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1. Gerunds
• We call gerunds those verbs which end in ‘-ing’. We need to use a gerund in the
following situations:
Llamamos gerundios a aquellos verbos que terminan con ‘-ing’ en inglés. Es
necesario usar un gerundio en los siguientes casos:
o After some verbs, such as:
Después de algunos verbos, como:
 Continue, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, like, love, miss,
prefer, recommend, suggest, etc.
Continuar, denegar, detestar, desagradar, disfrutar, acabar,
odiar, gustar, encantar, añorar, preferir, recomendar, sugerir,
• I hate doing my homework.
Odio hacer los deberes.
o After a preposition:
Después de una preposición:
 She was talking about travelling.
Ella estaba hablando sobre viajar.
o After certain verbal forms:
Después de ciertas formas verbales:
 Be used to / get used to / can’t help / can’t stand / don’t mind /
wouldn’t mind / feel like / it’s no use / look forward to / spend
(time), etc.
• I can’t help looking at his eyes.
No puedo evitar mirarle a los ojos.
o When the subject of the sentence is a verb, talking about general
actions or facts:
Cuando el sujeto de una oración es un verbo, refiriéndonos a acciones o
hecho en general:
 Smoking is bad for your health.
Fumar es malo para la salud.
2. Infinitives
• Infinitives are those verbs which are sometimes preceded by the particle ‘to’.
We use them in the following cases:
Los infinitivos son aquellos verbos que a veces van precedidos por la partícula
‘to’. Los usamos en los siguientes casos:
o As a subject, when we talk about a specific fact.
Como sujeto de la oración, cuando hablamos sobre un hecho específico.
 To stay here would be a mistake.
Quedarse aquí sería un error.
o After some verbs, such as:
Después de algunos verbos, como:
 Agree, appear, choose, decide, hope, learn, plan, promise, refuse,
seem, try, want, wish, expect, manage, etc.
Estar de acuerdo, aparecer, elegir, decidir, esperar, aprender,
planear, prometer, rechazar, parecer, intentar, querer, desear,
esperar, conseguir, etc.
• She decided to become a teacher.
Ella decidió hacerse profesora.
o After certain adjectives and adverbs:
Después de ciertos adjetivos y adverbios:
 Adjectives: busy, happy, ready, sleepy, tired, willing, etc.
 Adverbs: slowly, fast, low, etc.
• I am too sleepy to watch a film tonight.
Tengo demasiado sueño para ver una película esta noche.
o After the indirect object of certain verbs, such as:
Después del objeto indirecto de ciertos verbos, como:
 Advise, help, invite, persuade, teach, tell, warn, etc.
Aconsejar, ayudar, invitar, persuadir, enseñar, decir, avisar, etc.
• She persuaded me to go with them.
Ella me persuadió para ir con ellos.
o However, there is a set of verbs which are followed by the base form of
the verb (infinitive without ‘to’):
Sin embargo, hay un conjunto de verbos que van seguidos de la forma
base del verbo (infinitivo sin ‘to’).
• Hear, feel, see (perception verbs).
Oir, sentir, ver (verbos de percepción).
o I saw you come.
Te vi venir.
• Make, let.
Hacer, permitir.
o They didn’t let me approach the stage.
No me dejaron acercarme al escenario.

