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 Question: No: 3:-

How people react or act when they are in stressed?

All the individuals are different in their response to stress. Stress can affect how people
feel, think behave and even how their body works.Following are the common behavior of
a person in response to stress:
 Cognitive response:
“Cognitive response refers to the thoughts, nervousness or worry that a person has in
response to stress.”
When people gone through the stressful situation, their cognitive response to stress is
 They started to have memory problem and forgetting the things.
 They become unable to focus or concentrate on what they are doing.
 Due to the lack of concentration they make poor judgments.
 They have racing thoughts in their mind at a time due to which they feel anxiety.
Usually people feel it normal but actually they are dealing with cognitive stress.
 Emotional responses
An Emotional Response is the reaction of the body to a situation primarily given by an
outer influence such as other individuals, groups, things or entities. Emotional Responses
consist out of two known procedures called Grief andStress Reaction. Emotional responses
in reaction to stress are:
 People fall into depression or general unhappiness
 They become moody; gets irritate from everything, or start staying angry.
 They start to feel overwhelmed
 They want to be in loneliness and isolation
 Physiological Responses
Physiological response is an automatic reaction that triggers a physical response to a
stimulus. Many of us are also prone to more severe physiological responses to stimuli
like stress that tap into "fight or flight" response.
When people are in stress their Physiological responses are:
 They feel stomach upset, Diarrhea or constipation.
 They can also experience Nausea, dizziness.
 They can feel Chest pain, rapid heart rate and increased in sweating.
 Their Muscle tension can increase.
 Some people experience Allergic reactions.
 Behavioral reaction:
Behavior stress reaction refers to change in how people look, act or talk in response to
When people are in stress there is remarkable change in their behavior occur like
 They started to eat more or lost their appetite.
 To avoid stress they sleep to much or too little by engaging themselves in busy
 They started to run off from their responsibilities.
 They start the consumption of Alcohol, cigarette, drugs to relax.
 To avoid nervousness, worries, they adopt Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting,
 Social reaction
Social stress reactions occurs in a situation which threatens one’s relationships, esteem,
or sense of belonging within a dyad, group, or larger social context. Social reactions in
response to stress are:
 People withdraw or isolate themselves from others
 They face difficulty in listening
 People find it difficult to share their ideas
 It became difficult for them to engage in mutual problem solving
 They start blaming & criticizing themselves
 It became unable for themto tolerate group process
 They deny giving or accepting any support or help.
Question: No: 4:-
What are the possible ways or remedies to handle stress?
Following are the possible ways to handle stress:
 Eliminate Triggers:
Figure out what are the biggest causes of stress in life. Is it job, commute,
schoolwork? If people are able to identify what they are, see if they’re able to
eliminate them from their life, or at least reduce them.
 Talk about Problems:
If things are bothering, talking about them can help lower the stress. People can talk
to family members, friends, a trusted clergyman, their doctor, or a therapist.
 Make time for Hobbies:
Try to do something every day that makes feel good, and it will help relieve the
stress like,Reading,Knitting,Doing an art project,Playing golf,Watching a
movie,Doing puzzles,Playing cards and board games.
 Eat Well:
Eating a regular, well-balanced diet will help feel better in general. It may also help
control moods. Eating meals should be full of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and
lean protein for energy. And don’t skip any.
 Deep Breathing:
By taking deep breath can take the pressure off. Take slowly deep breaths in and
out and do it forat least 5 to 10 minutes.
 Take time out:
Take time to relax.Strike the balance between responsibility to others and
responsibility to yourself; this can really reduce stress levels.
 Get some restful sleep:
During stress body muscles are tense, by taking restful sleep muscles feel relax as
a result of which stress reduce.
 Exercise regularly:
Choose non-competitive exercise and set reasonable goals. Aerobic exercise has
been shown to release endorphins (natural substances that help to feel better and
maintain a positive attitude).
 Take responsibility:
Control what you can and leave behind what you cannot control.
 Sell yourself to yourself:
When you are feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself of what you do well. Have a
healthy sense of self-esteem.

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