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English Definition: the mental or physical power or skill needed to do something:[U] They should
not be taking in somebody they don't have the ability to care for.[C] Her teammates respect her

Spanish Defintion: 1. F. Capacidad y disposición para algo.

2. f. Gracia y destreza en ejecutar algo que sirve de adorno a la persona, como bailar, montar a
caballo, etc.

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Approximately; nearly.

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Approximately; nearly.

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The superior surface that cannot be touched.

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Verb (used with object), accompanied, accompanying.

To go along or in company with; join in action:

to accompany a friend on a walk.

Verb (used without object), accompanied, accompanying.

To provide the musical accompaniment

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English Defintion: the job of keeping or examining the records of money received,paid, and owed
by a company or person

Spanish Definition: 1. f. Sistema adoptado para llevar la cuenta y razón en las oficinas públicas y

2. f. Aptitud de las cosas para poder reducirlas a cuenta o cálculo.

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En realidad

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A word that describes a noun or pronoun.

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A word that describes or gives more information about another word: a verb, adjective, or other
adverb or a phrase.

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The act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement.

An arrangement that is accepted by all parties to a transaction.

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Having resemblance or similarity; having or showing no marked or important difference.

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To admit, concede, accept or give permission to do something.

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English Definition: the process of studying or examining something in anorganized way to learn
more about it, or a particular study of something

Spanish Definition: m. Distinción y separación de las partes de un todo hasta llegar a conocer sus
principios o elementos.

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Offering or expressing an apology or excuse.

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To express or make an apology; Acknowledge failings or faults.

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English Definition: Natural ability or skill:[U] My son has no aptitude for sports.

Spanish Definition: 1. f. Capacidad para operar competentemente en una determinada actividad.

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Verb (used with object)

To put a question to; inquire of.

To request information about.

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Verb (used with object)

To keep away from; keep clear of.

To avoid a person; to avoid taxes; to avoid danger.

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The first part of something

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Underneath, at the lower level, down the present level that cannot be touched.

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English Definition: a request or an order:At my grandmother’s bidding, I wore my best dress.

Spanish Definition: 1. f. Der. Acción y efecto de licitar.

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A device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism, usually by friction; To slow
or stop by or as if by a brake.

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Break down:

To cease to function; become ineffective; To yield or cause to yield, especially to strong emotion or

Break into:

A forcible entry, as into a building or room, for an illegal purpose.

To clean, polish, or groom with a brush.


A person who commits burglary; housebreaker.


Verb. To capture or seize especially after pursuit.


The upper surface of a room that you see when you look above you.


English Definition: an extra amount of money given to someone as a reward forwork or as

encouragement: The salary was $40,000, plus a bonus.› A bonus is also any result that is an
unexpected benefit:After the heart transplant, every day is a bonus for me.

Spanish Definition: 1. adj. ant. bueno.

2. m. Tarjeta o medalla que puede canjearse por comestibles u otros artículos de primera
necesidad, y a veces por dinero.


English Definition: the person who is in charge of an organization or a departmentand who tells
others what to do:I’ll ask my boss if I can take the afternoon off. Syn. Boss/Manager/Headman/

Spanish Definition: 1. Com. Superior o cabeza de una corporación, partido u oficio.


The opportunity of selecting, separating or sorting.


An assertion of right (as to money or property).


To unite or to join together to make a single thing or group.


English Definiton: an organization that produces or sells goods or services inorder to make a
profit:He owns part of a company that manufactures software for personalcomputers.

Spanish Defintion 1. f. Efecto de acompañar.

2. f. Persona o personas que acompañan a otra u otras.

3. f. Sociedad o junta de varias personas unidas para un mismo fin, frecuentemente mercantil.


A mixture of two or more different parts or elements, a word consisting of two or more words.


An apartment in a building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it.

English Definition: the ability or power to decide or strongly influence the particularway in which
something will happen or someone will behave, or the condition of having such ability or power:
[U] The first few months he was running the company, Randy didn’t really feel in control.[U] The
man lost control of his car and crashed into a tree.[U] The fire was out of control for nearly two
hours before firefighterswere able to get it under control.

