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33926 Calle La Primavera, California 92629-2018

(949) 496-1307

Issue Number 1 - Welcoming Committee - December 2010

Welcome to Saint Edward the Confessor Parish and San Felipe de Jesus Chapel. On
behalf of our Pastor Father Steve Sallot, our Parochial Vicars, and Parish Staff we are
grateful you have come here to worship . We are a vibrant and active community
reaching out not only to those in our immediate vicinity, but also our global community.
Our Parish family is large, offering many opportunities for ministry. Our ministries offer
members of our community an opportunity to serve in a way that fits many person’s
schedule, gifts, and talents. Please use this directory as a tool to assist in discovering how you may serve
or be served at this giving Parish. Our website is also a great way to learn more about
what is happening at our Parish and find out additional information about our ministries. I invite you to
spend some time reflecting on how you may want to be even more involved in our Parish. I am available
for questions or comments.

Neil Sampson Questions for Reflection 
Parish Ministry Coordinator
1.  Do you want to help serve the poor, the grieving, the cold, the incarcerated, the unborn, the homebound, or 
949-496-1307 X 2229 the hungry? Visit our Outreach Ministries.  Pages V‐VII 
2.  Are  you  inspired  by  our  many  Liturgical  celebrations? 
Wish  to  minister  to  all  those  who  come  and  worship 
Ministries In Need of Volunteers weekly? Visit our Liturgical Ministries.                  Page II 
  3.  Do you love teaching people about the Catholic faith? 
Bereavement Ministry (Page V)  Do  you  find  yourself  wishing  to  inspire  teenagers, 
Stephen Ministry (Page VI)  adults,  children  and  newcomers  about  our  Catholic 
Legion of Mary (Page VIII)  faith. Visit our Faith Formation Ministries.   Pages III‐IV 
4.  Do  you  enjoy  praying  with  others?  Do  you  desire  to 
Social Justice (Page VI) 
learn more about your faith? Do you need to grow in 
Ushers (Page II) spiritual maturity? Do you desire to enrich your family, 
faith,  and  prayer  life?  Visit  our  Family,  Faith,  and 
Prayer Enrichment Ministries.                       Pages VIII‐X 
5.  Are  you  an  adult  looking  to  enhance  your  social  life? 
Looking for a time to get together with other couples 
or  singles?  Are  you  a  parent  of  a  young  child  looking 
Featured Ministry for  a  safe  and  fun  community?  Visit  our  Community 
Stephen Ministry  (Page X)  and Social Ministries.                                             Page VII 
6.  Do  you  want  to  help  enhance  our  parish  life  at  Saint 
Edward  the  Confessor?  Visit  our  Parish  Enrichment 
Ministries.                                                                  Page XI  
7.  Are you passionate about education? Want to help our 
school and preschool? Visit our School  and  Preschool 
Ministries.                                                                 Page XII 
8.  Do  you  worship  at  our  Chapel  San  Felipe  de  Jesus? 
Visit our San Felipe de Jesus Ministries.     Page XIII‐XIV 

You call me ‘teacher’ and ‘master’, and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have
washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have
done for you, you should also do. - John 13: 13-15
I We would love to hear from you. All comments are welcome. Welcoming Committee:
Altar Guild Mary Ann Connolly (949) 240-1164
Members work in teams of two or three on Mondays or Fridays to fill altar candles with oil, water plants, wash the holy vessels used
at Mass, and organize missalettes. Each team works once a month. Other members wash and iron the small linens used at Mass
and the Priests' and Altar Servers' albs. The Guild also works with the Environment and Art Ministry to decorate the Church for
Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. Please join us in serving our parish community.

Altar Server Ministry Deana Progar (949) 525-7092

Altar Server Scheduling Tom Littlejohn (949) 489-5595
The Altar Serving Ministry consists of age groups from young children (5th grade) to teenagers (12th grade). Their role is to serve
God, the Priests, and the People of God by assisting at weekday and Sunday Masses. After some experience, Altar Servers can
serve at weddings, funerals, and some liturgical celebrations. Altar Servers are trained and instructed in the parts of the Liturgy, the
order of the Mass, proper decorum, and care for sacred articles and garments.

Art & Environment Deana Progar (949) 525-7092

The liturgical environment is an essential component to the parish community’s understanding of liturgical seasons and aids in a
more fulfilling worship experience during Mass. The Art & Environment ministry consists of members in the parish who make
every effort to enhance the liturgical actions that take place throughout the sanctuary. We decorate for Advent, Christmas, Lent,
Easter and three different times throughout the season of Ordinary Time. We welcome you to be a part of the decoration team
to help beautify God’s house. We will call upon you on an as-needed basis.

Eucharist Minister Rocco Falabella (949) 240-8037

Eucharistic Ministers exercise the roles of host and servant at the Eucharistic banquet. They distribute communion under both
species (the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) at Mass. Some Eucharistic Ministers deliver the Bread of Life to the sick and
homebound (See Eucharist Minister to Sick and Homebound Ministry). They serve on teams and are scheduled in advance for
Masses. They must be registered members of the parish. Training is provided to fulfill their obligation with dignity and reverence.

Eucharist Minister LaVerne Klopp (949) 496-1307 x2207

to Sick/Homebound
Some members of our community are unable to attend Holy Mass. Often, these people have worshiped within our community for
years and are now unable to attend Mass due to age or illness. These members of our community are in assisted living facilities or
live at home and are grateful to receive communion from our Ministers. The time commitment is approximately 1-2 hours per week.

Lector Maureen Walker (949) 498-3355

Lectors bring the Scriptures to life during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass and help members of our community grow in their own
appreciation for and understanding of Scripture. By proclaiming God’s word, ministers help the Holy Spirit speak to the hearts of
those at Mass. Lectors are scheduled based on their Mass preference times and can switch assignments. Training is provided.

Music Ministry Rick Dellefield (949) 496-1307

The Music Ministry’s primary functions are to lead the people of God in sung prayer and thanksgiving and embellish the sacred
liturgy with music from the Church’s tradition as well as music of recent composition. The St. Edward the Confessor Combined
Choir exists in accordance with the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (1963) of the Second Vatican Council. Article 114 urges
that “the treasure of sacred music is to be preserved and fostered with great care, and that Choirs must be diligently developed.”
The Choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30p.m. in the Church. The Choir sings at the 5:30 p.m. Mass
on Saturdays with a pre-Mass rehearsal beginning at 4:30p.m. The Choir also sings for Noel Night, Christmas Eve (10:30 PM),
Christmas Day (11:00 a.m.), Holy Week liturgies, which include: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday (11:00
a.m.) and an additional concert during the year. Choir season is from September through June with a short summer break.

