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Modeling And Simulation Of Electric Drive Systems Using

Matlab/Simulink Environments


R&D Institute Bucharest Institute of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
B-dl. Tudor Vladimirescu nr. 45-47, Bucharest, Romania University of Veszprem, Hungary
PhonegLFax: +40 14100708 H-8201 Veszprem, P.O.B. 158, Egyltem u.10
E-mail: Phone&Fax: +36-88-427-633


Laboratory of Electromechanics Dep. of Electrical Machines and Drives Systems
Helsinki University of Technology "Politehnica" University of Bucharest
B.O. Box 3000 FIN-02015 HUT, Finland Spl. Independentei 313,77206, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +358 9 451 2383, Fax:+358 9 451 2991 E-mail:,

Abstract- This paper describes a complete modeling and simula- Many software packages, such as: Matchad, Atosec, Acsl,
tion realization on closed loop servo drive for induction motor Saber, Hspice, and Vissim have been proposed for power
based on the MatlabISimulink environment. A simple modeling electronics simulation [l], [2], [3], each of them with advan-
approach for different types of inverters, based on dynamic tages and disadvantages, these especially consisting in com-
node technique is proposed and a servo drive library is de- puting time of simulation and accuracy to describe each com-
scribed. Based on this library, speed sensor and/or speed sen-
ponent of model.
sorless vector control strategy can be implemented and tested.
Using such software tools is possible to develop a modular
approach for analysis and modeling of drive system. We used
the flexible evaluation environment of the Matlab/Simulink to
In our days the technological progress in microelectronics, create a sevo drive library (Fig. 2), besides the each of princi-
power electronics, automation and digital signal processing pal building blocks will be described in detail. The accuracy
led to using of sophisticated electrical drives in a wider range of mathematical model for each part of servo drive (power
in many industrial processes. converter, electrical motor, mechanical part, sensors) and
The analysis of electrical drives is a difficult task because motor parameters estimation had a very important role in de-
electric drives are highly complex systems. The recent devel- signing and testing process for different control strategies.
opments in motion control systems involve integration of the To emulate the real sensor the noise is added.
power converter, electric motor, mechanical transmission,
control circuit and electronic devices. Such an integrated
system is presented in Fig. 1.
Field oriented control of an induction motor are more valu-
able for direct command of both torque and flux in compara-
tion with other variable-frequency techniques. With field ori-
entation techniques the behavior of a DC motor is reproduced.
Field oriented control strategy of AC drive induction motors
replacing DC motors in many application where fast response Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of integrated electric servo drive
is required. A robust controller for high dynamic performance
of electrical servo drives requires development of a controller 11. MAIN LIBRARY
overcomes to influence of nonlinear friction, the influence of
varying parameters in specially the modification of rotor re- The servo drive library presented below, represents a collec-
sistance with temperature and influence of changing load. tion of several modules created in Matlab/Simulink environ-
ment which covers of the most widely area in electrical

0-7803-5293-9/99$10.00 0 1999 IEEE 45 1

vsd Wsq ,W rd ,Wrq = Stator and rotor fluxes in d,q axes;

4 ,R, = stator and rotor resistances;

= magnetizing inductance;
L,,L,. = stator and rotor inductances;
Electric Motors DC
AC ws = speed of synchronous dq reference frame;
Electric Generators DC O r = rotor speed;
AC wslip= slip speed;
Current(CS1) T = electromagnetic torque;
Inverter Voltage(VS1)
Hysteresis 11.2. INVERTER MODEL
Sinusoidal waveform
Power Supply Square waveform The inverter is one of the key pieces in electrical drives, espe-
Trapezoidal waveform cially because it creates a considerable numbers of problems
Sensor Speed such as motor overheating, high levels of electromagnetic and

-t Transformers
I Current
dq-ab, ab-dq
ab-ABC, ABC-ab
acoustic noise. In order to find a solution for these problems a
accurate model which can reproduce a faithful behavior of
inverter is required. Good results are obtained using dynamic
Controllers PI node technique modeling method [SI.
PWM strategies The interface for inverter model is illustrated in Fig. 3.
Load fan

Fig. 2. Servo drive library


The induction motor becomes today one of most useful in

many industrial area. The induction machine is usually mod-
eled with the assumption of linear magnetic circuit, but in
many applications it is necessary to operate in saturation to
produce high torque. To take into account the saturation effect
in simulation model, the look-up table technique is used.
In a generalized d-q reference frame, the electrical equations Fig. 3. Inverter interface panel
of a squirrel induction motor are [4]:

The calculator is a complex block which has many functions.

One of these functions is to calculate the rotor flux given by
the relation:

Wr= %
1+ p l

Another function is to determine the slip speed using the fol-
lowing relation:

isd ,is, ,ird ,irq = stator current, rotor current in d,q axes;

and the last function of this block is to transform the three changed from 2OOrads to -2OOradls and the result was the
phase system of current in reference frame which is rotated flux is kept constant(Fig.12). The simulation results are pre-
with synchronous speed. sented below:


The machine equations are coupling between them because
the terms from d axis appears in equations of q axis and vice
I i:
versa. These coupling terms make complicate the regulation
process. To overcame this problem the decoupling terms are "U
0 .I .. .I 0. I.
.. .I L
. L
. I

introduced in machine equations. The decoupling terms are Fig. 9. Mechanical speed Fig. 10. Electromagnetic toque
choosed equal in module with coupling terms and opposite .n

Taking into account the dynamic behavior of the whole servo I ...
system, the decoupling is important during the transient re- i'
gime. !:
: .I.

Based on this library, a vector controlled induction motor can

be constructed, as illustrated in Fig. 4. r,.l
.I' .I *,, .I ... ,
.a. ., .,, ., .*,

Fig. 1 1 . Stator current Fig. 12. Stator flux trajectory


The servo drive library and an accurate inverter model were

developed. Using our model, we can simulate behavior of the
main variables encountered in electric drives, such as torque,
speed, currents, voltage and flux and main advantage of using
the proposed simulation environment is that these quantities
can be conveniently observed, and parameters can be changed
to investigate their effect to control performance Also other
Fig. 4. Simulink model of indirect vector controlled induction motor
algorithms to vector control can be implemented and tested
using this library. This ac drives simulator created in Mat-
lab/Simulink environment serves as interface between de-
Simulation results of proposed model above are shown in signer and practical application, prove to be a useful flexible
following figures: tool for electrical engineers, designers, researchers and stu-


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Fio 5 Mwhaniral c w d Fio 6 F.lp.ctmmnpnetic tnrniie 2. N.Mohan, N. Hoidalen, B. Mark, "Modeling of Power Elec-
1 1 8 1
tronics in Power Systems Using EMPT," EPE Association
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i!:": 3. P. Tuinenga, A Guide to Circuit Simulation&Analysis Using
Pspice, Rentice Hall, New Jersey, 1992.
.I. 4. M. Kazmierkovski and H . Tunia, Automatic Control of Con-
* .I .a .. .. .' ..
.I .I .I I
.I. ,* .I. .I .*. I .*
.*U. l l _ *.I
.I .I. .* .n
verter-Fed Drives. Amsterdam, The Netherlads: Elsevier,
5. M. Doumbia, G. Roy, V. Rajagopdan "An Integrated Solution
Fig. 7. Stator current Fig.8. Stator flux trajectory for Simulating Electrical Drive System with Mat-
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