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STATE OF MississipPr Office of the Governor Ce) EXECUTIVE ORDERNO. 1477 WHEREAS, n March 4,202, prs wo the Consinson ofthe Sur of Missi and Mis. Code Aa. §33-/S11((17}- sed 2 Proclamation declaring thas Sn of Emergency sss inthe Sia oF Mubsip arr ofthe otra of COVID- 19; and WHEREAS, ot any 31202, the Usted State Deparment of Heh and Human Serves Settry Ales Ava’ dud pul health emerseey for COVID-19 begining on ory 27, 209, on atch ian the Worl Heals Organization caeernodCOVID-1 era pane, thot Maco) 3 200, the Preside ofthe United Stes declared a sfonde sate of emergency de the consis ‘COVID-19 panei and WHEREAS, he word ttresk of COVID-19 an the ets extn sk opera pen ‘earsnson ouput he United Suess Missi scaly impact th ie and heath of at ‘pl wea he econ of Misi an WHEREAS, on March 25,202, the Missi Ste Depaimest of Health atoeuned new and expanded meses to nen eng nd data als ent repos and lls dat ar a higher ‘Sk for tranamicion of COVID.9 an tn povide moe lation spss ests and inion of ‘overt and soi meacton tooabut he is ase eens nd elie and WHEREAS, on Api 1,212, nono minimie the ik of posible ite tansision of COVID- 1 and relied menses, seed Exective Oner No. 1466 iting 9 lle Sle ix Pace effing a 00pm on Fis. Ae 32020, and ening in il frst eet ui 0a. 08 ‘Monday, Ap 20,202 WHEREAS, on Ap 17,2020, Listed Essie Order 175 extending he sae wide Soi in Pie, coat ional exponen 0 anon Mos, Ap 27, 2020 and WHEREAS, consist with th uitane provide bythe White Howse or epming he oes of ‘pein th economy while mining this of aesrgence of COVID-19 the nen nto ‘Missgy have sb tere eecesed wlan a opal eaoarces abut eng ‘Sim place pe of spy dating scene nthe rate of neon he heals spate of teaing pero wih the COVID-I9 and asthe apc to romp es any ares Inceces; ad the Sates inp « lan 1 rapidly eal up eine capacity in the een fs Ines inh to ition WHEREAS, Misispy mst protect ves while restoring Ineliboods, bah of which an be achive ‘hte eget advice medial poesoel and Busines lee and WHEREAS, oncsue a steaccpla rope he conor i eset he Ret safety ad welriing of Musa sen nd in connltion with he Soe lens Ofer, here ae srin ‘Nos operon nd eltisare sites that nn sare ner he limon fos etl, NOW, THEREFORE, | Tate Revie, Govemor ofthe Sut of Missi. bythe auoiy vse in pneby tbe Coasts an avs a he Sta of Missi, era oder it lows Ls ‘Duration This Safe a Home Oe sal be ffcve wt 8:00am. on Mos, Api 27, ‘aha tal wai nfl force sd effet wt 0am on Monday, May 1,220, ‘nes eck, odie rete 1. Saferartome: “Putt the Misispp Emergency Mangement Acting bat not Tiited fo Mass Cole, Aan §4 3-154 1040) 4S 1@)0), SP 1STONO), 35 (6x0), 33-15-1644) & 58-4531, alias carey ving in he Sof Missi ar encourage ony a homeo inti plas af esdence when ot "Eason tities r Exel Tal define ein i For india whowe reidences ae uate or Bocme uma for camps tense of domestic viol lack of sation or tie) they yan we ‘teal ask alles leone. Lal enfocement nd ote es ‘Sat ai sch ntvdals ossu such ata estos i, While engaged tn Essel Asties or Essai Travel individ shall ‘mainin seal distancing ofa minima cf dstance between each nvidia atl avi ptberings nous foes 10 poop tv. For proses of tis Hsecatve On the tee home a neice” incade singe fil homes, hotels reali beter, tse heme parks and imi ‘sss ao an an nial spall dele Sele in Pace: Ai vlnrbi inva, nling al dyin (age 68 oe ‘older per CDC guidelines) and individuals with Seow undesng ath conditions, inclading high Nos peste, choi ing disease, dab, as ths, and ose ‘hose mma fem ar compromised a sich ty chsicay or cance ony other ‘Sraon equing sch Bray, re couraged to continue he sherpa ES to Extctve Ord 46a ex al mead by Eset Ode 1473. Probie Attias Consistent with Executive OnSe NS 1463 as Suppleseated ll ‘ui nd pre soil a thr nonsetlguhsngs in groupe of mae tha 10 tole na sngle sea the se ie where adidas ae love pros ese {han teach eral be eanclled reaches vlctons Suapended: Paast to Mise. Code, Aan $§ 3515:110K0) and 3815- (6x4), vets wii th State of Missi ar Suspended rd al ste, couty and Jor