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Biochimie 91 (2009) 68e75

Research paper

Characterisation of single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the

bovine lactoferrin gene sequences across a range of dairy cow breeds
F. O‘Halloran a, B. Bahar b, F. Buckley c, O. O’Sullivan a, T. Sweeney b, L. Giblin a,*
Teagasc, Moorepark Food Research Centre, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland
Veterinary Science Centre, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Teagasc, Moorepark Dairy Production Centre, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland
Received 25 March 2008; accepted 15 May 2008
Available online 23 May 2008


The lactoferrin gene sequences of 70 unrelated dairy cows representing six different dairy breeds were investigated for single nucleotide
polymorphisms to establish a baseline of polymorphisms that exist within the Irish bovine population. Twenty-nine polymorphisms were iden-
tified within a 2.2 kb regulatory region. Nineteen novel polymorphisms were identified and some of these were found within transcription factor
binding sites, including GATA-1 and SPI transcription factor sites. Forty-seven polymorphisms were identified within exon sequences with
unique polymorphisms that were associated with amino acid substitutions. These included a T/A SNP, identified in a Holstein Friesian animal,
which resulted in a valine to aspartic acid substitution (Val89Asp) in the mature lactoferrin protein. Other SNPs of interest were associated with
amino acid substitutions in the lactoferricin B peptide sequence and an A/G SNP, identified in a Jersey animal, was associated with a tyrosine to
cysteine change (Tyr181Cys). The polymorphisms identified in the promoter region may have implications relating to lactoferrin expression
levels in cows and those identified in the coding sequence indicate the existence of protein variants in the Irish bovine population. The data
presented in this study emphasises the potential for lactoferrin to serve as a candidate gene to select for mastitis resistance with the aim of im-
proving animal health.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lactoferrin; Single nucleotide polymorphisms; Bovine; Mastitis

1. Introduction between 0.02 and 0.2 mg/ml [2]. This can however, dramati-
cally increase during the dry period and during a mastitis in-
Lactoferrin is a bioactive glycoprotein found in the secre- cidence, with concentrations increasing by about 100-fold
tions of a wide range of mammalian species, including bovine, [3]. This suggests that the protein plays important physiolog-
human, goat and porcine. The amino acid sequences of the lac- ical roles, particularly during a mastitis event.
toferrin proteins are highly conserved among the species of The bovine lactoferrin gene is located on chromosome 22
higher mammals [1]. The level of lactoferrin in milk however, spanning approximately 34.5 kb of genomic DNA and com-
varies enormously between species with the highest concentra- prises 17 exons ranging from 82 (exon 1) to 225 bp (exon
tions recorded in human milk (1.0e5.0 mg/ml) [1]. However, 17). The 50 -regulatory region of the bovine lactoferrin gene
bovine milk, which is the most common source of commer- contains the promoter sequence, a non-canonical TATA box
cially produced lactoferrin contains about one-tenth of the lac- and a number of transcription factor binding sites necessary
toferrin found in other mammals with concentrations ranging for expression of the gene [4]. The coding sequence of the
functional bovine lactoferrin protein defines a single polypep-
tide chain of 708 amino acids, which is folded into two sepa-
* Corresponding author: Tel.: þ353 25 42614; fax: þ353 25 42340. rate lobes (N- and C-terminals) that each contains two iron-
E-mail address: (L. Giblin). binding and two bicarbonate-binding sites [5]. There are five

0300-9084/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
F. O‘Halloran et al. / Biochimie 91 (2009) 68e75 69

