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· Read the text below, and choose the correct answer t
o ques tons 1-15.
vou take for granted the fact that your car engine always
1 k b. h
·f u woke up one mornmg, got m the car but it didn't start? cran s, ut w at would you do
• •

1 yo
Well, .the .rst th'mg you do 1s· ma1
ce sure you have followed the
which is given m th~ ~anu al each owne~ should_ have. Next exac t st ar t·mg proce dure
checking the following. fuel, spark and air-gasolme ratio. , you identify the trouble area by
After you have checked the gasoline in the tank and that is
. •1· · not the cause of yo t bl
another poss1bi ity IS t hat you may have flooded the engin
e. Push the gas pedal ur rou es,
to the floor
and hold it there for te~ ~econds or so, without pumping it,
as you crank the engine.
If you have no positive respo?se to your actions, then one
of your needle valves may be
stuck. With the help of a screwdriver handle or some pliers
, gently tap the carburetor bowl
somewhere near the gas line. If this was the problem, then
the valve should be free now and
you can start the engine. If n~thing happens, move to the
next step.
In order to start, the engme needs a spark. Check to see if
it is getting it or if you notice
any loose or broken spark plug wires. In case you do, try to fix
them if you know how to do it.
If there doesn't seem to be any problem with the wires, make
a detailed check for the
spark. Remove or twist one of the spark plug boots away
from its plug. Take an insulated
screwdriver and push it into the boot. The shank of the screw
driver should be held at about
half an inch away from a metal part of the engine. Ask some
one else to crank the engine,
while keeping your hands away from both the screwdriver
shank and the wire lest you should
get a shock. If the ignition system of the engine is working,
then you will be able a see a small
spark. No spark yet? Then you should call for professional
help. In case there is any gasoline
on the engine, you must let it evaporate before you try anyth
ing. However, if you are able to
see a spark, that possibility has been eliminated. It's time to
move on to the next step.
So as to find out if the carburetor is providing the engine
with enough air and gasoline,
remove the top of the air cleaner and check the choke plate
. If the engine is cold and you see
that the plate is stuck open, push it shut and retry the starti
ng procedure.
No start again? Try to hold the choke wide open and peer
deep inside while another
person pumps the gas pedal without cranking the engine.
Can you see gas squirting? You
cant? I have run out of suggestions. Get a pro!
l. This text is an example of:
a. a car advertisement b. a scientific writing
c. a "how-to-do-it" article d. a description
2, The intention of
the writer is to ....
a. give instructions as to how to deal with a mechanical prob
b. give explanations why cars may break down .
c. warn against the dangers of do-it-yourself car repairs
d. give a full description of the spark plugs checking procedure
3. Cons1'd •
enng the contexts where It. IS . use d, wh t do you think "crank" means?
a. shut down b. start
c. turn over d. switch off

4. Which of the following presents the logical order of checking the starting mechanism?
a. starting procedure, fuel, spark and air-gasoline ratio
b. fuel, spark, air-gasoline ratio
c. gasoline, valves, spark plugs, carburetor
d. not mentioned in the text
5. What are you advised to do if you check for a spark and you don't get it?
a. Get a shock. b. Make the gas evaporate from the engine.
c. Check the carburetor next. d. Call a mechanic.
6. What is the very first thing you do in case your car won't start?
a. Make sure you have followed the starting procedure.
b. Call your car salesman.
c. Call your mechanic.
d. Check the fuel.
7. Why is gas on the engine dangerous while you check for a spark?
a. because the spark might start the engine
b. because the spark might ignite the fuel
c. because the fuel might evaporate
d. because the fuel might flood the engine
8. The insulated screwdriver will help you . . . .
a. remove or twist the spark plug boot b. avoid scratching the car
c. protect the spark plug boot d. avoid getting a shock
9. A stuck valve can be unstuck by ....
a. loosening it b. hitting it
c. pushing it d. plugging it
10. The screwdriver shank must be held away from metal parts lest ....
a. you should get a shock b. a fire should break out
c. you should cut yourself d. you should find a bad spark plug.
11. A spark plug boot must be a ....
a. plug b. trunk
c. shoe d. cover
12. We can infer that a carburetor ....
a. cranks the engine, when nothing else will
b. coordinates all the spark plugs
c. regulates the flow of gas and air inside the engine
d. has a plate which must remain open
13. On condition the engine is cold, there will be no problem if you ....
a. close the choke plate b. pump the gas pedal
c. start the car d. stick the plate open
14. Where is the choke plate?
a. inside the spark plugs b. inside the fuel tank
c. on the air cleaner d. beneath the air cleaner

. the overall tone of the text?
What is . .
15, f ny and iromc b. scientific
a. un
,. neutral
d. poetic

-· Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences 16-20.

