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Quality Milk and Tests for Antibiotic Residues

Department of Veterinary Science,
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park 168M

One goal of total quality management is to prevent Recent information shows that dairy producers are
the occurrence of antibiotics in raw milk shipped from producing a high quality milk supply that has a very
the farm. An effective approach to meet this goal is low prevalence of 0-lactam antibiotic residues. In the
the implementation of HACCP (Hazard Analysis US between October 1, 1993 and September 30, 1994,
Critical Control Point) procedures, which are part of a total of 3,213,220 samples of bulk milk were tested
the Milk and Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Program at the time of tanker pickup; 2024 of these samples-
representing approximately 28,500,000 kg of milk-
for antibiotic avoidance. The program defines 10 criti-
were positive (1). This number amounts t o fewer
cal control points, including screening tests for than 7 tanker loads in 10,000 shipped that were
preventing antibiotic residues. Although milk from positive for antibiotics by screening assays. Although
individual cows clearly should be tested to ensure the rate of antibiotic contamination is quite low, ev-
that antibiotic-free milk is leaving the farm, it is not ery occurrence is costly to the industry and to the
clear whether any existing tests can be reliably used individual producers involved. Milk presumed posi-
on milk samples from individual cows, or even on tive is dumped, time of milk inspectors and insurance
samples from bulk tanks. The FDA acceptance proce- adjusters is required to investigate the incident, tech-
dures have not required that bulk milk tests undergo nical service personnel from antibiotic distributors or
a population evaluation; these tests have not been manufacturers are asked to explain why their drug
objectively evaluated for individual cows. Of more “caused a problem” after on-label use, and implicated
concern, detection limits differ among tests, some- producers may be fined and not allowed to ship milk
for a period of time. The challenge to the dairy indus-
times approaching zero. Despite the intent of the
try has been to develop an approach that reduces the
Pasteurized Milk Ordinance, milk acceptability defi-
incidence of contaminated shipped bulk milk to zero.
nitions vary between states. In addition, the predic- To achieve this goal, measures need to be developed
tive value of test results has not been integrated into that can be used by the producer on the farm. One
the regulatory process. Although largely ignored by such approach is the development of HACCP (Haz-
the regulatory agencies, these issues cannot be ig- ard Analysis Critical Control Point) procedures ( 3 ,
nored by the dairy industry. Ultimately, the milk €4).
testing program should become a component of the The objectives of the HACCP program are to iden-
quality process that is centered on the farm and that tify hazards associated with a process, to determine
measures the success of the industry in producing the acceptable limits in the production process, to
high quality milk rather than being a regulatory pro- determine the critical control points that prevent
gram that searches for a flawed product. those hazards, to develop a management strategy
( Key words: food safety, milk quality, antibiotic
that addresses the identified critical control points, to
residue tests) monitor the success of the program, and t o make any
necessary changes to management procedures in
Abbreviation key: GAO = General Accounting response t o the outcome of the monitoring. The
Office, HACCP = Hazard Analysis Critical Control HACCP program for antibiotic avoidance, the Milk
Point, MDBQAP = Milk and Dairy Beef Quality As- and Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Program
( MDBQAP), has been developed jointly by the
surance Program, PMO = Pasteurized Milk Or-
American Veterinary Medical Association and the Na-
tional Milk Producers Federation ( 11). The program
defines 10 critical control points for preventing antibi-
otic residues. These 10 points focus primarily on dis-
ease prevention and management of antibiotics and
Received June 25, 1995. treated cows, although one point is t o use screening
Accepted December 14, 1995. tests for drug residues.
