A) A1t1 = A2t2 (B) =Constant
t2 − t1
k2 k1
(C) A2 = A1 e(t − t )/ T
1 2
(D) A2 = A1 e t2

52. In the Bohr model of hydrogen atom, the ratio

of the kinetic energy to the total energy of the
electron in nth quantum state is ________ m k1 + k2
(A) T = 2π (B) T = 2π
1 k1 + k2 m
(A) – 1 (B) + 1 (C) (D) 2


m(k1 + k2 ) mg
(C) T = 2π (D) T = 2π

53. The maximum frequency υ of continuous X-ray k1k2 k1 + k2
is related to the applied potential difference V as
________ 58. The mass of a proton is 1840 times that of an
(A) v ∝ V
(C) v ∝ V3/2
v ∝ V2
a tio
electron. An electron and a proton, with equal
kinetic energies, enter perpendicularly uniform
magnetic field. Now ________
54. In figure below are given the four lower energy (A) The path of proton will be more curved than
levels of hydrogen atom. The probable number that of the electron

of transitions is ________. (B) The path of proton will be less curved than that of
_______________ n = 4 electron

_______________ n = 3
(C) The paths of both proton and electron will
_______________ n = 2
be equally curved
_______________ n = 1
3 (B)
4 (C)
5 (D)
6 (D) The paths of both will be straight

59. The kinetic energy Ek of a photoelectron varies

55. A body of mass m slides down a rough plane of
with the frequency υ of the incident radiation as

inclination α. If µ be the coefficient of friction,

which of the following ?
the acceleration of the body will be ________
(A) g sin α (B) g µ cos α
(C) g (sin α – µ cos α) (D) g (cos α – µ sin α) (A) Ek (B)
56. A ray of light passes through a glass slab of
v v
thickness t and refractive index µ. If the speed
of light in air be ‘c’, the time taken by the ray to
cross through the plate is ________
t tc µt µc
(A) (B) (C) (D) (C) E (D)
µc µ c t k

v v

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60. Ice skating can be used to demonstrate that when 67. The magnetic field inside a toroidal solenoid of
ice is under pressure, its ________ radius R is B. If the current through it is doubled
(A) Melting point is lowered and the radius is also doubled keeping the
number of turns per unit length the same, the
(B) Melting point is raised magnetic field produced by it will be ________
(C) Melting point remain unchanged
(D) Coefficient of friction with metal is reduced (A) 4 B (B) 2 B (C) (D)
2 4
61. APT is used ________
68. The system shown in the figure, when slightly
(A) In inventory management displaced and released oscillates with a period T.
(B) In CAM for NC machine tools If only one spring is used, the period of oscillation
(C) In teaching of the beginners will be ________
(D) In Cobol
62. The three primary colours used in a colour K
television are ________.

(A) Red-blue-green (B) Green-yellow-red
(C) Yellow-blue-black (D) Yellow-blue-black
63. A magnetising field of 1600 Am–1 produces a
tio M

magnetic flux of 2·4 × 10–5 Wb in an iron bar of

cross-section area 0·2 m2. The succeptibility of (A) T (B) T/2 (C) T/ 2 (D) 2 T
bar is ________.
(A) 596 (B) 1192 (C) 298 (D) 1788 69. The amplitude of an oscillating simple pendulum

is 10 cm and its period is 4 sec. Its speed 1

64. A magnet of magnetic moment M is freely second after it passes its equilibrium position is

suspended in a uniform magnetic field of ________

strength B. The work done in rotating the magnet
through an angle θ is given by ________ (A) Zero (B) 0·157 m/s
(C) 0·212 m/s (D) 0·32 m/s
(A) B M (B) M B sin θ

(C) M B cos θ (D) M B (1 – cos θ) 70. The units nanometer, fermi, angstrom and
attometer, arranged in decreasing order will read

65. An iron core supports N turns. If a current i

produces a magnetic flux across the Core’s cross- as ________
section equal to φ, then the magnetic field energy (A) Angstrom, nanometer, fermi, attometer
is ________. (B) Fermi, attometer, angstrom, nanometer
1 (C) Nanometer, angstrom, fermi, attometer
(A) N i φ (B) Nφi
2 (D) Attometer, angstrom, fermi, nanometer
(C) N2 i φ (D) N i2 φ 71. A person sitting in a rotating merry-go-round
66. When the number of turns in a coil is doubled will feel ________
without any change in the length of coil, its self- (A) An inward force
inductance becomes ________. (B) An outward force
(A) Four times (B) Doubled (C) No force
(C) Halved (D) Squared (D) An inward or outward force depending upon
his weight and the velocity of rotation of the

