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ELT Perspective 4(2), September 2016



Rika Mandasari Manan


The EAST, SMPN 1 Sumber


In learning foreign language such as English, a learner should have motivation

in order to have willingness to learn. This study is an attempt to investigate the
students’ motivation in learning English by using Hangman Game. And this study was
to find out if the use of Hangman game motivates the students in learning English. The
method used in this study was quantitative with experimental research design. The
target population of this study was the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri Cirebon 1.
The writer took two classes as samples and the number of the samples was 36 students.
The samples were divided into experimental group and control group. There are two
research instruments which were used to collect data. They were questionnaire and
observation. The result analysis of observation showed that the students in experimental
group had higher motivation than in control group. Meanwhile, the calculation of the
value of the questionnaire showed that there were significant differences between
experimental group and control group. The result of taccount was 2,44 while the result of
ttable was 1,994. It was mean that the value of taccount (2,44) > ttable (1,994). So,
hypotheses alternative (Ha) was accepted or the use of Hangman game motivate the
students in learning English to eighth grade students of MTs Negeri Cirebon 1.

Keywords: Hangman Game, Motivation, Learning, English

Introduction The motivation from the teacher

Gaining students’ motivation is is very important as it directly affects the
one of tasks that teacher should do in order students (Alam and Farid, 2011).
the students have willingness to learn, but Students should have motivation when
to create highly motivating environment in they want to learn something. Motivation
the classroom is not easy (Meece and can give them reason about something
McColskey, 2001 : 33). For Example thay they want to achieve. And teachers
when the students learn English. English is are people who can give the students
an international language. And in this motivation. What the teachers do in the
global era, it is necessary for people to be lesson can give some effects to the
able to speak English. But every students students. If the teachers give feedback to
have different motivation to learn, and it is their students, or if the teachers teach the
teacher task to create motivating material with a fun way, it can give their
environment in learning process.

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students a lot of motivation which is very they confused in learning English. They
important for them. have problem in their vocabulary,
And Brophy (2004 : 4) said that grammar and spelling. They also did not
students’ motivation is rooted in have motivation in learning English,
students’ subjective experiences and it because the students think that English is
affected to their willingness to engage in a difficult subject. And they also said
lessons and learning activities and their that English is boring.
reason for doing so. It means that One of strategies to teach English
teacher’s motivation is important for the is by using game. Game is an activity
students, because students have their with rules, a goal and an element of fun
own reason for their learning activities. (Hadfield, 1998). In other words, game is
Sometimes they feel bored with the one of interesting strategies to teach the
subject of the study or maybe the way of students and it also have some purposes
teacher explains the lesson is confusing. and steps. By using game, teaching
Based on curriculum 2006 there learning activity will be more fun. And
are four skills in English such as students will have an interest to learn the
listening, speaking, reading and writing. material. Also students will understand
While in curriculum 2013 there is no about the material easily.
skill as in curriculum 2006. And in To do this research the writer
curriculum 2013 there are five learning found some journals about Hangman
activities, such as observing, asking, game and motivation. And the result of
gathering information, associating, and the journal is language through games
communicating. Because of this five can encourage the operation of certain
learning activities, the students must be psychological and intellectual factors,
more active in the classroom. To make one of them is motivation (Pisheh and
them more active, there should be a Bagheri, 2012).
method that can give the students a lot of To teach the students there should
motivation, so they have willingness to be a right method or technique to make
study. And motivation is important in the teaching learning activity more fun,
learning process. Because based on especially in learning English. Because
Permendikbud No 81A 2013 about English is not our mother tongue, so
curriculum implementation, students students will have some difficulties in
motivation affects their achievement. So, learning English. And sometimes, the
the students should have high motivation students have low motivation to learn the
in order to get a good learning result. other language.
In this research the writer was Therefore, the writer took the title
interested to do the research in MTs “The Use of Hangman Game in
Negeri Cirebon 1 which learned English Motivating the Students in Learning
as a foreign language. The writer English (An Experimental Research at
interviewed the English teacher and the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Negeri
students to know about the difficulties in Cirebon 1).” By using Hangman game,
learning English. The students said that the students have a motivation to learn

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ELT Perspective 4(2), September 2016