We will have dinner after we ... our hands.
16 b. will wash
· a. washing
c. washed d. have washed
he suggested that everybody ... be present at the meeting.
17, S b
a. should • must
,.can d. could
. He had ... money. He could afford to go to Australia.
a. few b. a few
c.many d. a lot of
19. The old lady asked me ... and then left in a hurry.
a. where was the post office b. where the post office was
c. where is the post office d. where the post office is
20. I ... better go home immediately.
a. could b. should
c.had d. would

Each of the sentences 21 to 25 contains one error. Identify the incorrect word of
the four underlined.
21. In England nobody under the age of eighteen are allowed to drink in a public bar.
a b c d
22. There is a prison in Finland which allows its prisoners going out to work everyday
a b c
without any guards.
23• In the United States, which more coffee is used than in any other nation, many people drink
a b c
their coffee "black': without cream or sugar.
· The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying so kind things about the .
a b c
25 V }., f'

· It can h eIP to mcrease

· . t museIes and a
· · you more effi c1en
your strong and energy, g1vmg
a b c

Questions 26 to 30 contain a word derived from the word in capitals at th
of the line. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. e end
26. She is quite sociable and communicative, but sometimes she looks for . . . . SOLITARY
a. solitude b. solitarity
c. solitariness d. solidariness
27. This coffee is ... ; you'd better throw it away. DRINI(
a. undrank b. undrink
c. undrinking d. undrinkable
28. Appearances are .... DECEPTION
a. deceptive b. decepting
c. decepted d. deceptable
29. Everybody appreciated the ... of your presentation. ACCURATE
a. accuracy b. accuration
c. accuraty d. accurassy
30 . ... is better than cure. PREVENT
a. unprevention b. prevention
c. prevencion d. preventing
For questions 31 to 35, choose the correct option to replace the underlined word
in the sentence.
31. The prisoner was released, because the evidence was not conclusive.
a. proof b. investigation
c. research d. checking
32. It is unlikely that he will arrive home very soon.
a. impossible · b. improbable
c. certain d. not liked
33. The ad that I saw in The Sun gave me an incredible idea.
a. announcement b. warning
c. article d. news
34. There is an international song competition for the World Cup Anthem.
a. ode b. festival
c.mascot d.hymn
35. Clowns make kids giggk.
a.cough b. laugh
c. yawn d. sneeze

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

Dear Susan,
36 . ... your letter a few days ago.
a. Had got b. Have got
c. Got d. Getting
he cam e to Philadelphia .
_Joh n told me eve ryt hin g abo ut ... wh en
a. the great tim e you had tog eth er
b. the gre at tim e had by you
c. the great tim e given to him
d. the gre at tim e you had him
a couple of days.
. r just wa nte d to tell you ... and sta y wit h us for
38 you com e to Seattle
a. John and I wo uld be hap py to see
you com ing to Seattle
b. John and I wo uld be hap py to see
com ing to Seattle
c. John and I will be hap py to see you
you com ing to Seattle
d. John and I sho uld be hap py see ing
wo rk now, ....
39, I'm sorry, but I'm on my way to
b. so I'll be bri ef
a. thus I can be bri ef
d. and therefore I sho uld be bri ef
c. so I am bri ef
40 . ... in Seattle onl y in Au gus t.
b. We ma ybe
a. We are
c. We'll be
d. We are to be
41. ... later and we'll dis cus s all the
b. Call me
a. Call to me
d. You give me a pho ne me
c. You call me
call you back.
42. If I'm not the re, jus t ... and I'll
b. will leave a message
a. leave a me ssa ge
d. have left a message
c. you leave a me ssa ge
43 ... . my regards to you r hus ban d.
b. You please give
a. Should you ple ase give
d. Let you give
c. Please give
tog eth er!
44. Looking for wa rd ... a gre at tim e
b. to spe ndi ng
a. to spe nd
d. spe nd
c. spe ndi ng
45, ... , Carol.
b. Greatest wishes,
a. Great wishes,
d. Best wishes,
c. Wishing best,


Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d.