N-linked glycosylation sites present in bovine lactoferrin lo- 2.2. Genomic DNA isolation
cated at asparagine (Asn) residues 233, 281, 368, 476 and
545. The significance of glycosylation for lactoferrin is not To extract genomic DNA, blood samples were initially
yet completely understood [6]. centrifuged at 2500  g for 20 min at 4  C and the buffy layer
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most was collected with the surrounding erythrocytes into a 1.5 ml
abundant genetic variations in mammalian genomes, occurring sterile Eppendorf tube. DNA was extracted using a QIAGEN
in regulatory, exon and intron regions of genes [7]. To date, ge- Flexigene DNA isolation kit (QIAGEN Ltd., West Sussex,
netic polymorphisms in the regulatory region of bovine and UK), according to the manufacturers’ instructions. The DNA
human [5,7,8] lactoferrin genes have been described. How- was quantified spectrophotometrically and the integrity as-
ever, the significance and associated functional effects of these sessed via gel electrophoresis (1.2%). DNA was stored at
polymorphisms have yet to be established. Polymorphisms 20  C for subsequent analysis.
have also been identified in the coding sequence of lactoferrin
genes. Mutations in the coding regions of a protein can affect 2.3. RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis
protein structure, which may potentially alter the biological
functions of that protein [9]. In addition, polymorphisms that Blood samples for RNA extraction were initially processed
cause amino acid substitutions on the surface of the protein as for DNA extraction above and the RNA was isolated from
that have no affect on protein structure could alter the surface the buffy layer of each sample using the QIAGEN RNeasy
properties of the protein [10]. Alterations to the N-terminal se- midi kit (QIAGEN Ltd., West Sussex, UK). RNA was quanti-
quence of the protein are particularly significant as this region tated spectrophotometrically and the integrity assessed by
is largely responsible for the biological activity of lactoferrin. electrophoresis in a 1.5% glyoxyl gel with 1 glyoxyl buffer
To date, polymorphisms in the coding region of human and (Ambion, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). All glass-
goat lactoferrin that affect the antimicrobial properties of the ware and gel apparatus used for RNA analysis was pre-treated
lactoferrin have been identified [11,12]. In addition Mohamed with RNAzap (Ambion, Applied Biosystems, Foster City,
et al. identified a unique polymorphism in human lactoferrin USA) and DEPC-treated water. RNA was aliquoted and stored
genes that leads to increased susceptibility to diarrhoea [13]. at 80  C prior to cDNA synthesis. The latter was achieved by
Bovine mastitis is defined as inflammation of a cows’ udder converting 1 mg of RNA to cDNA using the QIAGEN Quanti-
and is predominantly caused by bacterial infections. The finan- Tect reverse transcription kit (QIAGEN Ltd., West Sussex,
cial loss to the dairy industry caused by mastitis is significant UK).
[14]. A logical approach to reducing mastitis incidence in
dairy cattle would be to select for animals in breeding pro- 2.4. PCR amplification of lactoferrin gene
grammes that are genetically resistant or less susceptible to
the disease [15]. Lactoferrin plays a vital role in the natural de- To amplify a 2.2 kb promoter region of bovine lactoferrin
fence mechanism of the mammary gland and therefore, is a po- gene, three sets of oligonucleotide primers were designed,
tential candidate gene for imparting resistance to mastitis in based on published sequence data (GenBank Ref. NC_
dairy cows [4,16]. This study was conducted to establish 007320), to amplify three overlapping PCR fragments (Table
a baseline of genetic polymorphisms present in the lactoferrin 1). To amplify the coding sequence of the genes, five sets of
genes of Irish dairy cattle and identify single genetic events primers were designed (Table 1) based on the published se-
which could potentially affect milk lactoferrin concentration quences of Seyfert et al. [17] (GenBank accession no.
or produce lactoferrin protein variants. L19985) and Mead and Tweedie [18] (GenBank accession
no. X54801). To generate PCR products from the regulatory
2. Materials and methods region, 100 ng of genomic DNA was used in the presence of
200 pM of both forward and reverse primers. Cycling condi-
2.1. Sample population and blood collection tions were as follows: initial denaturation at 94  C for 1 min,
followed by 40 cycles of 94  C for 30 s, 56  C for 30 s,
Seventy cows representing six different breeds were used in 72  C for 1 min, with a final extension at 72  C for 10 min.
this study. The group comprised 47 Holstein Friesians, 6 Jer- To amplify products representing the coding sequence 3 ml
sey, 5 JerseyeFriesian crossbreeds, 7 Norwegian Reds, 4 of cDNA was used in each reaction and PCR was carried
Montbéliard and 1 Norwegian RedeFriesian crossbreed. To out in 50 ml volumes containing 10 pmol of each forward
provide a diverse genetic pool, the animals selected were and reverse primer, 5 ml 10  NH4 buffer (160 mM
largely unrelated being from six different breeds and within (NH4)2SO4, 670 mM TriseHCl (pH 8.8), 0.1% Tween 20),
each breed they had different sires. Blood samples (7 ml) MgCl2 at a final concentration of 1.5 mM, 200 mM each
were collected (in duplicate) by caudal venipuncture from dNTP, and 2.5 U Taq polymerase (Bioline Ltd., London,
each animal into sample tubes containing the anticoagulant UK). The cycling conditions used were as follows: initial de-
potassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA K3E 15%, naturation at 95  C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of 94  C
0.12 ml; BD Vacutainer, BD Vacutainer Systems, Plymouth, for 1 min, 55e66  C (see Table 1) for 30 s, 72  C for 1 min,
UK) and immediately placed on ice for subsequent DNA with a final extension at 72  C for 5 min. All PCR products
and RNA extractions. were analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis (1.5%) and
70 F. O‘Halloran et al. / Biochimie 91 (2009) 68e75