1996 J Dairy Sci 79:1C651073 1065

The producer manual for the MDBQAP suggests events, the GAO report ( 2 0 ) , coupled with the
that, for antibiotics approved by the FDA Center for changes in the PMO and the interest in on-farm
Veterinary Medicine for lactating cows, simply follow- testing, stimulated the development of rapid screen-
ing label recommendations on milk withholding times ing tests by the private sector. By the end of 1992,
ensures a safe product; however, when antibiotics are screening tests were widely available to milk
used in an extralabel manner, screening tests for receivers, veterinarians, and dairy producers, but
drug residues should be used if such tests are availa- only one of these tests had been evaluated by the FDA
ble ( 4 ) . Unfortunately, although the intent of the and approved as a n official test for bulk milk evalua-
recommendation is rational, no formal evaluation has tion for P-lactam antibiotics. Few of the tests had any
been conducted for tests on milk of individual cows public data on their performance for either in vitro or
( 4 ) . The core of the problem is that no regulatory field trials. In 1992 and 1993, several field evalua-
mandate exists for testing milk from individual cows tions of some screening tests were conducted. The
or from the bulk tank, and therefore no incentive results suggested that the tests were prone to false
exists for kit manufacturers t o evaluate their tests positives, not only for cows with clinical mastitis but
under these circumstances. This paper reviews the also for cows that were clinically normal (6,10, 12,
history of the United States antibiotic testing pro- 16, 17, 18).
gram up t o the development of the current, marketed
tests for antibiotic residues, the process used to ap- The Need for Evaluation
prove these tests for use on raw, commingled milk, of Residue Screening Tests
and the current status of the testing program for
tanker trucks. Also provided are some epidemiologic Following the public evaluations of the tests, a
guidelines for using the tests validated only for raw, good deal of criticism and scrutiny was directed at the
commingled milk to support an on-farm HACCP pro- test manufacturers. The major concern was the lack
gram for residue avoidance. of rigorous evaluation by the manufacturers, leading
to unsupported recommendations for the broad use of
DEVELOPMENT OF THE RAPID the tests. A specific criticism was that the tests were
SCREENING TESTS evaluated on augmented milk samples, not on field
samples. The manufacturer trials focused on the abil-
ity of a test to detect very low antibiotic concentra-
Influences Leading to the Development
tions, even those below accepted tolerance o r action
of New Screening Tests
levels of antibiotics, but little or no emphasis was
In November 1990, the General Accounting Office given on the assessment of crossreactivity t o natural
( GAO) prepared a report to the House Committee on inhibitory substances in the milk or milk consti-
Government Operations ( 2 0 1, stating that the FDA tuents. Also, regard for population or epidemiologic
did not have access to appropriate technology to en- assessment of the tests was minimal.
sure that the national milk supply was free of antibi- Despite the limited scope of the evaluations,
otics. One of the suggestions in the report was that several manufacturers suggested that the tests could
the FDA should “prioritize and expedite its current be used to screen for antibiotics in commingled milk
efforts to develop and evaluate new screening and from silos, hauling tankers, and bulk tanks as well as
confirmatory test methods for animal drug residues in milk from cows and individual quarters. Undoubt-
milk. . .” [page 13, (20)l. This report not only stimu- edly, the need for testing was dictated by public and
lated the FDA to consider mechanisms for certifylng regulatory pressure, and the dairy industry cannot be
tests, but also helped to define the need and market blamed for utilizing the available tools, but inade-
for rapid screening tests. quate evaluation of the tests, coupled with poor
In 1991, the MDBQAP was established as the core epidemiologic interpretation of the test results, led to
of an industry-sponsored national program for residue poor decisions concerning milk disposition from the
avoidance in dairy products. As mentioned previously, farm to the corporation.
