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Objective – Configure Application Gateway

1. Select Home > Resource groups, then choose your resource group, such as oreilly-az300
2. At the top of the resource group window select + Add, search for and select “application
gateway”, then choose Create. Enter the following configuration information. If not noted
below, use the defaults:

Resource group: oreilly-az300

Name: appgw-westus

Region: West US

Tier: Standard V2

Previous V1 App Gateways didn’t support features like Availability Zones,

autoscaling, Key Vault integration, or use as ingress controllers for Azure Kubernetes
Service (AKS)

Enable autoscaling: Yes, then look at minimum and maximum defaults

Virtual network: vnet-westus

Subnet: frontend-subnet

3. When ready, select Next: Frontends. Enter the following configuration information. If not
noted below, use the defaults:

Frontend IP address type: Public, note can use private IP for internal-only use
Public IP address: appgw-publicip from the previous lab

4. When ready, select Next: Backends, then choose + Add backend pool. Enter the following
configuration information. If not noted below, use the defaults:

Name: web-tier
Add backend pool without targets: Yes, as we don’t have any other resources created.
First set to No, then explore the available targets. App Gateway can target IP or
hostnames directly, or can automatically be linked to VMs, scale sets, or App Services.

5. Select Add to create the backend pool, then choose Next: Configuration
6. The frontend IP address and backend pools are shown for review. App Gateway lets you
configure multiple frontends and backends. Under Routing rules, choose to Add a rule.
Enter the following configuration information. If not noted below, use the defaults:

Rule name: web

Listener name: http

Frontend IP: Public

Protocol: HTTP

Note that if you select HTTPS, you’re prompted to upload the certificate to use,
or can automatically integrate and use a certificate from Azure Key Vault.

Listener type: Basic

Error page URL: No, but note can provide customized 403 or 502 error pages

7. Select Backend targets. Enter the following configuration information. If not noted below,
use the defaults:

Target type: Backend pool

Backend target: web-tier
HTTP setting: Create new

HTTP setting name: http

Backend protocol: HTTP
Backend port: 80

Leave the other default options, but explore how you can gracefully drain
connections, or override host names depending on your backend applications.

8. Select Add to add the HTTP setting, then Add again to create the routing rule.
9. Choose Next: Tags, skip adding tags for now, then select Next: Review + create. Review
your configuration options and confirm it passes validation, then choose Create

It takes a few minutes to create the application gateway, so move onto the next exercise
while this resource continues deployment.

2. Objective – Configure Azure Front Door Service

1. Select Home > Resource groups, then choose your resource group, such as oreilly-az300
2. At the top of the resource group window select + Add, search for and select “front door”,
then choose Create. Enter the following configuration information:

Resource group: oreilly-az300

3. When ready, select Next: Configuration. Choose to + a Frontend host. Enter the following
configuration information:

Host Name: A unique name, such as az300<your_initials>

Leave defaults, but note options for session affinity and web application firewall

4. Select Add for the frontend host, then choose to + a Backend pool. Enter the following
configuration information. If not noted below, use the defaults:

Backend host type: Custom host, as you add the App Gateway instance.

You can integrate directly with App Service or Storage, for example, if you
wanted to skip the App Gateway or load balancer step.

Backend host name: Copy and paste the appgw-westus public IP address from the
previous lab

Leave the other default options, but note how you can assign priorities (lower the
number, the high the priority), or a weight to distribute across different backends.

5. Select Add for the backend pool, then review the Health probes and Load balancing

Set the health probe protocol to HTTP, then look at how you can adjust the load balancing

6. Select Add for the backend pool, then choose to + a Routing rule. Enter the following
configuration information. If not noted below, use the defaults:

Name: http

Frontend hosts: Select your frontend from a previous step, such as

Backend pool: Select your webtier pool from a previous step

Forwarding protocol: Match request

This lets incoming HTTP request be forwarded as HTTP, not as HTTPS

Leave the other defaults, but look at options for path patterns or caching options.

10. Select Add for the routing rule, then Review + create. Review your configuration options
and confirm it passes validation, then choose Create

It takes a minute or two to create the front door, so move onto the next exercise while this
resource continues deployment.

3. Objective – Configure Azure Traffic Manager

1. Select Home > Resource groups, then choose your resource group, such as oreilly-az300
2. At the top of the resource group window select + Add, search for and select “traffic
manager profile”, then choose Create. Enter the following configuration information. If not
noted below, use the defaults:

Name: A unique name, such as az300<your_initials>

Routing method: Performance

Resource group: oreilly-az300

3. When ready, select Create

4. If needed, select the notification bell in the top right-hand corner to view deployment
progress as the Traffic Manager profile is created. It takes a minute or two to create the

When ready, select Go to resource

5. Select Endpoints, then enter the following configuration information. If not noted below,
use the defaults:

Type: Azure endpoint, though note how you can configure external or nested endpoints
Name: westus
Target resource type: Public IP address
Target resource: Choose public IP address, then select your appgw-publicip from the
previous lab

6. When ready, select OK.

7. Explore additional Configuration options for the Traffic Manager instance. Note that you’d
typically add multiple endpoints, and let traffic be distributed across them automatically
based on the routing method.

When you set routing methods like Priority or Geographic, the endpoint configuration
options also change. Try changing the overall Traffic Manager routing method to Priority,
then go back and select the endpoint you created in the previous step. There’s now a
Priority configuration option.

You can’t change to something like Geographic when you have existing endpoints, as they
don’t have a mapped geography. First, delete the existing endpoint, then change the overall
Traffic Manager routing method. When you then add an endpoint, you have to add a
geographic mapping to let Traffic Manager where the endpoint is located so it can direct
traffic accordingly.

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