Table 1
Primer details for PCR to amplify the regulatory (R) and coding (C) sequence of the lactoferrin genes
Primer name Sequence 50 e30 Optimum annealing temperature ( C) Product size (bp)
LFR1-F GACAGCCTTTGGGCACTTAG 56 1068 (652 to þ416)
LFR2-F CTTGGGCTGGCTCTTCTTC 56 947 (1391 to 443)
LFR3-F TTATGCTGCCTTGCCTCTTC 56 949 (2193 to 1243)

ethidium bromide staining and visualised using the AlphaIm- 3. Results

ager (Alpha Innotech, San Leandro, CA, USA). PCR products
were purified prior to sequencing using the QIAGEN PCR pu- In total, 2.2 kb of the promoter region of the bovine lacto-
rification kit (QIAGEN Ltd., West Sussex, UK). ferrin gene was sequenced in both forward and reverse direc-
tions to confirm the presence of polymorphisms. The
consensus sequence identified in this study deviated from the
2.5. DNA sequence analysis
published bovine lactoferrin sequence (GenBank Ref. NC_
007320) by 29 nucleotides, giving rise to an average of one
PCR products were sequenced (Cogenics and MWG-Bio-
polymorphism per 76 bases. The SNP loci, percentage
tech) and the data analysed using the Lazergene 6 suite of pro-
homo- and heterozygosity of the SNPs and the major allele
grams (DNAStar Inc., Madison WI, USA) and Molecular
frequency determined in this study are presented in Table 2.
Evolutionary Genetic Analysis 4.0 (MEGA). Some of the
There were 14 G/A, 9 T/C, 3 G/T, and 1 each of C/A, G/C
PCR products were consistently difficult to sequence and
and G/e identified across the study population (n ¼ 70).
therefore these products were cloned in order to sequence
The only SNP loci that correlated with the breed type was
each allele separately. For cloning, the TOPO Cloning kit (In-
the SNP at 1560 (Pearson correlation co-efficient
vitrogen Ltd., Paisley, UK) was used according to the manu-
r ¼ 0.60, P < 0.001). For this SNP, 100% Friesians
facturers’ instructions and a selection of clones were used
(n ¼ 47) and 100% Norwegian Reds (n ¼ 7) were associated
for DNA sequence analysis. SNP data was analyzed using
with the CC genotype. Nineteen unique polymorphisms were
population genetic data analysis software, Arlequinn 3.11.
identified in this study (Table 2, highlighted in bold type).
The allele and genotype frequencies obtained were expressed
The A/C SNP at position 28 occurs immediately adjacent
as percentages. Evaluation of the association of individual
to the TATA box, the transcription factor recognition site. At
SNPs with breed was performed through estimating Pearson’s
this locus, the major allele was A with an allele frequency of
correlation co-efficient and P < 0.05 was considered statisti-
72% and C was the minor allele (frequency 28%), with
cally significant. AliBaba 2.1 software was used to identify
56.9%, 12.1% and 31% of animals identified as A/A, C/C
SNPs that affected putative transcription factor binding sites.
and C/A genotypes, respectively. Also of interest is the G/A
SNP located at position 1155, which was found to be lo-
2.6. Predictive 3D protein structural images cated on two putative transcription factor binding sites in-
cluding (GATA-1 and SP1), based on predictions using
To predict if the polymorphisms identified in the lactoferrin AliBaba2 software. The majority of animals (98.6%) were
coding regions could potentially lead to structural alterations homozygous for the G allele (genotype G/G), with a single
of the lactoferrin protein, translated DNA sequences were an- animal identified as heterozygous for this SNP (genotype
alysed using homology modelling software (Swiss-PDB G/A). Haplotype analysis was performed, using Haploview
Viewer) [19]. Lactoferrin protein variants were modelled using version 4.0, to identify the major haplotypes in the study
the 3D-bovine lactoferrin structure taken from the protein da- population. Eight different haplotypes were identified (data
tabank [20] and models were visualised and verified using py- not shown) with two major haplotypes predominating. The
mol [21]. Structural superposition was performed between the major haplotype occurred with a frequency of 50% of the
protein variants and wild-type protein using the Match-Align study population and the second major type occurred with
subroutine of Chimera [22]. a 12% population frequency.
F. O‘Halloran et al. / Biochimie 91 (2009) 68e75 71