Usher Rob Wagner (949) 842-2277

John Di Mare (626) 824-6084
Ushers provide hospitality, comfort, and safety at Sunday Masses and other special liturgies. Before Mass, ushers foster a sense
of community by welcoming members of our parish and visitors. Following all weekend Masses, ushers distribute the weekly
bulletin then assure that the church is ready for the next liturgy. Generally, the time commitment is 1-1.5 hours each week.
Come celebrate mass with your family, serve our community and be an example of Christ’s love and witness to our community.

Check the parish website for more detailed and updated information. II
Adult Formation Donna Couch (949) 496-6011
Faith Formation is a life-long process. Adults of the parish are invited and encouraged to continue growing in the knowledge of their
faith by participating in the many varied programs offered throughout the year. On-going experiences include Servants of the Word
Bible Study, Serenity Days, Women of Wisdom, RCIA, Lamentations, the Prayer Labyrinth, Spiritual Direction, and other single
events. All adult faith formation opportunities are advertised on the website and in the bulletin.

Bible Study Donna Couch (949) 496-6011

SERVANTS OF THE WORD BIBLE STUDY meets Tuesdays, Sept. 21 – May 2011
“Come Holy Spirit, and Fill the Hearts of Us, Your Faithful,” for our weekly Catholic Bible Study. Come join the one hundred men
and women participants this year for a meaningful experience every week. The Scripture Study for 2010-2011 is Acts: The Spread
of the Kingdom. The study provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. We will witness the
foundations of the Church as the “Good News” of Jesus Christ is spread throughout the world. We will share with the Early
Christians the joys and struggles of living the life of Christ, and learn how these apply to us today, and much more! The text is part
of the Great Adventure Scripture Series – A Journey through the Bible, with DVD and Discussion by Jeff Cavins, Published by
Ascension Press.
SERENITY DAY RETREATS Elizabeth Smith (949) 837-2141
Dates for 2011: March 8 and May 3
With the above scripture as the theme, a half-day Silent Retreat is planned to provide opportunities for personal Reflection and
Renewal, and the everyday tools to deepen relationships with God, Family, Friends, and Community. Special speakers are invited
to share their Insights and Faith. Begins with Mass at 8:15a.m., until noon (includes brunch).

Children’s Sunday Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 x2500

Liturgy of the Word
During the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass, children in preschool through third grade are dismissed after the opening prayers to Knight Hall,
where they hear the Sunday readings adapted for their level of understanding. The children are divided by age into small groups to
discuss the gospel and participate in an activity to reinforce its message. The children return to the church, after the Prayer of the
Faithful, to be with their parents for the remainder of the Mass.

Confirmation Neil Sampson (949) 496-1307 x2210

The Sacrament of Confirmation in the Diocese of Orange is conducted during a teenager’s freshmen and sophomore year of High
School. The program is a volunteer based ministry. We minister to 300+ students enrolled in the program. Catechists (teachers)
meet with a group of students once or twice monthly and prepare them for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Catechists are provided
with teaching material and instruction. Further, they are supported by the Parish Confirmation Coordinator. The intention is to allow
one to share their Faith journey with our teens, help prepare our teens for the Sacrament of Confirmation and inspire them to invest
in their faith more fully. The program lasts from September to May.

Elementary Gloria Fetta (949) 481-0882

Children’s Religious Education
"To know God is to love God." Parents are encouraged to enroll children of fist through fifth grade in Children's Religious Education
(CRE) (Formerly this program was called "CCD" or, before Vatican II, "Catechism"). While in these programs, children learn about
God and the Church with an emphasis on the message of Jesus Christ in the sacred Scriptures as well as the teaching tradition of
the Catholic Church. After school classes that combine instruction in the faith and spiritual formation are offered from 4:30 - 5:30
p.m. on Monday and Tuesday.

FISH Donna Couch (949) 496-6011

Family Initiation of Sacraments at Home
Children who are above the age of reason (about age 8) and who have not been baptized or have not yet completed the two year
First Eucharist preparation are invited to participate in this inter-generational experience. Parents and children come to class
together once a month on Sunday morning from 9:00 – 10:30a.m. Parents are given materials and instructions on how to prepare
the children for the sacraments while children have “hands on” experiences to enhance what is being taught at home. Parents will
be interviewed to ascertain the best plan for each individual family.

Visit our Website:

III We would love to hear from you. All comments are welcome. Welcoming Committee:
Infant Baptism Ministry Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500
A baby is a great gift to our community and baptism is the first sacrament that welcomes the infant into a Christian life. Parents may
sign up to have their child baptized by calling the Infant Baptism Coordinator, who will first secure an open date for completion of a
class for parents and godparents, and then a date for the actual baptism. Baptisms take place on the first and third Sunday of each
month at 2:00p.m. and the classes held on the last Thursday of the month at 7:30p.m. in the church. Please note that infant
baptism only pertains to babies and children up the age of 5. After that, children are required to receive further preparation for the
reception of the sacraments of initiation. 

Insight (Grade 9-12) Gary Foote (949) 496-9719

Our day-to-day lives can be so busy and hectic. Juggling family, school, sports, and work can be a huge challenge. Sometimes we
just need to slow down and gain some INSIGHT. Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30p.m. we offer all high school youth the
opportunity to pray, learn about their faith, meet other people, and have fun! When we turn to God and pray, “Lord let our eyes be
opened” (Matthew 22:33), everything else in life can fall into place as we focus on Him first. Come join us.

Outlet (Grade 6-8) Gary Foote (949) 496-9719

OUTLET is a dynamic youth ministry program designed for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade youth. At OUTLET, we ask our Junior High
youth the question, “What are you plugged in to?” We look at our lives and learn how to get “plugged in to” the infinite love and
mercy of God and His Church. OUTLET meets on Sundays from 4:00-5:00p.m. Come get plugged in!

RCIA Donna Couch (949) 496-6011

The Adult Catechumenate, also referred to as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), is a community based, four phase
process to nurture and guide adults who are seeking information and ultimately initiation into the Catholic faith. The four phases of
RCIA are Inquiry, Catechumenate, Enlightenment, and Mystagogia.
Completion of the process depends on individual needs. Conversion and initiation usually revolve around the liturgical calendar.
The Easter season is the traditional time when adults are initiated into the faith through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation
and reception of the Holy Eucharist. Adult Catechumenates gather with the RCIA team for catechetical instruction and spiritual
formation (2 hours on Tuesday evenings) and communal prayer and reflection on the Scriptures at Sunday liturgy.
Youth in grades 6-12 who have not received the sacraments of initiation (baptism, confirmation, Eucharist), are invited to register in
our Teen Catechumenate process. Classes occur 7:00 – 8:30p.m. on Wednesday evenings. These classes parallel the RCIA
calendar and initiation takes place at the Easter Vigil.

