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TASK 2. Read the article and summarise it.

In order to provide standard guidelines for CLIL assessment, the project AECLIL was
created. This project includes several countries with diverse background and
experiences, so it was easier to determine objective results in testing as well as
comparison. This project follows the following procedures:
 a survey related to CLIL and all its aspects;
 drafting 20-hours thematic modules according to specific guidelines;
 activities are categorised according to a framework of reference;
 assessment tools are provided and tested.
Assessment is crucial to succeed in CLIL, and there are different types:
Assessment OF learning which is a summative assessment that takes place at the
end of courses to check progression through the curriculum to verify the level of
competence. For example, in some profession where content is mandatory to
master, summative assessment is used to provide certifications for membership.
Assessment FOR learning which involves formative assessment because it informs
the students about his learning progress. This typo of assessment is planned to
collect evidence of the students’ knowledge; reactive since the teacher adjust
activities according to the students’ state; reciprocal because both sides improve the
studies according to the outcomes. In CLIL, these factors are important to develop
content and language.
Assessment AS learning which entails quality criteria that focuses on validity and
reliability. Validity to deliver consistent teaching objectives and reliable to provide
accurate, precise and consistent assessment.
To answer what to assess in CLIL, it is important to know what is CLIL considering
the social and educational context. CLIL has its foundations on bilingual schools in
the United States and Canada; however, the differences between these two
countries and Europe should be noticed. Regarding the educational background, in
Europe it is common to study language as a subject, as a foreign or mother tongue
or through a subject. One common thing in Europe is that the vernacular language is
generally foreign for all students in a class and both language and content are
parallelly learnt.
Regarding the question “what to assess?”, there are different focuses. For example,
the so-called “European” CLIL concentrates on content and uses language as a tool.
This does not mean that errors should be ignored and never assess language, the
solution is to provide continual corrective feedback in specific opportunities.

Limon Capaceta Adolfo Javier

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