Spanish Defintion: 1. m. Comprobación, inspección, fiscalización, intervención. 2. m. Dominio,

mando, preponderancia. 3. m. Oficina, despacho, dependencia, etc., donde se controla. 4. m.
Puesto de control.


The quantity, amount, extent or degree that can be observed, analyzed or reported.


To collide violently and noisily; To make a loud, clattering noise.




Physical harm that impairs the value, usefulness, or normal function of something.


Action of bringing or transporting to the proper place or recipient. To distribute. To surrender

(someone or something) to another.

To refuse, refute, contradict or reject permission to do something.


Verb (used without object), disagreed, disagreeing.

To fail to agree; differ.

to differ in opinion; dissent.

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English Definition: the separation of something into parts or groups, or one of the parts or groups
that has been separated:

Spanish Definition: 1. F. Acción y efecto de dividir (‖ separar).

2. f. Acción y efecto de dividir (‖ repartir).


To act or conduct oneself; be in action; behave.


English Definition: a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, esp. of an official
type: A file on a computer in which text is stored.
Spanish Definition: 1. M. Diploma, carta, relación u otro escrito que ilustra acerca de algún hecho,
principalmente de los históricos.


In or to the business or central part of a city.


To move something by pulling it along somewhere else.


Adjective, easier, easiest.

Not hard or difficult; requiring no great labor or effort.

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Bringing or coming to an end; termination; close:

The final or concluding part; conclusion.

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To come or go into; To become a member of; join; become involved in.


English Definition: an organization, esp. a business, or a difficult and importantplan, esp. one that
will earn money

Spanish Defintion: f. Acción o tarea que entraña dificultad y cuya ejecución requiere decisión y


A flat paper container, especially for a letter, usually having a gummed flap.


Being in a state of excitement; emotionally aroused; stirred.


High-priced; costly.


English Definition: a building or buildings where people use machines to producegoods:She

worked in a factory that produced air conditioners.

Spanish Definition: 1. tr. Producir objetos en serie, generalmente por medios mecánicos.

2. tr. Construir un edificio, un dique, un muro o cosa análoga.

3. tr. elaborar.
4. tr. Hacer, disponer o inventar algo no material. Fabricar alguien su fortuna.



A prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic.

Something offered as a special attraction.

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A distinctive characteristic, attribute or aspect.

File / record /expedient

English Definition: a folded piece of stiff paper used to store papers, letters, or other documents in
an ordered way, esp. in an office, or abox or container in which documents are stored:[C] You’ll
find it in the files under We keep your records on file for five years A file in a computer is a
collection of information stored as one unit with one name:[C] I’m going to copy/save this file.

Spanish Definition 1. m. Conjunto ordenado de documentos que una persona, una sociedad, una
institución, etc., producen en el ejercicio de sus funciones o actividades.

2. m. Lugar donde se custodian uno o varios archivos.

3. m. Acción y efecto de archivar (‖ guardar documentos o información en unarchivo). Entregó la

documentación para proceder a su archivo.

4. m. Acción y efecto de archivar (‖ dar por terminado un asunto). El juez ordenó el archivo del

Fill out:
To complete (a document or form) by supplying required information; To become rounder and
fuller, such as the human face or figure.


English Defintion: something, usually paper, that has spaces markedwhere you fill in
information:Fill out an application form and we will let you know if a job opens up.

Spanish Defitinition: 1. m. Impreso con espacios en blanco.

2. m. Libro o escrito en que se contienen fórmulas que se han de observar para la petición,
expedición o ejecución de algo.


English Defintion: to perform the purpose of a particular thing, or to perform the duties of a
particular person:She quickly learned how the office functions.I’m so tired today, I can barely
function.Our spare bedroom also functions as a study (= is also used for thatpurpose).

Spanish Defintion: 1. f. Capacidad de actuar propia de los seres vivos y de sus órganos, y de las
máquinas o instrumentos.

2. f. Tarea que corresponde realizar a una institución o entidad, o a sus órganos o personas.

Go ahead:

Vb (intr, adverb) to start or continue, often after obtaining permission.


