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14 / 02 / 2017 END SEMESTER EXAM DURATION :3 Hrs.


 Read the Questions Carefully and Answer ALL Questions.

1) a) What are the major assumptions in theory of elasticity? (5)

Material is Isotropic
Total strain is made up of elastic strain and plastic strain
Elastic strain follows Hooke’s Law
Normal stresses produce Normal strain and Shear stresses produce shear
The deviatoric stresses are proportional to the deviatoric strain

b) What do you understand by linear and non-linear problem? Explain

with relevant examples. (5)
Linear system is a system in which the change of the output is
proportional to the change of the input. E.g Body stretched within
elastic limit on stress-strain curve.
Nonlinear system is a system in which the change of the output is not
proportional to the change ofthe input. E.g. Body stressed beyond
proportionality limit on stress-strain curve.

c) Differentiate among homogenous & non-homogenous, isotropic &

orthotropic materials. (5)
Homogeneous- composed of parts or elements that are all of the same
Heterogeneous- composed of parts or elements that are all
ofdifferent kinds
Isotropic indicates that the material properties at a point in the
body are not a functionof orientation. In other words, the material
properties are constant in any plane passingthrough a point in the
There are certain materials (e.g., reinforced concrete,fiber-reinforced
composites, brick, and wood)for which the material properties at
anypoint depend on the orientation also. In general, such materials
are called anisotropic materials.
Orthotropic materials have material properties that differ along
three mutually-orthogonal twofold axes of rotational symmetry.

A familiar example of an orthotropic material is wood.

d) Explain how the characteristics in (1 c) above physically manifest in

the material? (5)
The relation between Young’s modulus, rigidity modulus and bulk
modulus cannot be used for orthotropic and anisotropic materials.
Sheer modulus and poison ratio is different along different
directionsfor orthotropic and anisotropic materials. Computation
become more cumbersome for orthotropic and anisotropic materials.

2) a) What are the conditions to be satisfied for Airy’s Stress function to

be a stress distribution function? (4)
The Airy stress function is
A Scalar potential function that can be used to find the stress.
Satisfies equilibrium inthe absence of body forces.
Only for two-dimensional problems (plane stress/plane strain).

b) Write the stress functions in terms of Airy’s Stress function υ(x,y)

for σ x,σy, τxy (4)

c) What are the limitations of Airy’s function ? (4)

Only for two-dimensional problems (plane stress/plane strain).
No body forces to be acting on the body
Approximation of 3d problem as a 2d problem
d) Show that the Airy’s function satisfies completely the equilibrium
equation and results in compatibility equation of 4thorder differential
equation for a given problem. (8)

3) a) What is a yield criterion? (5)

Yield criterion is a hypothesis defining the limit of elasticity in a material

and the onset of plastic deformation under any possible combination of
stresses.There are several possible yield criteria.

b) What are the two criteria generally used? Explain the difference
between the two criteria. (5)

The main interpretation of the Mises criterion is that it represents a critical value of the
distortional energy stored in the isotropic material while the Tresca criterion is that of a
critical value of the maximum shear stress in the isotropic material.
c) Write the two criteria in terms of three principal stresses. (10)

4) a) What are the assumptions in the analysis of torsion problems? (5)

The materiel is homogenous i.e of uniform elastic properties exists
throughout the material.
The material is elastic, follows Hook's law, with shear stress proportional
to shear strain.
The stress does not exceed the elastic limit.
The circular section remains circular
Cross section remain plane.
Cross section rotate as if rigid i.e. every diameter rotates through the
same angle

b) What are the general methods adopted for analysis? (5)


c) A Hollow aluminium section shown below is to transfer a torque

in a structure whose length is 3m. Estimate the torque capacity
and the angle of twist per meter length. Assume for aluminium
G = 157.5 GPa. (10)
5) a) What are the different material modelling used in the analysis of
Plasticity? What are the relevant material properties used? (7)
Material models used are
The Tangent and Plastic Modulus

Friction Block ModelsThe rigid perfectly plastic model can be

simulated by a Coulomb friction block. No strain occurs
untilreaches the yield stress Y.

Logarithmic scale is used for stress strain curve to get true strain.
Material is Isotropic
Total strain is made up of elastic strain and plastic strain
Elastic strain follows Hooke’s Law
Normal stresses produce Normal strain and Shear stresses produce
shear strain.
The deviatoric stresses are proportional to the deviatoric strain

b) What do you understand by the terns, perfectly elastic & perfectly

plastic?Show with a neat sketch the graph. (7)
A rigid-plastic material is defined as a material exhibiting no elastic
deformation and perfect plastic deformation.

c) What are the assumptions in relating the stresses and strains in

elastic and plastic ranges and how are they related. (6)
the response is independent of rate effects
the material is incompressible in the plastic range
there is no Bauschinger effect
the yield stress is independent of hydrostatic pressure
the material is isotropic


30 / 11 / 2016 MID SEMESTER EXAM DURATION : 1½ Hrs.