Spiritual Direction Donna Couch (949) 496-6011

Spiritual Direction, the simple art of engaging a soul friend or guide to help the individual listen to the divine call, is offered by many
trained and certified persons in the parish. Individuals interested in a one-on-one experience of sharing the spiritual journey are
invited to call the Faith Formation Office for a referral from a list of qualified individuals. Times and dates are set up by the individual
Spiritual Directors, usually for one hour per month.

Sunday Sacramental Preparation Aimee Martinez (949) 496-1307 X2500

On Sundays, children in the primary grades 1-3 who are preparing for First Communion are dismissed from the Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Mass after the Opening Prayer. They join their catechists in classrooms in the Religious Education building where they study
Sunday Scriptures and Church doctrine. Parents pick up the children after mass is over.
Younger children of preschool age are invited to participate in Children's Liturgy of the Word also during the 9:00a.m. mass. After
the Opening Prayers, children are leave and go to the Religious Education building for a half hour immersion in the Sunday gospel
on their level. The children then return after the homily to join their parents.

S.U.R.F Gary Foote (949) 496-9719

As Catholics, our lives revolve around being a “Eucharistic People.” Like Jesus Christ, truly present in the Holy Eucharist, we are
taken, blessed, broken, and given in our daily lives. Serving Under our Righteous Father (aka S.U.R.F) provides the opportunity for
high school youth who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation to focus on being given in service to others. S.U.R.F. meets
Sunday nights following the 5:30p.m. youth Mass until 8:00p.m. During a S.U.R.F. meeting, we learn more about Catholic service
and prepare for opportunities to serve our parish and local community.

Visit our Website:
Check the parish website for more detailed and updated information. IV
Bereavement Ministry Conrad Esser (949) 361-9813
This ministry assists families of the deceased in planning the funeral liturgy. If desired, the Bereavement Ministry Reception Team
will assist in preparing a reception in Knight Hall. Funeral liturgies are often scheduled on short notice so there are several teams
who participate as they are available. You may wish to volunteer for one or more of the following team functions.
Bereavement Teams: two ministers meet with the family to help select the readings and music, discuss background information,
and collect any additional information needed. We train new members by having them observe and participate with experienced
Assistant Team Leaders: help prepare the church and assist during the liturgy, especially when a large number of people are
expected, then put things away afterward.
Greeters: assist during the liturgy by welcoming those attending, distributing the programs and assisting those attending to sign
the Guest Book. No extensive training is needed.
Program Publishers: receive information from the Team Leaders, prepare and print the program.
Reception Team: prepare Knight Hall for a reception following a Funeral Liturgy. Prepare beverages, arrange family-provided
food on buffet tables, keep them supplied, and clean up after. There are several rotating teams to serve as needed.

Binky Patrol Mary Howe (949) 249-2066

The Binky Patrol sew or knit small quilts for babies born with addiction, and babies and children with AIDS or other illnesses. The
quilts are distributed through CHOC (Children's Hospital Orange County), Birthright, Laura's House, Toby's House, Cathy's House
and other facilities that care for babies and children in need. These quilts not only give warmth, but also comfort. The Binky Patrol
meets at St. Edward from 9:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. every third Wednesday of the month and meet in the copy room. Come and join us!
Donations of fabric, flannel, fleece, and batting are needed.

Blood Drive Greg Montevideo (949) 493-7605

The Blood Drives, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, are scheduled at the parish several times per year. Volunteers recruit
donors after Sunday Masses prior to the Blood Drive. On the day of the Blood Drive, volunteers provide assistance on-site.

Christian Service (Food Distribution) Mary Baur (949) 496-1572

The Christian Service Office is both a referral office for those who need basic life essentials, and is a food distribution center. We
coordinate with other ministries and South County agencies. Our goal is to encourage faith and hope in the love of God, and to
further a sense of dignity and self-respect in all those we meet. We hope to achieve this by assisting with the material, emotional
and spiritual needs of families and individuals. The Christian Service office will take donations and has varying occasions that
require the assistance of volunteers. The Christian Service office serves the community of Dana Point and Capistrano Beach and is
located in front of Knight Hall. Operational Hours: Mon. and Wed.: 9:30a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fri.: 9:30a.m. to 12:30p.m..

Detention Ministry Diane Wetherbee (949) 489-8016

The detention ministry reaches out to incarcerated persons in Orange County. Members meet weekly and serve the incarcerated
person who requests a visit. We assist with reconnecting a fellow brother and sister of Christ, to the Church and faith though
providing first communion preparation, bible studies, communion services and person-to-person visits. This is a diocesan program
however; please contact our parish representative for assistance with getting involved.

English and Spanish Lessons Maria Simmons (949) 661-8827

English and Spanish ministry provides community members an opportunity to improve or learn speaking and writing skills in both
English and Spanish. The hope is that by offering classes we may enhance our communication between these two languages.
Spanish Classes: Dana Point Yacht Club, Tuesdays. Beginners: 11:00am-1:00pm & Advanced: 12:00pm-2:00pm.
English as a second language (E.S.L): Christian Service Office, Tuesdays, 9:00a.m.-10:30am.

