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Here are one hundred (& one) prayers for your marriage. I believe that you’ll find each to be biblical,
specific, and very relevant. Read through and pray these prayers, and know that God will answer
them. As you pray them for your marriage, he will honor you.

Don’t rush through these prayers. Take your time and meditate on them. Familiarize yourself with
them. As you master their concepts, you’ll be able to pray them with more confidence and

Pray them together with your spouse. If you’re not yet married, pray them in faith now for the
marriage that God will give you.

1. Pray that you will both be naked (physically, emotionally, and spiritually vulnerable and
authentic) and without shame. Genesis 2:25
2. Pray that you will fight for and protect physical, spiritual, and emotional intimacy in your
marriage. Genesis 2:25
3. Pray that you will enjoy every aspect of being one flesh with each other. Genesis 2:24
4. Pray that since God has joined you together, no one (including either of you) will be
able to separate you from each other. Mark 10:7-9
5. Pray that together you will seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness and that as you
do, God will give you all that you need. Matthew 6:33
6. Pray that God will give you singleness of heart and action, so that you will always fear
him, for your own good and the good of your children after you. Jeremiah 32:39
7. Pray that God’s name will be exalted in your marriage. Matthew 6:9
8. Pray that God will have his perfect will and way in your marriage. Matthew 6:10
9. Pray that your marriage will reflect the realities and values of God’s kingdom and not
those of the world. Matthew 6:10
10. Pray and thank God for giving you and your spouse your daily bread. Matthew 6:11
11. Pray that you will practice instant forgiveness in your marriage. Matthew 6:12
12. Pray that God will protect you and your spouse from physical and emotional temptation
that would harm your marriage. Matthew 6:13
13. Pray that God will protect you and your spouse from spiritual oppression. Matthew 6:13
14. Pray that you will seek a marriage that honors God more than you seek earthly riches.
Proverbs 22:1
15. Pray that you and your spouse will act as God's chosen, holy, and dearly loved people
and that you would each clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility,
gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12
16. Pray that God’s presence will be evident in your home and that he would readily hear
and answer the prayers you and your spouse pray there. 2 Chronicles 6:40
17. Pray that you and your spouse will not walk in the counsel of the wicked, stand in the
way of sinners, or sit with those who mock God. Pray that rather you will delight in the
law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. Psalm 1:1-2
18. Pray that you and your spouse will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which
yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Pray that whatever you do
together will prosper. Psalms 1:3
19. Pray that you and your spouse will be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
James 1:19
20. Pray that you and your spouse will control your tongues and only speak words that
encourage and build up each other in your marriage. Ephesians 4:29
21. Pray that you will always speak the truth in love to each other. Ephesians 4:15
22. Pray that you would learn to be angry without sinning and that you will never let the sun
go down on your anger. Ephesians 4:26
23. Pray that you and your spouse will understand what is right and just and fair—every
good path. Pray that wisdom will enter your hearts and knowledge will be pleasant to
your souls. Pray that discretion will protect you and understanding will guard you.