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 79. The intensity of different order maxima is nearly
72. The vector B = 5i + 2 j − sk is perpendicular to
the same in ________
 (A) Young’s double slit experiment
the vector A = 3i + j + 2k for s =
(B) Single slit diffraction pattern
(A) 1 (B) 4·7 (C) 6·3 (D) 8·5 (C) Glass to water
(D) Water to glass
73. A temperature of 4K on the Fahrenheit scale will
be nearly ________ 80. When an electron jumps from the second allowed
(A) 36º F (B) 39º F orbit to the first allowed orbit in hydrogen, its
angular momentum changes by ________
(C) – 237º F (D) – 452º F
(A) 6.6 × 10–34 kg m2/s (B) 6.6 × 10–27 kg m2/s
74. When a given amount of water is heated from
(C) 1.06 × 10–34 kg m2/s (D) 3.24 × 1034 kg m2/s
2º C to 8º C, its volume varies with temperature
according to the curve ________ 81. Canal rays is the name given to a beam of


V V ________

(A) Electrons (B) Protons
(A) (B) (C) Neutrons (D) Positively charged

t(ºC) t
82. In the reaction 92
U235 + 0n1 _____→ 54X142 +
a Kr89 + 0n1 + α-particle. The number of α-particles
V 36
emitted is ________
(A) Four (B) Three (C) Two (D) One

(C) (D)
83. The amount of U235 in a sample of 20 g of naturally

t occurring uranium will be nearly ________

75. If the rms speed of the molecules of a gas at 27º

(A) 10 g (B) 14 g
C is 141.4 m/s, the rms speed at 327º C will be (C) 3·36 g (D) 0·14 g

nearly ________ 84. The fermi energy for a substance ________

(A) 1697 m/s (B) 565·6 m/s (A) Is directly proportional to T

(C) 282·8 m/s (D) 200 m/s

(B) Is proportional to T
76. The focal length of a convex lens having a (C) Is independent of T
magnifying power of 12·5 X is ________ (D) Varies as T2 
(A) 8 m (B) 2 cm (C) 12.5 cm (D) 8 cm  (T is the temperature in kelvin)
77. Hot incandescent liquids and solids produce a 85. The ionic crystale are not usually ________
______ spectrum. (A) Poor conductors
(A) Line (B) Band (B) Opaque to visible radiation
(C) Continuous (D) None of the above (C) Of high melting points
(D) Very stable
78. The critical angle will be maximum when light
travels from ________ 86. An aircraft is going at a speed of Mach 2. Its speed
(A) Glass to air (B) Water to air is nearly ________ km/hr ________
(C) Glass to water (D) Water to glass (A) 660 (B) 1080 (C) 1440 (D) 2380

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87. The amplitude of a particle in S.H.M. decreases 94. Two springs have their force constants k1 and k2
from 20 cm to 15 cm in 2 minutes. Its energy (k1 > k2). When they are stretched by the same
decreases by nearly ________ force ________
(A) 44% (B) 25% (A) No work is done in case of both the springs
(C) 22·5% (D) 12·5% (B) Equal work is done in case of both the springs
(C) More work is done in case of first spring
88. If the intensity of sound is doubled, the sound
(D) More work is done in case of second spring
level will increase by nearly ________
(A) A factor of 2 (B) 2 db 95. A particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal
(C) 3 db (D) 4 db circle of radius r under centripetal force given
by (k/r2), where k is a constant. Then ________
89. The intensity of sound waves in a medium is
(A) The total energy of the particle is (– k/2r)
directly proportional to ________
(B) The total energy of the particle is (k/r)
(A) Square root of wave speed
(C) The total energy of the particle is (k/2r)
(B) Square of the density of the medium

(D) The kinetic energy of the particle is (– k/r)
(C) Amplitude of the wave
(D) Square of the frequency 96. A man weighing 60 kg climbs up a staircase

carrying a 20 kg load on his head. The staircase
90. Which of the following combinations is in order has 20 steps and each step has a height of 20

of increasing resistance ? cm. If he takes 10 sec to climb, his power will be

(A) Galvanometer, voltmeter, ammeter ________ (g = 9·8 ms–2)
(B) Ammeter, galvanometer, voltmeter (A) 313·6 W (B) 413·6 W
(C) Ammeter, voltmeter, galvanometer (C) 810·7 W (D) None of these