Table 2 polymorphism that was associated with an Arg17Lys substitu-

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) present in the promoter region of the tion. The consensus sequence (AGG) encodes the arginine res-
bovine lactoferrin gene (loci positions relative to the transcription start site),
the proportion of homozygous heterozygous genotypes and the major allele
idue and the variant sequence (AAG) encodes a lysine residue.
frequency in Bos taurus (n ¼ 70) cows This SNP is potentially significant as it occurs within the en-
Locus SNPs Homozygosity Heterozygosity Major allele
coding sequence of the antimicrobial peptide, Lactoferricin B
(major/minor (%) (%) frequency (LfcinB). Other SNPs identified that affected the LfcinB se-
allele) quence included the SNPs associated with Lys-10Arg, Cy-
2151 G/A 61.9 38.1 0.67 s11Arg and Lys19Arg substitutions. Another interesting SNP
2140 G/A 69.1 30.9 0.76 was the A/G SNP associated with a tyrosine to cysteine
2122 C/T 60.0 40.0 0.69 (Tyr181Cys) substitution. This SNP was identified in a single
2101 T/C 60.0 40.0 0.69 heterozygous Jersey animal (Fig. 2b) and is of interest as
2077 A/G 61.4 38.6 0.69
2047 A/G 60.0 40.0 0.69
a new Cys residue could potentially incorporate new disul-
2009 C/T 98.6 1.4 0.99 phide bridges into the lactoferrin protein structure.
1953 G/A 60.0 40.0 0.69 3D structural models of two lactoferrin protein variants,
1807 C/T 60.0 40.0 0.69 VT50349 and VT4514 were generated (Fig. 2). To achieve
1762 T/C 82.9 17.1 0.91 this, the variant protein sequences were superimposed onto
1753 G/T 80.0 20.0 0.90
1702 A/G 60.0 40.0 0.69
the consensus bovine lactoferrin protein sequence (shown in
1560 C/T 89.9 10.1 0.95 blue). Highlighted in red are the locations of the amino acid
1448 C/G 72.5 27.5 0.80 substitutions that were found in these variant proteins.
1335 G/A 81.4 18.6 0.91 Fig. 2a shows the predicted structure of the variant protein
1155 G/A 98.6 1.4 0.99 VT50349 with the location of two amino acid substitutions,
1099 A/G 70.0 30.0 0.79
929 G/A 95.1 4.9 0.96
Leu51Pro and Gly60Ser, highlighted in red. Both of these res-
918 T/G 95.1 4.9 0.96 idues are located within b-sheet secondary structures. Fig. 2b
602 G/T 73.8 26.2 0.82 shows the predicted structure of variant protein VT4514 with
600 G/A 96.8 3.2 0.97 its Lys10Arg substitution, which occurs within the a-helix
586 C/T 65.6 34.4 0.80 structure of the LfcinB peptide and its Tyr181Cys substitution.
479 G/e 100.0 0.0 0.88
287 G/A 98.3 1.7 0.99
The latter substitution occurs within a loop region that is not
270 T/C 71.7 28.3 0.83 usually functionally active itself but serves to link functionally
190 G/A 76.7 23.3 0.87 active domains. However, as the substitution results in the ad-
156 G/A 73.3 26.7 0.80 dition of a new cysteine residue this may introduce new disul-
131 T/C 69.4 30.6 0.78 phide bridges into the protein structure.
28 A/C 69.0 31.0 0.72