Proverbs 2:9-11
24. Pray that you will not grieve the Holy Spirit by speaking or acting harmfully to each
other. Ephesians 4:30
25. Pray that you and your spouse will both honor your marriage and that your marriage
bed will never be affected by sexual sin. Hebrews 11:4
26. Pray that your marriage will shine as a bright light, so that others see your good works
and glorify your Father in Heaven. Matthew 5:16
27. Pray that the way you and your spouse love each other will make it obvious that you
are Jesus' followers. John 13:35
28. Pray that your marriage will always honor God and that your or your spouse’s behavior
in marriage will never bring shame or harm to the Body of Christ. Psalms 69:6
29. Pray neither you nor your spouse would ever look at anything sinful, worthless, or vile
that could possibly harm either of you or your marriage. Psalm 101:3
30. Pray that God will continually give you and your spouse the Spirit of wisdom and
revelation so that you will know him better. Ephesians 1:17
31. Pray that you and your spouse will constantly seek the filling of God’s Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 5:18
32. Pray that you and your spouse will continually submit to each other out of your mutual
reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21
33. Pray that you and your spouse will only reflect on things that are true, noble, right,
pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. Philippians 4:8
34. Ask God to place a hedge of thorns around your marriage, so that the Tempter won’t
have access to you or your spouse. Hosea 2:6
35. Pray that you and your spouse will set your hearts on things above, where Christ is
seated at the right hand of God and not on earthly things. Colossians 3:1-2
36. Pray that you and your spouse will love the Lord your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5
37. Pray that God will cause all things to work together for the good of you and your
spouse, because you love him and are called according to his purposes. Romans 8:28
38. Pray that you and your spouse will be participants in the Gospel, and that God will
complete his sanctifying work in you both. Philippians 1:5-6
39. Pray that as you and your spouse make important decisions, you will hear his voice
behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
40. Pray that your marriage will be built on the foundation of God’s Word and will easily
prevail through the storms of life. Matthew 7:24-25
41. Pray that God will reveal his good plans for your marriage and that he will give you a
future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
42. Pray that you and your spouse will be generous and that you will excel in the grace of
giving. 2 Corinthians 8:7
43. Pray that you and your spouse will fulfill you marital duties to each other, that you will
not deprive each other sexually, because your bodies do not belong to yourselves but
to each other. 1 Corinthians 7:3-4
44. Pray that the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control—will be very evident in your marriage. Galatians
45. Pray that you and your spouse will not love money, but will rather recognize God as the
source of all you have. 1 Timothy 6:10
46. Pray that God will be the chief architect and builder of your home and that he will
watch over and protect your marriage. Psalms 127:1
47. Pray that the Lord God will bless and keep you and your spouse, that he would make
his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, and that he would turn his face toward
you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
48. Pray that you and your spouse will learn the concept of living with enough and that you
will learn to be content with what you have. Philippians 4:11-12
49. Pray that God will continually supply all your needs according to the riches of the glory
of Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:19
50. Pray that you and your spouse will love God’s Word and love reading it and meditating
on it. Psalm 119:97
51. Pray that you and your spouse will both have a great faith that pleases God. Hebrews
52. Pray that you and your spouse will love to pray and will be joyful in God’s house of
prayer. Isaiah 56:6-7
53. Pray that you will have a marriage that God uses to strengthen and grow others in their
understanding of God and his Word. Acts 18:25-26
54. Pray that you and your spouse will both devote yourselves to God’s Word, to living in
community with other believers, to worship, and to prayer. Acts 2:42
55. Pray that you will obediently tithe as a couple and that in response, God will open up
the windows of heaven and pour out so much favor that you can’t contain it. Malachi
56. Pray that God will give you a burden for other nations and that you will enjoy doing
missions together. Romans 1:5
57. Pray that you will enjoy serving together and that as you serve, God will honor you.
John 12:26
58. Pray that you and your spouse will daily drink from the fountain of God’s Spirit and that
rivers of living water will flow out of each of you. John 7:37-39
59. Pray that God will protect you from rogue and deceptive thoughts about your spouse
and that you will learn to make every thought about your spouse a captive of Jesus
Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
60. Pray that God will teach you and your spouse how to fight spiritually for your marriage.
Ephesians 6:10
61. Pray that your marriage will be salty—that it will add flavor and purity to all who
encounter it. Matthew 5:13
62. Pray that God will give you and your spouse one heart to know him and that you will be
his people and he will be your God. Jeremiah 24:7
63. Pray that the husband in your marriage will act as Jesus, daily leading his bride well
and giving himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25
64. Pray that the wife in your marriage will act as the Church, daily honoring her husband
and submitting to his leadership. Ephesians 5:22
65. Pray that the husband in your marriage will love his wife as he loves his own body.
Ephesians 5:28
66. Pray that the wife in your marriage will respect her husband. Ephesians 5:33
67. Pray that you and your spouse will together seek justice—that you will do good, correct
oppression, defend the fatherless, and plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17
68. Pray that you and your spouse will outdo each other in honoring each other. Romans
69. Pray that when you and your spouse hear God calling, you will say, “Here we are; send
us!” Isaiah 6:8
70. Pray that you and your spouse will do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in
humility you will consider each other more significant than yourselves. Pray that you
look not only to your own interests but also to your spouse’s interests. Philippians 2:3-4
71. Pray that God will ordain peace and favor for your marriage. Isaiah 26:12
72. Pray that you and your spouse’s actions will be righteous like the morning sun, shining
ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18
73. Pray that you and your spouse will be wise about what is good and innocent about
what is evil. Romans 16:19
74. Pray that you and your spouse will have no reason to fear anything. Pray that God will
strengthen you, protect you, and uphold you by his righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
75. Pray that you and your spouse will be led by the Holy Spirit and not by your worldly
desires. Galatians 5:18
76. Pray that no weapon formed against your marriage will prosper and that God will
protect you from every form of attack against you and your spouse. Isaiah 54:17
77. Pray that you and your spouse will never be anxious about anything, but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving you will let your requests be made known
to God. Pray that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
78. Pray that you and your spouse will love each other earnestly and that your mutual love
will cover a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
79. Pray that you and your spouse will never grow weary of doing good for others.
Galatians 6:9-10
80. Pray that you and your spouse will keep your ways pure by guarding them according
to God’s Word. Psalm 119:9
81. Pray that you and your spouse will love to worship and that you will worship God in
spirit and truth. John 4:23-24
82. Pray that the eyes of your hearts will be enlightened and that you and your spouse will
know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the
saints, and the immeasurable greatness of his power toward you because you believe.
Ephesians 1:18-19
83. Pray that you and your spouse will store God’s Word in your hearts so that you will
neither sin against him or each other. Psalm 119:11
84. Pray that your marriage will reflect God’s workmanship and that you and your spouse
will demonstrate the good works for which you were created. Ephesians 2:10
85. Pray that your hearts will be consumed with God’s Word and not selfish gain. Psalm
86. Pray that you and your spouse will be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
87. Pray that those who love God will see your marriage and rejoice because you and your
spouse hope in God’s Word. Psalm 119:74
88. Pray that your love for each other will abound more and more. Philippians 1:9
89. Pray that you and your spouse will hate every false way because you understand
God’s Word. Psalm 119:104
90. Pray that you and your spouse will do all things without grumbling or disputing and that
you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a
crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.
Philippians 2:14-15
91. Pray that God’s Word will be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Psalm 119:105
92. Pray that you and your spouse will together press on toward the goal for the prize of
the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
93. Pray that you and your spouse, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, will have
compassionate hearts toward each other, filled with kindness, humility, meekness, and
patience, bearing with one another and forgiving each other as the Lord has forgiven
each of you. Colossians 3:12-13
94. Pray that you and your spouse will walk according to God’s Word and that no sin
would rule over either of you. Psalm 119:133
95. Pray that whatever you and your spouse do, you will do it heartily, as for the Lord and
not for men. Colossians 3:23
96. Pray that God will keep you and your spouse as the apple of his eye and hide you in
the shadow of his wings. Psalm 17:8
97. Pray that when you and your spouse endure trials, you will remain steadfast in your
faith and in your commitment to each other. James 1:12
98. Pray that you and your spouse will always be intoxicated with each other’s love.
Proverbs 5:19
99. Pray that your marriage will be so strong and sturdy that others might see you as oaks
of righteousness, a planting of the Lord. Isaiah 61:3
100. Pray that God will make you worthy of his calling and that by his power, he may bring
to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.
Pray that the name of the Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in him,
according to the grace of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
101. Pray that you and your spouse will be one, even as Jesus and the Father are one.
John 17:22

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