English. And students think that learning other words, game is a useful technique
English is fun and easy. The research that can be used by teacher so that the
question of this research is: “Does the students can get a lot of vocabulary and
use of Hangman Game motivate the the students can also improve their
students in learning English to Eighth courage to communicate with their
Grade students of MTs Negeri Cirebon friends, especially in the lesson. Because
1?” And the objective of the research is communication skill is very important
to find out if the use of Hangman game for the students. Their skill to
effective to motivate the students in communicate with others can be used
learning English at the Eighth Grade when they should present something in
students in MTs Negeri Cirebon 1. their class, or when the students should
give their opinion during discussion.
Hangman Game A classic way to practice the
Language games is a general term alphabet and vocabulary is by using
used to cover a variety of language Hangman game (Rauschenberg, 2005).
activities, and the function of language Hangman game can be called as one of
games is to practice specific language language game which can be used by
items such as grammar, sentence teacher to teach the students about
structures, vocabulary, and spelling, and alphabet and vocabulary.
it is important to develop language skill Kartikawati (2014) also states that
(Rezapanah and Hamidi, 2013). Students the students can express their idea in
can get a lot of knowledge and new trying to guess the secret word by
experience by playing language games, Hangman game and the researcher also
because the students can learn language can create fun atmosphere. So, the
with different and fun ways. Language teaching learning activity will be not
games will give them much benefit boring for the students. By playing
which is very important for their Hangman game, students will think
language skills. about the letter which is in the word.
There are many factors in games They will also think about what the right
such as employing rules, fostering word is. Hangman game also can be one
cooperation while making learning fun way to help students practice their
and games also enjoyable (Yolageldili confidence to express their thought.
and Arikan, 2011). It means that the It means that by using Hangman
teaching learning activity will be more game, the students can practice the
interesting by using game. Game can alphabet and vocabulary which is really
also develop the team work between important for their English skill and it
students. can also create fun atmosphere in
One of the effective techniques is by teaching learning activity.
using games so students can improve Hangman game also can be played
their vocabulary knowledge and also to learn all skills in English (Wright et al.,
ability to communicate (Chirandon, 1984). It means that Hangman game not
Laohawiriyanon and Rakthong, 2010). In only used to learn one skill. Students can

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learn all of English skills by using this

game. Also, this game is very easy to Steps to Play Hangman Game
play and it does not use too much There are some steps to play
material. Hangman Game according to
Game is usually used in language Rauschenberg (2005):
teaching. And there are some reasons 1. Draw some rows representating the
why game can be used in language number of the letters in a vocabulary
teaching, such as: First, to learn language words.
is hard work. To understand, to repeat 2. Have the students guessing the letter.
accurately, to adapt, to use newly 3. If the letter is in the word, write the
understood language in conversation and letter in the appropriate row.
in written composition need an effort 4. If the letter is not in the word, then
(Wright et al. 2006 : 2). And by using draw the hanged man (1-head, 2-
game, it can help many learners to torso, 3-arm, 4-arm, 5-leg, 6-leg).
sustain in their interest and work. 5. If they can guess the word before the
Second is experiencing language drawing of hanged man is done, then
(Wright et al. 2006 : 2). Game help the they win. (p. 34)
learners to experience language rather
than merely study it. Especcially when
the students learn foreign language.
When they learn new vocabularies or
when they learn to make a sentences that
they do not know, they can experience it
by using appropriate game to learn
language. And game also can help the
teacher to create context in which Figure 1. Picture of Hangman Game
Source:, 2003-2009
language is useful and meaningful.
Third, repeated the use of language Motivation
items (Wright et al. 2006 : 2). Many A major problem in education is
games similarly provide repeated lack of motivation. Students often exert
occurance and use of a particular the minimum rather than maximum
language form. By making language effort (Meece and McColskey, 2001).
convey information and opinion, games Students with low motivation definitely
provide the key feature of drill with the learn the material with a little effort.
added opportunity to sense the working While the students with high motivation
of language as living communication. will learn something with their big effort.
Fourth is central to learning. Games And their effort to learn will give an
can provide intense and meaningful influnce for their achievement.
practice of language, so they can be One of the main tasks of the
regarded as central to language teacher’s teacher is to make their students
repertoire and not merely a way of interested in the subject, even though the
passing the time (Wright et al. 2006 : 2). students do not have an interest in it

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ELT Perspective 4(2), September 2016