3. Verbs followed by gerund and infinitive.

Verbos seguidos de gerundio e infinitivo.
• Some verbs, such as begin, forbid, intend, propose and start, can be followed by
either a gerund or an infinitive, and their meaning doesn’t change.
Algunos verbos, como begin, forbid, intend, propose y start, pueden ir seguidos
tanto de un gerundio como de un infinitivo, y su significado no cambia.
o I proposed to go to the beach / I proposed going to the beach.
Propuse ir a la playa.
• There are other verbs, such as love, like or prefer, that can be followed by
either gerund or infinitive, but their meaning slightly varies.
Hay otros verbos, como love, like o prefer, que pueden ir seguidos tanto de
gerundio como de infinitivo, pero su significado varía ligeramente.
o We use love / like / hate / prefer + gerund when the meaning is general:
Usamos love / like / hate / prefer + gerundio cuando el significado es
 I love reading books.
Me encanta leer libros.
o We use love / like / hate / prefer + infinitive when we talk about a
situation in particular:
Usamos love / like / hate / prefer + infinitivo cuando hablamos sobre
una situación en particular:
 I hate to tell you this, but your order hasn’t arrived yet.
Odio tener que decirte esto, pero tu pedido aún no ha llegado.
• However, there is another set of verbs which radically change their meaning
when followed by a gerund or an infinitive:
Sin embargo, hay otro conjunto de verbos que cambian su significado
radicalmente dependiendo de si van seguidos de gerundio o infinitivo:
o Forget + gerund is used in negative sentences to express the
impossibility to forget something that happened in the past:
Forget + gerundio se usa en oraciones negativas para expresar la
imposibilidad de olvidar algo que sucedió en el pasado:
 I’ll never forget meeting Johnny Depp in Madrid.
Nunca olvidaré haber conocido a Johnny Depp en Madrid
o Forget + infinitive means “not remember to do something”, so the
person didn’t do it.
Forget + infinitivo significa “olvidarse de hacer algo”, por lo tanto la
persona no lo hizo.
 I forgot to phone my grandparents (I didn’t phone them).
Olvidé llamar a mis abuelos (no les llamé).
o Remember + gerund means “to recall something that was done in the
Remember + gerundio significa “recordar algo que se hizo en el
 I remember giving them a lot of presents.
Recuerdo haberles dado un montón de regalos.
o Remember + infinitive means “not forget to do something in the
Remember + infinitivo significa “no olvidarse de hacer algo en el
 Remember to tidy up your room before leaving.
Acuérdate de ordenar tu habitación antes de marcharte.
o Regret + gerund means “to be sorry about having done something in
the past”.
Regret + gerundio significa “lamentar haber hecho algo en el pasado”.
 She regrets quitting her job.
Ella lamenta haber dejado su trabajo.
o Regret + infinitive means “to be sorry about what is going to be said
Regret + infinitivo significa “lamentar lo que se va a decir a
 I regret to tell you that there isn’t any food left.
Siento decirte que no queda comida.
o Stop + gerund means “to give up a habit”.
Stop + gerundio significa “dejar un hábito”.
 Sarah stopped smoking three years ago.
Sarah dejó de fumar hace tres años.
o Stop + infinitive means “give up something to start doing something
Stop + infinitivo significa “dejar de hacer algo para comenzar a hacer
otra cosa”.

They stopped to have a coffee.

Ellos pararon para tomar un café.

1. is banned in restaurants in Europe.

a) To smoke
b) Smoking
c) Smoke

2. ‘Why are you studying Malay?’

‘ to talk to people in small villages.’
a) To be able
b) Being able
c) To can

3. I’m terrible at puzzles.

a) solving
b) to solve
c) solve

4. Are you afraid of ?

a) fly
b) flying
c) to fly

5. I called my mum her that I’ll be late.

a) tell
b) to tell
c) telling

6. I used in Spain before I moved to Malaysia.

a) work
b) working
c) to work

7. Everybody carried on until after midnight.

a) sing
b) to sing
c) singing

8. It’s not too difficult my house. It’s right next to the post office.
a) to find
b) finding
c) find

9. Be careful leave the door open when you go home.

a) not to leave
b) not
c) don’t

10. Ala decided Sentha.

a) to marry
b) marry
c) marrying
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. A
10. A

• Modal verbs are used to describe probability, ability, obligation, prohibition,

advice, permission or habits.
Los verbos modales se usan para describir probabilidad, habilidad, obligación,
prohibición, consejo, permiso o hábitos.
• Modal verbs always have the same form and, therefore, they don't use an '-s'
for the third person singular in the present simple tense.
Los verbos modales siempre tienen la misma forma, y por tanto, no llevan la ‘-s’
en la tercera persona singular del presente simple.
o He can speak Chinese.
Él sabe hablar chino.
o She should be here by 9:00.
Ella debería estar aquí para las 9:00.
• We use ‘not’ to make modal verbs negative.
Usamos ‘not’ para ponerlos en negativo.
o He should not be late.
Él no debería llegar tarde.
o They might not come to the party.
Puede que ellos no vengan a la fiesta.
• Many modal verbs cannot be used in the past tenses or the future tenses.
Muchos verbos modales no pueden usarse en tiempos de pasado o de futuro.
o *He will can go with us. Not Correct
o *She musted study very hard. Not Correct
However, some modals imply a past tense in their meaning: could, might and
Sin embargo, algunos modales implican un tiempo de pasado en su significado:
could, might y would.
o I didn’t know she could speak Spanish.
No sabía que ella podía hablar español.
• To make questions, we place the modal verb before the subject.
Para hacer las preguntas, ponemos el modal antes del sujeto.
o She can go / Can she go?
o He will leave/ Will he leave?
• Phrasal modals are verb phrases beginning with be or have, which can be used
instead of modal verbs.
Los phrasal modals son paráfrasis verbales que empiezan por ‘be’ o ‘have’, y
pueden usarse en lugar de los verbos modales.
o Most old people are able to look after themselves (= They can look after
La mayoría de las personas mayores son capaces de cuidarse por sí
• Some examples of phrasal modals:
Algunos ejemplos de phrasal modals:
o Be able to = can
Ser capaz de = poder
o Be allowed to = can / may
Se (me/te/se/nos/os/les) permite = poder
o Be supposed to = should
Se supone que = debería
o Have to = must
Tengo que = debo
• We use phrasal modals instead of modals in the following cases:
Usamos phrasal modals en lugar de modales en los siguientes casos:
o After a modal: We will be able to win this game.
Después de un modal: Nosotros podremos ganar este juego.
o Where a gerund or an infinitive is needed: I love being able to sit
outside in the sun.
Donde se necesita un gerundio o un infinitivo: Me encanta poder
sentarme fuera en el sol.
o In perfect tenses: They have had to wait for hours.
En los tiempos de perfecto: Ellos han tenido que esperar durante horas.