Observe, judge and act. Starting September, 2006 the Spirit

stirred in the hearts of our faithful. Inspired, these 12 members
For  I  was  hungry  and  you  gave  me  food,  I  was  our parish observed the homeless in January of 2007 in the tri-
thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you  cities of Dana Point, Capo Beach, & San Clemente. They were
welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and  shocked to see how many homeless there were. Over the
you  cared  for  me,  in  prison  and  you  visited  me.’  years the numbers have grown. You can be the hands of
Mobile Shower           Christ and reach out to those who are so near our spiritual
Dignity       ‐Matthew 25: 35‐36   home of Saint Edward the Confessor. (Page VI)

V We would love to hear from you. All comments are welcome. Welcoming Committee:
Faith in Action Ellen Loretta (949) 493-5949
Faith in Action is an ongoing ministry which is dedicated to helping our parishioners in times of need. We lend help in areas such as
providing transportation to Mass and doctors appointments. We also can assist with grocery shopping and small errands. If a
member of our parish simply would like friendly visit, we certainly love to spend time with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
If you would like to get involved in this ministry or are in need of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Habitat for Humanity Greg and Mary Kay Wise (949) 240-1080
The Catholic Social Justice Ministry of St. Edward the Confessor Parish works in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Orange
County. We are dedicated to ending substandard housing through individual home ownership. We achieve our vision by building
simple, decent homes for and with hard-working, very low-income families living in Orange County. Homes are built in partnership
with volunteers, businesses, faith groups, community organizations, and individuals throughout Orange County. Together we are
building strong communities, we are building hope, and we are making homeownership come true for qualified families in need.
For more information contact , or come to the Social Justice Ministry meetings. You may also contact Habitat for Humanity OC
(HfHOC) directly at (714)434-6200 or HABITATOC.ORG.

iHOPE Office (949) 212-4420

iHOPE provides basic needs, shelter, tools, and training to the homeless, at-risk, and working poor to guide them in their return to
self-sufficiency. iHOPE has established a twice-monthly distribution program providing basic essentials to more than 250
individuals monthly. Essentials distributed include clothing, blankets, shoes, and personal hygiene necessities.

Knights of Columbus Paul Sampson (949) 429-6461

The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic lay organization in the world. Our Council has over 250 members including our
Pastor Fr. Steve and all our current priests assigned to St. Edward the Confessor. We give to charitable and benevolent causes,
sponsoring projects to benefit St Edward Church and school, communities, council, families and youth. There is no minimum or
maximum to contribute your time and talent.

Respect Life Don Walz (949) 493-3134

Respect Life is rooted in belief that: "Human life is sacred because from its beginnings it involves the creative action of God and it
remains for ever a special relationship with the creator, who is its sole end." (From the Catechism of the Catholic Church) St. Edward
the Confessor Parish works to live out this teaching by defending life from conception to natural death. It supports of life centers and
the life chain, and works toward ending abortion, euthanasia, mercy killing, capital punishment.

Social Justice Jo & Mel Mothershead (949) 487-2020

While Charity takes care of immediate basic human needs, like feeding the hungry and clothing the naked, Social Justice asks the
question, "Why are people hungry or naked?" We are called to attack the root cause of social injustices. Working to achieve fair
wages, health care, civil rights, and equal opportunities for education and work skills is the focus of Social Justice. In truth, we need
both Charity and Social Justice so that all may have the opportunity for a productive life with dignity. As Pius the XI reminds us
"Charity will never be true charity unless it takes justice into account….Let no one attempt with small gifts of charity to exempt
himself from the great duties imposed by justice."
The Social Justice committee is active in our parish with many events throughout the year. Committee meetings are the second
Tuesday of the month in the Church Meeting Room at 6:45p.m. In addition to these meetings, St. Edward’s Social Justice
Committee also supports iHOPE and Habitat for Humanity.

Stephen Ministry Catherine Hallett (949) 496-1307 X2503

Dan Nichols
Stephen Ministers reach out with God’s love to people who are hurting due to grief and loss, divorce, financial hardship, and other
difficult life issues and circumstances. Stephen Ministry provides extensive training to lay persons to equip them to offer
distinctively Christian, confidential, one-to-one care to those who are in need.
View the Stephen Ministry feature on the
PBS Web site ---
Featured on Page X

Check the parish website for more detailed and updated information. VI
St. Vincent de Paul Society Maria Simmons (949) 496-1307
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to
grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed
Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. Organized locally, Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of
charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no
distinction in those served. The general time commitment is 1 to 10 hours per month.

Support Group for Chronic Illness (H.E.L.P.) Margaret Prendiville (949) 496-7312
H.E.L.P. provides a safe and confidential place for people who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness. Meetings occur bi-
monthly on Mondays from 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. in the Church Meeting Room as published online or in the bulletin. Generally,
persons with chronic illness and their caregiver will gather with others and have an opportunity to share their feelings, story and any
other important life experience. Members are never forced to share. Additionally, members will receive a 20 minute presentation
about health related information from a licensed nurse practitioner. H.E.L.P. welcomes newcomers and is here to serve.

Tijuana Ministry Suzanne Luke (949) 496-1307

Every Thursday, after the 8:15a.m. Mass, volunteers make approximately 300 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which are taken to
Tijuana on Friday and distributed to jail inmates, the homeless, and needy. We are looking for people to donate supplies. Please
contact us!


Cub Scouts Mary Litwinski (949) 240-0727
The Boy Scouts of America is a world-wide program designed for boys in first through fifth grade (7 - 10 years of age). Cub Scout
pack 705 belongs to St. Edward the Confessor parish, which is our charter organization. Our scouts come from our school, our
parish and our surrounding community. A boy may join any time during the year, but open enrollment is during spring recruitment or
at the start of the new school year. Adult leaders meet one once monthly for a committee meeting, the pack meets once a month,
each den meets at least once a month and for other events (community service, etc.), which occur throughout the year.

Girl Scouts Kristen Stovesand (949)249-4968

The Girl Scout program offers the opportunity for our girls to blossom in a safe, fun and social environment while making friends,
developing leadership skills, boosting their self confidence, and strengthening their personal values. St. Edward the Confessor
Parish School offers Girl Scout programs to all ages from Kindergarten (Daisies) through 8th grade (Senior Girl Scouts). Each troop
meets at least once a month. There are also special events, activities and service unit projects that are offered frequently
throughout the year. Adult leaders from each troop meet once a month with our sister troops to allow leaders to share ideas for
service unit projects, upcoming events, and important Girl Scout News.

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Donna Rosen (949) 661-2514

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is a social ministry where eight to ten adults, singles and couples, get together for food, fun, and
friendships at least four to five times during the calendar year. Groups are formed from sign ups in late January or February, are
together for one year, and operate independently. All groups come together for an annual Finale, usually held in January. There is
no charge to participants.

See Church bulletin for more information. Coming Soon.

VII We would love to hear from you. All comments are welcome. Welcoming Committee:
Adoration Society Deana Progar (949) 525-7092
"Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). Come, be still, and pray intimately with our Lord exposed in the Blessed
Sacrament, twice a month (1st and 3rd Sunday) with our Adoration Society. Following the Monday morning Mass, the Priest places
the Eucharist on the Altar for all to come and worship. The Blessed Sacrament remains on the Altar all throughout the day and night.
Many members of our community faithfully come and pray however; we strive to ensure the Sacrament is never left alone. Be still.
Sign up for 1 hour a month (or twice a month), pray for vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious Life, and spend time
praying for your own personal intentions and those of others.