the program recommends on-farm screening of milk The real concern over the use of these tests was
from individual cows as a critical control point. In raised because of the need to evaluate the status of
1992, the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance ( PMO) was milk of cows on the farm. In the 1980s, herd evalua-
changed t o require all tankers to be tested for 0- tions (5, 13) of some of the early screening tests
lactam drugs as they entered milk plants. Although indicated that the tests were prone to reporting false
screening tests had been available prior to these positives, but the work of Cullor et al. ( 9 ) at the
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 79, No. 6, 1996

TABLE 1. The six P-lactam antibiotics and their tolerance or safe it is marketed. Safe levels are used by the FDA as
levels specified by the FDA to be detected in performance evalua-
tions of antibiotic screening tests. guidelines for deciding whether or not to prosecute,
but safe levels are not and cannot be transformed into
Antibiotic Tolerance
tested (ppb)
tolerances. Safe levels are not binding, do not dictate
any result, do not limit the FDA’s discretion in any
Penicillin G 5
Ceftiofur 50 way, and do not protect milk producers from enforce-
Cloxacillin 10 ment action. Second, the estimated sensitivity of the
Cephapirin 20 tests ( t h e proportion of positive samples detected by
Ampicillin 10
Amoxicillin 10 the screening test) was delineated such that the cal-
culated lower limit of a 95% confidence interval
(around the sensitivity estimate) would not be less
than 90%. This sensitivity interval had t o be attained
University of California brought industry attention to for a t least one of the six specified P-lactam antibiot-
two serious problems associated with the tests for p-
ics. If a test had the ability t o detect antibiotics below
lactam antibiotics: first, that the dairy industry had the FDA tolerance levels with a 90% sensitivity, the
mistakenly relied on industry claims for the reliabil- manufacturer would be required t o state this ability
ity of the tests, and, second, that the dairy industry on the label. Because the evaluations were to be
was asking producers through the MDBQAP to use conducted on a minimum of 30 augmented milk sam-
tests in situations for which they were not designed, ples, a successful test would be required t o be positive
that is, to test both bulk tank milk and milk of on all 30 samples to meet the interval criteria.
individual cows. The high rates of false positive The third area of evaluation for the tests was
results found by Cullor et al. ( 9 ) prior t o treatment of described as selectivity. The assessment and goals for
cows with clinical mastitis cast doubts on whether the selectivity mirrored that used for sensitivity and were
tests were applicable for on-farm screening. Subse- t o be determined using 30 control samples containing
quent studies (6, 12, 16, 18) verified and extended no antibiotic. The fourth specification determined the
these results to nonclinical cows for P-lactam screen- dose-response curve for the tests, which essentially
ing tests as well as screening tests for tetracyclines was an evaluation of the limits of detection of the
and sulfa drugs. test, i.e., how likely the test was to call a sample
At approximately the same time as the initial positive when the antibiotic concentration in the sam-
paper of Cullor et al. ( 9 1, the GAO submitted another ple was below tolerance levels. This evaluation was to
report t o Congress, accusing the FDA of not having be conducted on 6 samples of milk that had been
methods for adequate detection of the antibiotics that fortified with antibiotics over a potential range of 1
could potentially be found in the US milk supply ppb to tolerance levels.
( 1 9 ) . The report also recommended that the FDA be Additional experiments were also required to as-
more active in moving tests for certifylng the safety of sess “ruggedness of the tests”, that is, performance of
the nation’s milk supply onto the market. the tests on frozen samples, crossreactivity of the
tests t o other antibiotics, interference from bacteria
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE TESTS and somatic cells, and stability and consistency
among lots. All of these experiments were to be con-
ducted by the manufacturer.
Testing Protocols As the FDA was developing the specifications for
Performance evaluation of the tests for raw, com- the test evaluation, they also developed a n agreement
mingled milk began in 1992 as the FDA established with AOAC International to supervise the test evalu-
parameters-or specifications-for evaluation ( 2 ) . ations, to contract for independent evaluations of the
The test specifications focused on four areas. First, tests, and to certify the tests in compliance with the
specifications described which P-lactam antibiotics FDA specifications. Under this agreement, manufac-
were to be detected in augmented samples by the turers submitted their evaluation results and test kits
tests as well as the level of detection (parts per to the AOAC. Evaluation results of the manufacturer
billion). Six 0-lactam antibiotics were specified, and were then verified by an independent evaluation
the detection limits were originally determined as the laboratory. If a screening test met all aspects of the
official FDA tolerance or safe level (Table 1).Official AOAC evaluation, the test would be certified as per-
FDA tolerance is the maximum legally allowable level formance tested, which would be the stamp of ap-
or concentration of a drug in milk or meat at the time proval from the AOAC and the Center for Veterinary
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 79, No. 6, 1996

Medicine. Screening tests that did not meet all the August, in response to a request from the National
evaluation criteria could still be recognized as valid Conference of Interstate Milk Shippers, AOAC an-
and certified as performance tested, but acknowledg- nounced that additional dose-response data would be
ment of their limitations would be required on the collected to provide a consistent evaluation for the
package label. performance of these tests below tolerance levels for
the various antibiotics. In January 1995, two addi-
The Evaluation Process and the Results tional tests that were specific for detecting cloxacillin
were granted AOAC performance-tested status. As of
The evaluation process officially began in January September 1994, the FDA released the information on
1992 with the formation of the AOAC Research Insti- 17 P-lactam tests that had been validated in the
tute. The primary duty of the institute was to ad- AOAC-FDA process ( 1 4 ) , allowing these kits t o be
minister the test kit confirmation program. The ini- used in the screening and confirmation of the p-
tial period for accepting applications was February 2, lactam status of raw, commingled bovine milk (Table
1992 until April 15, 1992. In March, the starting date 2).