English Definition: A number of people or things that are together or considered as a unit:a group
of treesI’m meeting a group of friends for dinner.› A group is also a number of people who play
music together,especially popular music:a rock/soul group› chemistry A group is also any of the
columns in the periodic table of chemical elements.
Spanish Definition: 1. M. Pluralidad de seres o cosas que forman un conjunto, material o
mentalmente considerado.

2. m. Esc. Y Pint. Conjunto de figuras pintadas o esculpidas.


A person who receives an invitation to a home or a place: visitor, visitant or caller.


Behavior intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive. Intentional behavior

which is found threatening or disturbing.


English Definition: having, showing, or encouraging good health› Healthy can mean positive.›
Something is described as healthy if it is financially successfuland strong.

Spanish Definition: 1. F. Cualidad de sano.

2. f. Cualidad de saludable.

3. f. Conjunto de servicios gubernativos ordenados para preservar la salud del común de los
habitantes de la nación, de una provincia o de un municipio.


Secondary education.


A big road that joins cities or towns together.


English Definition: a day for celebration when many people are allowed to stayaway from work or
school:a national holiday›

Spanish Definition: 1. f. Descanso temporal de una actividad habitual, principalmente del trabajo
remunerado o de los estudios.


English Definition: a period of 60 minutes:Take this an hour after eating.It’s open 24 hours a day.›
An hour can be a period of time, not necessarily 60 minutes, when you do something:a lunch hour›

Spanish Definition: 1. f. Tiempo que equivale a 60 minutos, es decir, 3600 segundos. Dos períodos
consecutivos de 12 horas, o uno de 24, contadas desde las 12 del día, constituyen un día solar.



Command. Something that demands attention or action; an unavoidable obligation or

requirement; necessity.

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English Definition: an extra amount of money given to someone as a reward forwork or as

encouragement:The salary was $40,000, plus a bonus.› A bonus is also any result that is an
unexpected benefit:After the heart transplant, every day is a bonus for me.
Spanish Defintion: 1. f. Acción y efecto de bonificar.

2. f. Dep. Premio que consigue un deportista al realizar una prueba, consistente en un descuento
en el tiempo empleado o en la suma de un número determinado de puntos. El ciclista se situó
como líder gracias a la bonificación de seis segundos.

Instead of:

In place of.


English Definition: the act of teaching someone how to do something:The course gives you basic
instruction in car maintenance and repairs.instruction noun (ORDER)

order to do something, esp. a formal order:[+ to infinitive] The general received instructions to
return to the base.

Spanish Definition: 1. F. Acción de instruir.

2. f. Caudal de conocimientos adquiridos.

3. f. Curso que sigue un proceso o expediente que se está formando o instruyendo.


The act, system, or business of providing financial protection for property, life, health, against
specified contingencies, such as death, loss, or damage, and involving payment of regular
premiums in return for a policy guaranteeing such protection.


A period of time in the middle of different activities.

English Definition: a formal meeting at which a person who is interested in getting a job or other
position is asked questions to learn how well theperson would be able to do it:a job interview› An
interview is also a formal meeting at which reporters try to get information, esp. from a famous
person or public official:an interview with the British prime minister

Spanish Definition: 1. F. Acción y efecto de entrevistar o entrevistarse.

2. f. Vista, concurrencia y conferencia de dos o más personas en lugar determinado, para tratar o
resolver un negocio.


To spring off the ground or other base by a muscular effort of the legs and feet.


Eglish Definition: practical work, esp. work that involves physical effort:The car parts themselves
are not expensive – it’s the labor that costsso much.› Labor also refers to the workers themselves,
esp. those who dopractical work with their hands:skilled/unskilled labor

Spanish Definition: 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al trabajo, en su aspecto económico, jurídico y



English Definition: (of a surface) not rising or falling or higher on one side, buteven in all directions;
horizontal or flat:The table wobbles because the floor is not level.› Something that is level with
something else is at the sameheight:The top of the tree is level with his bedroom window.› A level
spoon or cup is filled with something just to the topedge.› If you speak in a level voice, you speak
in a calm and controlledway.