Bible and Basketball Greg Soper (949) 218-8512

This group provides an opportunity for men in the parish to join in exercise, fellowship, and scripture. The men of Saint Edward the
Confessor can join pending open spots in the league. Three leagues are maintained, and are created every calendar year. Generally
our games are held from 6-10p.m. on Thursdays nights in the school gym and we also have a shoot around on Saturdays from 7-
10am. Contact us if you would like to get involved.

Circle of Praise Pam Conway (949) 661-0158

Circle of Praise is a charismatic prayer group that uses the gifts of the Holy Spirit to praise and serve God. This group meets on
Wednesday mornings in the Church Cry Room after the 8:15a.m. Mass. Come and joins us.

Cursillo Dan Abalos (949) 366-3710

Cursillo is a worldwide movement within the Catholic Church to enhance our relationship with Christ and His Church. Its mission is
to enable the essential realities of the Christian to come to life in the uniqueness, originality, and creativity of each person. This is
accomplished by providing Catholics with the means to live and share what is fundamental to being a Christian, so that through the
impact of their personalities and character, they may inject the spirit and sense of Gospel into factors that actively shape
environments. Those who sign up for Cursillo attend a weekend experience. There are eight Cursillos annually throughout the
diocese; four for men and four for women.

Disciples of Divine Mercy Cenacle     Deana Progar (949) 525-7092

The Disciples of Divine Mercy Cenacle meet every 1st Thursday of the Month in the Marian Chapel from 9:00a.m to 10:00a.m. We
break open the Scripture on the Gospel of the Day, meditate, and share. We also pray prescribed prayers for: the Sick, Wounded
Heroes, the Dying, the Addicted, Abused Children, those contemplating Suicide, Abortion and Violence to others. In addition we
also include prayers for the Pope, Bishops, and Priests.

Families of Nazareth Ann Marie Eckl (949)230-0476

Families of Nazareth is always open to new members wishing to cultivate and expand their interior life and for a deeper conversion
of the heart. Inspired by the Gospel, we try to imitate Jesus, who lived thirty years of His earthly life being educated by His Mother
and St. Joseph as part of the Holy Family in Nazareth. (see Luke 2:51)
Our Families of Nazareth formation groups meet once a week for one hour. As we travel on the interior journey toward holiness,
we learn to listen to the voice of God as He speaks to us in many ways through Scripture, Encyclicals, the Cathechism of the
Catholic Church, early Church fathers, silence, prayer and spiritual readings. Retreats for development of spiritual life are held
several times each year and are led by priests and lay animators. By investing yourself in this ministry, you will be transformed
more deeply to recognizing your role as a Disciple of Christ. It is for those aspiring a Communion of life with Christ through Mary,
being open to the Holy Spirit who helps us profit from our smallness and weakness, and leading us to benefit more from the
redemptive sacrifice of Jesus. Visit the Official Website:

Legion of Mary Margaret Maistrou (949) 215-9897

Legion of Mary is a ministry that reaches out to our community in personal ways. “Knock… and it will be open to you” (Matthew 7:7).
Its twofold purpose is the spiritual development of its members and advancing the reign of Christ through Our Lady. The mission of
the Legion is to be an extended hand for our Parish. Our main goal is to visit our neighborhood and through evangelization,
homebound visitation, prison ministry, or teaching catechism we find the “lost sheep” and help them recognize the healing power of
Christ. We knock, they answer.
We meet Thursday nights at 6:30p.m. in the Church Meeting Room. The Legion of Mary is in need of participants; please join us in

Check the parish website for more detailed and updated information. VIII

Marriage Enrichment Joe & Rosemary Sinacori (949) 496-3478

Robert & Mary Dausch (949) 481-1102
Marriage, a Sacrament in the Church, needs the sustaining Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. To be open to receiving God’s grace,
married couples can make a proactive and ongoing investment in their relationship however; living a faith-based marriage in the
modern world can be a difficult challenge. Our marriage enrichment experience, called “Living Catholic Marriage”, is an experience
of like-to-like ministry: couples encouraging other couples by their shared experience of living their marriage in faith.
Marriage Enrichment offers a time and space for couples to focus on each other and gather with other couples. Topics include
communication in marriage, living our Catholic faith, and meeting the challenges from being married and raising a family in the
modern world. Each topic is intended to affirm the ways we enrich our marriage and help us to improve where we can do better.
Our evenings provide safe opportunities for couples to grow in their love for each other and increase joy in their marriage.
Husbands and wives of all ages and years married are welcome. Marriage Enrichment meets monthly on the first Thursday,
7:30p.m. – 9:00 p.m. in the Parish Room of St. Edward the Confessor School. To verify the next meeting, see the church bulletin or
simply contact us.

Natural Family Planning Meredith Thomas (949) 493-5914

Meredith Thomas, a long-standing parishioner, is willing to discuss any questions you may have regarding Natural Family Planning.
This group promotes the understanding of Natural Family Planning and encourages couples to learn and use it. Parishioners are
directed to resources about Natural Family Planning that are available at the parish and at the Diocese.

Our Lady's Blue Army Ann Mintie (949) 496-4653

Since 1984, following the Tuesday 5:30 p.m. Holy Mass, we gather together from 6 p.m. to 7p.m. to honor Our Blessed
Mother's requests for personal conversion, the daily Rosary for world peace, prayers and sacrifices for sinners who have no one to
pray for them, and reparation to the Eucharistic Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
All parishioners are welcomed and encouraged to join us in prayer.
Additionally, The Blue Army has a beautiful traveling Statue of Our Lady of Fatima that is available to all parishioners. She is
available to come to your homes for a week at a time, from Tuesday to the following Tuesday. Please contact Carol Harris to
schedule a convenient time (949) 493-0794.

Retrouvaille Office (714) 239-9803

The word Retrouvaille™ (pronounced re-tro-vī with a long i) is a French word meaning rediscovery. The program offers tools
needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. Please see the official website for more information,
We currently are looking for someone to lead this ministry. Please contact Neil Sampson if you are interested in managing this

Serenity Days Elizabeth Smith (949) 837-2141

Silent Retreat is planned to provide opportunities for personal reflection and renewal, and the everyday tools to deepen relationships
with God, Family, Friends, and Community. Special speakers are invited to share their Insights and Faith.