4. Discussion
The data in Table 3 represents 47 polymorphisms in the lac-
toferrin coding sequences that deviated from the consensus se- Twenty-nine polymorphisms were identified within the
quence. The amino acid positions affected by the SNP, 2.2 kb regulatory region of the bovine lactoferrin gene. Among
together with a description of the wild-type and variant-type these, 10 were previously reported [5,8] while others (n ¼ 19)
amino acids (aa) are given. The frequency of each allele and were unique polymorphisms, some of which were found to be
the percentage of homozygotes and heterozygotes are also pre- associated with putative transcription factor binding sites. For
sented. As can be seen 18 of these SNPs were nonsense muta- example, the SNP at position 1155 is located on the GATA-1
tions, causing no change to the amino acid sequence, while 27 and SPI transcription factor binding sites. SP1 DNA-binding
SNPs were associated with amino acid changes. The majority sites are known enhancer elements in eukaryotic genomes
of the SNPs identified were infrequent, with 80% of the vari- that are considered to be constitutive activators of gene expres-
ant-type alleles occurring with <2% frequency. High fre- sion [23] and thus alterations to the DNA sequence of this site
quency SNPs were located at aa positions 6, 118, 312, 344, could potentially affect lactoferrin expression levels. GATA-1
369, 412, 422 and 594, with only two of these SNPs (aa118 is a zinc finger transcription factor involved in the expression
and aa412) associated with aa changes. As can be seen from of the lactoferrin gene during hematopoesis in humans [24].
the data, the animals investigated in this study were largely Mutations in GATA-1 binding sites could potentially affect
heterozygous for the polymorphisms identified with only 11 the binding of the transcription factor to the lactoferrin pro-
of the 47 SNPs (23%) identified as homozygote genotypes. moter, thus polymorphisms at this site may have important
Study animals were heterozygous for the remaining SNPs. physiological implications.
Some PCR products were consistently difficult to sequence Haplotype analysis identified eight different haplotypes in
and thus the products were cloned and representative clones the study population with two haplotypes predominating at
were sequenced. Fig. 1a shows the chromatograms generated high frequency (50% and 12%). Further studies will be re-
for two cloned PCR products. Sequence analysis confirmed quired to evaluate the transcription efficiencies of these differ-
the presence of two different alleles that identified a G/A ent promoter haplotypes.
72 F. O‘Halloran et al. / Biochimie 91 (2009) 68e75

