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Student book

Ex. 1 p. 86

1. Each new day brings new danger. We don’t know what is going
to happen next minute. Every day we take new risks, even going out
somewhere is a risk.
2. I think right now society is getting used to everyday danger.
Most people prefer live comfortable, calm life without taking any risks and
we can’t blame them.
3. When there is a danger towards your life or lives people that
you care about than it is okay to break rules.

Ex. 2A p. 86

1. She let him travel home on the subway in New York alone
when he was nine years old.
2. Because he had been nagging her for weeks to be allowed out
on his own and because she believes in encouraging independence.
3. She received support from some, and a lot of negative reactions
from others. She was accused of being crazy and bad mother.
4. She thinks that if you are too over – protective then your
children don’t learn about danger and about how to take risks, which then
becomes a danger in itself.

Ex. 2B p. 86

1. Independence
2. Mollycoddle
3. Deliberately, expose
4. Reasonable risks, unsupervised
5. Over – protective
6. Risk – averse

Ex. 2C p. 86
I agree with the statements. I think it is important to show children the real
life how it is and to not be over – protective. Parents need to take care of their kids
and look after them, but let them explore things, make mistakes, take responsibility
for their actions and know about consequences.
Ex. 3 p. 86

1. W
2. M
3. W
4. W
5. W
6. M
7. M
8. M

Ex. 4A p. 86

a) Joking
b) Right
c) Point
d) Think
e) Judgement
f) Say
g) Sense
h) Ridiculous

Ex. 4B p. 87

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. E
5. F
6. G
7. A
8. H

Ex. 5A p. 87
Speakers use a slightly higher pitch, keep their voice level and don’t
emphasize any particular words.
Ex. 5B p. 87

1. The point is that any action brings consequences.

2. Surely you don’t think that ordinary mother would let her child
to wonder around in the big city.
3. That’s a whole point. We need to show kids life as it is.
4. All I’m trying to say is that giving your child a little bit of
freedom doesn’t mean to not look after him.
5. I just think we all are afraid to take risks.
6. Oh come on! You know I’m right about that

Ex. 6A p. 87

1. Surely you don’t think people should ever eat meat?

2. All I’m trying to say is that children need to learn at some stage.
3. The point is that exams are a useful way to measure progress.
4. Oh, come on! That doesn’t make any sense.

Ex. 7A/B p. 87
1. I think in this case state needs to make decision. At some places rules
need to be equal for every person. I'm talking about medical facilities, gas stations
and places where smoking can cause danger to people's lives. Each person needs to
respect other people that surround them. Public places need to be comfortable for
2. Every individual decides for himself which path to take: healthy lifestyle
or junk food eater. Any authority can't prohibit eating junk food. I guess, in this
case it is up to individual. Everyone does what he thinks is better for himself. We
can't make a person to change a lifestyle if he or she doesn't want it. In the end,
only from us depends our health condition.
3. I think this one also depends from an individua. Each and everyone knows
their health condition. Some people like to test their limits while others don't.
Doctor or trainer can examine you and help you to find your strong sides and weak
ones. We can't prescribe same amount of exercises to every person, as we all have
different capabilities.
4. This is a pretty serious case over here. Without any doubts I can say that
only state authorities can decide whether you should be allowed to keep a gun in
your house. You should pass quite a bit of tests in order to prove your ability to
keep a gun. Not everyone gets such permission based on the result. Lives and
security of neighbors and people around depends on this decision. That's a lot of
responsibility and pressure for just one person to take.
5. State needs to decide the age of which a child should go to school. Kids in
classrooms need to be equal in their age and mindsets. This way it is easier not just
for teachers to give the information, but for kids themselves. For each kid it is
easier to spend time in working atmosphere among peers. They struggle with the
same problems in the same age and solve these problems together too.
6. Let's divide this one. Each person needs to decide for himself how often
use car. It depends from this person's needs. In this case state can't interfere in this
person's personal needs. As for the second part of the question, it is state that
should decide how fast people can drive in certain areas. Different areas have
different facilities and road conditions. Safety of drivers and pedestrians depend
from this decision.
7. State should decide the minimum age that someone can start work. This
rule should be written down as the law and no one can abandon it. Kids are more
sensitive than adults and they have different capabilities. Minimum working age
should meet health state statistics. This minimum age doesn't mean that from now
on this person has to work. It should be just a recommendation.
Language bank
Ex. A (7.3.) p. 141

1. Sense
2. Suppose
3. 100 percent
4. Where
5. Honestly
6. More

Ex. 1 p. 50

1. Unsupervised
2. Mollycoddle
3. Deliberately; unnecessary danger
4. Encouraging independence
5. Reasonable risks; deal with danger
6. Risk – averse culture

Ex. 2A p. 50
I wouldn’t stop the child but I would definitely make sure that he is safe. I
would help him or I wait for him to finish what he is doing.
Ex. 2B p. 50
Ex. 3A p. 50

1. B: Oh come on. Surely you don’t think that?

2. B: Oh that’s ridiculous. … You can’t honestly think that.
3. A: I suppose you’ve got a point about thinking for yourself. It’s
just that, …
4. A: Where’s the logic in that?
5. B: I’m with you 100 percent on that. …
Ex. 4A p. 50

a) I just think you need to take things easy.

b) The point is that we are always late.
c) Surely you don’t think that’s a good idea?
d) Oh, come on, you must be joking.
e) That’s the whole point.

Ex. 4B p. 50

1. E
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. E

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