People have always wondered how migrating animals find
their_ destination. There are
various ways in which they navigate. In order to orient
themselves, bir~s use ~he position of
the sun. Some of them have a special mechanism in their
ear: magnetic particles which act
as a compass. Fish, on the other hand, use their sense of
smell to remember and pick their
migration paths, also considering the changing water temp
eratures. Mammals are another
category which mostly relies on memory. The best exam
ple for this is some elephant trails
which have been used for centuries.
I. What does this paragraph mainly discuss?
a. Migrating animals have various ways to navigate.
b. Birds and fish have different methods of navigation.
c. Mammals generally rely on memory.
d. How do migrating animals find their destination?

If you feel like exercising during cold winter weather, you shou
ld dress in layers, because
of the danger of hypothermia. A very suitable and effec
tive choice of clothing for a good
protection against the dangers of winter and cold weat
her is wool. There are other things
to b~ taken into account when exercising during winter
months, such as drinking a large
quantity ofliquids or watching for frostbite. Stretching your
muscles before and after training
is just as important in winter, because muscles are colde
r than in summer.
2. Which is the main idea of the passage above?
a. We should all be aware of the dangers of hypotherm
b. Cold winter weather is not an excuse for lack of exercise.
c. The right choice of clothes can make the difference.
d. Exercising in cold weather can be dangerous.

Jimmy and Henry wanted to drive to New York for the week
end. Jimmy decided that he did
not have enough gas in his car. The trip to New York was abou
t 550 miles and would cost about
$200 in gas. Henry said that he would pay for the trip on
condition that Jimmy would pay hiil1
back when they retur~ed. ~immy and Henry had fun in New
York until Henry left JimrnY at the
pool to talk to some girls. Jmuny drove back without Henr
y and they never spoke again.
3. The main idea of this paragraph is that ....
a. J~mmy decided that he did not have enough gas in his car
b. Jimm
. y and Henry had a good time in New Yiork t'l H
. ft .
c. Jimmy drove back without Henry and they ne un 1 enry 1e 11mmy at the pool
. . k .
d. Jimmy and Henry decided to take a trip to New vver kspo th
e agam .
1or at 1ater cost them therr • friendsh1P
Rock Journalism
Rock journalism was born back in the
above the other pieces of writing But ·t h b 1960s, but great . boulders
articl es stood head and s . real
experience and real style are very. diffic
i as ecome so comm
ult to find .
d th al Opinio n,
~n nowa ays at re writiJlg
nowadays, you can't help wondering wh the · ~ e reading so many pieces of rock
112 Y peop le mvolved picked up a pen after all.
mon 1
roc fn'roll lifestyle has turned into a com
into t~:::o:;1iche ~ese days. ActuaJly, the
Th; Beatledom, or how to squeeze a lifetime nolw so well-known,
ord ina ry thin g of mo der n history ; that it can b . . yulears,d1,s at theoreticallv
myth oh an
l c ' e em ate B east
b . . ''
so muc .c.
rt as Tok yo and C 1i
dgJing rock stars 1ro m p aces as 1ar apa . st ape own . ut ack m the days
by fl e wanted to beco k ar, he Was more or Jess escaping the hard worhk
when Rod Ste ':ar t . me_ a roc . t e
ucti on lme ; at pre sen t, a Job suc h as his comes WI'th a pens1.on p1an. Th.1s 1s
rod h k. . . anyone.
of the P
fact t at roe Journa1ism has become
a di'ch1.c, too doesn't surprise
n why the
reaso . today ... .
• rna1ism
or of the frag me nt says that, com par. ed with the 196os, ro ck Jou
e auth .
4. Th b. ts confusing
a. is annoymg
c. is rarely critical d, is mostly unremarkable
has become ....
s. Nowadays the way of life inspired by rock'n'aroll
a. a fact b. platitude
c. a coinage d. a nuance
a rock star ....
to the text, Rod Stewart is an example of
6, According time
a. who has remained popular for a long
are no longer common
b.-whose motives for becoming a rock star
c. who is typical of many rock stars today
same kind of things
d. about whom journalists always write the