(D) Voltmeter, ammeter, galvanometer 97. When a body is projected at an angle with the

91. The vector sum of two forces is perpendicular horizontal in the uniform gravitational field of
to their vector difference. In that case the forces the earth, the angular momentum of the body
are ________ about the point of projection, as it proceeds along
its path ________

(A) Equal to each other

(A) Remains constant
(B) Equal to each other in magnitude
(B) Increases

(C) Not equal to each other in magnitude

(C) Decreases
(D) Can not be predicted
(D) Initially decreases and after highest point it
92. In a circus, stuntman rides a motor bike in a increases
circular track of radius R in the vertical plane. 98. A block of mass m slips down an inclined plane as
The minimum speed at highest point of track shown in the figure. When it reaches the bottom,
will be ________ it presses a spring. If the length of the spring
I << h and spring constant k, then the length
(A) 2gR (B) 2gR (C) 3gR (D) gR by which the spring is compressed is ________
93. With what minimum acceleration can a fireman
slide down a rope whose breaking strength is 2/3 of
his weight ? s
2 g
(A) g (C)
g (B) (D) zero k
3 3

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2mgh mgh 51. (C) 52. (A) 53. (B) 54. (D) 55. (C)
(A) (B)
k k 56. (C) 57. (A) 58. (B) 59. (D) 60. (D)
61. (B) 62. (A) 63. (A) 64. (D) 65. (B)
2gh gh 66. (B) 67. (B) 68. (C) 69. (A) 70. (C)
(C) (D)
mk mk 71. (B) 72. (D) 73. (D) 74. (B) 75. (D)
76. (B) 77. (C) 78. (C) 79. (A) 80. (C)
99. For an inclined plane a sphere, a disc, a ring and
a shell are rolled without slipping. The order of 81. (D) 82. (D) 83. (D) 84. (C) 85. (B)
their reaching at the base will be ________ 86. (D) 87. (A) 88. (C) 89. (D) 90. (B)
(A) Ring, shell, disc, sphere 91. (B) 92. (D) 93. (C) 94. (D) 95. (A)
(B) Shell, sphere, disc, ring 96. (A) 97. (D) 98. (A) 99. (C) 100. (A)

(C) Sphere, disc, shell, ring

Explanatory Notes:
(D) Ring, sphere, disc, shell


1 2
1. Rotational K.E., E = lω or, 2El = (lω)2
100. Two particles whose masses are 10 kg and 30 2

kg and their position vectors are i + j + k and
Angular momentum lω = 2EI
-i - j - 
k respectively, would have the centre of

mass at ________ In absence of any external torque, the net angular
i + j + 
k i + j + 
momentum of the system remains conserved. Thus,
(A) − (B) 2 2E1I1 = 2E 2 I 2
i + j +  i + j +  E2 I 3
k k = 1 =
(C) − 4 (D) 4 E1 I2 1

2. The gravitational potential energy is obtained as kinetic


Answers energy
1 2
1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (A)
∴ mv = 6·25 × 108
6. (C) 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (D) 2 × 6·25 × 108

v =
11. (D) 12. (C) 13. (A) 14. (A) 15. (C) 10
16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (A) 20. (C)

⇒ v = 11·2 km/sec
21. (B) 22. (B) 23. (C) 24. (A) 25. (B)
26. (D) 27. (B) 28. (D) 29. (D) 30. (D) 3. The escape velocity does not depend on direction and
angle of projection.
31. (D) 32. (D) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35. (B)
5. The radii of curvature of the two faces of the lens
36. (D) 37. (A) 38. (C) 39. (B) 40. (C)
remain unchanged. Hence, focal length will also
41. (D) 42. (D) 43. (B) 44. (C) 45. (D) remain unchanged.
46. (C) 47. (B) 48. (C) 49. (B) 50. (B 6. 0n1 —→ 1H1 + β0

(neutron) (proton) (electron)