I. Answer All Questions:

1) a) Mention the basic assumptions made in the application of theory of

elasticity as applied to the structural analysis. (3)
Hooke’s Law is applicable within elastic limit of material
Stress at a point is directly proportional to strain at that point.
Normal stresses produce Normal strain and Shear stresses produce
shear strain.
Material is isotropic and homogeneous

b) Derive the differential equation of equilibrium in Cartesian co-ordinated

with a neat required sketch. (7)
c) What is stress in variant? (2)
2) a) What are the conditions to be satisfied for the problem to be idealized to
plane-stress & plane strain? (4)
Plane Stress. The assumption of plane stress is applicable for bodies
whose dimension is very small in one of the coordinate directions. Thus,
the analysis of thin plates loaded in the plane of the plate can be made
using the assumption of plane stress.In plane stress distribution, it is
assumed that σzz = σzx = σyz = 0 where z represents the direction
perpendicular to the plane of the plate and the stress components do not
vary through the thickness of the plate ( z direction).
Plane strain The assumption of plane strain is applicable for
Bodies that are long and whose geometry and loading do not vary
significantly in the longitudinal direction. Thus, the analysis of dams,
cylinders, and retaining walls. In plane strain distribution, it is assumed
that w = 0 and
(∂w/∂z) = 0 at every cross section. Here,the dependent variables are
assumed to be functions of only the x and y coordinatesprovided we
consider a cross section of the body away from the ends.
b) What is Airy’s stress function and its applicability in the analysis of stresses
in a structure? (6)

c) What is Bi- Harmonic differential equation and its significance? (2)

3) a) What are the assumptions in Hooke’s law relating stresses and strains? (4)
Hooke’s Law is applicable within elastic limit of material
Stress at a point is directly proportional to strain at that point.
Normal stresses produce Normal strain and Shear stresses produce
shear strain.

b) What are the conditions to be satisfied for the relation G=E/{2(1+µ)} is

valid? (4)
Material is isotropic and homogeneous.
Material is stretched within elastic limit of material.

c) What do you understand by volume constancy & incompressibility? (4)

Volume of a body remains same before and after compression.
The shape of the body changes based on the direction of force
Volume constancy in terms of strains

4) a) What are the assumptions in the solution of Torsional

problems? (3)

The materiel is homogenous i.e of uniform elastic properties exists throughout the

The material is elastic, follows Hook's law, with shear stress proportional to shear strain.

The stress does not exceed the elastic limit.

The circular section remains circular

Cross section remain plane.

Cross section rotate as if rigid i.e. every diameter rotates through the same angle.

b) What method is used for Torsion of thin solid section? (3)

membrane analogy
equilibrium equation

c) The below shown thin sections are subjected to torque of 50,000 kgf-cm.
Compare the max shear stress & the angle of twist per cm-length. (8)


18 / 02 / 2016 END SEMESTER EXAM DURATION : 3 Hrs.


16 a. Derivation of equation of equilibrium in Cartesian coordinates
16 b. Conditions for Plane Stress and Plane Strain
Plane Stress. The assumption of plane stress is applicablefor bodies whose dimension is very small in
one of the coordinate directions. Thus, theanalysis of thin plates loaded in the plane of the plate
can be made using the assumptionof plane stress.In plane stress distribution, it is assumed thatσzz
= σzx = σyz= 0 where z represents the direction perpendicular to the plane of the plate and the
stress components do not vary through the thickness of the plate ( z direction).

Plane strain The assumption of plane strain is applicablefor bodies that are long and whose
geometry and loading do not vary significantly inthe longitudinal direction. Thus, the analysis of
dams, cylinders, and retaining walls. In plane straindistribution, it is assumed that w = 0 and
(∂w/∂z) = 0 at every cross section. Here,the dependent variables are assumed to be functions of
only the x and y coordinatesprovided we consider a cross section of the body away from the ends.
17 a Assumptions in Hooke’s Law

17 b Stress strain relation in matrix form for Plane Stress

Stress strain relation in matrix form for Plane Strain
18 a. Airy Stress Function

18 bFailure criterionis a hypothesis defining the limit of elasticity in a material and the onset
of plastic deformation under any possible combination of stresses.There are several possible
yield criteria.
The main interpretation of the Mises criterion is that it represents a critical value of the
distortional energy stored in the isotropic material while the Tresca criterion is that of a
critical value of the maximum shear stress in the isotropic material.
19 Membrane analogy and its use to solve torsion problems

20numerical problems

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