Spanish Definition: 1. M. horizontalidad.

2. m. Altura a que llega la superficie de un líquido. El nivel de la riada.

3. m. Altura que algo alcanza, o a la que está colocado.

4. m. Medida de una cantidad con referencia a una escala determinada.


English Definition: an official document that gives you permission to own, do, or use something:a
fishing/export/driver’s license

Spanish Definition: 1. F. Permiso para hacer algo.

2. f. Documento en que consta la licencia.



A publication that is issued periodically, usually bound in a paper cover, and typically contains
essays, stories, poems, etc., by many writers, and often photographs and drawings, frequently
specializing in a particular subject or area, as hobbies, news, or sports.

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English Definition: the process of keeping or continuing something:The office is charged with the
maintenance of customary practices andceremonies.

maintenance noun [U] (PRESERVING)› the work needed to keep something in good
condition:Bridges require a lot of maintenance.
Spanish Definition: 1. M. Efecto de mantener o mantenerse.

2. m. Conjunto de operaciones y cuidados necesarios para que instalaciones, edificios, industrias,

etc., puedan seguir funcionando adecuadamente.

3. m. Sustento o alimento.


English Definition: the control and organization of something, esp. a business andits employees:He
assumed management of a large real-estate company.› Management is also the people in charge
of a businessorganization:Negotiators tried all weekend to get labor and management back to the
bargaining table.

Spanish Definition: 1. F. Acción y efecto de gestionar.

2. f. Acción y efecto de administrar.


English Definition: the work of advertising and offering goods or services for sale:marketing

Spanish Definition: 1. M. Acción y efecto de mercadear.

2. m. Com. Conjunto de operaciones por las que ha de pasar una mercancía desde el productor al


Modal verb for expressing possibility or permission but more probable than Might.


The significance of a word, expression or body language.


Modal verb for expressing possibility or permission but less probable than May.


Modal verb that indicates obligation and insistence. To express an opinion about something that is
logically very likely: "There must be something wrong".


Adverb, nearer, nearest.

close; to a point or place not far away.

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Need to:

Verb that expresses a condition or situation in which something is required or wanted as a

requisite. Necessity or obligation.


The act of noting or observing; perception or attention.


A word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or something.


At the present day; in these times.

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English Definition: a place in a building where a business is carried on bypeople working at desks (=
special tables) used for writing and for holding telephones and computers: [C] An office is also the
place of business where a doctor,lawyer, or other professional sees people:The doctor’s office was
filled with people.

Spanish Definition: 1. f. Local donde se hace, se ordena o trabaja algo.

2. f. Departamento donde trabajan los empleados públicos o particulares.


English Defintion: a place in a building where a business is carried on bypeople working at desks (=
special tables) used for writing and for holding telephones and computers

Spanish Definition: 1. M. Acción y efecto de despachar.

2. m. Local destinado al estudio o a una gestión profesional.


Not connected to the internet or to a central computer system.

English Definition: to work or cause something to work, be in action, or have an effect:[T] How do
you operate the remote control unit?[I] Changes are being introduced to make the department
operate more efficiently.

Spanish Definition: 1. adj. Dicho de una cosa: Que obra y hace su efecto.

2. adj. Preparado o listo para ser utilizado o entrar en acción.


English Defintion: a person who makes something work or puts something intoaction:a
computer/machine operator› An operator is also a person who works on a
telephoneswitchboard :Dial or press zero for the operator.›

Spanish Defintion: 1. m. y f. obrero (‖ trabajador manual).

2. m. En algunas órdenes y congregaciones religiosas, religioso destinado a cuidar de lo espiritual,

confesando y asistiendo a los enfermos y moribundos.


English Definition: a group whose members work together for a shared purposein a continuing

Spanish Definition: 1. f. Acción y efecto de organizar u organizarse.

2. f. Disposición de los órganos de la vida, o manera de estar organizado el cuerpo animal o


3. f. Asociación de personas regulada por un conjunto de normas en función de determinados


4. f. Disposición, arreglo, orden.