Modals of probability
Modales de probabilidad

They can be used when we want to say how sure we are that something happened, is
happening or is going to happen.
Se pueden usar cuando queremos indicar cuán seguros estamos sobre algo que ha
pasado, está pasando o va a pasar.
The modals used to express probability are:
Los modales más usados para expresar probabilidad son:

• May and might

o Taking these pills may / might cause drowsiness.
Tomar estas pastillas te puede / podría provocar somnolencia.
o You might / may fall asleep at the wheel.
Podrías / puedes quedarte dormido en el volante.
• Can and could
o Some dogs can be very dangerous.
Algunos perros pueden ser muy peligrosos.
o This bill can't be right. £200 for two cups of coffee!
Esta factura no puede ser correcta. ¡200 libras por dos tazas de café!
o I don't know where John is. He could have missed the train.
No sé dónde está John. Él podría haber perdido el tren.
o The old house could be quite cold, even in summer.
La casa vieja podría ser bastante fría, incluso en verano.
• Must
We use must to say that something in particular is certainly going to
happen, based on evidence.
Usamos ‘must’ para decir que algo en particular va a suceder con mucha
certeza, basándonos en pruebas.
o It's snowing, so it must be very cold outside.
Está nevando, así que debe hacer mucho frío fuera.
• Have to or have got to
These modals are also used practically in the same way than must.
Estos modales se usan prácticamente de la misma manera que ‘must’.
o I didn't order ten books. This has to be a mistake.
Yo no pedí diez libros. Tiene que ser un error.

Modals of ability
Modales de habilidad

• Can, could and be able to.

We use can and could to talk about a skill or ability. Could is normally used to
refer to the past, whereas can is used for the present.
Usamos ‘can’ y ‘could’ para hablar sobre una habilidad. ‘Could’ se emplea
normalmente para referirnos al pasado, mientras que ‘can’ se usa para el
o She can speak six languages.
Ella sabe hablar seis lenguas.
o My grandfather could play golf very well.
Mi abuelo sabía jugar a golf muy bien.
However, if we want to express ability in the future tense, we will use the
phrasal modal be able to. This phrasal modal is also used in the following
Sin embargo, si queremos expresar habilidad en un tiempo de future, usaremos
el phrasal modal ‘be able to’. Este phrasal modal también se usa en las
siguientes estructuras:
o Infinitives: They want to be able to satisfy their needs.
Infinitivos: Ellos quieren poder satisfacer sus necesidades.
o Gerunds: She left without being able to talk to the teacher.
Gerundios: Ella se marchó sin poder hablar con el profesor.
o After modals: I won’t be able to finish.
Después de modales: No podré terminar.
o Perfect tenses: He hasn’t been able to study (not: *He hasn’t could
Tiempos de perfecto: Él no ha podido estudiar.

Modals of obligation and advice

Modales de obligación y consejo

• Should and ought to.