St. Anne’s Circle Charis Williams (949) 481-6194

For all parish mothers, regardless of their child’s age, the Mission of St. Anne’s Circle is to establish a support network for mothers
of St. Edward Parish and to encourage and sustain loving Catholic families. We achieve this by development and fostering
friendships, improvement of mothering skills, enrichment of our Catholic Faith and performing charitable acts for the community.
St. Anne’s Circle has many opportunities to serve in this ministry. Our President, Vice President and Treasurer positions can take
several hours a month and the school provides full volunteer credit for these positions. Committee members help approximately 3
hours a month with our monthly program meetings or Mom’s Night Out, coordinate our sunshine meals (for moms who are in need
of meals after the birth of a child or due to illness), put together our monthly newsletter, organize our charity events, schedule our
monthly speakers, or organize family activities. Most committees are made of 2 or more moms to divide up the time involved and
are great ways to get to know other members. Please come and be a part of St. Anne’s Circle.


IX We would love to hear from you. All comments are welcome. Welcoming Committee:
Surf and Scripture Kevin Perkins (949) 366-1669
Surf is up and our Bibles are open. Every summer, members of our parish gather weekly on Saturday morning in San Clemente to
discuss the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday Mass. More information to come as the summer season approaches.

Tuesday Bible Study Elizabeth Smith (949) 837-2141

Our Mission is to study, share, and spread the Word of God. Come join the one hundred men and women participants this year for
a meaningful experience every week. Tuesday Bible Study starts at 8:15 a.m. Mass, followed by Fellowship, Light Fare, Prayer,
Video Scripture Presentation and Small Group Discussion in Knight Hall. Dismissal is at 11:30 a.m. Scripture Study for 2010-2011
is Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom. The study provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament.
We will witness the foundations of the Church as the “Good News” of Jesus Christ is spread throughout the world. We will share
with the Early Christians the joys and struggles of living the life of Christ, and learn how these apply to us today, and more!

Two Hearts Prayer Group Pam Conway (949) 661-0158

Join us on the first Friday of every month for an hour of prayer with the rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet in honor of the hearts of
Jesus and Mary. Prayer begins at 9:15a.m.

Women of Wisdom Shirley Filadelfia (949) 496-1307

Wisdom in the Christian Tradition refers to an experiential understanding of how to live happily, deeply, in harmony with GOD,
Oneself, and Others. Making life-giving choices is a lifelong challenge. Our weekly Women of Wisdom sessions present an
approach that integrates the wisdom of Christian Tradition and the Psychology of Human Development. This group meets
Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. in Knight Hall. Come and join us.

Young Adult Prayer Group Chris Kampmeier (949) 973-6106

This prayer group is open to all parishioners. We meet Monday nights at 7:15 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in the Church Crying Room. As a small
faith sharing group we pray the Rosary, Divine Chaplet of Mercy, and reflect on the upcoming Gospel reading. Come and spend
some time in prayer and reflection.

( Page 6)

Check the parish website for more detailed and updated information. X
Finance Council Randy Redwitz (949) 753-1514
The Finance Council is a consultative body which meets with the Pastor on a monthly basis to review and oversee the financial
condition of the parish. Members serve at the invitation of the Pastor and are selected because of their strong business or financial
background. Members assist other committees in the preparation of their budgets, review requests for fund-raisers, and oversee
insurance and legal issues such as contracts.

Hospitality Esmeralda Troge (949) 362-7495

The Hospitality Ministry fosters a sense of welcome and community by hosting social functions to help new and seasoned
parishioners know their parish neighbors. The Hospitality ministry provides and supports quarterly welcome receptions for newly
registered parishioners, hosts our annual volunteer appreciation dinner, and provides a warm atmosphere at any event they host.
Please join us in our ministry!

Mary’s Corner Gift Shop Suzanne Luke (949) 496-1307

Mary's Corner Gift Shop and Lending Library was established as a service to parishioners. Religious books and over 180 videos on
varied subjects may be borrowed for two week periods. Small religious items are available for purchase. Mary's Corner is open every
Sunday (except for holidays) from 8:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Pastoral Council Pastor (949) 496-1307

The Pastoral Council is a consultative body which provides the Pastor with wisdom and insight regarding the pastoral life of the
Parish. In addition to providing observational information, this group also assesses areas of strength and areas of concern for the
parish and provides suggestions in each of the aforementioned areas.

Serra Club of South OC Carol Lavigne (949) 240-7621

The Serra Club of Southern Orange County is part of an international organization devoted to praying for vocations under the
banner of Blessed Junipero Serra. We meet the 3rd Monday of every month in the lower lunch room from 6:00-8:30 p.m. At our
gatherings we invite Priests, Deacons and members of Religious orders who speak to us about their vocation stories and life as a
minister in the Church. Dinner is included; a $10 donation is happily accepted.
Another task of the Serra Club of Southern Orange County is to pray for vocations, support our Seminarians through prayer,
spiritual, and monetary support. Come be a part of this great ministry.

Web Ministry Laurie Saine (949) 481-4000

Are you technically savvy? Are you able to provide technical support? Maybe you just enjoy surfing the Internet? If any of these
questions sparked your interest the web ministry could use you. As one might imagine, the ability to provide clear and effective
communication over the web can be daunting especially in a parish of great size with many events happening year around. Why not
surf our website and tell us what we missed. Maybe we have an old event and have not updated something. Inform us. Your ability
to help keep the website current is a means of great evangelization. You will be providing members of our community the most
current information about events happening in our parish. This ministry can be conducted in the comfort of your own home.

Welcoming Committee Neil Sampson (949) 496-1307 x2229

The welcoming committee is a newly formed committee that is actively seeking members. The intention of this committee is to
provide an opportunity to welcome new parishioners in a personal manner. Inviting them to the quarterly welcoming evenings,
providing them with information about many of our great ministries here at the parish and above all, be a guiding light to all who are
new to our community. In addition we are looking to have greeters at all of our masses, welcoming people as they enter the Church
to worship. This ministry has the potential to provide a small community feeling to a very large and vibrant parish. Come and help us
welcome new members of our parish.

We are looking for members within our Community who wish to help operate
our NEW projector system in the Church. Help with Sunday Liturgies and other
special services. Contact Donna Couch or Neil Sampson (949) 496-6011.

XI We would love to hear from you. All comments are welcome. Welcoming Committee:
Campus Ministry Gloria Fetta (949) 481-0882
Provides materials and spiritual support for families, parents, and children of Saint Edward the Confessor Parish School.