ealrerent offers are rece to eae enforce’ of ores f eviction fee ‘seni pemies during this afer at ome Ow, No provision corned within this xective Orders be cosrud eligi ofthe bigation top ren, ‘o male montage payment orto comply with ws any ee iain tha a ‘eid may ve, along under tenacy of MOTE Essential Activites: Individuals may lee thei resides o peor the following Tonge natives o frm sk cosy to their and safe othe ela Safety af tht amily or Dust! members Cisling pets) ce he land mae of toe persons bo ae wale a esau ae te ome ii. Tota eset fo srvoe or seppiesfertemeches nd embet of hi ows sede to maintain te Sl saan a seal operat of he Ime oresdece eto der hose ences or goods oon pevon ho se (ble or bold ot eave tio i, Tongan iva voor atv ad erin, ‘8. Tooperstes ties ale peor tej dies sso Trae, nicl gage in Eset Travel mst are obs he CDC's ‘andthe Missipgs Sate Deprtent of Hell's feconmendaons asl gunce ‘preven te spe of COVID- 1 iculing sia ancing (6 beeen nda) [ndaggresive bien icaing feet Modwvahing (nin 20 secon) ad eo “od sanizer For arenes fis Fxccutve Order, Ese Teves vel or ‘etalon pete “rave ote from thei place of emploent AL Travel for Heel Acie ed Heneare Activ, defo basin {i _Tewvel oo om Bases Operon as ese bere Jnv Tre ear fo ede minor depen, persons ith cbs ooh {ular esos nclaing obtain CONID-19 wesing for suchas Time! tor fom ewan! tntilons nlaing pe and pave KZ ‘choos clleges and univer, a ther edna inion pues fof veeting males for distance Faring, fr tecting meas, abd ODE si. Tee tor fom the plas of residence, Travel eed by law enfremino cost ndy, ning transport eile, puna ones agement 1, Bains Operations: Except obese proved ei al bushes ant 00-0 “nates operating Wile Sate Missing may remain opel-open sae 0 he font linitatons w maimize peson to peson Inracions and ssid rk of tuna of COVIDLIS ‘Consett asc Onder 1458 an 1463, al snes nd om pos re ‘encouraged 1 ile, 1 he matimim ext possible, work fs home oa telework postures Bisieses anor pot ene dll uke all resonable mesures © ensue compliance with the Misstigy. Sie Deparent of Hess and CDC's ‘eyultion, ots a guselie to prevent beset of COVID- Tica, ‘ot not Knit o, socal dancing nding ick employees home md cies encourging sik nployest say home separating an sewing home employes ‘who appear o hve resistor les stom, sloping wo eforcing ep an proper hid-wasing nd prone prsoeol and daily secening of ‘ployes and voles fr COVID-19 eae symptom before ening shi. ‘Ren uss shal adopt enone menses pct! he spread of COVID- 19: lcting bt ote sing te amber oom ini test oe tne 6 a0 greater than Of sore capac eo ene opiate ‘st Sci ditncingprotcal and fern lating ef highcomac aes (uch ret counter door antec card sachs), Real snsss we encour o make hand santero ei estes pon eyo ee ‘othe exe pss ll common ats wh employees or toners a iely tocongrqate alii shal be loved or tsa itn prool hold [eenfrced (ining ainimar of fet stance betwen hil and b> tethering in grou ofr thn 10 peopl) Nosessetal buster tnvch should be minimized, and for any such evel indivi shoul hereto CDC guns regu slain following wave othe exentpoesbs, eel acommodans soul e made fr empajes ht sare members of ulate ppuion 10 rede the pote expose 1 covib. Rests as wil eminent eid rivet, curse ann every seve sce pete by Parag fof Excuie Order 1473 forthe lined peaon of beaches, ep aes, sate Takes and eros ll ples of ‘Seusemen anderen, whet indorsar uous aelading ba tied fp amusement parks and rides, muscu, plans, chiens party and psy facts, ll pk aclu ll teaches nes an eter (bat not icing ‘ulking wall) movie bet, bowling alleys andi cus shal emailed tobe pb Fins and exis go dace sai cls to por sa, slons baker shes ter pron eare and peoal oom fais ball ein ‘Sock othe public bot my onions Minimum Operations an otal ler by arivetr ersie abo delivery serves usin Pasar TSK) oF Exec Or 466 amended by Paragraph I of Exe Orr 1473 4 Heaters Acts Ticiteae prvesioas and heaeae faites may continue to pean all rovers tha te medially neesary wo ears neous medal cnn of, [rie prerelease who tho! mee perfomance of he ‘ego orpscere