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… Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)1



And the Lord said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and ‫א וַ ֹּ֤֤י ֹאמֶ ר יְ הֹוָ ה֙ לְ ֔נ ֹחַ ;ֹּֽֽבא־אַ ָ ּ֥תה‬
all your household, for it is you that I have seen as a ִ ‫יתָך֖ אֶ ל־הַ ֵּת ָ ֑ב ה ּכִ י־ ;ֹֽֽא ְתָך֥ ָר ִ ֛א‬
  ‫יתי‬ ְ ‫ָל־ּב‬
ֵ ֽ ‫וְ כ‬
righteous man before Me in this generation. ‫ ִ ֥צַּדיק לְ פָ ַ ֖נ י ּבַ ֥וּדֹר הַ ֽ ֶּזה‬:

Genesis 7.1

The purpose of this article is a simple one. An Identification, and a Naming of The
Forces affecting Us, Our Loved Ones, and Our Societies Near and Far.
The perspective being presented is one Stemming from Faith in a Creator, G-D

That a Component of Our Spiritual Journey, is the Transformation of Ourselves. That this
Transformation occurs through facing Challenges, Trials and Tribulations; And, that the Greater
and seemingly more unsurmountable these Challenges, the Greater the Transformation. That No
challenge is placed Infront of us that Our Creator has not already Prepared for our Success.

There are Different Challenges for Different Times, and in these times, the Challenges, the Trials
and the Tribulations, will be Many and will be Difficult.

Identification of the Differing Players, as Identified in their own words, will be a First Step.
Identifying their Tactics and their Source, will become a Second Step. The Third Step will be to
Acknowledge and Understand Our Own Roles within these days, so as to Maintain Our Faith,
During the Tribulations.

I will preface by stating that, in Our here-to-be defined roles through our Male and Female
counter-parts, that Success, will be wholly dependent upon the Virtues of Our Women. As their
virtues were never in question. Their roles as Creators of Homes and Sanctuaries for their
Children and Ideals, will now be required in greater earnest. The progressive onslaught of anti-
Judeo-Christian Principals can only be thwarted by the solidification of our homes as sanctuaries
of Faith.

A Foe Identified. Replacing Our Values Founded of Faith in Our Creator, with the glorification of
Man’s Intellect as a Ruling Power. Man’s Intellect, and Man’s Self-serving Predisposition.

Knowledge and Understanding cannot be given, only Earned; For then only, can it propel Action.
What is contained here is but Water in a Well. To Drink, one must be sufficiently wanting as to
pull the Water from the Well, quench their thirst, and understand the Safety that it brings. The
Safety for which We must Fight.

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