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7. Imax = (a + a)2 µ  e2 v 2 
1 e2
= 4a2 = I 16. Fe = ⋅ 2 and Fm = 0 ⋅  2 
when one slit is closed, intensity at the same point is 4πε 0 r 4π  r 
I’ = a2 = I0
∴ I = 4I0 Fm v2
= µ0ε0v2 = 2
8. X-ray spectrum is continuous with a cut-off at a Fe c
minimum wavelength
hc Since µ0ε0 =
λmin = c2
At a given V, X-rays of wavelength lower than λmin are 17. α = ω2y
not emited. α 12
ω2 = = =4
y 3
α 0·96 0·96
9. β = = = = 24
1− α 1 − 0·96 0·04
∴ ω = 2s–1
11. µ = rp × gm 2π 2 × 314
T = = = 3·14 s
µ 20 ω 2


∴ gm = =
rp 10 × 103
18. a = a12 + a22
= 2 × 10–3 mho

12. x = at2, y = bt2 2 2
= 6 + 8 = 10 m

vx = = 2at 19. Electron is moving in the first orbit

n = 1
dy Angular momentum =
vy = = 2bt 2π


∴ For n = 1, L =

∴ v = vx2 + v y2 2π
[L = mvr = 9 × 10–31 × 22 × 106 × 0·53 × 10–10
(2at ) 2 + (2bt ) 2 = 1·0494 × 10–34 J.s
h 6·6 × 10 −34

Also =
= 2(a2 + b2)1/2 × t 2π 2 × 314
13. Pressure exerted by a gas

h 
1 −2 3ρ
∴ L =
ρ = ρv ; v ∝ 2π 
3 ρ
20. Power = Torque × angular speed
[v] = [ρ1/2, ρ–1/2] = 180 × 200 = 36000 W
15. Horizontal Range = max. height reached = 36 kW
u 2 sin 2θ u 2 sin 2 θ 22. Magnetic dipole moment
g 2g = IA = (qf) × πr2
 v  q vr
= q  × πr 2 =
sin 2 θ  2πr  2
2 sin θ cos θ =
2 23. In beta-decay n —→ ρ + e + υ
4 cos θ = sin θ
tan θ = 4 ⇒ θ = tan–1 4 υ denotes antineutrino

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F = IB I
mv 2 mv
24. = Bq v ⇒ r = Normal
r Bq
The time t required by the icn to complete a semicircle α α
is given by B
πr π mv πm
t = = × = b sin α
v v Bq Bq
25. For hydrogen like atom, F = IB I
En = − 2 × Z
⇒ τ is maximum when α = 90º i.e., when the plane of
n the coil is parallel to the magnetic field
Thus for Li++ atom (Z = 3) we have ⇒ τ = 0 when α = 0 i.e., when the plane of the coil is
−13·6 × (3) 2 perpendicular to the magnetic field
E1 = = – 122·4 eV
12 Hence, the couple sets the coil in a position in which
its plane is perpendicular to the magnetic field. It is the


−13·6 × (3) 2 position of stable equilibrium of the coil.
E3 =
32 28. Part A will act as convex lens (thicker in the middle)

= – 13·6 eV and part B will act as concave lens (thinner in the
Thus the energy required to transfer an electron from middle) of equal focal length. Hence taken together

E1 to E3 level is. their power will be zero.
E = E3 – E1 = – 13·6 – (– 122·4) 29. Colour sequence will follow VIBGYOR
= 108·8 eV
From figure X may be BIV only. It can not be red, pink
∴ λ = or orange.
0·6931 0·6931
33. T1/2 = =
λ 4.28 × 10 −4

(6·63 × 10 −34 ) × (3 × 108 )

= m = 1621 years ≈ 1620 years
108·8 × 1·6 × 10 −19

37. The maximum no. of electrons in a shell is 2n2

⇒ λ = 113·74 Å
For n = 1, K-shell,
26. no. of electrons = 2
For n = 2, L-shell,

no. of electrons = 8
For n = 3, M-shell,
no. of electrons = 18

For n = 4, N-shell,
no. of electrons = 32
Thus, the total number of electrons = 60
Position of minima is given by Hence the number of elements will be 60
d sin θ = n λ
For first minimum, n = 1 38. 1 BeV = 109 eV = 109 × 1·6 × 10–19 J
∴ ∆ = d sin θ = λ = 1·6 × 10–10 J
Hence, phase difference 40. In case of positive rays we get a parabola when B and
2π∆ 2π E are parallel because different positive ions have
∆φ = = ⋅ λ = 2π
λ λ different velocities and they reach at different points
on the parabola. If the velocities of all the ions be the
27. The couple acting on a current carrying coil freely same, only a point will be obtained on the screen. Since
suspended in uniform magnetic field is given by there is no velocity-distribution in cathode rays, hence
τ = IBI × b sin α = IBA sin α no parabola is obtained.