wuld beak or serous advene sia eoseguest eater pessoal wd hatha ees may also resume performing non ‘therget lve mia oceres an sarpercy a cline ppopit,. ‘Stsrance with the pidance povided by the Massp Sate Deputies of Fats he lowing! i cour 1, ery eff sould cone tobe made o dle care without singin the Same ical pcs sch a ang tle, phone consis sn ysis between peoviders and pate, 2, Themedia procedure or surgery shuld fl wikia Ter 2or Tie ofthe ewig Hecive Maca Services aid Test Recomneaaons sted by CMS on Apel 7,” 2000" These mec snes acumen nnesmersntelstinemicl ‘ssummenitimapa 2 Fal natent procedures and are the belie ity whee he surgery or procedure i perfrmed at eserves leant 25 of hop ‘apactyforteatent of COVID-19 pes, asouting forte rage of ‘Sica seventy of COVID-19 patent 4. Thenon-emerpent elective medial procedure or suger shoul requ the ee of tinal. dposbie peste poccve supe andthe ‘alee profes sheen lity will eet any Feroeal rotten! om any plc orce, ete deal Sate a, far the raion of the COVID-I9 dsr a order to peo ch fect orgy. 5. Regul of symptoms, all hebareprfesoals and race Sais hall soe al pss forests es, wave, ee, ee xpos vo COVID-9, nla the een th pose, Begin sing all tens ioe the proce o spr consistent with ulan om he Missi! Sate Deparneat of Hea (6 Toth entet pute pe procedue nd pre smgry COVID seeing shal cca ous of he fatty, and wating rom id comson sss Shalit capacity and seaing vo erste socal dst (ananing 4 ‘nium of fet dsc betwee nad) 1 There sl be sto in he ete aly eet Fr one spouse of | ‘aregiver wo eerie att wil Be aoe i the aly tthe {eke patient mito or change i Hatters profesional health fais als resume pefomiag nce ergot ete dental poss ed srg a ically ppp and in ‘cordance guidelines eed ty te Mii: Ste Deptt of is. Consist wth Executive Order 1463, spi nasng homes wd retement or Tongs care facies shallot allow its less to proviral ssn, {oat rides reciing imminent Fe cate, as herve ected BY the bear fciliy, provide in the profesional opinion ofthe spervsing sii rer uprvsing hte profesional ach eit bt sch it fn be accompli whoo tresonble kt stall ooh resides uch fc In Heo pon iss elewoale ss re encore County and Lal Mania! Authority Nothing i Exestve Orders ii ot ‘torte story floc or coun autori em apsing res es, guia Testo an acon ht more suet han sad Rei, poe ht hey fet impose recon that prevent any Exetel Business Operations a Rented in Fxeerve Order No. 1463 a Siplemened om opeaig suc level pees 1 ‘provide cul ees ad atone carn this COVID 19 Stat of Emerge Ase Ones Pranic 3, $52, 25,26 264 ofthe Missi Constnton and consistent ‘ihm alr he Spee Court oft Sn of Missy l Sate Cours [Sv ege il ir coostisoa and satay dae [Nog in his any Execuve Onder Sed in eons 1 COVID-19 i nen 0 nfs wit forse ining upon any administrative oder ssid by of we the (Broan a te Soprame Cou of Ste of Miss This Ecce Order may fe afore by al State, County and Lola enforeet swells by ober governmental ene (Gch a tat and local departs ea to the fill exent ander Misiplaw inci itr ali Miss. Coe, Am. $515: Meby3)and 5151106). olan ofthis Executive Order are subject the provisions of Mis. Code Ann. § 3 1 ‘Pasar Mis, Code A. 3-15-1(0y3) nd 381831 te Sea Health Mein onlin wih the Gover i aurzed and empowered f fase sch OTs ws eeuay cary ox implement an enfrsny gunn o ilo drt contain fl eset nmisionef COVID-1, 1, Thats autor sn ado ad consent wih the Misisigp State Department OF Hat's aubocty 16 seu, manip and efree ilaon ad uae Odes Pursuatto Mise Cade Aan § 41035 and ther coming la «Roth inthis Execatve Order mits rare ahory under Mis, Coe Ann §21- 19.3 fn goveming autos of « muntgaliy to enact and enforce mae eee asso Sn oi enamison of OVID, ‘That ll depres, commissions, agencies, nsttaons, nar ofthe Ste of Missin, ota vos tho, cous, mniiales aad Scho dtc ae abe eed ‘Sree copes nats wn messes ken espns o COVID. 19 dng the Sate OF Enerpens ‘wheatas! Dos inhi ton by ot inthe yaa our Lov, and awe, Tetndpene fhe Und art America ee JE GOVERNOR IAEL WATSON Ahad [ten ‘SEERETARY OF STATE.

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