(Harmer, 1998 : 8). It is not an easy task, something. It will be different with the
because the students have their own students who have low motivation. They
reason to learn something, especially in will have a feeling that they are forced to
learning English. Different methods or learn the subjects.
techniques should be try in order to make Based on Permendikbud No. 81A
a good situation in the classroom. If the 2013 about curriculum implementation,
method is fun and enjoyable, the students motivation is very important in learning
will give a good response in the lesson. process because it can make the students
But, if the method is not right for the active to look for information in the
students, they definitely feel bored and learning process, make the students
they will also give negative response creative, independent, and it is
when they learn the material. appropriate with their talent and ability.
Motivation is a theoretical And also, there are three attitude objects
construct and it is used to explain the that need to be assessed in learning
initiation, direction, intensity, persistence, process such as attitude towards the
and quality of behavior, especially goal- learning materials, attitude towards the
directed behavior (Maehr and Meyer teacher and attitude towards learning
(1997) in Brophy (2004 : 3)). It means process.
that a person who has motivation to do And there are some indicators of
something also has a clear direction motivation, such as grades and test score,
about the achievement. And that person perceived competence or confidence,
will also act appropriately that refers to attitudes toward school or class,
the main goal. cognitive engagement or learning
Brophy (2004) adds that the use strategies and comfort in participating
of student motivation is to explain the (Meece and McColskey, 2001 : 70-75).
degree to which students invest attention Motivation is clearly linked to
and effort in various pursuit, which may grades and test score (Meece and
or may not be the ones desired by their McColskey, 2001 : 70). But grades or
teachers. And researchers seem to agree test score should not be a measurement
that motivation is responsible for of students’ motivation. Because some
deciding human behavior by energizing students have a lot effort to work hard
and giving it direction (Dornyei, 1998). but not know how to study, so they do
Because human will act based on their not perform well in their test. And some
purpose. And it is same with the students students can do the test well without a lot
who learn at school, they have different of effort. And there are also students who
motivation. There are students who have may have confidence or motivation to
a lot of motivation to learn the subjects, study.
and there are also students who do not Perceived competence or
have any interest to the subjects. confidence is very important for the
Students who have motivation will learn students, where there is often anxiety in
the material well and they also have a subjects. With confidence, the students
good behavior when they learn will have a good performance in learning

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process, they also will be more active in ambiguous to assess, so it needs some
the classroom because they have a clear indicators.
confidence (Meece and McColskey,
2001 : 72). Previous Study
Attitude can assess how well the To do this research the writer
students like or dislike something such as looked for some previous study as a
school, school subjects, or a particular guide for this research. The first previous
subject (Meece and McColskey, 2001 : study tells that teacher can use game
74). For example, if the students have a such as Make a Sentence, Unscramble
good attitude in a school subjects, it Sentences on the Board, Hangman and
means that the students have an interest Word Hunt to help their students in their
in the subject. But if the students give a communication skills and teacher is
bad attitude, it means that the students do responsible for creating a constructive
not have an interest or dislike the classroom atmosphere, which encourages
subjects. vocabulary expansion. And it is because
Cognitive engagement is another student prefer learning by using
measure related to motivation. It is to educational games rather than traditional
know how students learn something. It activity based lesson. Also, ESL/EFL
can asses the degree that the students specialists often justified that the use of
report what they have learned. While games with reference to the motivation,
learning strategies can assess whether they can provide for the students (Pisheh
students report using strategies to and Bagheri, 2012). It means that
complete their work with minimal effort. student’s communication skills can be
This item can be used by teacher after helped by using game. And it can also
the students complete their assignments create a good atmosphere in the
or test (Meece and McColskey, 2001 : classroom.
75). The fourth study told about the
The last indicator of motivation is relationship between motivation and
comfort in participating (Meece and students’ English learning achievement.
McColskey, 2001 : 75). Usually in the The purpose of this study were to find
classroom, the students do not want to out the levels of motivation in students
participate in teaching learning process, with high and low achievement, to
such as, asing some questions that they investigate the differences and
do not understand, or answer the similarities in motivation of students
question from the exercise. It is because with high and low achievement, and to
students usually do not feel comfortable investigate the relationship between
in the teaching learning activity and they motivation and students’ achievement.
usually just stay quite while listening to This study used questionnaire survey an
teacher’s explanation. in-depth interview. To collect the data
These indicators above are about students motivation, the researcher
important to measure the motivation, used questionnaire. The subjects were
because motivation is abstract or required to choose a number on a 5-point

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ELT Perspective 4(2), September 2016