Auxiliary verb
Used to express duty or moral obligation, to express justice, moral rightness, or the like, used to
express propriety, appropriateness.

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Ought to:

Modal verb that indicates obligation or duty: advisability or prudence, desirability, probability or



A form of the possessive case of we used as an attributive adjective.

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Away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state.

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An ancestor, precursor, or progenitor.

a father or a mother.

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Buenas noches estudiante de administracion de empresas


To carry out; To carry out in the proper manner.


An area, a building, a city or town, also an area used for a specific purpose.


English Definition: a method for doing or achieving something, usuallyinvolving a series of actions
or stages, or something you havearranged to do:[C] The financial plan calls for growth of 5% next
year.[C] They had plans to have dinner at a local restaurant.› [C/U] A plan is also an arrangement
for investment:[C] a pension/savings plan› [C/U] If something goes according to plan, it happens
the way you wanted it to:[U] Producing a new movie rarely goes exactly according to plan.

Spanish Definition: 1. m. Altitud o nivel.

2. m. Intención, proyecto.

3. m. Modelo sistemático de una actuación pública o privada, que se elabora anticipadamente

para dirigirla y encauzarla.
4. m. Escrito en que sumariamente se precisan los detalles para realizar una obra.


A thing or things owned by someone; a possession or possessions.


An intention or aim; a reason for doing something or for allowing something to happen,also

Put on:

To clothe oneself in; To assume or pretend.


Making little or no noise: Tranquil; Serene.

Real Estate:

Property in the form of land, houses or buildings.


A real estate agent (= a person who sells or rents houses, land, offices, or buildings).


English Definition. an official list or record, or a place where official records arekept:a voter registry
Spanish Defintion: 1. M. Acción y efecto de registrar.

2. m. Lugar desde donde se puede registrar o ver algo.

3. m. Protocolo del notario o registrador.

4. m. Lugar y oficina en donde se registra.


In Basic English, it refers to routines or habits.


v. To feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, event, etc.).

n. A feeling of sorrow, unhappiness, or guilt for a fault, wrong act, a loss, etc.


To practice (a play, concert, etc.), in preparation for public performance; To run through; Recount;


One related by kinship, common origin, or marriage.


English Definition: to give a description of something or information about something to

someone:We called the police to report the theft.The accident was reported in all the newspapers.
[+ that clause] The crew reported that the situation was normal.

Spanish Definition: 1. m. Descripción, oral o escrita, de las características y circunstancias de un

suceso o asunto.
2. m. Acción y efecto de informar (‖ dictaminar).

3. m. Der. Exposición total que hace el letrado o el fiscal ante el tribunal que ha de fallar el


English Definition: an act of asking for something, or the thing asked for. Syn.

Spanish Definition: 1. f. Diligencia o instancia cuidadosa.

2. f. Memorial en que se solicita algo.


Something fixed to an earlier condition or position, or something brought back into existence.


A secondary public way but usually smaller than streets and avenues with a passage for vehicles,
people or animals.


English Definition: an accepted standard or a way of being or doing things:Illness has become the
norm for her.

Spanish Defintion: 1. F. Regla que se debe seguir o a que se deben ajustar las conductas, tareas,
actividades, etc.

2. f. Escuadra que usan los artífices para arreglar y ajustar los maderos, piedras, etc.


To break loose from confinement; Get free.


Something framed containing a mesh that is placed over a window or opening to keep out insects.


English Definition: a period of time during the year, esp. a period that happensevery year at the
same time.

Spanish Defintion: 1. F. Espacio de varios días, meses o años que se consideran aparte formando
un conjunto. Temporada de verano, de nieves. La mejor temporada de mi vida.

2. f. Tiempo durante el cual se realiza habitualmente algo. Temporada de ópera, de ferias.


English Definition: a person who works in an office and prepares letters, keepsrecords, schedules
meetings, and makes other arrangementsfor a particular person or for an organization

Spanish Defintion: 1. m. y f. Persona encargada de escribir la correspondencia, extender las actas,

dar fe de los acuerdos y custodiar los documentos de una oficina, asamblea o corporación.