Consultative Preschool Board Christy Pagel (949) 443-1418

Consultative School Board Jackie Brady (949) 291-6152

Family Photo Fundraiser Natalie Del Castillo (949)369-9818

Fiesta with Friends Lisa Gipe (949) 248-7383

What would May be look like if there was no Fiesta? No food, games, rides and entertainment! We need a substantial amount of
volunteers to help run the three day event. The Fiesta serves the entire parish community of Saint Edward the Confessor and San
Felipe de Jesus. Not only does one get to support the Church and School, they have the opportunity to meet new parishioners and
to experience a strong fellowship. Starting in January, ending in April, we meet once a month to discuss important details for the
Fiesta, contact Lisa Gipe. If you wish to help out only on the Fiesta dates (May 20-22, 2011), please contact Anna Kerbrat 949-230-

Golf Tournament Kathy & Robert Hancock (949) 488-8323

Parent Guild Linda Cook (949) 487-1395

School Religion Committee Rikki Daniels (949) 388-9705

The Religion Committee was formed in May of 2008 to identify the needs of the school as it relates to our faith formation and our
Catholic Identity and to bridge the gap between the school and the parish. The Religion Committee is a well rounded group that
consist of: the Pastor, parish priests, administration, teachers from 3 grade levels, the campus minister and several parent
representatives chosen by the Committee Chair and the school administration. We meet on the last Tuesday of every month from
2:15 p.m. -3 p.m. in the parish meeting room.

School Volunteers Mary Payne (949) 581-7785

Scrip Program Sara Brechbill (949) 498-2044

A successful fundraiser for St. Edward the Confessor Parish School, Scrip is gift cards and certificates that are ordered online by
creating an account linked to St. Edward’s ShopWithScrip Enrollment code, which is AF99B8LE9298. The buyer receives 100% of
the face value and then a percentage (3-15%) is rebated to the school. Orders can be place and picked up weekly during the school
year. Hours for pick-up are Wednesday—Friday afternoons and subject to change without notice. Orders placed before 8:30 a.m.
each Monday morning will be ready to pick up by Wednesday afternoon of the same week. The SCRIP and the SPIRIT GEAR
office is located next to the front entrance of the school. Please see our website listing for more details. Buy Scrip—it costs you

Serenity Days

(Page V)

Marriage Enrichment
offers a time and space
for couples to focus on
each other and gather
with other couples.

(Page IX)
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Page IX)
–Mt. 5:4

Check the parish website for more detailed and updated information. XII
Altar Servers (English) Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115
The 8 a.m. mass held at San Felipe de Jesus chapel is conducted in English. Altar Servers who assist in this mass are scheduled
for this service only. The Altar Serving Ministry consists of members who serve God, the Priests, and the People of God by assisting
them at Sunday Mass. The Altar Servers rotate once a week. A particular benefit of serving this mass is that it provides a small
community feel and allows one to serve more frequently.

Ballet Folklorico Dance Javier Martinez (949) 394-3912

This non-profit organization provides tradition dancing styles for various events throughout the community. We work with an array of
ages and are open to new members. We meet on Mondays from 6pm-8pm, Wednesdays from 6pm-8:30pm, and Fridays from 6pm-
9pm in the Saint Edward Parish School Gym. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming part of this ministry or wish that we
perform at your event.

Caballeros de Colon (Knights of Columbus) Juan Avila (949) 495-1359

The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic lay organization in the world. We meet every third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm
at San Felipe de Jesus. We give to charitable causes, sponsoring projects to benefit our parish, communities, council, families and
youth. We also provide scholarships for students and families for religious education. Come be a part of our community.

Capo Community Mariachi Program Rosa Ceja (949) 830-1560

The mission of Capo Community Mariachi Program is to work with kids though education. We teach them how to play instruments
and educate them on the styles and techniques of Mariachi. Our goal is to provide a safe place for our kids, that they may refrain
from being out on the streets, and rather be a positive role model for their peers.

Cenaculo Misionero Anita Uribe 949) 728-0283

This ministry prays for the sick and homebound. We visit the sick and provide spiritual support. We pray for any person who is in
need. We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at San Felipe de Jesus.

Eucharistic Ministry (English) Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115

The 8am mass held at San Felipe de Jesus chapel is conducted in English. Eucharistic Ministers who assist in this mass are
scheduled only for this service. Ministers distribute communion under both species (the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) at Mass.
The schedule is prepared every 3 months and Eucharistic ministers rotate once every three weeks. A particular benefit of serving
this mass is that it provides a small community feel and allows one to serve more frequently.

Eucharistic Ministry (Spanish) Luis Rodriguez (949) 400-0206

Eucharistic Ministers exercise the roles of host and servant at the Eucharistic banquet. They distribute communion under both
species (the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) at Mass. Eucharistic Ministers serve on teams and are scheduled in advance for
Masses. They must be registered members of the parish. Training is provided to fulfill their obligation with dignity and reverence.
We hope you will join us in this important ministry.

Faith Formation Martha Samano (949) 493-8918

Faith Formation is a life-long process. Children and youths of the parish are invited and encouraged to continue growing in the
knowledge of their faith by participating in the many varied programs offered throughout the year. Look to the parish website and
bulletin for more information.

Jovenes Para Cristo Osvaldo Sandoval (949) 630-6507

Jovenes Para Cristo is a young adult religious group which meets weekly to receive spiritual and doctrinal formation. We organize
annual spiritual retreats for men and women who are older than 18. Our purpose is to evangelize to those who are no longer active
in the church or are struggling in their faith. Our aim is to help others deepen their faith so that they remain loyal to Christ and His

Lectors (English) Jeanne Exworthy (949) 496-4115

The 8am mass held at San Felipe de Jesus chapel is conducted in English. Lectors who assist in this mass are scheduled only for
this service. Lectors bring the Scriptures to life during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass and during special liturgies. By proclaiming
the Word of God, they grow in their appreciation for Scripture. Lectors are scheduled in advance for Masses and rotate once every
6th Sunday. A particular benefit of serving this mass is that it provides a small community feel and allows one to serve more

XIII We would love to hear from you. All comments are welcome. Welcoming Committee:
Lectors (Spanish) Rafael Ocampo (949) 275-6689
Lectors bring the Scriptures to life during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Involvement in this ministry helps members of our
community grow in their own appreciation for and understanding of Scripture. We also seek to help our parish have liveliness and
communication through the Word. By proclaiming God’s word, ministers help the Holy Spirit speak to the hearts of those at Mass.
Lectors are scheduled based on their Mass preference times and are allowed to switch assignments among themselves. Training is

Marriage Encounter Jose & Raquel Sosa (949) 249-8521

This ministry is composed of Catholic married couples who are dedicated to preparing spiritual retreats for couples that are either
living together or are married civilly. The purpose of the retreat is to instruct these couples on various techniques on how to have a
successful faithful marriage. In addition the retreats hope to inspire and encourage these couples to consider blessing their marriage
in the Roman Catholic Church.