They express obligation, or what it is believed to be a good idea:
Expresan obligación, o lo que se cree que es una buena idea:
o You are a student. You should be studying!
Tú eres un estudiante ¡Deberías estar estudiando!
o The police ought to protect the rights of the citizens.
La policía debería proteger los derechos de los ciudadanos.
• Be supposed to and had better.
They express obligation and/or advice:
Expresan obligación y/o consejo:
o It's very late; you are supposed to be sleeping.
Es muy tarde; se supone que deberías estar durmiendo.
o You have failed two tests. You had better start working harder or you
won't pass the course.
Has suspendido dos exámenes. Más te vale empezar a trabajar más
duro, o no aprobarás el curso.
• Must and mustn't.
We use must to say that something is necessary, especially in terms of orders
and rules:
Usamos ‘must’ para decir que algo es necesario, especialmente en términos de
órdenes y reglas.
o Plants must have light.
Las plantas deben tener luz.
o You must wear a uniform at private schools.
Debéis llevar un uniforme en los colegios privados.
The negative mustn't / must not is used to tell people not to do something
which is usually forbidden or is a bad idea:
El negativo ‘mustn’t’ / ‘must not’ se usa para decirle a la gente que no haga
algo que normalmente está prohibido o es una mala idea.
o We must not accept new regulations that restrict our civil rights.
No debemos aceptar las nuevas medidas que restringen nuestros
derechos civiles.
o Empty boxes must not be stacked in front of the emergency exit.
Las cajas vacías no deben apilarse delante de una salida de emergencia.
• Have to and need to.
Have to and need to have a very similar usage to ‘must’. However, we usually
use have to (or need to) instead of must when we are not in control of what is
‘Have to’ y ‘need to’ tienen un uso muy similar a ‘must’. Sin embargo,
normalmente usamos ‘have to’ (o ‘need to’) en lugar de ‘must’ cuando no
tenemos el control de lo que se requiere:
o My mother has to have an operation on her knee.
A mi madre la tienen que operar de la rodilla.
o I need to wear glasses for reading.
Necesito llevar gafas para leer.
We also use have to instead of must in questions:
También usamos ‘have to’ en lugar de ‘must’ en las preguntas:
o Mum, when you were a child, did you have to wear a uniform in school?
Mamá, cuando eras pequeña, ¿tenías que llevar un uniforme al colegio?
• Don't have to and needn't.
We use these modals to refer to something that is not necessary to be done.
Usamos estos modales para referirnos a algo que no es necesario hacer.
o You needn't pay me now.
No hace falta que me pagues ahora.
o You don't have to wash the dishes now. I'll do it tomorrow.
No hace falta que friegues los platos ahora. Lo haré yo mañana.

Modals of permission and suggestions

Modales de permiso y sugerencias

• Can and could

We use modals such as can or could to ask for and give permission. The
choice of could is more polite:
Usamos modales como ‘can’ y ‘could’ para pedir y dar permiso. La elección
de ‘could’ es más educada:
o Could we leave early today?
¿Podríamos irnos pronto hoy?
o Yes, you can (not: *yes, you could)
Si, podéis (no: *sí, podríais)
We use can to give or refuse permission:
Usamos ‘can’ para conceder o denegar permiso:
o Can I borrow your dictionary?
¿Puedo tomar prestado tu diccionario?
o Yes, you can. / No, you can't.
Sí, puedes. / No, no puedes.
• May and might
In formal situations, we can use may when we ask for or give permission (or
En situaciones formales, podemos usar ‘may’ cuando preguntamos o
concedemos permiso (o no):
o May I use one of these phones?
¿Podría usar uno de esos teléfonos?
o Of course, you may use any of these phones.
Por supuesto, puedes usar cualquiera de estos teléfonos.
Might can be used to ask for permission, but not to give it:
‘Might’ puede usarse para pedir permiso, pero no para darlo:
o I love these chips. Might I take one?
Me encantan estas patatillas. ¿Puedo cogerte una?
o Sure, take as many as you want! (not: *yes, you might)
Claro, ¡coge tantas como quieras!
We usually use can (instead of may) when we talk about laws and rules:
Normalmente usamos ‘can’ (en lugar de ‘may’) cuando hablamos sobre
leyes o reglas.
o You can't park here.
No puedes aparcar aquí.
May (instead of might) is sometimes used in formal rules:
‘May’ (en lugar de ‘might’) a veces se usa en reglas formales:
o No food or drinks may be brought inside.
No se permite entrar comida o bebida.
o Pedestrians may not enter this way.
Se prohíbe el paso a los peatones.
• Be allowed to
We use this phrasal modal when we emphasize getting permission on a
specific occasion:
Usamos este phrasal modal cuando queremos enfatizar la concesión de
permiso en una ocasión específica:
o That day was the first time I was allowed to make my own breakfast.
Ese día fue la primera vez que me dejaron preparar mi propio desayuno.
o No one has been allowed to see the test results (perfect tense).
Nadie ha podido ver los resultados del examen (no les han dejado).
• Shall
We do not use this modal very frequently. Nowadays it is only used to make
offers and suggestions:
No usamos este modal con mucha frecuencia. Hoy en día sólo se usa para
hacer ofrecimientos o sugerencias:
o It is very hot in here. Shall I open the window?
Hace mucho calor aquí dentro. ¿Quieres que abra la ventana?