A set of words containing a subject and a predicate with the intention of transmitting an
affirmative, negative or interrogative message.

Set up:
To put in a specified position; Place.


Modal verb used:

a) To indicate obligation, duty, correctness or a desirable state.

b) To indicate a probability.

c) To give or ask advice or suggestions.


Not serious, important or practical.

Simple Present

The simple present tense in English is used to describe an action that is regular, true or normal.

I take the train to the office.

The President of The USA lives in The White House

I get up early every day

It rains a lot in winter

Affirmative: You speak French.

Negative: You don't speak French.

Adverb of frequency that indicates: from then, until now or between then, and now; between a
particular past time and the present.


A very tall building or construction.



A person who speaks. A person who speaks formally before an audience; lecturer; orator.

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The amount or quantity of money that a person pays after buying a service or a product. The
amount or quantity of time that a person takes in an action.


To take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, especially secretly or by

Straight up:

Extending continuously in the same direction without curving.


Happening without warning; Unforeseen, suddenly adverb.


Quickly and without warning; Unexpectedly.


A contribution that is mentioned for others' consideration.




One who steals, especially by stealth.

Time markers:

(Adverbs of frequency). Time expressions used to indicate the time during which an action takes
place in present, past or future: examples: everyday, on Fridays, last week, ago, next month, and


English Definition: the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular jobor activity:We
got two weeks of on-the-job training on how to conduct interviews.› When you are in training for
a competition, you exercise in a way that prepares you for it.

Spanish Definition 1. f. Acción y efecto de capacitar.


Real, consistent, whatever situation that is opposite to false.

Try out:

To compete for a role, as by taking part in a test or trial.


To make an effort to do or accomplish (something); Attempt.


To (cause to) move around on an axis or about a center; Rotate; To reverse the position or
placement of.



Beneath and covered by.

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English Defintion: a single item or a separate part of something larger:The first year of the course
is divided into four units.› A unit is also a small machine or part of a machine that has aparticular
purpose:the central processing unit of a computer› A unit is also a piece of furniture or equipment
used as part of a set of similar or matching pieces:a unit of a bookcase

Spanish Definition: 1. F. Propiedad de todo ser, en virtud de la cual no puede dividirse sin que su
esencia se destruya o altere.
2. f. Singularidad en número o calidad.



Different, dissimilar, or unequal; not alike.

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English Definition: A place or position that is available.

Spanish Definition: 1. adj. Que está sin ocupar.

2. adj. Dicho de un cargo, un empleo o una dignidad: Que está sin proveer


English Definition: the amount of money that can be received for something; the worth of
something in money

Spanish Definition: 1. m. Grado de utilidad o aptitud de las cosas, para satisfacer las necesidades o
proporcionar bienestar o deleite.

2. m. Cualidad de las cosas, en virtud de la cual se da por poseerlas cierta suma de dinero o

3. m. Alcance de la significación o importancia de una cosa, acción, palabra o frase.

Walk out:

To go on strike; To leave in protest.



Manner, mode, or fashion, characteristic or habitual manner, method, plan, or means for attaining
a goal.

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The state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure.

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A period of time.




Not having; Lacking.


Someone who sees an event and reports what happened.


Made of wood.


English Definition: to do a job, esp. a job you do to earn money.

Spanish Defintion: 1. M. Acción y efecto de trabajar.

2. m. Ocupación retribuida.

Working day

English Definition: the part of a day when you are working at a job:an 8-/10-/12-hour working
dayduring/at the end of the working day Using the internet and emailfor personal reasons during
the working day is rife.a typical/normal/average working day In a normal working day, she may
spend up to 60% of her time on the phone.a working day starts/begins/ends Her working day
starts at around 8am.Stress at work can be a major headache for companies who are
losingvaluable working days through staff absenteeism. › a day on which most people work

Spanish Definition: 1. F. día (‖ período de tiempo que equivale a 24 horas). Los más importantes
acontecimientos de la jornada.

2. f. Tiempo de duración del trabajo diario.

3. f. Camino que se anda regularmente en un día de viaje.

S-ar putea să vă placă și