Mission Hospital Health Ministry Miguel Martinez (949) 364-7723

Mission Hospital Health Ministry is for members of our parish to improve their physical and mental health. We offer yoga on
Thursdays from 5-6:30pm at San Felipe de Jesus. We have meetings either the 2nd Wednesday or 2nd Thursday of each month to
help plan and participate in health related activities.

Music Ministry Vidal Ruelas (949) 606-6240

The music ministry’s primary functions are to lead the people of God in sung prayer and thanksgiving and embellish the sacred
liturgy with music from the Church’s tradition as well as music of recent composition. We prepare worship for the Spanish masses
and any upcoming events such as weddings, posadas, novenas etc. We meet every Thursday at 7:00pm at San Felipe de Jesus.

Mendoza Choir Cruz Mendoza (949) 302-4110

We meet every Thursday at 7pm in SFJ. We practice to sing in the Spanish masses as well as any other upcoming events.

Osorio Choir Teresa or Oralia Osorio (949) 981-6269

We meet every Thursday at 7pm in SFJ. We practice to sing in the Spanish masses as well as any other upcoming events.

Youth Choir Rosa Ceja (949) 830-1560

Maria Dolores Padilla (949) 973-7056
The youth choir is for ages ranging roughly from 13-17. We meet every Sunday at 8am in SFJ we practice to sing in the Spanish
masses as well as any other upcoming events.

R.C.I.A. Martha Rodriguez (949) 842-7186

The Adult Catechumenate, also referred to as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), is a community based, four phase
process to nurture and guide adults who are seeking information and ultimately initiation into the Catholic faith. The four phases of
RCIA are Inquiry, Catechumenate, Enlightenment, and Mystagogia. The length of time to complete the process depends on each
participant's individual needs; however conversion and initiation usually revolve around the liturgical calendar. The Easter season is
the traditional time when adults are initiated into the faith through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and reception of the
Holy Eucharist. After adults have been accepted into the Catechumenate, they are required to gather with the RCIA team once per
week for catechetical instruction and spiritual formation (Wednesday 6 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Rm 2B/2C, at San Felipe de Jesus Chapel)
and to join together for communal prayer and reflection on the Scriptures at Sunday liturgy.

Quinceañera Raquel Mares (949) 456-5988

We meet at San Felipe de Jesus on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10a.m.

Usher (Spanish) Alberto Sierra (949) 388-8650

Ushers provide hospitality, comfort, and safety at Sunday Masses and other special liturgies. Before Mass, ushers foster a sense of
community by welcoming members of our parish and visitors. Following all weekend Masses, ushers distribute the weekly bulletin
then assure that the church is ready for the next liturgy. Generally, the time commitment for an usher is 1-1.5 hours each week.
Come celebrate mass with your family, serve our community and be an example of Christ’s love and witness to our community.

Vidas en transformacion Bertha Cardenas (949) 257-9030

This group focuses on personal improvements. We gather Friday evenings at 7pm at San Felipe de Jesus. We offer motivational
seminars and provide a space for individuals to learn more about themselves. If you are interested in growing in your faith and to
create better relationships with one another, this ministry will benefit you. We are open to anyone who is over the age of 18, come
and see what we are about.

Check the parish website for more detailed and updated information. XIV
Phone: 496-1307 ~ Fax: 496-1557
Monday-Friday 8 am - 8 pm
Saturday 8 am - 5 pm
Sunday 8 am - 5 pm
Saturday 8:15 am & 5:30 pm (Vigil)
Sunday 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 am Important News: 
12:30 & 5:30 pm
Mon– Friday 8:15 am & 5:30 pm  
Eve of Holy Day 5:30 pm
Holy Day 8:15 am, 5:30 & 7:30 pm Attention New Parishioners  
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Welcome Experience 
Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 pm Come  and  experience  a  glimpse  of  our  vibrant 
Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 pm
(and by appointment) Community.  New  Parishioners  are  welcomed 
PASTORAL MINISTERS into  the  community  by  Priests,  Parish  Staff  and 
Rev. Steve Sallot - Pastor current  Parishioners.  This  night  is  intended  for 
Extension 2880
Rev. Chris Heath—Parochial Vicar all  who  recently  registered  at  the  Parish.  Gath‐
Extension 2109 erings  will  take  place  in  Knight  Hall  or  other 
Rev. Loc Tran - Parochial Vicar
Extension 2206 specified  locations  from  7pm‐8:30pm.  Dessert  & 
Rev. Mario Juarez – Parochial Vicar coffee provided.  

Extension 2870   

Deacon Jesse Michel—496-1307 ♦ February 7th, 2011 

Deacon Ron Tiberi Extension 2505
♦ May 2nd, 2011 (Parish Room) 
Business Office—429-2874
Accounting—429-2873 ♦ September 26th, 2011 
Christian Service—496-1572 ♦ December 5th, 2011 
Mary Baur, Director
Managed by: Welcoming Committee  
Laurie Saine, Assistant to the Pastor
Music – 496-1307, extension 2872 Attention ALL Parishioners  
Rick Dellefield, Director
Ministry Fair  
Parish School – 496-1241
Sharon Rands, Principal An  event  not  to  be  missed!  Imagine  the  bluff 
Preschool – 240-8485 filled  with  Ministries,  shining  before  others,  ex‐
Cheryl Pickrel, Principal
pressing  their  contributions  to  Saint  Edward  the 
Faith Formation – 496-6011
Office of Religious Education
Confessor  and  San  Felipe  de  Jesus.  “I  want  to 
Donna Couch, Director know  more  about  ministries?”  “How  can  I  get 
Gloria Fetta, Director of Family Ministries
Neil Sampson, Confirmation Coordinator involved  in  this  parish?”  If  you  are  asking  these 
Aimee Martinez, Coordinator Sunday questions...this  is  the  event!  Meet  on  the  bluff 
Children’s Ministry
after ALL Sunday Morning & afternoon Masses! 
Youth Ministry – 496-9719
Gary Foote-Coordinator
♦ June 5th, 2011 
Parish Ministries — 496-1307
Neil Sampson, Coordinator, Extension 2229 Managed by: Welcoming Committee  

God has created me to do him some definite service; he has committed some work to me which he has not
committed to another. I have my mission - I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next... I
have a part in a great work; I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons...

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