for application of test review was changed to April 1.
In May 1992, the application process was temporarily Consequences of the Performance
suspended following the report by Cullor et al. ( 9 ) Evaluation
and after voiced concerns by the manufacturers and
others about the certification program. Later that The history of the evaluations makes it clear that
month, a meeting was held with manufacturers and the process of defining attributes of an antibiotic
others t o discuss refinements to the requirements for screening and confirmatory test that could please
submission of data. In October 1992, a memorandum both the kit manufacturers and regulatory officials
of understanding was signed between the FDA and was difficult. The resulting validation criteria were a
AOAC, which officially recognized the AOAC testing compromise, and, therefore, the dairy industry now
program as a n appropriate evaluation of P-lactam has a different residue prevention program than origi-
tests t o be used in state milk monitoring programs. At nally intended. One intent of the program was to
the time of the signing, the AOAC reopened the appli- certify rapid tests for regulatory use. The real result
cation period for test kits. Manufacturers were noti- of the validation process was a set of tests that de-
fied that they would have until January 1993 to tected some of the six P-lactam antibiotics below toler-
submit data for AOAC consideration. ance levels and others above tolerance levels. With
In January, the AOAC reported that applications the anticipated regulatory use of these tests, some
had been received for the evaluation of 12 test kits. tankers that have milk containing P-lactam antibiot-
Three were subsequently withdrawn after prelimi- ics at levels below those requiring action will be
nary review, leaving 9 kits for independent testing regarded as tankers shipping milk with illegal con-
and review. In March, the AOAC announced plans t o centrations of antibiotics, which puts the milk
institute a program t o evaluate Ucowside”tests also. receivers and those people working in the states
In May, initial results from the testing were dis- charged with enforcing the PMO in a very awkward
tributed t o manufacturers, and, after comments and position.
questions, the tests were scheduled for a n additional A second intent of the validation process was t o
round of testing. Because of additional delays in the foster commercial development of screening tests that
certification, evaluation results were not reported un- could be used interchangeably in a variety of testing
til October 1993, a t which time the first results of situations and especially t o verify results from other
evaluation were reported for 8 tests, and 2 additional tests. The reality is that many accepted tests now
tests were reported as certified. By August 1994, 15 exist that detect antibiotics a t different concentra-
tests had been certified as performance tested, and tions. Results of screening vary among sites, setting
states had begun programs to train personnel in the up the potential for the shipment of milk that is
use of these official tests. negative in one state but positive and rejected as
Also in August, the AOAC announced a certifica- contaminated in another state. This concept is inimi-
tion program for screening tests to evaluate raw, cal to the intent of the PMO to standardize the regu-
commingled bovine milk for tetracyclines, lations for milk shipments between states.
aminoglycosides, and sulfa antibiotics. The Center for A third intent of the validation program was to
Veterinary Medicine also began a limited evaluation certify tests for use on raw, commingled bovine milk,
of 0-lactam screening tests for on-farm use. Also in not for milk from a cow or even from the bulk tank of
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 79, No. 6, 1996

a farm. The reality is that tests carrying the AOAC The reality of the certification is that, within the
performance-tested standard will be packaged and limits of the laboratory evaluations that have been
marketed as farm tests (Table 2). conducted, the tests have been fairly evaluated and
A final intent of certification was to develop a validated. The results of these evaluations suggest
battery of tests that could be used across the country that, within the matrix of "raw, commingled bovine
t o ensure that the milk supply was free of antibiotics. milk", the tests err on the "safe" side; that is, the tests

TABLE 2. Summary of evaluations of p-lactam screening assays for use under Appendix N of the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance.'