Likert scale that represented their Experimental

response. While in-depth interview was M X O
utilized to collect qualitative data from
the subjects’ perspective. This research Control
showed a high level of motivation in Group
both high and low group. In the high M = the subject in each group have
achievement group, the mean score of been matched (on certain variable)
motivation is higher than the mean score X = experimental group
of integrative motivation and the mean C = control group
score was in the same way in the low O = posttest
achievement group. The motivation of
students with high and low achievement The population was the second
are not different at statistically grade of junior high school in MTs
significance 0,05. It can be concluded Negeri Cirebon 1 class. The population
that both high and low achievement of the students in second grade is about
students, had alittle opportunity to 360 students which is consist of 9 classes.
participate in English activities and The samples that the writer took were the
native speaker teachers’ instruction students from the second grade of junior
(Choosri and Intharaksa, 2011). high school in MTs Negeri Cirebon 1
Based on the previous study, the class 8B and class 8C. The writer took
writer used Hangman game in order to around 36 students as sample of the
motivate the students in learning English. research.
And the writer used questionnaire to
know about students’ motivation in
Technique of Data Collection
learning English. In this research, the writer used
questionnaire to know about students’
Research Methodology motivation in learning English. The
The methodology applied in this purpose of this questionnaire is to know
research is by using quantitative method. if the use of Hangman game in learning
The writer used accounting of numerical English motivate the students. And the
data that was collected by questionnaire. type of questionnaire items are closed-
In this research, the writer used ended. And the form of the questionnaire
experimental research to know the result is checklists. Checklists are consist of a
if the use of Hangman game motivate the list of descriptive terms, attributes, or
students in learning English. And there even objects, and respondents are
were two groups that include in this instructed to mark the items on the list
research such as experimental group and (Dornyei, 2003 : 46). The writer also
control group. in this research, the writer used Likert scale in the questionnaire
used formula: The Matching –Only sheet. Likert scale consists of a series of
Posttest- Only Control Group Design statements which related to a target
(Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun, 2012 : 275). (Dornyei, 2003 : 36 – 37). And there are
some advantages in using Likert scale,

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Manan, R. M.

such as: It is relatively easy to construct; Formula for the Questionnaires. The
It is considered more reliable; It can writer used t-test to analyze the data from
easyly be used; and it takes much less the result of the questionnaire. The result
time to construct (Kothari, 2004 : 86). of the questionnaire can be analyze with
The writer used Likert scale because it is formula by Fraenkel, Wallen, Hyun,
usualy used in the research and it has 2012 : 252 :
some advantages. And the writer also
used Likert scale with five respon
options for the questionnaire.
t = t-test of the statistic
Five Options of the Questionnaire x1 = mean result from the first
Options Score group
Strongly Agree 5 x2 = mean result from the
Agree 4 second group
Neither Agree SED = Standard Error of
Nor Disagree Difference
Disagree 2
Strongly Data Analysis for Observation. In this
Disagree research, the writer conducted
observation both in experimental group
Observation also used in this and control group. It was to know deeper
research to observed students’ activities about students’ activities in the
to collect the data about the application classroom. After the data was completed,
of English lesson by using Hangman the writer made the description as an
game. And in every meeting the learning analysis for observation. The writer
process had been recorded. Because by analyzed the observation data by looking
using audio-visual recording, the data is at the observation sheet and audio-visual
more complete and it can overcome the recording. From the recording, the writer
partialness of the observer’s view of one knew the students activities in the
event (Cohen, 2007 : 407). And the use classroom. And the writer explained the
of this observation is to support the situation based on the recorded. After the
analysis of the research. There are two observation data was complete, the
answers in the observation sheet, such as writer made some descriptions, started
‘Yes’ and ‘No’ which adapted from from the time the writer taught the
Kunandar (2013 : 216). The observer students, then about the material, and
gave a checklist between the two after that the writer explained the
answers. The observer should also give observation aspects and the situation
the explanation for every observation which is happened in learning process.
aspects. This way made to support the data
analysis provided in t-test.
Technique of Data Analysis
Finding and Discussion

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ELT Perspective 4(2), September 2016

