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Practice Questions

1. Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm for the following:
i. p=3; q=11; e=7; M=5
ii. p=5; q=11; e=3; M=9
iii. p=7; q=11; e=17; M=8
iv. p=11; q=13; e=11; M=7
v. p=17; q=31; e=7; M=2
2. Solve by playfair. Plain text = “I am not in the college”.
3. Solve by playfair. Plain text: "we are discovered, save yourself". Use key: “monarchy.
4. Solve with the hill cipher. Plain text: “POH” Key: GYBNQKURP (use 3X3 matrix).
5. Solve with the hill cipher. Plain text: “GFG” Key: HILLMAGIC (use 3X3 matrix).
6. In a Diffie- Hellman key exchange algorithm, let the prime number be 353 and one of its
primitive root be 3 and let A and B select their secret key. XA=97and XB=233.Compute
the public key of A and B and common secret key.
7. Draw the general structure of simple DES and explain how encryption and decryption are
carried out. Also mention the strength and weakness of DES algorithm.
8. Users A and B use the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technique a common prime q=71
and a primitive root α=7.
i) If user A has Private Key XA=6, what is A’s Public key YA?
ii) If user B has Private Key XB=12, what is B’s Public key YA?
iii) What is the Shared secret key?
9. Users A and B want to establish a secret key using Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol
using a common prime q= 353, a primitive root α= 3, A’s secret key XA=97 and B’s
secret key XB=233. Compute:-
i. A’s public key, YA
ii. B’s public key, YB
iii. A’s and B’s common secret key, K
10. John and Tina wish to exchange a secret key using the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. They
agree to use the prime number 71 and its primitive root 7. John chooses the private key 5
while Tina chooses 12. To their misfortune, Elena, intercepts the public keys sent by John
and Tina and executes a MITM attack. Execute Elena’s attack and obtain the secret keys
shared with John and Tina. You may assume Elena chooses the private keys 9 and 15.
11. Explain RSA algorithm with example. How this algorithm prevents MITM?
12. Encrypt the message below using Vigenere Cipher. Plain Text:
“Supplieswillarrivetonight” Key=system
13. We consider a Caesar cipher and assume that the plaintext message is in English. Decrypt
the following ciphertext by giving a brief explanation: KNXMNSLKW JXMBF Y JW
following frequency distribution of the letters in the English language for the
14. Encrypt the message ’encoding’ using the double Transposition. Choose Key1 and Key2
as ’exam’ and ’study’.
15. The encryption for 128 different symbols is given by the following equation:
C = (K1 × M + K2) modulo 128;
where C and M represent the cipher and the message, respectively.
Q1: For K1 = 11 and K2 = 17, encrypt M = 70.
Q2: Find the corresponding decryption function.
Q3: Give the message that follows from C = 20 for the same K1 and K2 values.

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