Penicillin G Ampicillin Amoxicillin Cloxacillin Cephapirin Ceftiofur
Test name Company (5)2 (10) (10) (10) (20) (50)
Charm 11 Tablet Charm3 4.84 9 10 70 4.5 25
Competitive Assay" (3.5)5 (6) (7.5) (NDP (3) (3.5)
Charm Farm" Charm 5 10 10 40 20 25
(3.5) (4) (5) (ND) (17) (18)
Charm I1 Tablet Charm 4.8 8 10 50 4.5 23
Sequential Assay" (3) (4) (6) (ND) (3) (7)
Charm I1 Tablet Charm 4.8 9 10 80 4.5 13
Transit Test" (2.5) (5) (6) (ND) (3) (7)
Charm I1 Rapid Charm 3 4.5 4.5 25 16 50
Inhibition Test"' (2.5) (2.5) (2.5) (ND) (10) (35)
Charm I-Cowside I1 Charm 4.8 10 10 50 8 40
Tablet" (2.5) (3) (4) (ND) (3) (7)
Charm I1 Tablet Charm 4.8 8 10 10 4.5 23
Quantitative Assay" (3) (4) (6) (5) (3) (7)
Charm B. stearothermophilus Charm 5 6.5 10 48 11 75
Tablet Disk Assay" (3.8) (5) (5.5) (ND) (7) (ND)
Delvo Test" P Gist-Brocade' 3 10 8 30 8 50
(1) (2) (2) (ND) (4) (10)
Delvo-X-Press" Gist-Brocade 5 10 10 50 10 10
(1) (2) (1) (ND) (1) (4)
Lactek B-L" IdeTek8 5 8 10 8 16 ND
(1) (2) (4) (4) (4) (ND)
Lactek CEF"' IdeTek ND ND ND ND ND 50
(ND) (ND) (ND) (ND) (ND) (10)
Penzyme 111 Test" sKB9 5 10 8 80 8 80
(1) (41 (1) (ND) (2) (ND)
Penzyme Milk Test@ SKB 5 10 8 80 8 80
(1) (2) (1) (ND) (4) (ND)
SNAP Test" 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 5
. 1 0 10 10 50 8 50
(3) (6) (6) (ND) (4) (4)
'Most evaluations were supervised by AOAC International in accordance to guidelines developed by FDA, AOAC, National Conference
of Interstate Milk Shippers, National Milk Producers Federation, kit manufacturers, and American Association of Bovine Practitioners.
ZThe official FDA tolerance or designated safe levels.
3Charm Sciences Inc. (Malden, MA). The performance claims of two additional tests (Charm YCowside Test for Cloxacillin in Milk and
Charm I1 test for Cloxacillin in Milk) were validated by AOAC in January 1995. The Charm YCowside I1 method was validated a t 10 ppb,
and the Charm I1 was validated a t 9 ppb both for cloxacillin only.
Values are the validated levels of detection.
5Values are the lowest reported level of detection.
6Not evaluated for this antibiotic.
7Gist-Brocade Food Ingredients Inc. (King of Prussia, PA).
8IdeTek Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA).
9SmithKline Beecham (West Chester, PA) (now part of Pfizer Inc.).
*oIDEXX (Portland, ME).