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41. For three journies of the body 51. A1 = A0e–λt1,
1 2 h 1 A2 = A0e –λt2
h = −ut1 + gt1 ⇒ = − u + gt1 ...(1)
2 t1 2 A2 e − λt2
∴ = − λt1
A1 e
1 2 h 1
h = ut2 +
gt2 ; ⇒ = u + gt2 ...(2) λ (t − t )
2 t2 2 = e 1 2

1 2
h = 0+
gt3  ...(3) t1 − t2
2 A2
⇒ = e T
Adding first two expressions A1
 1 1 1
h  +  = g (t1 + t2 )  1
 t1 t2  2 ∵ λ = 
Comparing it with eqn. (3)

( t − t )/T
A2 = e 1 2
t3 = t1t2

42. In S.H.M., α = ω2y Ze 2 −Ze 2
α 12 52. K. E. = and P. E. =

⇒ ω2 = = = 4 sec–2 8πε 0 r 4π ε 0 r

y 3

−Ze 2
2π 2π
∴ K. E. + P. E. = Total Energy =

∴ T = = = π = 3·14 sec
a 8πε 0 r
ω 2
F K.E. − Ze 2 8πε 0 r
44. M =
⇒ = ×

t T.E. 8πε 0 r − Ze 2
To decrease M, f should be increased = – 1

λ 1·22λ 12400
45. Resolving limit = 53. λmin = Å ⇒ υmax ∝ V
dλ D V

54. n = 4

1·22 × 6000 × 10 −10

= n=3

≈ 6 × 10–6 rad.
50. The current distribution is as shown in the figure—
1 mA


11 mA 10 mA
As 90% of the electrons constitute 10 mA collector
current, the base current = 10% of 10 mA = 1 mA
∵ IE = IC + IB = 10 + 1 = 11 mA mg sin α
mg cos α mg

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Here R = mg cos α θ θ

and mg sin α – µR = ma 64. W = ∫ τd θ = ∫ MBsin θ d θ

Therefore, acceleration 0 0

mg sin α − µR mg sin α − µ × mg cos α θ

a= = = MB[ − cos θ]0 = MB [1 – cos θ]
m m
= g(sin α – µ cos α) 65. Self-inductance of toroid
Optical thickness φ
56. Required time = L = N
Speed of light in air i
1 2 1  Nφ  2
Li =  i
Energy of toroid E =
2 2 i 
= 1
c = N φ i

Ray µ µ 0 n 2 πr µ 0 (2n) 2 π(r/2)


66. L = ; L =
2 2

 µ n 2 πr 
57. The springs are connected in parallel; the equivalent = 2  0  = 2L
force constant k = k1 + k2—  2 

m m

∴ T = 2π = 2π (When the number of turns in a coil is doubled without
k k1 + k2 a changing the length of the coil, the radius of the coil
is reduced to half)
2 me ke 67. B = µ0ni; when current is doubled, the magnetic field
58. re = ; is also doubled as n is unchanged.

68. The given spring system is equal to a spring of spring

mp k p constant
rp =

qB K1 1 1 K
 = + ⇒ K = 
2  K' K K 2
re me ke me

∴ = =
rp mp k p mp
M  M

(∵ ke = kp) T = 2π = 2  2π  = 2 T'

∴ rp > re K/2  K
Hence the path of proton will be less curved.

59. hυ = h υ0 + Ek ⇒ Ek = h υ – h υ – h υ0
⇒ T' =
2·4 × 10 −5
63. Magnetic induction B = where T' is the period if a single spring is used.
0·2 × 10 −4
69. Velocity of simple pendulum
= 1·2 wb/m2 2π 2π
B 1·2 v = a ω cos ωt = 10 × cos ⋅1
Magnetic permeability µ = = T T
H 1600
20π 2π
= 7·5 × 10–4 N/A2 = cos ⋅1 = 0
µ 4 4

∴ Suceeptibility K = −1
µ0 70. 1 nanometer = 10–9 m
1 angstrom = 10–10 m
7·5 × 10 −4 1 fermi = 10–15 m
= − 1 = 596 1 attometer = 10–18 m
4π × 10 −7