Table 3
Polymorphisms identified in the coding regions of bovine lactoferrin genes
aa SNP WT aa VT aa WT allele VT allele Homozygosity Homozygosity Heterozygotes
position frequency (%) frequency (%) WT (%) VT (%) (%)
1 T/C Cys Cys 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
2 C/T Thr Thr 98.6 1.4 98.6 1.4 0.0
4 C/T Ser Ser 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
6 T/C Pro Pro 10.7 89.3 84.3 5.7 10
10 A/G Lys Arg 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
11 T/C Cys Arg 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
13 A/G Arg Arg 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
17 G/A Arg Lys 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
19 A/G Lys Arg 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
25 T/A Ser Ser 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
27 A/G Thr Ala 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
29 T/C Val Ala 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
33 T/C Phe Phe 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
47 T/C Asp Asp 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
51 T/C Leu Pro 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
53 G/A Gly Asp 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
56 T/C Val Ala 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
59 C/T Ala Val 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
60 G/A Gly Ser 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
61 C/T Arg Trp 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
62 A/G Asp Gly 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
64 T/C Tyr His 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
69 T/C Val Ala 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
70 A/G Ala Ala 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
85 T/A Tyr Asn 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
87 G/A Val Met 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
89 T/A Val Asp 98.6 1.4 98.6 1.4 0.0
94 A/G Ser Gly 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
102 A/G Gln Gln 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
104 C/T Arg Trp 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
116 G/A Gly Arg 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
118 A/G Ile Val 84.3 15.7 77.1 8.6 14.3
120 C/A Pro Thr 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
150 T/C Val Ala 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
181 A/G Tyr Cys 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
209 C/T Ala Val 98 2 95.7 0.0 4.3
301 A/G Arg Gly 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
312 G/T Leu Leu 84.3 15.7 75.8 7.1 17.1
344 T/C Pro Pro 85.7 14.3 78.6 7.1 14.3
357 C/T Ser Ser 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
362 T/C Thr Thr 98.6 1.4 98.6 1.4 0.0
369 T/C Thr Thr 83 17 75.7 10.0 14.3
371 C/G Asp Glu 98.6 1.4 98.6 1.4 0.0
377 C/T Leu Leu 99 1 98.6 0.0 1.4
412 C/T His Tyr 81.4 18.6 70.0 7.1 22.9
422 G/A Thr Thr 82 18 70.0 5.7 24.3
594 T/C Asp Asp 94 6 87.2 0.0 12.8
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) with amino acid (aa) changes shown in bold type; aa position is taken from the mature protein sequence. WT, wild-type;
VT, variant type.

The majority of polymorphisms detected in the lactoferrin lactoferrin genes representing 11 different species [25]. In
coding sequence occurred within the N-lobe of the lactoferrin their study they identified 50 novel polymorphisms across
protein. From a structural point of view these polymorphisms five different species that were associated with amino acid
are significant if they are associated with amino acid substitu- substitutions in lactoferrin proteins. Ten of these polymor-
tions that can potentially affect the protein structure and/or phisms were found within the lactoferrin genes of Bos taurus
function. To date, several authors have described polymor- species. Li et al. [5] identified five SNPs within their bovine
phisms in the lactoferrin genes of different species. Teng study population with only one of these being associated
and Gladwell identified 21 SNPs in human lactoferrin se- with an aa change. This polymorphism (A/G) was located in
quences, with nine of these associated with amino acid substi- exon 4 and resulted in an isoleucine (Ile) to valine (Val) sub-
tutions [7]. Kang et al. bioinformatically analysed 60 different stitution at position 118 in the mature protein. Velliyagounder
F. O‘Halloran et al. / Biochimie 91 (2009) 68e75 73

Fig. 1. Sequence chromatographs of heterozygote SNPs identified in the coding lactoferrin gene. (a) DNA sequence of two different clones (A and B) which iden-
tified a heterozygote G/A SNP that leads to an arginine-lysine substitution at amino acid position 17 in the mature protein. (b) The A/G heterozygote SNP identified
in exon 5 that caused a tyrosine to cysteine substitution at position 181 in the mature protein. Shown are the forward and reverse sequence data that confirmed the