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 79, No. 6, 1996

detect the presence of some P-lactam antibiotics below and speed of testing would continue to benefit the
tolerance levels. Because the tests have not been processor and regulator, the potential errors in the
evaluated on a population basis, however, there is a testing would be costly to the producer and of no
great deal of uncertainty as to how well the tests benefit to the consumer. The result of using the same
work in the field on bulk milk from a variety of test for both screening and confirmation should be
sources and produced under a myriad of management reflected in a very high concurrence of the results
schemes. There is no epidemiologic context for the between tests as well as an increase in the number of
application of these tests, and, since January 1995, tanker trucks that were reported as contaminated
these tests are undergoing a large, uncontrolled field with antibiotics.
trial. Data collected by the Pennsylvania Department of
Agriculture for the number of truckloads screened
Some Preliminary Results and confirmed positive and the amount of milk
of the Field Evaluation dumped are shown for the first calendar quarter of
1994 and 1995 for five states (Table 3 ) . Several
Beginning in January 1995, states were asked to important trends may be deduced from this informa-
implement screening and confirmatory testing of tion. First, for those states that have separate screen-
tanker and producer bulk milk with the validated ing and confirmation processes (Pennsylvania,
rapid tests. States implemented the screening and Maryland, and New Jersey), the concurrence of
confirmatory testing in different ways, but in essence screening and confirmation dramatically increased
the programs followed a singular approach. The fre- from 1994 to 1995. During the first quarter of 1994,
quency of testing did not change, and all tanker 62% of screened positive truckloads were subse-
trucks delivering Grade A bulk milk to processing quently confirmed (82 of 132). In 1995, 93% of
plants continued to be screened for P-lactam antibiot- screened positive loads were confirmed (143 of 154).
ics. Positive truckloads were then confirmed by a Second, in the five states, the number of tankers
certified laboratory using one of the tests approved by confirmed positive increased 37% between 1994 ( n =
the FDA for confirmation. What changed was the 174) and 1995 ( n = 240). Third, during the first
tests being used and the process of screening and quarter of 1994 in the five states, 2,362,794 kg of milk
confirmation. As previously discussed, the operating were dumped. For the same period in 1995, 3,200,208
parameters of the tests changed so that, in general, kg of milk were dumped, a 35% increase from the
the limits of detection moved closer to 0 ppb, and previous year. The value of dumped milk in the first
more of the P-lactam antibiotics could be detected.
The consequence of these two changes alone would
result in an increase in the number of positive tests
TABLE 3. Summary of evaluation of Grade A, raw, commingled
on bulk tank milk. milk for the presence of &lactam antibiotics.
Another important change was that screening tests
January to March 1995
were also being used as the confirmatory test. In all
cases, confirmation had used a similar type of test, Screened Confirmed Milk
State and year positive positive discarded
and, in most cases, confirmation used the same test.
This change represented a dramatic departure for (kgi
most states in the operation of their antibiotic residue Pennsylvania
1994 89 55 769,937
program. Previously, many states had relied on an 1995 110 102 1,294,198
entirely different test for confirmation than that used Maryland
for screening, in many cases, the Bacillus stearothr- 1994 20 15 193,435
1995 20 19 208,095
mophilus disc assay. In the best scenario, in which all
tests correctly identify contaminated milk, the new New 1994
23 12 244,876
rapid screening tests would benefit producer, proces- 1995 24 22 352,006
sor, regulator, and consumer because milk would be New York'
quickly and correctly processed. In the worst scenario, 1994 . . . 66 710,909
1995 . . . 55 638,182
in which tests did not correctly identify contaminated
milk, a false positive on the screening test (either 1994 . . . 26 443,636
caused by a nonspecific test or concentrations of an- 1995 . . . 42 707,727
tibiotics that were below tolerance) would very likely 'Screening and confirmation are accomplished as a single
also occur during the confirmation. Although the ease process.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 79, No. 6, 1996

quarter of 1995 ($12.00/cwt) was nearly $845,000, tive programs for disease prevention, developing ra-
approximately $221,000 more than the value of dis- tional treatment protocols, and maintaining useful
carded milk in 1994. These trends were observed for records of treatment and disease events. The
all states except New York, which underwent little MDBQAP should be a part of all on-farm programs
change, probably because New York had had a system for risk reduction, because those programs operate on
of screening and confirmation using the same test in the assumption that testing of milk from treated cows
place for some time prior t o January 1995. In reality, is part of the total program. Unfortunately, no official
the numbers shown in Table 2 likely underestimate mandate exists for use of the accepted tests on cow or
the true change in incidence of violations because the quarter samples. The AOAC validation is clearly in-
number of farms in all of the surveyed states adequate for tests used on individual cows. The FDA
decreased. is still in the process of drafting guidelines to evalu-
In Pennsylvania, for the first quarter of 1995, a ate the tests for cow samples, which leaves an obvious
follow-up was done on 63 of the 110 tanker truck void in the efforts of the dairy industry to implement
loads that were screened positive. In those cases, the the MDBQAP. Until the void is filled, herd owners
most common test used for confirming a positive and veterinarians must independently assess tests
screening test was the SNAP Test” ( 3 2 of 63; IdeTek, and interpret the results for use on their farm.
