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- Respiration is the release of energy from food substances in all living cells.

Respiration occurs in the mitochondria of cells as well as the cytoplasm. Energy released is in the form of ATP.


- Aerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen to release energy.

State the equation for aerobic respiration using words and symbols.


Glucose + Oxygen -----> Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy (ATP)


C6H12O6 + 6O2 -----> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP (energy)

Name and describe the uses of energy in the body of humans

 Muscle contraction - energy is needed for activities which include movement and cilia beating.

 Protein synthesis – energy is needed to produce complex substances

 Cell division – energy is required for building new cells during cell division.

 Active transport – energy is required for moving of substances across membranes.

 Growth – energy is required for growth and development of organisms.

 Passage of nerve impulses – energy is used to move electric messages in the nervous system.

 Maintenance of constant body temperature. Warm blooded animals regulate their temperature. When it is
cold, animals produce heat energy which keeps the animal warm.


- Anaerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen to release energy.

State the equation for anaerobic respiration in muscles and yeast in words and symbols

 Muscles

Words: Glucose lactic acid + Energy (ATP)

Symbols: C6H12O6 2CH3CH (OH) COOH + ATP

 Yeast.
Words: Glucose alcohol + carbon dioxide + energy

Symbols: C6H12O6 C2H5OH + CO2 + ATP

Describe the role of anaerobic respiration in brewing and bread making using yeast

 Brewing

 Yeast is added to a source of sugar (fruit juice or germinated barley grains) and kept in warm conditions.
 Fermentation (yeast respires the sugar) occurs ------> ethanol is formed making the drink
 CO2 makes the drink fizzy + sharp flavour.

 Bread-making

 Yeast is mixed with water to activate it then added to flour to make dough mixture -----> placed
in a warm place ------> the dough rise.

 yeast releases CO2 ------> dough rises * a warm temperature is important because fermentation is
controlled by enzymes

 When dough is cooked in the oven, high temperature kills yeast and evaporates any formed
ethanol air spaces are left where CO2 was trapped.

Compare aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration in terms of relative amounts of energy released.

The table below compares aerobic and anaerobic respiration.


Raw materials Glucose and oxygen Glucose only
Products Carbon dioxide and water Alcohol, lactic acid, carbon dioxide
Amount of energy released A lot of energy Relatively small amount


Identify the structure of the respiratory system (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli and lungs).

• Nostrils and nasal cavity – warms, moisten and filters air.

• Epiglottis – flap of skin that covers the larynx, preventing food from entering the trachea when swallowing.
• Larynx – contain vocal cords.
• Trachea - hollow tube made of rings of cartilage that keeps the airway open and prevent collapse of the
• Upon reaching the lungs, branches into bronchi, each leading to the left and right lung.
• Inside each lung, the bronchi branch to form smaller tubes called bronchioles.
• Inner walls are made of ciliated cells and goblet cells which produce mucus.
• Dust and dirt particles stick to the mucus then the cilia move the dust and dirt particles up the trachea to the
• From bronchioles, there are some air sacs called alveoli where gaseous exchange takes place.

List the features of gaseous exchange surfaces in animals.

 They are numerous, providing a large surface area for faster diffusion of gases across it.
 Have thin walls – one cell thick to enable gases to diffuse faster across it.
 Lined with a thin layer of moisture so that gases can dissolve before diffusion.
 Surrounded by a network of blood capillaries so that CO2 is removed and O2 is supplied quickly to
maintain a concentration gradient for these gases.

Investigate and explain differences between inspired and expired air.

To investigate the differences in composition between inspired and expired air, we use limewater because it change
colour when the gas is bubbled through, from colourless to milky.

There is more CO2 present in expired air ---> it makes limewater change colour more quickly (than inspired air).
Inspired air contains more O2 and less CO2 it provides O2 (raw material) for respiration. Expired air contains less O2
and more CO2. This is because expired air removes CO2 (a byproduct of respiration) from lungs.

Describe a test for carbon dioxide.

 Put lime water into a test tube

 Bubble/add the gas into the lime water
 If CO2 is present, water will change from clear to milky/cloudy.

Investigate and describe the effects of physical activity on rate and depth of breathing.

Tidal volume = amount of air during normal, relaxed breathing

Vital capacity = maximum amount of air breathed in or out in one breath

During normal breathing:

 depth (tidal volume) : ≈ 0.5ℓ

 rate: 12 breaths/ minute

During exercise

 depth (tidal volume) : ≈ 5ℓ

 rate: over 20 breaths/ minute

From the above investigation, both the depth and rate of breathing increases during a physical activity.

The total lung volume is greater than vital capacity (some air always remains in the lungs). If not, alveoli walls
would stick together, the lung would collapse.

Describe the effects of tobacco smoke and its major toxic components on the respiratory system.

Tobacco smoke contains irritants and carcinogens. Its 4 main toxic chemicals are:

 carbon monoxide,
 nicotine,
 smoke particles
 Tar.

