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Madison Joplin

Gabby Castillo

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Clapping Land GradeLevel: K-1

Source: Dr. McConkey

Materials needed:

- CD Player or computer/Phone and speaker

- Room to move around


A.S. Has anyone ever played the game Candy Land?

1. Listen to “come with me to clapping land”

2. What kind of movements did we hear in the song? (clap, jump, stomp,
hop, stretching)
3. Have students practice clapping, jumping, stomping, hopping and
4. Have students stand up once song is over and restart the song. This
time have them participate.
5. Play song one more time through, this time have students walking in a
clockwise direction, while doing the movements in the song.
6. “Do any of you guys have any movements that you guys might want
to try as a group?”
7. Maybe do some movements students might come up with.

Closure: Can anyone tell us what kind of different movements we did today?
What was your favorite one?

Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
how to make a beat with different parts of their bodies and well as different
Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-Musical
National Standards “Core” Music Content
Standards Standards
Partner Listening Patting,
Work clapping, 1. Singing Creating
Imagine Movement
Following marching
Plan and Make
Movement directions to a beat.
w/partners 2. Play Instruments Evaluate & Refine
Awareness Staying on Present
of song beat while
3. Improvising Performing
lyrics and working Select
how both with a
lyrics and partner.
4. Composing
movement Interpret

change Rehearse,
Evaluate, & Refine
5. Reading &
Notating Present

6. Listening Analyze


7. Evaluating Evaluate

Connect #10
8. Integration Connect #11
(outside arts)

9. History/Culture

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