Portland, ME). The next two most common tests used One suggested approach is “testing the tests”,
as confirmatory tests were Lactek (12 of 63; IdeTek which provides veterinarians and producers guide-
Inc., Sunnyvale, CA) and Charm I1 (12 of 63; Charm lines t o evaluate tests on their farms ( 7 ) . The ap-
Sciences Inc., Malden, MA). In most cases, the proach is t o evaluate the test on milk from 30 each of
screening test and the confirmation test were the untreated cows, treated mastitic cows, and treated
same. In these instances there was near perfect mastitic cows beyond the labeled withholding time.
agreement in the test results, but when the test used This procedure allows a farm-specific evaluation of
for confirmation was different from the screening test the tests and, with an understanding of the expected
agreement was not as good. In 2 cases, the screening outcomes of such a small-scale trial, the data can be
test (SNAP Test’“) identified a load as positive that quite usefbl in making rational choices for on-farm
was found to be negative when confirmed using Lac- testing ( 1 5 ) . Even with this type of protocol, uncer-
tek. tainty regarding the reliability of these tests will
Although these data represent early results of the probably continue. Ultimately, without more tools
new testing program, they suggest that dumping of and information, the decision of which screening test
raw milk because of antibiotic contamination has in- to use will be difficult a t best. The FDA and others
creased over the previous year, because of a n increase are presently evaluating the accepted tests for their
in the number of loads screened positive and because suitability for on-farm use. Using this information
of the use of the same tests for screening and confir- and results of the “testing the tests” protocol, the
mation. These data support the idea that the in- industry will have some tools for the on-farm residue
creased chemical sensitivity of the tests has had an reduction program.
impact on the program. In addition, additional milk
may be dumped because of false positives that were
Epidemiologic Considerations for Effective
not discovered in the confirmation testing because the
interpretation of Test Results
same tests were used for screening and confirming.
Regardless of the test used or whether the tests are
THE FARM ROLE FOR ANTIBIOTIC used on the finished product, on raw, commingled
RESIDUE TESTS milk, or on milk from an individual cow, the tests
must be applied in a manner that maximizes the
value of the test results. The usual approach to as-
Reducing the Risk for Antibiotic
Contamination of Bulk Milk sessing the performance of a test is t o determine the
population sensitivity ( t h e probability of a test cor-
In the changing climate of bulk milk testing, it is rectly identifymg a cow with antibiotic above toler-
important that the producer work closely with the ance levels in the milk) and population specificity
veterinarian and field representative to develop an ( t h e probability of a test correctly identifying a cow
on-farm program to reduce the risk of contaminating without antibiotics-or with antibiotics a t concentra-
bulk milk with antibiotics. Essential components of a tions below tolerance level-in the milk). It is impor-
risk reduction program include implementing effec- tant t o remember the difference between population
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 79, No. 6, 1996

sensitivity and the concentration of antibiotic that a CONCLUSIONS

test can detect. Similarly, population specificity is
more than the ability of a test to differentiate among The validation process for antibiotic residue tests
types of antibiotics. The detection limits of an assay for raw, commingled bovine milk has been arduous.