• Willingness, habits and preferences

• Willingness: will and would

As the modal itself indicates, will is used to express a will, something we
intend to do:
Como el propio modal indica, ‘will’ se usa para expresar una intención, algo
que nosotros pretendemos hacer:
o I will give you one more chance.
Te daré una oportunidad más (más que futuro, lo que se indica es la
intención del hablante).
In the same way, would is for willingness in the future or for hypothetical
situations (conditionals):
Del mismo modo, ‘would’ es para intenciones en el futuro o para
situaciones hipotéticas (condicionales).
o I would stay longer if they asked me to.
Me quedaría más tiempo si me lo pidieran.
The negative won't and wouldn't are used to say that a person refuses to do
Los negativos ‘won’t’ y ‘wouldn’t’ se usan para expresar que una persona se
niega a hacer algo:
o He is ill, but he won't go to the doctor.
Está enfermo, pero se niega a ir al médico.
o She had a lot of money, but she wouldn't lend us any (past tense).
Ella tenía mucho dinero, pero no nos quiso prestar nada.
• Habits: will and would
We also use will and would to talk about habits or things we usually do, or
did in the past:
También usamos ‘will’ y ‘would’ para hablar sobre hábitos o cosas que
normalmente hacemos, o hacíamos en el pasado:
o John will always be late!
¡John siempre llegará tarde!
o Each summer we would visit my cousins.
Cada verano visitábamos mis primos.
We use used to (instead of would) for past states:
Usamos ‘used to’ (en lugar de ‘would’) para estados en el pasado:
o I used to have a dog (not: *I would have a dog).
Tuve un perro.
• Preferences: would
We use would with verbs expressing preferences: like, love, prefer...,
especially in offers:
Utilizamos ‘would’ con verbos que expresan preferencias: ‘gustar, encantar,
o I would prefer some natural orange juice.
Preferiría un zumo de naranja natural.
o Would you like some tea or would you prefer a coffee?
¿Te gustaría un poco de té, o preferirías un café?
We use would after the verb wish when we are talking about desires:
Usamos ‘would’ después del verbo ‘wish’ cuando hablamos sobre deseos:
o I wish she wouldn't smoke.
Ojalá ella no fumara.

1. You drink the tap water. It’s not safe.

a) shouldn’t
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

2. We only have to be there at 1 o’clock and it’s 9 o’clock now. We hurry.

a) don’t have to
b) mustn’t
c) won’t

3. You submit the report by Friday, otherwise the boss will be furious.
a) could
b) must
c) should

4. The exhibition was free so I pay.

a) didn’t have to
b) mustn’t
c) hadn’t to

5. In schools in England pupils wear a uniform.

a) must
b) should
c) have to

6. I think people who live abroad learn the language of the country to be
able to communicate with the locals.
a) have to
b) must
c) should

7. This meeting is not obligatory. You attend.

a) don’t must
b) don’t have to
c) don’t have

8. This dish is really spicy. It have chilli in it.

a) must
b) may
c) can’t
9. Amy be away. Her bag is still on her desk.
a) may
b) mustn’t
c) can’t

10. I’m not sure where he is but, he be in his room.

a) might
b) must
c) can’t

11. He has grey hair. He be older than 30.

a) must
b) can’t
c) may

12. He not remember me. We haven’t seen each other for ages.
a) may
b) can
c) does

13. He be serious. He be joking.

a) must, may
b) can’t, must
c) may, has to

14. I used to speak German very well.

a) be able to
b) be able
c) can

15. If I had better communicative skills, I would get a job in the

a) can
b) could
c) be able to

16. When I graduate, I will get a good job and support my family.
a) can
b) to can
c) be able to
17. When I was young I swim faster than anyone in my class.
a) can
b) able to
c) could

18. I see much better now with my new glasses.

a) was able to
b) can
c) could

19. I help you with your homework tonight if you want.

a) can
b) should
c) ‘m able to

20. I would love play the piano.

a) to can
b) be able to
c) to be able to
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. C
18. B
19. A
20. C
Source: Carne, Paul et al. 1996. Cambridge Practice Tests for First Certificate 1. United Kingdom:
Cambridge University Press

KEY 9C lOH llA 12E 13B 14G lSF


• What is the weather like today? (30s)

• Do you recycle? Why? / Why not? (30s)
• Do people in your country contribute to preserve the environment?