et al. and Lee et al. demonstrated that individual SNPs in hu- of the major pathogens that cause bovine mastitis are gram
man and goat lactoferrin sequences (respectively) affected the positive species, including streptococcal and staphylococcal
antimicrobial properties of the protein [11,12]. species [26]. The Cys11Arg substitution is also noteworthy
In the present study several SNPs (n ¼ 8) were found to be as the replacement of the negatively charged cysteine by the
associated with conservative amino acid substitutions, in that positively charged arginine affects the overall cationic charge
they could be predicted to have no significant effect on protein of the LFcin B peptide. In vivo Lfcin B peptide is released via
structure. These include valine to alanine, isoleucine to valine pepsin digestion of the mature protein and plays an important
and threonine to alanine substitutions, which are all aliphatic physiological role by helping to stimulate both innate and
aa with similar chemical properties. Whether such substitu- adaptive immune response mechanisms. The peptide binds
tions affect the substrate recognition properties of the protein to susceptible bacteria and destabilizes their membranes via
however, remains to be determined. membrane perturbation and it can also help regulate an innate
Three lysine/arginine substitutions were located within the immune response by alerting host cells to the potential for in-
LfcinB bioactive peptide. Two SNPs were identified within the fection [27]. Mutations in the Lfcin B peptide could poten-
Lfcin B encoding sequence that were associated with lysine to tially alter either of these activities by modifying the
arginine substitutions (Lys10Arg, Lys19Arg) and another SNP susceptibility of microbes and/or affect the capacity of the
resulted in an arginine to lysine change (Arg17Lys). These peptide to bind and stimulate host cell immune response.
substitutions could be considered conservative changes as Polymorphism that results in the removal or addition of
both are positively charged, polar amino acids. However, Vel- cysteine residues are structurally significant as they can influ-
liyagounder et al. demonstrated that this type of substitution ence the formation of disulphide bridges, which serve to stabi-
can affect the antimicrobial property of the Lfcin B peptide lise protein structures. In this study an A/G SNP was identified
[11]. In their study they confirmed that a Lys29Arg polymor- that resulted in a tyrosine (Tyr) to cysteine (Cys) change at po-
phism altered the bactericidal activity of the peptide. The Arg- sition 181 in the mature protein. To examine the effect of the
containing peptide was less active against the gram positive Tyr181Cys substitution on protein structure a 3D model of the
species Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus mitis. Some protein, variant VT4514, was generated (Fig. 3). To allow
74 F. O‘Halloran et al. / Biochimie 91 (2009) 68e75

Other SNPs of interest included a T/A SNP, identified in

a Holstein Friesian animal, which resulted in a Val to Asp sub-
stitution (Val89Asp). This could be a potentially significant
change as it introduces a negatively charged amino acid into
the structure.
Another exciting amino acid change identified is the
Leu15Pro (Fig. 2a), which was identified in a single Holstein
Friesian animal. The leucine side chain is very non-reactive
and thus rarely directly involved in protein function, although
it can play a role in substrate recognition. Proline however, of-
ten plays important roles in molecular recognition, particularly
in intracellular signalling. It can also function to introduce
kinks into alpha helices, since it is unable to adopt a normal
helical conformation.
Four polymorphisms were identified within the lactoferrin
signal peptide sequence Lys2Arg, Ser10Pro, Leu18Pro and
Ala23Ala. Whether any or all of these polymorphisms affect
lactoferrin secretion in vivo will be determined by analysing
the lactoferrin content in mammary secretions.

5. Conclusions

Bovine mastitis is a costly disease to the dairy industry. The

documented association between lactoferrin concentrations in
milk and bovine mastitis incidence makes this gene an obvious
candidate to investigate whether variants impart differences in
disease resistance. This study has identified a baseline of poly-
morphisms in lactoferrin gene sequences that are present
within the Irish bovine population. Several potentially interest-
Fig. 2. Predicted 3D structure of two bovine lactoferrin protein variants (VT):
(a) lactoferrin protein variant VT50349 with two aa substitutions (Gly60Ser ing novel polymorphisms were identified within the coding re-
and Leu51Pro); (b) protein variant VT4514 with the Lys10Arg substitution, gion, including polymorphisms occurring within the sequence
occurring within Lfcin B sequence, and the Tyr181Cys substitution. of the antimicrobial peptide Lactoferricin B, as well as SNPs
that affect the formation of new cysteine bridges in the lacto-
a new disulphide bridge to form the distance between the al- ferrin structure. Novel SNPs were also found within the pro-
pha carbons on two Cys residues must be less than 8 Ang- moter sequence which could influence the expression of
stroms (Å). Therefore three new bonds could potentially lactoferrin in vivo. To determine if the polymorphisms identi-
form between Cys181 residue and (Cys149) 6.10 Å, fied in this study are suitable as genetic markers for mastitis
(Cys165) 6.14 Å and (Cys249) 7.37 Å. resistance, further investigations will be necessary, not least
to determine if associations exist between the prevalence of
specific polymorphisms and superior udder health, i.e. reduced
incidence of clinical mastitis and/or low somatic cell counts.
In the event of evidence of association, screening of animals,
including AI sires and potential young test sires, could take
place, thus helping to expedite genetic improvement in udder
health in a background where other production and functional
traits are monitored. The overall objective would be to provide
the dairy industry with increased disease-resistant robust


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