and its ability to distinguish among different chemi- In terms of marketing antibiotic-free milk, the
process developed by the FDA and administered by
cal moieties are only single factors determining popu-
AOAC International can be deemed a success, but the
lation sensitivity and specificity. More importantly,
program has created some difficult problems for the
sensitivity and specificity only partially characterize
insurance industry, processors, producers, and
the usefulness of a test. Predictive value is the most
veterinarians. First, the tests have not been evalu-
usefirl measure of the utility of a test. ated in a population context. The number of samples
Positive predictive value is the probability that a required for certification was small and was unlikely
positive test result is associated with a cow producing to represent the range of bulk or individual milk
milk containing antibiotics a t a concentration requir- quality that is experienced in the field. The quality of
ing action. Negative predictive value is the probabil- the estimates of the population test parameters
ity that a negative test result is associated with a cow resulting from the certification is questionable, which
without antibiotics a t a concentration that requires essentially means that the dairy industry has been
action. Predictive value is a firnction of population conducting an uncontrolled field trial since January
sensitivity and specificity and the prevalence (or 1995.
probability) of the condition being tested. For a given Second, the certification process, which focused on
sensitivity and specificity, predictive values change as developing convenient tests to be used in the rapid
prevalence changes. As the probability of a cow being screening and confirmation of milk by processors, al-
positive for antibiotics increases L e . , as the preva- lowed tests to be certified that detect some antibiotics
lence increases), the positive predictive value of the below regulatory tolerance levels and, in some cases,
test increases, and negative predictive value above tolerance levels. In addition, because the same
decreases. As the probability of a cow being positive tests are being used for both screening and confirma-
for antibiotics decreases, the predictive value positive tion, there is no check in the system t o verify the
for the test decreases, and the predictive value nega- specificity of the tests. The data from the first 3 mo of
tive increases. 1995 support this contention, and, quite probably,
The importance of understanding predictive value high quality milk is being dumped, and producers are
cannot be understated, because this value helps to being penalized for inaccurate test results.
guide when a test should be applied. One of the Third, some AOAC performance-tested tests or
cardinal guidelines for deciding t o use a screening FDA-accepted tests that were intended t o be used for
test is that the test should provide the practitioner, raw, commingled milk will be marketed as farm and
producers, and regulators with useful information so cow tests. Although the labels for these tests will
that they can make rational decisions. To maximize explicitly describe their approval for commingled milk
the usefulness, the tests should be applied only to only, the implicit message from the name of the test is
situations in which their predictive values are high. that the test can be used appropriately for individual
The most appropriate use for antibiotic testing would cow milk, but no data exist t o support use of these
be to evaluate the negative status of cows following tests on individual animals, and these tests need to be
labeled withholding time and the negative status of subjected to protocols evaluating them ( 7 ) .
raw, commingled milk. Use of tests to test cows free of Fourth, because the breadth of the testing program
antibiotics prior to the recommended withholding is increasing ( t h e previously official test, the B.
time would be inappropriate, would result in some stearothermophil us disk assay detected only a portion
false negatives, and would jeopardize the milk market of the six P-lactams targeted in the new program),
of the dairy producer. Even worse would be t o use the number of violations detected since January 1995
these tests t o screen untreated cows in a random has increased solely because of the increased ability
manner. The predictive value of a positive test in this to detect the antibiotics that had gone undetected
circumstance is zero and will only result in the false previously.
conclusion that there are cows producing milk that Because these tests are validated and are being
contains antibiotics and is being sold t o the consumer. actively used, efforts should be undertaken to under-
Erroneous conclusions will also be reached when stand how they work. The goal of the dairy industry
screening commingled milk for which the prevalence needs to be toward the continuing production of milk
of contamination is less than 7 out of 10,000. In this that is nutritious, good tasting, and safe. Although
situation, the predictive value of a positive test must the tests and their on-farm performance are poorly
be relatively low. understood, they still should be utilized as a neces-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 79, No. 6, 1996

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ity product, and they should never be used to do so. 7 Cullor, J. S. 1994. Testing the tests intended t o detect antibiotic
residues in milk. Vet. Med. 89:462.
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only as the final link in a rational system of antibiotic client’s dairies. Vet. Med. 90:290.
use that includes on-farm programs for disease 9Cullor, J . S., A. Van Eenennaam, J. Delinger. L. Perani, W.
Smith, and L. Jensen. 1992. Antibiotic residue assays: can they
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 79, No. 6, 1996

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