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  80. The angular momentum of allowed orbits is
72. For A and B to be perpendicular,
h 2h 3h
  , , ,... Thus difference between successive
A . B = 0 2π 2π 2π

allowed orbits is—
= (5i + 2j − sk).(3i + j − 2
k) h 6·64 × 10 −34
2π 2π
= 15 + 2 – 2s = 0

⇒ s = 8·5 = 1·06 × 10–34 kg × m2/s
73. K = C + 273 82. Since both the atomic number and number of nucleons
∴ 4 = C + 273
⇒ C = 4 – 273 must be conserved, α-particles must carry (92 + 0) –
= – 269 (54 + 36 + 0) = 2 protons and (235 + 1) – (142 + 89 + 1)
F − 32 C = 4 nucleons. These are contained in one α-particle.
Now, =
9 5 83. Naturally occurring uranium contains only 0·7% of
U235. Thus, the amount of U235 in a 20g sample
F − 32 269

or, = − 0·7
9 5 = 20 ×

⇒ F = – 452

= 0·14 g
74. The density of water is maximum at 4ºC; therefore, the
84. By definition, fermi energy is the energy corresponding

volume of a given amount of water will be minimum

to the highest energy level in the conduction band
at 4ºC.
occupied by electrons at absolute zero.
V2 T2 327 + 273 85. The ionic crystals are usually insulators and are
75. = =
V1 T1 27 + 273 transparent.

86. Mach 2 corresponds to twice the speed of sound. Thus,

600 it is

= = 2
300 = 2 × 330 m/s
330 × 60 × 60

∴ V2 = 2 V1 = 1·414 × 141·4 = 2 × km/hr

 200 m/s = 2376 km/hr

25cm 1

76. M.P. = mω 2 a 2 . Thus percentage change in energy is

87. E =
f 2
∆E 202 − 152
25 = × 100  44%

⇒ f = E 202
= 2 cm 88. If I is the initial intensity, the sound level in decibels,
sin c µ I
78. = 1 db1 = 10 log
sin 90º µ2 I0
µ I

⇒ sin c = 1 Also db2 = 10 log
µ2 I0
where µ1 is the refractive index of rarer medium. = 10 log 2 + 10 log  3 + db1
79. In (B) and (C) the central maxima is brightest.

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89. I = 2π2 vd f 2 A2 ∴ I ∝ f 2 r r k
P.E. = − ∫∞ Fdr = ∫ dr
90. An ammeter is a galvanometer with a small resistance ∞ r2
in parallel with it, while a voltmeter is made by k
= −
connecting a high resistance in series with it. r
   
91. (A + B).(A − B) = 0 Total energy
E = KE + PE
k k k
      = − = −
2 2
A + B . A − A . B − B = 0 2t r 2r

  Work done

A 2 − B2 = 0 96. Power =
   
(Since A . B = B . A) Force × Displacement
A2 = B2 ⇒ A=B


92. m v 80 × 9·8 × 20 × 0·2

= = 313·6 W
mg N     
R 97. L = r × p = mr × v

L = rp sin θ = mvr sin θ = mr(v sin θ)
a As vertical component of velocity (v sin θ) initially
decreases and after its highest point increases
At highest point ⇒ L, initially decreases and after highest point it
mv 2 increases.
mg + N =

R 1 2
98. mgh = kx

For Vmin, N = 0 ⇒ Vmin = gR

93. While sliding down with an acceleration α, the force 2mgh

⇒ x =
exerted by the man on the rope is k

T = m(9 – α) = mg 99. For rolling motion
(Translational + Rotational)

⇒ α = g g sin θ
3 Acceleration f =
1+ 2
Work done = Energy stored R
1 2 2
= kx For sphere, K = R
2 5
For second spring x will be more, whose square is
involved in above expression. g sin θ

⇒ f1 =
mv 2
k 1·4
95. = 2
r r
1 2 k For disc, K = R×
K.E. = mv = 2
2 2r

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 
g sin θ  m1 r + m2 r2

⇒ f2 = 100. rC.M. =
· m1 + m2
10(i + j + 
k ) + 30(−i − j − 
2 =
For shell, K = R 10 + 30
20(i + j + k)
g sin θ 40

⇒ f3 =
i + j + 
For ring, K = R
=− 2
g sin θ

⇒ f4 =
∴ f1 > f2 > f3 > f4




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