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‫الرحيم بسم الله الرحمن‬

An-Najah National University

Faculty of Nursing

Fundamental of Nursing (2)

150132 /3C.H

First year nursing students

Second Trimester / First Exam
Total marks 15

Lecturer Name: Miss Shurouq Qadous, RN, MCH

Name of Student …………………………..

University Number: …………………………

Q.1 Choose the best answer:- (11 marks)

1.1 What are two principal electrolytes found in intracellular fluid?

a- Sodium and bicarbonate

b- chloride and calcium
c- potassium and phosphate
d- albumin and magnesium

1.2 Which electrolytes helps regulate cardiac impulse transmission and muscle contraction?

a- sodium
b- calcium
c- chloride

1.3 A client shows signs of isotonic fluid deficit, but his weight is stable and he does not
have an obvious source of fluid loss. The most likely problem is:

a- fluid volume deficit

b- fluid volume excess
c- dehydration
d- third space syndrome

1.4 A client’s weight has increased by 4.5 pounds during the past 3 days. Approximately
how many liter of fluid does this mean the client has gained?

a- 2 liter
b- 1 liter
c- 0.5 liter
d- 3 liter

1.5 Which of the following would the nurse use as the most reliable indicator of a patient’s
fluid balance status?

a. Intake and output

b. Skin turgor
c. Complete blood count
d. Daily weight

1.6 Which of the following is the most common etiologic factor related to the nursing
diagnosis of Excess Fluid Volume?

a. Increased need for fluids secondary to fever

b. Abnormal fluid loss from vomiting
c. Excessive IV infusion
d. Decreased fluid intake secondary to depression

1.7 An elderly nursing home has refused to eat or drink for several days and is admitted to the
hospital. The nurse should assess for which of the following?

a. Increased blood pressure

b. Weak, rapid pulse
c. Moist mucous membranes
d. Jugular vein distention

1.8 The nurse instructs a patient to focus on breathing more slowly as the most effective
intervention for which acid–base imbalance?

a. Respiratory acidosis (carbonic acid excess)

b. Respiratory alkalosis (carbonic acid deficit)
c. Metabolic acidosis (base bicarbonate deficit)
d. Metabolic alkalosis (base bicarbonate excess)

1.9 A client with chronic pulmonary disease has a bluish tinge around the lips. Which of the
following most accurately describes the client’s condition?

a. Hypoxia
b. Hypoxemia
c. Dyspnea
d. Cyanosis

1.10 Which of the following clients is most at risk for a problem with the transport of oxygen
from the lungs to the tissues?

a. A client who has anemia

b. A client who has infection
c. A client who has a fractured leg
d. A client who has a tumor of the medulla

1.11 Which of the following terms is most descriptive of a client experiencing Dyspnea when
lying down and must assume an upright or sitting position to breath more comfortably and

a. Dyspnea
b. Hyperpnea
c. Orthopnea
d. Acapnea

Q.2 Interpret the following ABG: (5 marks)

PH = 7.32
PaCO2 = 46 mmHg
HCO3 = 24 mEq/L

1.2- PH = 7.30
PaCO2 = 36 mmHg
Hco3 = 14mEq/L

1.3 - PH = 7.31
PaCO2 = 38 mmHg
HCO3 = 15 mEq/L

1.4- PH = 7.33
PaCO2 = 55mmHg
Hco3 = 29 mEq/L

1-5 PH = 7.30
PaCO2 =33 mmHg
HCO3 = 14 mEq/L

Q.4 Complete the following: - (2 marks)

- The nurse administers an IV solution of D5% in ½ NS to postoperative client. This is

classified as what type of intravenous solution? --------------------------------------

- Which type of intravenous solution is dextrose 5% in water (D5W)? ----------------------------

- If you administer 1000 mL N/S 0.9% over 10 hours (set delivers 20 gtt/ 1 mL).

1- How many gtt/min

2- How many mL / hr

Q.5 Define the following: (5 marks)

1. Pitting edema
2. Buffer system
3. Surfactant
4. Postural drainage
5. Hypercarbia (hypercapnia)

Q.6 Answer the following questions: -

What is your nursing intervention, for patient his lab test show that Na result was 150
mEq/L? (2 marks)

While you are on the morning shift, the client c/o numbness, tingling of the extremities and
around the mouth, also show positive chvostek’s sign. Laboratory findings show the
following: - serum calcium 5mg/dl, prolonged ST segments. Depends on these data, answer
the following: (3 marks)

- What you suspect the client has?

- What is your nursing intervention in this situation?


- Nadia, a 27 year old, reports weakness, malaise, and flu – like symptoms for 3-4 days.
Although thirsty, she is unable to tolerate fluids because of nausea and vomiting, and she has
liquid stools 2 -4 times per day. (2 marks)

- What is your Nursing diagnosis?

- What is your nursing intervention according to your diagnosis?

Bonus Question

Give the rational for the following

2.1 Why clients with chronic lung disease, administering too much supplemental oxygen can
actually cause the client to stop breathing? (2 marks)


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