Carbon monoxide:

 Combines with haemoglobin in RBC ---> prevents them transporting O2.


 addictive ---> continual smoking

Smoke particles:

 Irritate air passages ---> inflammation + increase mucus production ---> chronic bronchitis.
 presence of smoke particles in alveoli + coughing = emphysema (breathlessness)


 a carcinogen: increase risk of lung cancer ( cell division out of control)

 lines air passages: increase mucus production paralyzing + damaging cilia ---> bronchitis

Describe and explain gaseous exchange in the alveoli.

The diagrams below shows the site of gaseous exchange in animals.

When inhaled air reaches the alveolus, oxygen is in high concentration. So, oxygen dissolves in the film of moisture
in the alveolus and diffuses into blood capillaries, into the red blood cells and combines with haemoglobin. The
blood is now oxygenated and transported to body tissues.

At the same time, carbon dioxide is in high concentration in the blood capillaries diffuses out of the blood capillaries
into the alveolus. From there, it is taken out during exhalation.

Describe the role of the ribs, the internal and external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm in producing
volume and pressure changes leading to the ventilation of the lungs.

There are 2 sets of muscles which help us to breathe:

• Intercostal muscles: between the ribs.

• Diaphragm: a large sheet of muscle and elastic tissue, underneath the lungs and heart.

Figure below shows the relationship between intercostal muscles, diaphragm and ribcage to achieve ventilation of
the lungs.

Two set of intercostal muscles are attached to the ribs. They are antagonistic.

Breathing in (inhaling)
• The external intercostal muscles contract, they move the ribcage upward and outward ---> ↑ volume
of the thorax.
• The diaphragm muscles contracts ---> diaphragm moves down
• ↑ volume of the thorax
• ↓ air pressure in the thoracic cavity
• Air rush into the lungs through the mouth or nose.

Breathing out (exhaling) - the opposite happen

• The internal intercostal muscles contract

• The diaphragm muscles relax ---> diaphragm moves up
• ↓ volume of the thorax
• ↑ air pressure in the thoracic cavity
• Air rush out of the lungs.

Features Inspiration Expiration

Intercostal muscles external muscles relax internal muscles contract
Ribcage moving upward outward downward inward
Diaphragm muscles contract relax

Diaphragm move down move up

Thorax volume increase decrease
Air pressure in thorax cavity Decrease Increase
-lower than air pressure outside -higher than air pressure outside
air rushes into the lungs out of the lungs
Describe the production and effect of lactic acid in muscles during exercise.

 Anaerobic respiration occurs in muscle cells during strenuous exercise, when not enough oxygen
reaches muscle cells for production of energy.
 Lactic acid and a relatively small amount of energy are produced.
 Lactic acid produced builds up in the muscles preventing the muscles from contraction.
 Lactic acid also causes muscle cramps.
 After exercising, muscle cells breakdown the lactic acid using extra oxygen to release carbon
 The extra oxygen is called oxygen debt
 This is why you breathe heavily and quickly after exercise.

Explain the link between physical activity and rate and depth of breathing in terms of changes in
respiratory rate.

 When you run, muscles in your legs use up a lot of energy.

 Cells in the muscles need a lot of O2 very quickly.
 They combine O2+ glucose as fast as they can, to release energy for muscle construction ---> a lot
of O2 is needed
 You breathe deeper and faster to get more O2into your blood.
 Your heart beast faster to get O2 to the leg muscles as quickly as possible.
 A limit is reached - the heart and the lung cannot supply O2 to the muscles any faster.
 Some extra energy (not much) is produced by anaerobic respiration: some glucose is broken down
without combing with O2.


 Respiration is a series of metabolic reactions that takes place in every living cell. The purpose of respiration
is to release energy from glucose, so that the cell can make use of the energy.
 In aerobic respiration, the glucose is combined with O2, forming CO2 and H2O.
 In anaerobic respiration, the glucose is broken down without being combined with O2. In plants and fungi,
this produces alcohol and CO2.
 In animals (including human) it produces lactic acid.
 Muscles respire aerobically when they are working so fast that they cannot be supplied with O 2 quickly
enough. The lactic acid that is made is transported to the liver, and later is broken down by combining it
with O2. This extra O2 is breathed in after the exercise has stopped, and it is known as the oxygen debt.
 All gas exchange surfaces need to be thin, have a large surface area, be kept moist, and have a good supply
of O2. In larger animals, a transport system is needed to carry away the CO2, and bring O2.
 The air we breathe in travels down the trachea and bronchi, through the bronchioles and into the alveoli.
 Some of these tubes are lined with goblet cells which make mucus, and ciliated cells. The mucus traps dirt,
bacteria and other particles and the cilia sweep the mucus up and away from the lungs.
 Air is drawn into the lungs by the contraction of the external intercostal muscles and the muscles in the
diaphragm. These muscle contractions increase the volume of the thorax, which decreases the pressure. Air
flows down the pressure gradient and into the lungs.
 Tobacco smoke contains many different substances that harm health.
 Nicotine is an addictive stimulant, and its intake increases the risk of developing heart diseases.
 Tar causes lungs and other cancers.
 CO reduces the ability of red blood cells to transport O2.
 Smoke particles irritate the lungs and can contribute to the development of emphysema.

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