Elvis Prisley's Press Agent

days ~ Sea n Nic hol son inv ited a new press agent, George Bobbs, to the show.
After a few holson
taking Geo rge Bob bs dow n the aisl e so as to get closer to the stage; Sean Nic
"I was the girl
stood up and threw a flower at Elvis and
remembers, "when a young girl simply ing at the
ugh for George:' After he saw Elvis sing
next to her moaned a little. And it was eno
the inte llig ent pre ss age nt use d a lot of energy to turn the sparks of a thrown
er and the mo ani ng of a teen age r into a crowd of screaming hysterical women.
flow h of
d little girls in bobby socks and paid eac
He found twelve long-haired, round-face started
top of their lungs "Oh, Elvis!" when Elvis
them ten dollars to jump and scream at the hall,
of his slow , soft love ballads . He dril led them in the basement of the concert
\ to sing one about
them to scre am wh en Elv is ben t and dipped certain notes. "It shouldn't be only
/ telling e supposed
apart;' Bobbs said. Two of the girls wer
yelling and screaming, they should fall could.
asked to moan in unison as loudly as they
to faint in the aisle while the others were dreds
Bobbs gave away tickets for free to hun
To have a full capacity theater audience,
on sch ool holi day . He told a few sele ct journalists that a new young singer was
of youngsters other
ng at the Par amo unt . He told eve ryb ody that Elvis was going to be greater than any
appeari ted, and
er hea rd befo re bec aus e he mad e wom en fall on the floor. Photographers were aler
sing ied out "in a
nex t day the new spa pers sho wed pict ures of many young girls who were carr
~e fainted.
y twelve girls had been hired, but thirty had
faint" after simply seeing Elvis Prisley. Onl
7· How many girls did George Bobbs hire for the Paramount concert?
c. twelve d. hundreds
a. twenty b. two
· Bobbs thought it was important that
the girls he paid should ... ·
ir emotions
a. appear to completely lose control of the
b. be genuinely thrilled about Elvis's sing
c. react hysterically all throughout Elvis's
d, remain silent at certain points in the
9. From the text as a whole, we learn that Bobbes was ··· ·
a. unpredictable b. crazy
c. sharp d. nasty

Imagme. you were t ld about a kind of grass that can grow as tall as the tallest t
o ree81
grass be made as strong as steel? Can grass be used to make houses, furniture, boat · Ca~
hundreds of other useful things? Can you enjoy eating grass? Would you believe it? We~ and
should! That grass is called bamboo, the "woo d" of 1,001 uses · 'Yol,
Although it may look like wood, the bamboo is part of e same family of plants h·
includes oats, wheat, and barley. It is a sort of grass. In many foods from Asia, young ba:~:n
is eaten, often mixed with other vegetables.
Bamboo grows in many parts of the world. In the United States it grows in the West
~ndiana, Virginia, southern ~lori~a, Lo~isiana and T~xas. However, bamboo ~s mostly founol
m warm, wet climates, especially m Asia and on the islands of the South Pacific Ocean.
To most Asian people bamboo is almost as important as rice. Many Asians live in h
' . . ouses
made of bamboo. They also use it to fence their land and to make cages for chickens and .
Bamboo is used not only used to build homes, but also large buildings. When glued in-1/~~s.
it is as strong as steel. Musical instruments, such as flutes and recorders are also male ~
bamboo. Bamboo paper has been highly appreciated by artists for thousands of years.
Bamboo bends without breaking as it is light and strong. It is easy to grow, cheap, floats
on water and almost never wears out. No other plant on earth grows as fast as bamboo.
Bamboo is empty inside and its root system is so strong that it almost never stops growing
and spreading. Actually, bamboo will die only after it flowers, something which may happen
only once every thirty years.
There are more than a thousand kinds of bamboo known to man. Surprisingly enough,
the lives of nearly half the population of the planet would change enormously if there were no

longer any bamboo. It's no wonder that, to many people, this grass is a symbol of happiness
and good fortune.
10. Bamboo comes from the same family of plants as ....
a. wheat, garlic, barley b. wheat, oats, onion
c. wheat, oats, barley d. wheat, corn, barley
11. Where does bamboo NOT grow?
a. in Asia b. in the United States
c. on islands of the South Pacific ocean d. in Africa
12. In most
. Asian countries bamboo is nearly as sign'fi
1 cant as ....
a. nee b. barley
c. wheat
d. all of the above
13. When bamboo is glued in layers, it becomes as tou h
a. paper b. steel g as ....
c. a building
d. iron
14. When does the bamboo die?
a. After blooming, an event that . h
b. After blooming, an event that :~g t take place only once every fhirty year\
c. After blooming, an event that might take place only once every twenty year ·
d. After blooming, an event th t _g~t ~appen only twice every twenty years.
a mig t appen only twice every thirty years.
The rnain idea of this text is that ... .
15· bamboo has at least 1,001 uses
:: barnboo grows at a~ amazing rate and is found primarily in Asia
,. barnboo is an amazmg grass that can be used in multiple ways
d. there are at least a 2,000 types of bamboo

n. GRAMMAff AN:O'YO:CAB Urny·'

Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d.
Thomas ... call his wife as soon as possible.
16. I believe
a. will have b. will have to
,. have to d. has
last month.
17. Emily hasn't called me ... we met
a. for b. ago
,. since d. before
18. She will go to London as soon as her friends ....
a. will arrive b. arrive
,. arrives d. will be arriving
19. This English vocabulary exercise is ... difficult for me.
a. enough b. to
,. such d. too
20. The pupil ... asked questions by the teacher.
a. were b. is being
~~ dh~b~
21. This antique shop ... be a pet shop a few years ago.
a. used b. use to
c. use d. used to
22. "Have you ever been to England?" "Yes, I ... there last July."
a. had been b. were
c. went d. have been
23. My neighbour woke up in the middle of the night. She could hear ... in her backyard.
a. anybody b. anything
c. someone d. everywhere
24• It snowed all day yesterday, ... ?
a. no b. didn't it
c. isn't it d. it didn't
25 • If he ... more, he would pass the English exam.
a. would prepare b. prepared
c. prepares d. had prepare
• Bec_ause of her wide experience, my mother's advice usually proves to be ... ?
a. tnvaluable b. industrial
c. indigenous d. inclement

27. Can we ... at your house at 7 o'clock and go to the
theatre together?
a. come b. meet
c. find d. see
28. The bus would run more smoothly if it were in good
... ·
a. state b. quality
c. repair d. manner
29. My best friend has ... me to a cup of coffee.
a. suggested b. pleased
c. invited d. welcomed
30. The environmental group will ... action against the minin
g companies.
a. do b. give
c. take d. make
31. Paul always looks ... in a suit.
a. badly b.good
c. well d. nicely
32. My grandparents live ... 25 Palm Street.
L~ ~~
c.on d. under
33. I took ... on the little cat and gave it some food and milk.
a. sympathy b. compassion
c. mercy d. pity
34. We weren't able to get any gas there because the pump
s were ....
a. used b. empty
c. order d. repaired
35. I was a bit worried because I thought I might ... my flight
a. be late b. lose
c. miss d. not reach

Choose the one correct answer a, b, c or d.

36. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence:
She wondered ....
a. where she had lost her keys
b. where had she lost her keys
c. where she has lost her keys
d. where she had her keys lost
37. Which sentence may be an informal invitation?
a. Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
b. Could I offer you a cup of coffee?
c. Do you care for a cup of coffee?
d. Do you mind if I offer you a cup of coffee?

h' h of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
38, W ,:~ believe:• Paul said, "she's caught a cold:'
a. "I believe,,, pau l, sat'd, "h
s e's caught a coId".
b, "I believe, Pau1sat'd, "she's caught a coId".
~·. "I believe:' Paul said "she's caught a cold:'
Choose the appropriate ending for a formal letter:
· a. See you soon. b. I look forward to ...
,. Give my regards to Tom. d. Write soon.
Which is the correct order?
• a. Alicia goes to the English and studies library every day in the afternoon.
b. Alicia studies English goes and to the library every day in the afternoon.
,. Alicia goes to the library and studies English every day in the afternoon.
d. Alicia every day goes to the library in the afternoon and English studies.
41 • What is the BEST way to combine the following two sentences?
'Ihe dancers were amazing. The dancers wore colourful costumes.
a. The dancers were amazing and the dancers wore colourful costumes.
b. The colourful costumes were on amazing dancers.
,. The amazing dancers wore colourful costumes.
d. The dancers were amazing but wore colourful costumes.
42. Choose the most appropriate line to finish a formal letter:
a. Take care, b. Kisses and hugs,
c. With respect, d. Yours faithfully,
43. Select the correct question:
a. What are you find the most difficult decisions do to make?
b. What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
c. What do you find to make the most difficult decisions are?
d. What do you to make are the most difficult decisions find?
44. Which is the best way to arrange the following words, in order to obtain a task for writing a
you I best I luck I with I driving I your I can I write I advice I a I good I his I friend I any I
wishing I test I and I offering I to I him I letter
a. Write a letter wishing him good luck with his driving test to your best friend and
offering any advice you can.
h. Write a letter to your best friend wishing him good luck with his driving test and
offering any advice you can.
c. Write a letter offering any advice you can to your best friend and wishing him good
luck with his driving test.
d. Write a letter to your best friend with his driving test wishing him good luck and
offering any advice you can.
• Choose the right connector:
The pupils didn't do their holiday homework ... did they read their books.
a. either b. and
c. neither d. but


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