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1. Discuss the differences between the grassland and forest abiotic environment. Explain
the possible causes of variation in the physical factors measured despite the proximity
of the forest grassland sites studied.
Based from the data gathered in the last activity, result shows that there are
differences in the abiotic factors affecting grassland and forest environment. Higher
readings of abiotic factors were recorded in the grassland environment than the forest
environment. In terms of the amount of light received by the two environments,
grassland with 1620.33 lux received 1519.96 lux more than the amount of light
received by the forest environment with only 100.37 lux.
Difference in air temperature and soil temperature between the two environments
was minimal. The recorded air and soil temperature in the grassland during the time
of observation were 32.42ºC and 28.56 ºC respectively. Meanwhile, the forest
environment with 31.11 ºC and 28.33 ºC recorded 1.31 ºC and 0.23 ºC lower air and
soil temperature, respectively compare to the grassland. These temperature
differences in the two environments despite the proximity of their location with each
other can be attributed to the number of trees present in the area. Since the forest
possess more tress, it has more shading from the canopy cover which is responsible
for its lower recorded temperature in air and soil. On the other hand, the grassland has
relatively few trees compare to the forest, so its environment does not have enough
canopy to lessen the heat it receives from the sun. Another factor to its higher
recorded temperature is that, because it lacks canopy it receives more amount of light
compare to the forest which can then be converted to heat.
Having recorded 97 % relative humidity in both areas, it was evident that there
was no difference between the two environments in terms of this factor. The major
factor determining the humidity and relative humidity in the air, apart from the free
moisture available to be absorbed, is the air temperature (Roentgen, 2007). Since
there is only a 1.31ºC difference in the air temperature of both areas, the air
temperature did not impose an effect to the relative humidity, hence, resulting to the
same measurement.

2. Which site has more types of organisms? Explain. Discuss the differences between
the grassland and forest biotic components. Give possible reasons why some
organisms are confined only in the forest or in the grassland, or why others can be
found in both sites.
Having 11 plant species and 4 animal species uniquely found in the area, the
grassland has more type of organisms compare to the forest which have 6 plant
species, 3 animal species and 2 other type of species only found in its perimeter.
Combined with slow growth rates and infertile soils, probably allows grass
species to cram in small areas [ CITATION Mos12 \l 1033 ]. This explains why the
grassland has more plant species than the forest environment given the perimeter of
areas observed. In addition, there was only one tree in the grassland environment
lessening a huge competition in nutrient accumulation for grasses and herbs living in
the area. This allows more grassland plant species to thrive in the area. Since there
were many trees found in the forest, competition for nutrients and mineral resources
were high preventing growth of plant species that can easily grow in grassland.
The more the plant species present in an area, the more the animal species can be
found since the plant provides food for them. The reason why some organisms are
confined only in forest or grassland environment while others can be found on both is
due to the niche of the organism. Niche is defined as the organism’s role in an
ecosystem. It may encompass what the organism eats, how it interacts with other
living element and how it interacts with the abiotic aspects of the environment as well
[ CITATION Sco19 \l 1033 ]. In the grassland for instance, grasshoppers are insects who
eat plants. Since the forest composed mainly of trees, its food resources in this
environment is scarce. Also, grasshoppers need a dry and warm environment in order
to thrive (wikiHow Staff, 2019). Likewise, mushroom and lichen have only a certain
environment where it can grow, and the forest meet that requirement. Mushroom like
all fungi, thrive in moist environments which the forest can provide since it receives
small amount of sunlight unlike grassland.

3. Describe the variations in the microenvironment relate to the differences in organisms

(i.e. forms, features, number of kinds) present in the grassland and the forest.
The microenvironment plays decisive role in the germination, growth,
reproduction and mortality of plant species, since it has a direct and indirect influence
on the fundamental processes like photosynthesis [ CITATION Rod16 \l 1033 ]. Since the
grassland microenvironment receives more light and has warmer temperature it has
more types of plant and animal species uniquely found in the area. However, since the
soil is dry, the plant species and grasses that grow in it is relatively small compare to
those plant species uniquely found in the forest. The leaves of plant in grassland are
also lighter green than those plant in the forest. Given the microenvironment of forest,
it served as a habitat not only of plant and animal species but also of fungi and lichen.
4. What are the implications of your observations on general distribution (global and/or
local) of organisms in the environment?
General distribution of organisms in the environment (either in global or local
aspect) is determined by the abiotic and biotic factors present in the area. Abiotic
factors such as light intensity, air and soil temperature, and relative humidity dictates
what type and how many organisms can live or is living in that environment. Aside
from this, biotic components such as plants (producers), animals (consumers) and
fungi (decomposers) affect each other, since they have established the
same manner that abiotic factors affect biotic components of the environment, the
biotic factors also affects the non-living components of the environment since they
are interrelated with each other.
Mosher, D. (2012, March 22). Grasslands More Diverse Than Rain Forest- In Small Areas. Retrieved
from National Geographic:
Rodriguez-Ramirez, E. C., Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., & Angeles-Perez, G. (2016). Relationship
betweenvegetation structure and microenvironment in Fagus grandiola subsp. mexicana forest
relicts in Mexico. Journal of Plant Ecology, 237-247.
Scoville, H. (2019, May 23). What Does Niche Mean in ecological Biology? Retrieved from ThoughtCo.:
Staff, w. (2019, August 21). How to Take Care of a Grasshopper. Retrieved from wikiHow:

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