The purpose of this research is to explained to them. And these words can
find if the use of Hangman game increase their vocabularies.
motivate the students in learning English The use of Hangman game
at Eighth grade students of MTs Negeri motivates the students in learning
Cirebon 1. After the writer looked up to English can be seen from the calculation
some theory, the writer compared it with of the questionnaire score. First, the
the finding of the research. writer found out that the mean of
In this research, the writer used experimental group ( ) was 36,92 and
quasi-experimental as research design. the mean of control group ( ) was
And the research question can be 34,58. Then the writer calculated
answered by giving the questionnaires to Standard Error Difference (SED) and the
students from experimental group and the result was 0,96. After that the writer
control group. And to support the result used ttest formula to test the hypotheses.
of questionnaire, the writer used The formula of ttest is by decreasing mean
observation to know about students’ of experimental group ( ) with mean of
activities in learning English. The
control group ( ), then devide the result
experimental group used Hangman game
with Standard Error Diference (SED).
in order to motivate the students, while
And the result of taccount was 2,44.
the control group used Conventional
And after the writer got the result
method in the lesson. And the writer
of taccount then, the writer should find the
chose to teach writing of Recount text in
result of ttable as a comparison for taccount.
both of class.
To get the result of ttable the writer should
Hangman game was given to
find the Degree of Freedom (df), and the
teach students of experimental group.
result was 70. The writer chose 5% of
Students were divided into four groups,
significant of standard. And after that,
to make it easier to play the game. Then
the writer looked up to ttable distribution
the writer wrote some dashes which
and found out that the result of ttable was
representating the number of word. After
that, students tried to guess what letter
After the writer got the result of
which is in the word. If the letter was not
taccount and ttable, the next step was to
in the word, then the writer started to
compare them. If the result of taccount is
make the hanged man. After they knew
lower than ttable, it means Ha is rejected
the answered, they should raise their
and Ho is accepted. And if taccount is
hand and guess the word. Students from
higher than ttable, it means that Ha is
the group who answered the word would
accepted and Ho is rejected. And for this
get a score if the answer was correct. The
research, the result of taccount is 2,44 and
words which were given to the students
the result of ttable is 1,994. Then, this
were related to the material of the lesson.
research is accepted because taccount is
The material of the lesson was Recount
higher than ttable.
text. These words can help the students
The differences of experimental
to know the material that will be
group and control group also can be seen

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Manan, R. M.

from the result of observation. First, them were also daydreaming on their
students in experimental group were seat without listening to the teacher
always got enthusiastic and excited when explanation. But, when teacher gave
they learned English. They did not look them a text about Recount text, they still
like they were lazy in learning English. wanted to follow the teacher after the
Students were ready to get the lesson, teacher gave the example to read it. And
and there were no students who went out they would give answer if teacher asked
of class when the lesson had begun. them questions. Students did the exercise
Students used to paid attention when that had given to them, but when they
teacher gave an explanation about the answered the exercise, some students
material. They also participated in would cheat or ask to the other friends. It
teaching learning activities. Some was mean that they did not understand
students were bravely to read the text the material well.
given. And they always answered The differences between
teacher’s questions. Students did the experimental group and control group
exercise given without cheating, made were caused by the treatment that
discussion with their friend or made students got. In experimental group, the
some noisy in the classroom. It means writer always gave the students
that the result is appropriate with theory Hangman game as a special treatment
about indicators of motivation by Meece while in the control group, the writer
and McColskey (2001 : 70 – 75). In only teach them by Conventional
indicators of motivation, there is approach. Hangman game which was
perceived competence or confidence and given to experimental group gave the
comfort in participating, and the result students motivation to learn English. It
shows that the students in experimental also made them felt excited and
group have confidence to participate in enthusiastic in teaching learning
learning process. The students also activities. While Conventional approach
showed a good attitude in the classroom which was given to control group made
by paying attention to the teacher. The the students bored and sleepy. It did not
students also excited and enthusiastic in give them motivation to learn English.
learning English. And it is appropriate The result from
with one of indicators of motivation, questionnaires and observation indicates
which is attitude. Because attitude can that after getting the treatment, the result
tells whether the students like or dislike of experimental group was better than
the subject. the result o control group. According to
While in control group, the that finding, it could be concluded that
situation in the classroom was different the use of Hangman Game motivate the
with experimental group. Students did students in learning English at the eighth
not enthusiastic and excited in learning grade of MTs Negeri Cirebon 1.
English. They looked like they were
bored and sleepy listening to teacher
explanation of the material. Some of Conclusion

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ELT Perspective 4(2), September 2016

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About author:
Rika Mandasari Manan, S.Pd. is an English instructor at The EAST, SMPN 1 Sumber

ISSN: 2354-7340 151

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