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Administrator: Denise Kobza

Intern Teacher: Shalyn Boras

Administrator Comments:

Shalyn made an excellent start to her PS III internship at Our Lady of the Assumption School. She came to the school in
December to visit with her mentor prior to starting in January. Shalyn supported our extra curricular program by helping to
coach our grade 5/6 girls basketball team. Shalyn put in many hours through coaching and attending as many activities as
possible. She attended daily morning prayer in the chapel, participated in our evening book study and attended an after school
meeting on our Code of Conduct.

Shalyn mentored with a grade 4 teacher. She taught Language Arts, Math, Science and French as a Second Language. She
assumed professional duties, such as, creating report cards, supervising students, growth plan meetings and participating in a
weekly collaborative meeting. Shalyn participated in professional development days and attended a session on
"Understanding Social Implications of Indigenous Realities", participated in a collaborative day where she worked with other
teachers to create math games and attended the Religous Education Congress Conference.

From my observations and interactions, Shalyn was successful in her curricular teaching assisngments. She worked hard
before her practicum to create her long range and unit plans. She planned engaging activities for the students and maximized
student participation by grouping and activities. Shalyn would start with whole group instruction and then would practice those
skills in small groups and centres. Shalyn was constantly monitoring students, giving feedback and providing additional
instruction in smaller groups or one to one as needed. Her lessons were logical and sequential, and Shalyn was flexible to
adapt her plans as needed. Shalyn was also self reflective of her teaching and would incorporate her reflections and feedback
we discussed into future lessons. Shalyn's positive manner and enthusiasm for teaching is an asset to her which allowed her to
make positive relationship with students, parents and staff. Shalyn had well-developed routines and procedures in the
classroom and has worked on developing a tool kit of classroom management strategies.

Shalyn has the attributes to be a successful and professional teacher. She has worked hard during her internship and has
been rewarded with a positive teaching experience over the past three months. I have definitely seen growth in her teaching
style and confidence in the classroom over the course of her practicum. Her positive manner and willingness to help out make
her a valuable staff member. I would not hesitate in recommending Shalyn for a teaching position that she may make
application to.

Denise Kobza
April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020
Administrator Signature Date
This page is to be returned to the UC to be included in the PS III Final Report.

U of L: PS III Final Report: (Revised: September 2019) Page 5 of 5

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