• Describe this photo (45s)

• What other signs can you find in your country to protect the
environment? (45s)
• How can we help to protect the environment? (45s)

• Describe this photo (45s)

• What other animals can you find in your country? (45s)
• Do you think it is important to teach children to protect the
animals? (45s)
Answer these questions in 2 minutes (do not describe the picture):

• Which natural disaster scares you the most? Why?

• What actions should you take in the event of a disaster?
• How might people’s lives be affected by a disaster?

Clima Clima Countryside Campo

Extinct Extinguido Forecast Previsión
Freezing Helado Global Mundial / global
Heatwave Ola de calor Insect Insecto
Litter Basura Mammal Mamífero
Origin Origen Planet Planeta
Preserve Conservar Recycle Reciclar
Reptile Reptil Rescue Rescatar
Satellite Satélite Solar system Sistema solar
Species Especies Thunder Truenos
Wild Salvaje Wildlife Vida salvaje
Weather Tiempo Lightning Relámpago
Earthquake Terremoto Drought Sequía
Volcanic Erupción Tsunami Tsunami
eruption Volcánica
Forest fire Incendio forestal Hurricane Huracán
Flood Inundación

Phrasal Verbs
Blow up Explotar Clear up Limpiar /
Keep out Prohibir la Put out Apagar /
entrada extinguir un
Put up colgar Build up Levantar /
construir (un

Be afraid of Tener miedo de Be aware of Ser consciente de
Be enthusiastic Estar Be short of Tener poco de
about entusiasmado/a
Escape from Escapar de Prevent Evitar que
somebody from alguien haga
something algo
Save something Salvar algo de Think about Pensar sobre
Worry about Preocuparse por An increase in Un aumento en

1. If you want to know the meteorological conditions for tomorrow,
you should check the .
a. Lightning weather
b. Climate
c. Weather forecast
2. Every summer we experience a in Spain. During this
phenomenon, it’s particularly hot and dry.
a. Thunder
b. Heatwave
c. Freezing
3. When I was a child, I was afraid of . Now I enjoy the loud
sound of it.
a. Insects
b. Wildlife
c. Thunder
4. I would like to live in a country with a colder .
a. Climate
b. Forecast
c. Lightning
5. I don’t usually see a lot of because I live in a city.
a. Insects
b. Species
c. Mammals
6. Last night a building caught fire. Few minutes later, the firefighters
arrived in order to the fire.
a. Blow up
b. Put out
c. Build up
7. I’m going to this poster on my bedroom’s walls. I really like
a. Clear up
b. Blow up
c. Put up
8. Cats, dogs and horses are different types of _.
a. Wildlife
b. Mammals
c. Reptiles
9. Crocodiles and snakes are different kinds of _.
a. Species
b. Insects
c. Reptiles
10. Gorillas and lizards belong to different _.
a. Species
b. Wildlife
c. Origins
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. C

Fill in the form (3 minutes)



Date of Birth (day month year)

City / Town / Village


[Ways of protecting the 2.


You are a member of ‘the Environmental Forum’. Fill in the form with complete
sentences. Use 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.


Please, introduce yourself and explain the ways in which you contribute to protect the
You are a new member in the ‘Environmental Forum’ and you are in the chat room.
You are talking to Nathan, an old member in this forum. Talk to him using complete
sentences. Use 30 to 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes.

Nathan: Hello! Are you a new member? I joined this forum three months ago because
I was interested in learning and sharing new ways of being eco-friendly. Why did you


Nathan: What do you think about the structure and organisation of the forum?


Nathan: How do you feel about the fact that no meetings are going to be held this


You are a member of ‘the Environmental Forum’. After your last visit to the webpage
you saw the notice below:

Dear members,

We are sorry to inform you that next month’s meeting has been cancelled due to the
indisposition of our staff.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email us at

Write an e-mail to a fellow-member explaining what has happened. Write your

feelings about the message you received and suggest possible alternatives. Write
about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
Now,write an email to the forum's staff,showing your disagreement with the
situation and asking for solutions. Write about 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.

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